Social distancing saves lives. Here’s the proof.
During past pandemics, government-issued social distancing measures have cut down on disease transmission. Cities that reacted swiftly to the 1918 influenza pandemic by banning mass gatherings, closing schools, or taking other actions endured less severe outbreaks than those that waited or lifted restrictions too quickly. (Pixabay/)Statewide social distancing measures played a major role in slowing the spread of COVID-19 this spring, researchers reported on August 11 in PLOS Medicine.Between March 10 and March 25, all 50 states and the District of Columbia adopted at least one form of social distancing. These restrictions prevented 621,000 cases of COVID-19 across the United States within three weeks of being implemented, the researchers estimated. What’s more, after a state enacted social distancing, its rate of deaths related to COVID-19 dropped, on average, after one week.“Although we’re anxiously waiting for the development of a vaccine and for some therapeutics that may help prevent transmission of...