We finally know which bacteria give kimchi its power
Specific bacteria help to create the unique flavor and quality of kimchi. (Pixabay/)Kimchi is an emblem of fermented foods: The Korean dietary staple contains a rich world of microbes. Now, we have a clearer view of what creates this tiny, bustling world. Researchers at the World Institute of Kimchi (WiKim) have figured out which ingredients naturally contain the microbes in a traditional kimchi, contributing to our picture of how that delicious microscopic community takes form. The study was conducted using a four-ingredient kimchi which includes cabbage, garlic, ginger, and red pepper. The scientists selectively sterilized the ingredients in different batches, ensuring that only one contained the lactic acid bacteria that would start the fermentation process and make a healthy, edible kimchi. They found that garlic and cabbage were each able to contribute lactobacilli, which is one of the key microbes needed for kimchi, while ginger and red pepper were not....