MSNBC: Science

Friday th 12th of November 2010

Cosmic Log: Can science prove we're psychic? - 20:30

The wet dog shake: Physics revealed! - 13:10

The wet dog shake: Physics revealed! - 12:40

Family tree for plague traces its paths out of China - 11:40

Amazon may have Andes to thank for biodiversity - 01:50

Thursday th 11th of November 2010

Chinese vase fetches $69.3 million at auction - 21:20

Games ease trauma — but not just any game - 21:20

Scientists reveal the secret of a cat's lap - 14:20

World's oldest dinosaur embryos found - 13:20

Wednesday th 10th of November 2010

White House edits stain its reliance on science - 18:00

Maggot bodies sense bright light - 14:00

Sunburned whales? Ozone hole could be culprit - 11:30

Cricket sets testicle size record - 11:30

Sponsored By: - 11:00

U.S. to return 19 items from King Tut's tomb - 11:00

Tuesday th 9th of November 2010

Slippery feet remind beetles to bathe - 21:01

Meltwater from glaciers could warm ice even more - 19:00

Black truffles reproduce sexually - 18:31

Cosmic Log: Science in the future tense - 18:02

Italy's ancient wonders crumble from neglect - 15:30

Monday th 8th of November 2010

Merapi's latest eruption pushes death toll to 156 - 21:50

Scientists collide lead ions in big bang machine - 19:00

How Venus flytraps avoid snapping up lousy meals - 18:30

'Doomsday vault' gets large shipment of rice - 15:00

Life after Climategate - 13:02

Beer may have lubricated the rise of civilization - 12:32

Ancient Pharaonic inscriptions found in Saudi Arabia - 11:31

Smoking chimp rescued in Lebanon, sent to Brazil - 11:31

Saturday th 6th of November 2010

Ancient Pompeii gladiator house collapses - 21:20

Sponsored By: - 20:50

Ancient Pompeii gladiator house collapses - 20:50

Ancient Pompeii gladiator house collapses - 20:00

Friday th 5th of November 2010

7th century B.C. royal garden was party spot - 17:00

Dead coral near BP spill called 'smoking gun' - 16:30

Goose eggs a lifeline for polar bears? - 16:00

Colorado dig reveals Ice Age ecosystem - 15:30

Without trees, Haiti laid bare to hurricane's impact - 13:31

Headless gladiators had exotic origins - 12:00

Thursday th 4th of November 2010

Cosmic Log: Physicists get set for little big bangs - 19:30

Brace yourself for little big bangs - 18:30

Want to be a math whiz? Try a touch of electric shock - 16:30

Tomas increases landslide risk in Haiti - 16:30

Video: Endangered beauty: Saving a species of butterfly - 14:40

Want to be a math whiz? Try a touch of electric shock - 13:20

Pacific Northwest quake overdue, sediments show - 09:50

Wednesday th 3rd of November 2010

Sponsored By: - 19:00

Cosmic Log: How politics will spin scientific issues - 19:00

Study: Atlantic Ocean's waters reversed direction - 17:30

Giant panda gives birth to third cub - 15:30

Rhino killed, horns cut off, while inside refuge - 14:00