
Thursday th 28th of October 2010

Telomere length affects colorectal cancer risk - 14:00

Scientists call for tighter regulations on food adverts during children's TV viewing - 14:00

A recent IRCM breakthrough impacts cancer research - 14:00

National research study to assess new treatment for painful vertebral fractures - 14:00

Algeo tracks evidence of 'The Great Dying' - 13:30

Scientists describe new approach for identifying genetic markers for common diseases - 13:30

Rictor protein offers scientists a new molecular target for cancer therapies - 13:30

Obese children experience later mortality post liver transplantation - 13:30

Microsoft's Ballmer hypes smart phone, browser - 13:30

Chimpanzees too tend to be right-handed: Spanish study - 13:30

New experiments improve accuracy of ozone predictions in air-quality models - 13:30

Organic solvent system may improve catalyst recycling and create new nanomedicine uses - 13:30

Small-molecule inhibitors effectively targeted active colon cancer enzyme - 13:30

Canadian researchers 'see' how to capture CO2 - 13:30

Study says solar systems like ours may be common - 13:30

Origin of skillful stone-tool-sharpening method pushed back more than 50,000 years - 13:30

Fingers detect typos even when conscious brain doesn't - 13:30

Size of protein aggregates, not abundance, drives spread of prion-based disease - 13:30

Huge 'biobank' for research into major diseases to be set up by Qatar and Imperial College London - 13:30

Helping fish get rid of the 'Ich' - 13:00

Researchers build colony of colon cancer stem cells to test new approach to therapy - 13:00

Facebook study finds race trumped by ethnic, social, geographic origins in forging friendships - 13:00

Protein preserves delicate balance between immune response and host - 13:00

The unhealthy ego: What can neuroscience tell us about our 'self'? - 13:00

Scientists investigate evolution of new polio virus - 13:00

New test measures DNA methylation levels to predict colon cancer - 13:00

Found: First complete remains of early sauropod dinosaur - 12:30

Researchers generate iPSCs to further treatments for lung disease - 12:30

NC State develops more precise genetic 'off switches' - 12:30

Chemical & Engineering News picks photo contest winner - 12:30

3 million Californians use health plans with high out-of-pocket costs - 12:30

Study identifies flaws in Medicare prescription drug program - 12:00

Tighter ethics rules have reduced industrial relationship of NIH scientists - 12:00

Root of the matter: A new map shows life-saving forests' scarcity defies past estimates - 12:00

In response to chemo, healthy cells shield cancer cells - 12:00

Study identifies 5 risk factors for late-stage head and neck cancer - 12:00

Image-guided breast cancer therapy enabled by nanodrug - 11:30

GM safety debate may have new twist - 10:30

Intel, Taiwan to set up cloud computing lab - 10:30

Without driver or map, vans go from Italy to China - 10:30

Schools that ban junk food are 18% lighter - 10:30

Garden of Eden: Paradise lost -- and found - 10:30

Are texting and Facebook worse for teens than TV? - 10:30

Protein shows how plants keep their mouths shut - 10:30

Hi-tech helps reduce health threat at mass gatherings - 10:30

Lockheed Martin tests the advanced HULC robotic exoskeleton - 10:00

Earth's fiery past and future modeled by NASA - 10:00

Oddball tasks and blue-colored humans - 10:00

Food quality improved with software - 10:00

China says rare earths not a 'bargaining tool' - 10:00