
Monday th 13th of June 2011

Extreme electric racing - 10:30

Nighttime lights clarify economic activity - 10:30

Has new media desensitized consumers to graphic images? - 10:30

Louisiana Tech University, LA-SiGMA help teachers transform materials science - 10:30

HIV/AIDS: Progress and concerns three decades later - 10:30

A new, distant arm of the Milky Way galaxy - 10:01

Oh-My-God Particles - 10:01

Ash clouds? You ain't seen nothing yet - 10:01

Addressing high false-positive rates for mammograms - 10:01

Heart attack drug less effective for Maori and Pacific Islanders - 10:01

Chemistry never sounded this good - 10:01

Pressure to work when sick has long-term negative effects - 10:01

Protecting medical implants from attack - 10:01

'Artificial leaf' moves closer to reality - 10:00

Novel device quantifies the efficacy of oral appliance therapy for snoring and sleep apnea - 09:30

Cancer survivors spend more on health care - 09:30

Preteens surrounded by smokers get hooked on nicotine - 09:30

Final 3 year results from the landmark HORIZONS-AMI trial published in the Lancet - 09:30

Simple analysis of breathing sounds while awake can detect obstructive sleep apnea - 09:30

Research improves the bolted joints in airplanes - 09:30

Archeologists find what might be the smallest Mesozoic dinosaur - 09:30

First telecommunications wavelength quantum dot laser on a silicon substrate - 09:01

Sleepiness may impair the brain's inhibitory control when viewing high-calorie foods - 09:01

Study finds that combination therapy reduces pauses in breathing caused by OSA - 09:01

One in five heart-attack deaths could be prevented with new drug - 09:01

Tool developed to predict violence and aggression in children and teens - 09:01

Germany advises against homegrown sprouts - 09:01

Study finds excellent agreement between subjective and objective compliance with OAT - 09:01

Group therapy helps MS sufferers cope with depression, study finds - 09:01

Next generation FeliCa contactless IC chip to be launched - 09:01

Island of broken figurines - 09:01

World's first Content Addressable Memory stores data without using power - 09:01

Cooling the brain during sleep may be a natural and effective treatment for insomnia - 09:00

What`s up with Iapetus? - 09:00

Oral appliance therapy improves craniofacial growth direction and snoring - 09:00

SACLA X-ray free electron laser sets new record - 08:31

New guidelines for diagnosis and management of hyperthyroid - 08:31

Birdsong independent of brain size - 08:31

New discovery -- copepods share 'diver's weight belt' technique with whales - 08:31

New software 'hearing dummies' pave the way for tailor-made hearing aids - 08:31

Sleep apnea may increase the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes - 08:31

Screening high-risk employees for sleep apnea could save a corporation millions of dollars - 08:31

Drinking, cannabis use and psychological distress increase, CAMH survey finds - 08:31

Sleep type predicts day and night batting averages of Major League Baseball players - 08:31

New electric diwheel hints at future of city transportation - 08:00

Faster computer graphics - 07:31

Heart drug 'safe for kidney patients' - 07:31

Researchers discover a new biochemical pathway to producing ribose - 07:30

Turning off cancer's growth signals - 07:30

Streamlined rules for robots - 07:30