Researchers Find Evidence of Other Universes Lurking in the Cosmic Background
'Cosmic Bruises' in the CMB Feeny, et. al.Our poor universe shows bruises from collisions with other universes Just when the search for exoplanets looked like the undisputed fashionable field of study for 2010, the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is stepping to the forefront of astronomy and cosmology. Last month, it was Oxford's Roger Penrose claiming that he'd found evidence of a cyclical universe in patterns of concentric circles in the CMB, suggesting our universe is just one of many that have come before it (and will come after it). Now, another group of researchers are claiming the CMB contains evidence of other universes that exist concurrently (and outside of) our own. The new evidence, put forth by a group of researchers at University College London, is based upon the model of "eternal inflation," which is predicated on the idea that our universe is part of a larger and ever-expanding multiverse. Our...