Science Daily

Monday th 19th of September 2011

Cellular intricacies of cystic fibrosis - 10:30

Causes of Gulf War Illness are complex and vary by deployment area, study finds - 09:30

Genetic defect that leaves some without fingerprints: Researchers trace cause to rare mutation - 09:30

Size matters: Length of songbirds’ playlists linked to brain region proportions - 09:30

Experts discover oldest DNA regulatory region known to date in vertebrates and invertebrates - 09:30

Autism, intellectual disabilities related to parental age, education and ethnicity, not income, Utah study finds - 09:30

Sunday th 18th of September 2011

Reassurance for dementia sufferers on impact of common drugs - 19:30

Crystal structure shows how motor protein works - 18:30

Why carbon nanotubes spell trouble for cells - 18:30

Sequencing 'dark matter' of life: Elusive genomes of thousands of bacteria species can now be decoded - 18:30

Deep oceans can mask global warming for decade-long periods - 18:30

First fluorescence-guided ovarian cancer surgery - 18:30

Unzipping DNA mysteries: Physicists discover how a vital enzyme works - 18:30

Gamers succeed where scientists fail: Molecular structure of retrovirus enzyme solved, doors open to new AIDS drug design - 18:30

Colloidal quantum dots: Performance boost next-generation solar cell technology - 18:30

Children with autism and gastrointestinal symptoms have altered digestive genes - 02:30

Lasers could be used to detect roadside bombs - 02:30

Breeding soybeans for improved feed - 02:30

Balloon-based experiment to measure gamma rays 6,500 light years distant - 02:30

Scab resistance in durum wheat - 02:30

Low-fat yogurt intake when pregnant may lead to child asthma and hay fever, study suggests - 02:30

Saturday th 17th of September 2011

Possible link between two Type 2 diabetes drugs and pancreatic cancer, suggested by new research - 13:30

Friday th 16th of September 2011

Are genes our destiny? Scientists discover 'hidden' code in DNA evolves more rapidly than genetic code - 16:30

Potential molecular target to prevent growth of cancer cells identified - 16:30

Antibacterial effect of phenolic compounds from peat moss and the polysaccharide chitosan - 14:30

Producer responsibility solution to electronic waste in developing countries - 13:30

Gamma-ray bursts shed light on the nature of dark energy - 13:30

International innovation needed for efficient nitrogen management - 13:30

Temperature controls the genetic message - 13:30

Newest cancer therapies multi-task to eliminate tumors - 13:30

Lack of protein FKBP51 in old mice improves resilience to depressive behavior - 13:30

Restoring reefs: Study underway in underwater lab may help manage seaweed-eating fish that protect coral reefs - 13:30

New threat closes in on iconic Galápagos wildlife - 13:30

Quantum behavior with a flash - 13:30

Moms who eat high-fat diet before, during pregnancy 'program' babies to be fat, at risk - 13:30

MRI research demonstrates ALS attacks multiple parts of the brain - 13:30

Genetics may explain why calcium increases risk for prostate cancer - 13:30

Virus as a potential future cancer medicine? - 13:30

Unknown ocean bacteria lead scientists to entirely new theories - 12:30

A wild and woolly discovery: Tibetan expedition ends with prehistoric find - 12:30

T cells making brain chemicals may lead to better treatments for inflammation, autoimmune diseases - 12:30

Molecular evidence of brain changes in depressed females - 12:30

Number of children poisoned by medication rising dramatically, study says - 09:30

Thursday th 15th of September 2011

Mother tongue comes from your prehistoric father - 22:30

Ground glass solution for cleaner water - 19:30

Genomic catastrophe causes developmental delay, cognitive disorders - 19:30

Virus shows promise for imaging and treating pancreatic cancer - 19:30

Finding pathways to cancer progression may lead to identification of targeted therapies - 19:30

Put down that game controller: Researcher suggests video games may not boost cognition - 19:30

Possible key to preventing chemotherapy resistance in ovarian cancer found - 19:30