How Science Is Changing Your Thanksgiving Meal
Tasty Turkey Bridget Coila via FlickrThanks to biotechnology and widespread genetic modification, this isn't your grandma's feast Since they were introduced 15 years ago, genetically modified foods have taken astonishing hold in North America. This time of year, the result is a Thanksgiving menu that may, on the surface, look much the same as the one your grandma cooked 20 years ago. But at the genetic level, it is very different, and it's a far cry from the fabled feast shared by the pilgrims and American Indians in the 17th century. In celebration of Thanksgiving, the most food-focused day of the year, here's a look at how biotechnology is changing the way we eat. Before it reached the grocery store - even before it reached the farm - your turkey, turducken or tofurkey likely started out in a lab, with scientists in white coats peering at PCR data and tinkering with...