Science Daily

Tuesday th 6th of September 2011

Bird-pollinated plant mixes it up when it comes to sex - 16:30

Revisiting the David Nutt debate: Is it possible to rank different drugs by the harm they cause? - 16:30

Breakthrough could double wireless capacity with no new towers - 16:30

Loss of key estrogen regulator may lead to metabolic syndrome and atherosclerosis - 16:30

Microbes generate electricity while cleaning up nuclear waste - 16:30

Researchers pioneer novel technique to make plasmonic nanogap arrays - 16:30

Scientists pinpoint shape-shifting mechanism critical to protein signaling - 16:30

A more progressive tax system makes people happier, 54-nation study finds - 16:30

A 'jumping gene's' preferred targets may influence genome evolution - 16:30

Metabolic state of brain cancer stem cells significantly different than the cancer cells they create - 16:30

Peer pressure? It's hardwired into our brains - 16:30

Access to health insurance top indicator for better outcomes among undocumented children, study finds - 16:30

Novel magnetic, superconducting material opens new possibilities in electronics - 15:31

Researchers create new Urban Network Analysis toolbox - 15:31

New video gaming technology used to detect illness, prevent falls in older adults - 15:31

Milky Way galaxy might hold thousands of ticking 'time bombs' - 15:31

Neurosurgeons use adult stem cells to grow neck vertebrae - 15:31

New cellular surprise may help scientists better understand human mitochondrial diseases - 15:31

Neutrinos: Ghostly particles with unstable egos - 13:30

New material shows promise for trapping pollutants - 13:30

Sharper views of Apollo 12, 14, 17 sites in new images from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - 13:30

Crop performance matters when evaluating greenhouse gas emissions - 12:30

Brain waves control the impact of noise on sleep - 12:30

Anti-inflammatory drugs taken in early pregnancy more than double risk of miscarriage - 12:30

Scientists discover switch that turns white fat brown - 12:30

In more socially engaging environment, white fat turns to brown - 12:30

Clouds don't cause climate change, experts say - 12:30

No link betweem menopause and increased risk of fatal heart - 10:30

Deciphering fungal genomes of white and gray mold rot - 10:30

Foam that lasts and lasts and lasts, and disappears when you want - 10:30

Adaptation secrets of the 'desert bacterium' - 10:30

Lifetime 'dose' of excess weight linked to risk of diabetes - 10:30

Novel approach to acute COPD illness - 10:30

Big steps forward in human functional brain imaging, but collaborations key to patient benefit - 10:30

Biomaterials may prove key to healing chronic wounds in diabetic patients - 10:30

Mother’s postpartum oxycodone use: No safer for breastfed infants than codeine - 09:30

Payment for pediatric obesity services now can save money later, U.S. study finds - 09:30

Monday th 5th of September 2011

New polymer research could boost probiotics industry - 19:30

Innovative organic solar cell architecture sets new performance level, Belgian researchers demonstrate - 17:30

World’s largest fusion experiment back in operation - 17:30

First Irish study shows weight difference in twins at birth is key predictor of health complications - 17:30

New drugs hope for dangerous yeast infections - 17:30

Stomach bacterium damages human DNA; Risk factor for gastric cancer - 17:30

Non-epileptic seizures may be misdiagnosed longer in veterans - 17:30

Even mild cognitive impairment appears to substantially increase risk for death, study suggests - 17:30

Couch potatoes explained? Missing key genes may be cause for lack of resolve to exercise, researchers find - 16:30

Novel method for increasing antibiotic yields - 16:30

Search for predictors of risk for PTSD: Meaningful associations dependent on reliable measures of pre-existing trauma - 16:30

Study sharpens picture of how much oil and gas flowed in Deepwater Horizon spill - 16:30

Ancient humans were mixing it up: Anatomically modern humans interbred with more archaic hominin forms while in Africa - 16:30