What various weird computer noises mean for your machine
"Help! I need somebody... Help!" ( benjamin lehman / Unsplash/)No PC is truly silent, but your computer shouldn’t be noisier than your lawnmower. If you have to turn up your music just to drown out the whirring or grinding noises your computer makes, you may want to look into that—it could be the first signal of some serious problems.Knowing how to tell different hard drive noises apart and learning what they might mean, can save your computer. Or at least give you an unequivocal pass to buy a new one.Clicking or grinding noisesLet’s start with the most worrisome sound. If your computer starts to click, grind, or make any sort of low-pitched buzzing noise, you should stop what you’re doing and check the hard drive. This sound could indicate a dying disk. Do not ignore this sound.To check your drive’s health, I recommend a third-party tool like CrystalDiskInfo (Windows) or...