
Monday th 25th of October 2010

Famous style of Jane Austen may not be hers after all - 07:20

German auto sector voices concern over rare-earth spat - 07:20

Gold nanoparticles that make leaves glow in the dark - 05:50

Marathons damage the hearts of less fit runners for up to 3 months - 04:01

Wayward winds - Predicting the output of wind parks - 04:01

Kids' docs urged to screen new moms for depression - 04:01

Colorectal cancer screening can be expanded by offering it during mammography visits - 03:31

Obese children have signs of heart disease typically seen in middle-aged adults - 03:31

Contraband cigarettes main source of supply for Ontario youth - 03:31

Study suggests sensitivity to bodily symptoms of anxiety may make a difference in treatment - 03:31

Study reveals risky sex behavior among NYC teens - 03:00

In Haiti, cholera could heighten earthquake misery - 03:00

Indonesia orders evacuations as volcano threatens - 03:00

Many women missing out on the benefits of cardiac rehab - 03:00

Sunday th 24th of October 2010

Kryptonite superglue improving the quality of life in heart patients recovering from surgery - 17:00

Online TV spats mean fewer free shows on Web - 17:00

Japanese joins the ranks of sequenced genomes - 13:30

Haiti fault capable of another big quake: study - 13:30

German firms blocking Facebook over security fears: report - 13:30

Neurons work like a chain of dominos to control action sequences (w/ Video) - 13:00

Discovery of taste receptors in the lungs could help people with asthma breathe easier - 13:00

Study describes a tabletop source of bright, coherent X-rays - 13:00

Russia marks 50 years since space launch disaster - 06:20

Australian researcher discovers giant asteroid impact - 06:20

As e-voting comes of age, security fears mount - 02:40

Researchers pave the way for novel treatment of pulmonary hypertension - 02:10

Cholera outbreak creeps closer to Haiti's capital - 02:10

Saturday th 23rd of October 2010

Leaked Iraq war files portray weak, divided nation - 15:30

Vancomycin is the drug of choice for treating cellulitis - 15:30

From obscurity to prime time: Viral political videos can spring from non-political sites - 05:40

UH engineering professors featured in consecutive issues of Science - 05:40

WikiLeaks to publish 15,000 more Afghan war papers - 05:40

WSJ: MySpace, apps share user IDs with advertisers - 05:40

Friday th 22nd of October 2010

NASA satellites see Typhoon Megi poised for southeastern China landfall - 18:20

Category 4 Cyclone Giri hits Burma, NASA satellite sees heavy rainfall - 17:50

FCC demands information from Cablevision, Fox - 17:50

Brazil unveils fresh aid for Amazon drought - 17:20

25 finalists in Guggenheim-YouTube creative video biennial - 17:20

YIP research leads to new security algorithms - 17:20

Tropical Storm Richard born in the Caribbean, GOES-13, TRMM watching - 17:20

Microsoft opening online computer games shop - 17:20

Street View scooped up emails, passwords: Google - 16:30

Exhausted? Feeling really tired can threaten your health - 15:30

Square lets gizmos read credit cards - 15:00

Three major networks block Google TV - 15:00

A mother's suicide, more than a father's, predicts her offspring's likelihood of attempting suicide - 15:00

SFU seeds discovery of mutant gene in chromosomes - 15:00

Researchers discover origin of immune cells in the brain - 14:30

Researchers identify factor boosting leukemia's aggressiveness - 14:30

Google tightening privacy leash on employees - 14:30