Science Daily

Saturday th 9th of February 2013

Indonesian fishing communities find balance between biodiversity and development - 11:00

Innovation, patenting fuels economy - 11:00

Excavation set to shed new light on London's Victorian past - 11:00

Cupid's arrow: Light shed on laws of attraction - 10:31

Villain stomach bug may have a sweet side: 'Bad' gut bacteria may help control diabetes - 10:00

Friday th 8th of February 2013

Predictions of the human cost of climate change - 22:30

Studying ice cores from West Antarctica for clues as to why the Earth began to emerge from the Ice Age - 22:30

Combining plasma screening with genetic screening better identifies diagnostic and therapeutic targets - 21:00

Men married to women with higher incomes more likely to use erectile dysfunction medication - 20:30

Fruits and vegetables may help protect the kidneys - 19:30

Frequent dialysis poses risks for kidney disease patients - 19:30

HIV exploits a human cytokine in semen to promote its own transmission - 19:30

New study highlights Chagas disease as a growing health and socio-economic challenge - 19:30

Sunitinib benefits patients with renal cell carcinoma, study suggests - 19:30

43 percent reduction in deaths from paracetamol due to smaller pack sizes - 19:00

Stress at work very unlikely to cause cancer - 19:00

Got to go? Scientists figure out how you know - 19:00

Putting our heads together: Canines may hold clues to human skull development - 16:30

U.S. Healthcare: New children’s electronic health record format announced - 16:30

New drug is first to help patients with recurrent low-grade ovarian cancer - 16:30

Having a Tony Stark in the office is fine as long as you hire a Pepper Potts - 16:30

Nucleus structure crucial to understanding diseases discovered - 16:00

Synthetic marijuana dangerous for kidneys - 16:00

Scientists prevent development of deafness in animals engineered to have Usher syndrome - 16:00

Scientists using holiday snaps to identify whale sharks - 14:01

Peer review matters to the public - 13:30

Rheumatoid arthritis prevented in mice: Infusions of regulatory T cells turn off autoimmune attack on joints - 13:30

Imaging acute ischemic stroke patients' brains did not lead to improved outcomes - 13:30

Evaluating evolutionary rates could shed light into functions of uncharacterized genes - 13:30

Paralyzed man uses thoughts alone to control robot arm, touch friend's hand, after seven years - 13:30

Histone modification controls development: Chemical tags on histones regulate gene activity - 12:30

To quiver or to shiver: Explaining warning signal diversity in wood tiger moths - 12:30

Scientists find key to growth of 'bad' bacteria in inflammatory bowel disease - 12:00

Innovative water purification tablet for developing world - 12:00

Forensic pathology: Tracing the origin of the Usutu virus in blackbirds - 12:00

Implants make light work of fixing broken bones - 12:00

New brain-test app - 12:00

3-D printing on the micrometer scale - 12:00

Skateboarders can be good for the environment - 12:00

Mediocre managers as damaging as the David Brents of the workplace, according to new study - 12:00

Using Twitter to predict the influence of lifestyle on health - 12:00

Support needed for children losing parent at early age - 12:00

New NASA mission to help us better estimate asteroid impact hazard - 12:00

New way to identify which El Niño events will have biggest impact on U.S. winter weather - 11:30

New insight on relationship between parents, preschoolers and obesity - 11:30

Surveillance system can identify and track emerging infectious diseases - 11:30

Researchers explore quantum entanglement - 11:30

Thursday th 7th of February 2013

Blame it on Barney: Student perceptions of an upright tyrannosaurus rex remain obsolete - 22:30

Veterans with mild TBI have brain abnormalities - 22:30

How men and women organize their (online) social networks differently - 22:30