
Thursday th 7th of October 2010

Cheek swab may detect lung cancer - 11:00

'Mars antenna' gets repairs - 11:00

Water discovered on second asteroid, may be even more common - 11:00

Stem cells shape up to their surroundings - 11:00

Preventive drugs for higher-risk women rarely used to treat breast cancer - 11:00

Reducing blood transfusions improves patient safety and cuts costs - 10:30

Life-saving in the bacterial world: How Campylobacter rely on Pseudomonas to infect humans - 10:30

Doctors evaluating heart problems should consider checking fat deposits around the heart - 10:30

New discovery could impact how the body receives medicine - 10:30

Bioasphalt to be used, tested on Des Moines bike trail - 10:30

Tinnitus in the elderly is prevalent and impacts quality of life - 10:30

Poll: Technology brings connection, stress - 10:30

New computer switches handle heat that renders transistors useless - 10:00

Bacteria keep tabs on state of oil field - 10:00

Greater priority should be given to stroke prevention in developing countries - 10:00

Real price of each pack of cigarettes is more than 100 euro: scientists - 10:00

The elusive intermediary: Newly discovered protein may help to improve crop yields - 10:00

Bacteria to blame in asthma attacks in children - 10:00

Patient personality hinders detection of depression - 10:00

New deep-sea hot springs discovered in the Atlantic - 09:30

Every egg is different - 09:30

Call to heal the world's coral reefs - 09:30

Childhood vaccines yes, but not at a cost - 09:30

Crop failures set to increase under climate change - 09:30

Hubble astronomers discover early universe was overheated - 09:30

'Dinosaurs' in space found by PhD student (w/ Video) - 09:30

Clues included in diamonds - 09:30

Georgia Tech Information Security Center releases cyber threats forecast for 2011 - 09:30

Researchers find osteoporosis drug may help women with kidney disease - 09:30

When the right suit matters: Standards on bomb suits - 09:30

First census of marine life reveals thousands of new species - 09:00

Geologist says there's no need to fight over mineral resources - 09:00

Archaeological Survey begins excavation project at Hugh Butler Lake - 09:00

Surprising similarities between human and zebrafish tumors - 09:00

Venus Express finds planetary atmospheres such a drag (w/ Video) - 09:00

Killer disease decimates UK frog populations - 09:00

Gut microbes promote cell turnover by a well-known pathway - 09:00

Mount Etna's mystery explained? - 09:00

Positive results for seniors with anxiety and depression in 'Aging Wisely' study - 09:00

A 3-D world: New technology allows students to take virtual field trips - 09:00

Type 2 diabetics warned on dangers of low blood sugar - 09:00

ATLAS collaboration unveils giant mural at CERN - 08:30

Joining molecules together in Nobel matrimony - 08:30

Saturn's icy moon Enceladus may keep oceans liquid with wobble - 08:30

Devices claim they'll help you drive safely while texting, on the phone - 08:30

Chicago yields mixed results with unfinished public housing efforts - 08:30

Ground-based images of asteroid Lutetia complement spacecraft flyby - 08:30

Kids with disability, chronic illness more likely to be bullied - 08:30

New rules will deprive Britain of best brains: Nobel winners - 07:30

Retailers ready to capitalize on smart phones' surge - 07:10