
Wednesday th 29th of February 2012

Green schools and students' science scores are related - 17:31

NASA satellite sees tropical cyclone Irina headed for Mozambique - 17:31

Why birds of a feather lek together - 17:30

Pecan weevil biology, management and control strategies - 17:30

Cholera's nano-dagger: Researchers observe how pathogen decimates competing bacteria and human cells - 17:30

Experts: Linking farmers to markets critical for Africa's rural development - 17:30

ORNL completes first phase of Titan supercomputer transition - 17:30

Mobile phone running low on battery? Charge up with water - 14:30

S.Africa mulls shark net for Cape Town beach - 13:31

When blood-sucking mega-fleas stalked the Earth - 13:31

Adapting personal glucose monitors to detect DNA - 13:00

Contamination of La Selva geothermal system in Girona, Spain - 13:00

Study shows earthworms to blame for decline of ovenbirds in northern Midwest forests - 13:00

Scientists learn how insects 'remodel' their bodies between life stages - 13:00

When continents collide: A new twist to a 50 million-year-old tale - 13:00

How to rediscover life on Earth by looking at the Moon - 13:00

Team reveals oldest fossilized forest - 13:00

Nature Commentary investigates synthetic-biology disaster - 13:00

Universal charger tantalisingly close for mobiles - 13:00

A bad day on Venus gets even worse - 13:00

Three scientific expeditions seek treasure under the ice in the Frozen Continent - 12:31

Scientists study how to improve pesticide efficiency - 12:31

Meeting biofuel production targets could change agricultural landscape - 12:31

Rational design can improve hydrogen fuel cell efficiency - 12:02

New hybrid 'NOSH aspirin' as possible anti-cancer drug - 12:02

UF scientists name new ancient camels from Panama Canal excavation - 12:02

Facebook to unveil new ad offerings - 12:02

Researcher tracks agricultural overuse of bug-killing technology - 11:31

Two genes do not make a voter: new research - 11:31

Microsoft launches 'new generation' Windows 8 - 11:31

Taiwan seeks merger with restructured Elpida - 11:03

Divides emerge in US, world response to mutant flu - 11:03

Nanofiber breakthrough holds promise for medicine and microprocessors - 11:03

Foot bones allow researchers to determine sex of skeletal remains - 11:02

Exotic material boosts electromagnetism safely - 11:02

Young stars flicker amidst clouds of gas and dust - 11:02

Workforce from the digital cloud - 10:31

Young people face double penalty in a slow job market - 10:31

Nowhere to hide: Study finds future of Sumatran tigers threatened by human disturbances - 10:31

Heavy metal pollution causes severe declines in wild bees - 10:31

Apple market value hits $500B, where few have gone - 10:31

Microsoft demos three new whiz-bang technologies its working on (w/ video) - 10:01

Genetics of endangered African monkey suggest troubles from warming climate - 09:31

China's urbanization unlikely to lead to fast growth of middle class: UW geographer - 09:31

Inherited epigenetics produced record fast evolution - 09:31

European style stone tools suggest Stone Age people actually discovered America - 09:31

Seeing science with an artist's eye - 09:03

Understanding bacterial sensors: Researchers piece together model of chemoreceptor arrays - 09:03

New tool for breaking the epigenetic code - 09:03

Fossil teeth of Gigantopithecus found from Yunnan-Guizhou plateau - 09:03