Science Daily

Wednesday th 6th of April 2011

Gene linked to severity of autism's social dysfunction identified - 13:30

Replacing batteries may become a thing of the past, thanks to 'soft generators' - 13:30

Common nanoparticles found to be highly toxic to Arctic ecosystem - 13:30

Brain development switch could affect schizophrenia, other conditions - 13:30

The self-made eye: Formation of optic cup from embryonic stem cells - 13:30

Genetic change that helps tumors move to other parts of the body identified - 13:30

Strong Indian crust thrust beneath the Tibetan Plateau, new study suggests - 13:30

Common dietary fat and intestinal microbes linked to heart disease - 13:30

Nano Fitness: Helping enzymes stay active and keep in shape - 13:30

Ride-sharing for road freight - 13:30

Astronomers find newly discovered asteroid is Earth’s companion - 13:30

Simple chemical cocktail shows first promise for limb re-growth in mammals - 12:31

Tungsten may not be the best shot for making 'green' bullets - 12:31

Mussel adhesive inspires tough coating for living cells - 12:31

Seeing rice with X-rays may improve crop yields - 12:31

Are infants creating historical footprints with their eyes? - 12:31

New device promises safer way to deliver powerful drugs - 12:31

Socioeconomics playing reduced role in autism diagnoses - 11:31

Progesterone reduces rate of early preterm birth in at-risk women, study suggests - 11:31

On-off switch for key 'factor' in heart disease and cancer discovered - 11:31

Third dimension of specific cell cultivation - 11:31

Fatty liver: How a serious problem arises - 11:31

Older age memory loss tied to stress hormone receptor in brain - 11:31

Microbe responsible for methane from landfills identified - 11:31

Birds must choose between mating and migrating - 10:30

Golden window electrodes developed for organic solar cells - 10:30

New drug is effective against the most common form of skin cancer, expert says - 10:30

Human taste cells regenerate in a dish - 10:30

Neural guidance gene regulates liver development - 10:30

Most recent mammography recommendations confuse public - 10:30

Where will the debris from Japan's tsunami drift in the ocean? - 10:30

Naproxen reduces tumors in a mouse model of colon cancer, researchers report - 09:30

MRI may predict which adults will develop Alzheimer's - 09:30

New survey: 72 percent of Americans think health-care system needs major overhaul - 09:30

Research into batteries will give electric cars the same range as gas cars, experts say - 09:30

Record ozone loss over the North Pole - 09:30

Looking to blue skies for cloud security - 09:30

Improving high speed optical data transfer by employing ideas from TV-antennas - 09:30

Coffee drinking in your genes? Genetic variants in two genes linked with caffeine intake - 09:30

Fish oil boosts responses to breast cancer drug tamoxifen, researchers find - 08:30

Strawberries may slow precancerous growth in the esophagus, study suggests - 08:30

Tuesday th 5th of April 2011

Did dinosaurs have lice? Researchers say it's possible - 20:30

Climate change is making our environment 'bluer' - 20:30

Obesity increases the risk of fetal and infant death, and the risk of complications after hysterectomy - 20:30

Better a sprint than a marathon: Brief intense exercise better than endurance training for preventing cardiovascular disease - 20:30

Face time with a female aids males bent on monkey business - 20:30

Climate change threatens global security, warn medical and military leaders - 20:30

Nature helps to solve a sticky problem: Beetle foot pads may inspire novel artificial adhesives - 19:30

How marijuana affects the way the brain processes emotional information - 19:30

Demystifying meditation: Brain imaging illustrates how meditation reduces pain - 19:30