Social distancing is a no-brainer when you’re already isolated in nature
Seeking a little solitude is a good thing. (John Hafner/)This story originally featured on Outdoor Life.COVID-19 is here, and we must stay away from each other. Those of us who can are working from home and avoiding public spaces. In our spare time, we’re obsessively scrolling through news updates and social media posts. Yes, it’s wise to follow the important news in your neighborhood, but there is a limit. No matter how much media you consume, no post or story can tell you what the future holds.Outdoorsmen and women are uniquely suited to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Most of us have freezers stocked full of wild game and pantries loaded with goods from last summer’s garden. Many of us have cabins and camps to retreat to, and we have the gear and know-how to survive (and even thrive) if things get really bad.But let’s not forget our greatest advantage:...