Science Blog

Friday th 12th of March 2010

Improved patient care with telemonitoring - 09:49

CEIT-IK4 designs tool for operations on people with severe or profound auditory loss - 09:28

The new exercise HIT: do less - 09:28

Pancreatic cancer study reveals mechanism initiating disease, in mice - 09:28

Condoms for the World Cup and other ways to keep HIV at bay - 08:42

A sporting chance for active total knee replacement patients - 07:56

Thursday th 11th of March 2010

Researchers characterize stem cell function - 18:49

Tropical Storm Tomas calls for alerts in south Pacific - 18:21

Yellow fever strikes monkey populations in South America - 18:21

3 FASTSAT instruments pass tests - 18:21

Proposed mission would return sample from asteroid 'time capsule' - 18:21

Hopkins doctor/disaster expert says resource problems in Haiti required ethical decision-making - 18:21

U of Minnesota researcher discovers how electricity moves through cells - 17:14

Berkeley scientists find new way to get physical in the fight against cancer - 17:14

Second only south Atlantic tropical storm: 90Q, moving away from Brazil - 17:14

Hubert's remnants still raining on southern Madagascar - 17:14

New study debunks myths about Amazon rain forests - 16:28

Children with chronic respiratory illness are vulnerable to critical H1N1 - 16:28

Scientists at UCSB discover 600 million-year-old origins of vision - 15:42

Who does what on Wikipedia? - 15:42

Why female moths are big and beautiful - 15:42

Boost ivory trade monitoring and enforcement before allowing one-off sales: UBC researcher - 15:42

Carnegie Mellon research provides insight into brain's decision-making process - 15:21

Researchers discover brain tumor's 'grow-or-go' switch - 15:21

OHSU team discovers powerful molecule regulator in blood pressure control system - 15:21

A New Spin on Conductivity: Electric Signals Can Propagate through an Insulator - 14:56

VAI researchers develop tool to help study prostate cancer - 14:35

Penn researchers identify immune cells that fight parasites may promote allergies and asthma - 13:42

Human cells exhibit foraging behavior like amoebae and bacteria - 13:42

R-rated movies increase likelihood of underage children trying alcohol - 13:42

U discovery gives insight into brain 'replay' process - 13:42

Diabetes' link to eating disorders explored - 13:42

Get up, get out and go: NC State research tackles childhood obesity - 12:36

Weight-bearing exercise does not prevent increased bone turnover during weight loss - 12:35

A new beat in heart research - 12:35

Mother's flu during pregnancy may increase baby's risk of schizophrenia - 11:49

Thyroid hormone analogue for treating high cholesterol - 11:28

New finding: Strong period pain and excess weight in childhood increases risk of endometriosis - 11:07

The scientific brain - 11:07

Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog's site fidelity may lead to further decline - 11:07

Why surprises temporarily blind us - 11:07

New Alzheimer's test offers better opportunities for early detection - 11:07

MRC scientists announce advance in understanding body's natural defenses - 10:42

Can we detect quantum behavior in viruses? - 10:42

PEGylated dendrimers: a novel mechanism of drug delivery - 10:42

Elsevier launches Journal of Family Business Strategy - 10:21

Behavior of single protein observed in unprecedented detail by Stanford chemists - 10:21

Malaria rates drop in the Americas, but travelers still worry - 09:56

Divining the Right Drug - 09:56

Communication often fumbled during patient hand-offs in hospital - 09:56