Science Daily

Wednesday th 6th of March 2013

Curtains down for the black hole firewall paradox: Making gravity safe for Einstein again - 09:30

Robotic fish navigate water currents and turbulence - 09:30

Tuesday th 5th of March 2013

Seniors who play video games report better sense of emotional well-being - 23:30

Survey of clinicians: User satisfaction with electronic health records has decreased since 2010 - 23:30

Analytical theory may bring improvements to lithium-ion batteries - 23:30

Intrusive advising boosts student persistence, class performance - 23:30

Is it a stroke or benign dizziness? A simple bedside test can tell - 23:30

Use of certain therapies for inflammatory diseases does not appear to increase risk of shingles - 23:00

Scarring of heart muscle linked with increased risk of death in patients with type of cardiomyopathy - 23:00

New clinical tool assesses health risks for older adults - 23:00

MRI saves heart muscle - 23:00

Scientists discover new mechanisms for relaxing airways using bitter tasting substances - 23:00

New tool better estimates pandemic threats - 23:00

Safe, long-term opioid therapy is possible - 23:00

New insight into double-protected dance of cell division - 22:30

Assembling the transcriptome of a noxious weed: New resources for studying how plants invade - 22:30

Focal therapy offers middle ground for some prostate cancer patients - 22:30

Spinal tap -- using cactus spines to isolate DNA - 22:30

Key to heart failure: New therapies on horizon - 22:30

New report confirms almost half of Africa's lions facing extinction - 21:30

Stressed-out tadpoles grow larger tails to escape predators - 21:30

Modeling Jupiter and Saturn's possible origins - 21:00

Putting HiFi into cochlear implants - 21:00

Insomnia is linked to increased risk of heart failure - 21:00

New fossils of crocodilian, hippo-like species from Panama - 20:30

Ancient DNA solves 320-year-old mystery: Origins of now extinct Falkland Islands wolf - 17:01

Better understanding of peripheral neuropathy - 17:01

Walking away from back pain - 17:01

First single gene mutation shown to result in type 1 diabetes - 17:01

Connectome project releases brain data - 17:01

Turf battle in retina helps internal clocks see the light - 17:01

Computer model may help athletes and soldiers avoid brain damage and concussions - 17:01

Statistical physics offers a new way to look at climate - 17:01

Biomass analysis tool is faster, more precise - 16:31

Stressed proteins can cause blood clots for hours - 16:31

Age-related dementia may begin with neurons' inability to rid themselves of unwanted proteins - 16:31

Why fish is better than supplements: Omega-3s from fish vs. fish oil pills better at maintaining blood pressure in mouse model - 16:31

Science of sinkholes: 20 percent of U.S. lies in susceptible areas - 16:31

The making of Antarctica's hidden fjords - 16:31

Remains of extinct giant camel discovered in High Arctic - 16:01

More storms like Sandy? Arctic ice loss amplified Superstorm Sandy violence - 16:01

Ostracism cuts both ways: Hurting someone else can hurt the one who inflicts pain just as much - 15:31

Green tea extract interferes with the formation of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease - 15:31

Obesity makes fat cells act like they're infected - 15:31

Human Y chromosome much older than previously thought - 15:31

Amputee phantom pain linked to brain retaining picture of missing limb - 15:00

On the trail of mucus-eaters in the gut - 15:00

Genetically corrected stem cells spark muscle regeneration - 14:30

A window into Europa's ocean lies right at the surface - 14:30

Gene identified that causes obesity in mice: Deleting gene eliminates obesity, could work for humans - 14:30