
Wednesday th 21st of October 2009

Two brain structures key to emotional balance especially in threatening situations - 12:14

Sexual problems rarely addressed by internists caring for cancer survivors - 12:14

New research analyzes the marriage of science and law - 12:14

Light at night linked to symptoms of depression in mice - 11:49

Single-stranded DNA-binding protein is dynamic, critical to DNA repair - 11:49

Alcohol tolerance 'switch' found - 11:49

Costs of plug-in cars key to broad consumer acceptance - 11:49

Electric cars take on hybrids at Tokyo show - 11:07

Lifestyle changes remain important in fighting peripheral arterial disease - 10:42

India, China agree to cooperate on climate change - 10:42

USA and Europe different in aldosterone antagonists use in heart failure - 10:21

WHO: Nearly 1 in 5 babies still missed by vaccines - 10:21

Safety board issues wake-up call on sleep disorder - 10:21

Panel recommends 2nd cervical cancer vaccine - 10:21

Taser issues advisory on use of stun guns - 10:21

EU: breakthrough on online music rights - 09:56

Childhood risk factors for developing substance dependence - 09:56

Identifying the metabolism of a healthy embryo could improve infertility treatment - 09:56

Chinese group says Google violating copyrights - 09:56

Older workers spend less on necessities and health care - 09:56

Pavlopetri -- the world's oldest known submerged town - 09:35

Final look at ESA's SMOS and Proba-2 satellites - 09:35

Older workers are the healthy 'survivors' of the workplace - 09:35

Studies improve knowledge of underlying brain changes caused by addiction - 09:35

Scientists bend nanowires into 2-D and 3-D structures - 09:35

Fetal study highlights impact of stress on male fertility - 09:35

Blood test shows promise for early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease - 09:35

Stereotypes can fuel teen misbehavior - 09:14

Glacial melting may release pollutants in the environment - 09:14

Maternal smoking may increase newborns' discomfort - 09:14

Modern men are wimps, according to new book - 07:42

CT scans better than X-rays when detecting abnormalities in patients with H1N1 virus - 07:42

Exercise therapy best for knee pain - 07:21

CDC concedes vaccine production behind schedule - 07:21

PayPal opening doors to outside developers - 07:21

Two-million-year-old evidence shows tool-making hominins inhabited grassland environments - 07:21

Gyrowheel to keep new bike riders upright (w/ Video) - 06:56

Calling it in: New emergency medical service system may predict caller's fate - 06:56

It takes two to tutor a sparrow - 06:56

Concern over alcohol use among UK South Asians - 06:56

Infant sucking habits may affect how baby talks - 06:35

Fear of discrimination saw Paddys and Biddys decline - 06:35

Sugar cereals are 'Smart Choices'? FDA not so sure - 06:14

School children could lead the way on sustainability - 06:14

Scientists find fossil bones of smallest dinosaur - 05:49

Classifying molar pregnancy - 05:49

HP, Amazon to sell paperback versions of e-books - 05:49

Scientists discover largest orb-weaving spider - 05:49

GE unveils handheld ultrasound machine - 05:49

Twitter may eliminate 'suggested users' list - 05:28