Trying to use your phone less? Get a smartwatch.
Look at that: This guy's not distracted by social media. (Björn Antonissen/Unsplash/)It’s traditional to start an article like this by proclaiming that everyone spends too much time staring at screens. And, while some studies suggest there are negative consequences to doing so, I’m not here to debate the pros and cons of screen time. Instead, I’m here to show you how to stop looking at your device when you don’t want to.If you’re able to pick your phone up to do something without getting sucked into doom-scrolling on Twitter or mindlessly refreshing Instagram, you’re my hero. I struggle to have the discipline to just put my phone away. Something simple—like throwing on a favorite playlist—can easily lead to me wasting 15 or 20 minutes doing, well, very, very little. The problem isn’t my phone. It’s me, and I know I’m not alone in this. I have, however, found a simple fix. It...