
Wednesday th 1st of June 2011

Imaging utilization affected by patient age and facility imaging capacity, study suggests - 04:00

SGO sets new standards to monitor recurrence of gynecologic cancer more effectively - 04:00

The alcohol industry needs more scrutiny - 04:00

Provision of subsidized malaria drugs in shops improves uptake - 04:00

Low-carb, higher-fat diets add no arterial health risks to obese people seeking to lose weight - 04:00

Threshold hemoglobin and mortality in people with stable coronary disease - 04:00

Twitter offers new button for attracting followers - 04:00

Germany upholds warning for vegetables - 04:00

Former Google CEO 'screwed up' on Facebook threat - 04:00

Next-to-last space shuttle flight lands on Earth - 04:00

20 former world leaders discuss looming water crisis - 04:00

Australia expecting massive whale watching season - 04:00

Google gets into local bargain game with Offers - 04:00

iPad challenge looms large at Asia IT show - 04:00

Lenovo targets German market with bid for Medion - 04:00

Algal turf scrubbers clean water with sunlight - 03:31

Cholera's challenge to Haiti and the world - 03:31

1 in 4 new HIV infections in Ontario are among women: study - 03:31

Link between influenza vaccination in pregnancy and reduced risk of premature birth - 03:31

Cancer drug holds promise as first treatment for common, inherited dementia - 03:31

Radiology benefit managers adversely affect referring physicians, study suggests - 03:30

Steady relationships reduce amphetamine's rewarding effects - 03:00

UK advice on sun creams 'not in the interests of public health,' warns DTB - 02:30

Ocean acidification leaves clownfish deaf to predators - 02:30

Tuesday th 31st of May 2011

Researchers probe link between people with mental illness and increased levels of mortality - 19:30

NASA satellites see Typhoon Songda weaken and move past Japan - 16:30

Industry disputes report on cell phone cancer link - 16:30

Weather forecast could predict cholera outbreaks: study - 16:30

Why childhood obesity? It's so much more than what kids eat - 16:00

Kids who bully, are aggressive are twice as likely to have sleep problems - 15:31

Storing seeds for a rainy day -- or in this case, a fire - 15:31

Virginia Tech mechanical engineers win measurement science best paper award - 15:31

Sleep loss lowers testosterone in healthy young men - 15:31

More than one-third of California teens do not participate in school physical education - 15:31

US astronaut fears 'memory' gap after shuttle ends - 15:31

Diabetic drug could help prevent the spread of cancer - 15:31

US reviews birth control pill safety over clot risk - 15:31

Vaccine increases disease-free survival for follicular lymphoma patients - 15:31

Study finds nighttime organ transplant surgery not associated with poorer survival after 1 year - 15:31

Fracture prediction methods may be useful for patients with diabetes - 15:31

Association between biomarkers and disease often overstated, researcher finds - 15:31

Study: Eastern wolves are hybrids with coyotes - 15:00

Forest fragmentation threatens Europe, species: UN - 15:00

Code green: Energy-efficient programming to curb computers' power use - 14:30

Climate change allows invasive weed to outcompete local species - 14:30

Blueberry's effects on cholesterol examined in lab animal study - 14:00

Facelift incision offers safe option for some thyroid patients - 14:00

Gene change identifies brain cancer patients that respond better to treatment - 14:00

What can we do about death? Reinventing the American medical system - 14:00

FRAVE: Flexible virtual reality system - 14:00