
Monday th 10th of August 2009

Bone-cell control of energy generation is regulated by the protein Atf4 - 21:14

Washington Post axes national weekly edition - 20:28

California lawmakers take aim at Alaska's aerial wolf hunts - 20:28

Hitachi Ships First Two Terabyte 7200 RPM Desktop Hard Disk Drive - 20:07

New gene linked to muscular dystrophy - 19:42

Scientists make multiple types of white blood cells directly from embryonic and adult stem cells - 19:21

Weight Loss Among Widows More Harmful to Health Than Post-Wedding Weight Gain, Research Shows - 19:21

MRI simulation of blood flow helps plan child's delicate heart surgery (w/ Video) - 18:35

Traffic jam in brain causes schizophrenia symptoms - 18:35

Researchers identify potential target for metastatic cancer - 18:35

Tumors feel the deadly sting of nanobees - 18:35

Parents warn of fire pit danger - 18:14

How mice and humans differ immunologically - 18:14

Men's masculinity beliefs are a barrier to preventative health care - 17:49

Climate models confirm more moisture in atmosphere attributed to humans - 17:49

Labor market economist studies changes in IQ - 17:28

Scientists find new way to extract diluted and contaminated DNA - 17:28

Meteorite Found on Mars Yields Clues About Planet's Past - 17:07

Orbiter Safe After Computer Swap - 17:07

Nanoelectronic transistor combined with biological machine could lead to better electronics - 17:07

Space Porch Open for Business - 16:42

Biologists identify the molecular basis of high-altitude adaptation in mice - 16:42

Radiation therapy may increase diabetes risk in childhood cancer survivors - 16:42

Eyes in the soil will help food security - 16:42

Short Web address market shrinks: trimmed - 16:42

8 cities in US line up for swine flu vaccine test - 16:42

Study identifies risk factors for transformation of eye growths into melanoma - 16:21

New genes at work in patients with hereditary lung disease - 16:21

Seizures during pregnancy associated with risk of pre-term and small babies - 16:21

Insufficient sleep may be linked to increased diabetes risk - 16:21

Optimism appears to lower women's risk of death, heart disease - 16:21

Preventing The Sudden Death of Young Athletes From Hidden Heart Disorders - 16:21

Breastfeeding associated with reduced risk of breast cancer among women with family history - 15:56

Brain damage seen on brain scans may predict memory loss in old age - 15:56

MRSA may accompany hospital patients into home health settings - 15:56

Healthy lifestyle habits may be associated with reduced risk of chronic disease - 15:56

Antivirals 'little or no effect' on flu complications in children - 15:56

Single-molecule technique captures calcium sensor calmodulin in action - 15:35

Certain behavioral traits and feeding practices may increase risk for weight gain in children - 15:35

Facebook buys social media aggregator FriendFeed - 15:35

Bipedal humans came down from the trees, not up from the ground (w/ Video) - 15:14

Tweeting Shooting Stars - 15:14

New steps forward in cell reprogramming - 15:14

Urine samples could be used to predict responses to drugs, say researchers - 15:14

Avian influenza strain primes brain for Parkinson's disease - 15:14

Chemists discover twisted molecules that pick their targets - 15:14

New drug-resistant TB strains could become widespread, says new study - 14:49

Stanford professor sequences his entire genome at low cost, with small team - 14:49

The Perseids are Coming - 14:49

Planet Smash-Up Sends Vaporized Rock, Hot Lava Flying (w/ Video) - 14:49