Science Daily

Wednesday th 3rd of April 2013

Thin clouds drove Greenland's record-breaking 2012 ice melt - 13:01

Laser light zaps away cocaine addiction - 13:01

Ancient climate questions could improve today's climate predictions - 13:01

Ancient pool of warm water questions current climate models - 13:01

Breakthrough cancer-killing treatment has no side-effects in mice: New chemistry may cure human cancers - 13:01

Shape from sound: New methods to probe the universe - 13:01

Ionic thrusters generate efficient propulsion in air - 12:30

Astronomers anticipate 100 billion Earth-like planets - 12:30

Study confirms effectiveness of spray that improves dry mouth sensation caused by anti-depressants - 11:31

High blood pressure in pregnancy may spell hot flashes later - 11:31

New view of origins of eye diseases - 11:31

Chinese foreign fisheries catch 12 times more than reported, study shows - 11:31

Choosing less a form of protection, says new study on decision-making - 11:31

Search for dark matter: Experiment measures antimatter excess in cosmic ray flux - 11:31

Invasive crabs help Cape Cod marshes - 11:30

Breakthrough in hydrogen fuel production could revolutionize alternative energy market - 11:00

Building quantum states with individual silicon atoms - 11:00

NASA team investigates complex chemistry at Saturn's moon Titan - 11:00

Largest class survey reveals polarized UK society and the rise of new groups - 10:30

Scientists build material that mimics squid beak: Promising step toward safer, more comfortable implants - 10:30

Earth is 'lazy' when forming faults like those near San Andreas - 10:30

Taken under the 'wing' of the small magellanic cloud: First detection of X-ray emission from young stars with masses similar to our Sun outside our Milky Way galaxy - 10:30

Scientists develop new protocol to ready induced pluripotent stem cell clinical application - 09:30

Light tsunami in a superconductor - 09:30

Breeding birds vulnerable to climate change in arctic alaska: A story of winners and losers - 09:01

Papyrus plant detox for slaughterhouses - 09:01

Tiny octopus-like microorganisms named after science fiction monsters - 09:01

Autism linked to increased genetic change in regions of genome instability - 09:01

Cisplatin-resistant cancer cells sensitive to experimental anticancer drugs called PARP inhibitors - 08:00

Quantum cryptography: On wings of light - 08:00

Targeting mental defeat among pain patients could prevent anxiety and depression - 08:00

Men 'more depressed and sad' than women if childless, says study - 08:00

Physicists decipher social cohesion issues - 07:30

Immune system: The healing element is also the enemy - 07:30

Tuesday th 2nd of April 2013

New Jersey prohibits indoor tanning for minors under 17 - 20:30

Study reveals risk factors for blood clots in pregnant and postnatal women - 20:30

Tonsillectomy in adults with severe recurrent sore throats may benefit some people - 20:30

Organ donation shortfall at large general hospitals in Ontario - 20:30

Fatty acid metabolite shows promise against cancer in mice - 20:30

Scientists test new formulation of novel, low-toxicity anticancer agent - 19:00

Vitamin P as a potential approach for the treatment of damaged motor neurons - 19:00

Putting a human face on a product: When brand humanization goes wrong - 19:00

Fighting listeria and other food-borne illnesses with nanobiotechnology - 19:00

Gynecomastia has psychological impact on adolescent boys, researchers report - 19:00

New genetic evidence suggests a continuum among neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders - 19:00

Feeling hungry may protect the brain against Alzheimer's disease - 19:00

Bioglass helping to mend bones - 18:30

Research could improve heat dissipation in 3-D systems - 18:30

'Sharps' injuries have major health and cost impact for surgeons - 18:30

Can synthetic biology save wildlife? From re-creating extinct species to the risk of genetically modified super-species - 18:30