President Serzh A. Sargsyan of Armenia visits MIT
President of Armenia Serzh A. Sargsyan made an innovation-centered visit to MIT on Tuesday, meeting Institute leaders and viewing demonstrations of new technologies at the MIT Media Lab. The visit began with a meeting between Sargsyan and MIT President L. Rafael Reif, who noted the contributions Armenian scholars had made at MIT and expressed the Institute’s interest in continued collaboration with Armenia. Sargsyan also toured the Media Lab, where researchers work on a diverse range of experimental technologies; his visit there included an introductory discussion with Media Lab co-founder Nicholas Negroponte. “If you want to do something impossible, come here,” Negroponte said, summarizing the lab’s philosophy. Sargsyan also gave an evening talk in MIT’s Samberg Conference Center, at an event hosted by the Luys Foundation, which funds scholarships for Armenian students, and the Noubar and Anna Afeyan Foundation, a philanthropic organization based in Massachusetts. Noubar Afeyan, a senior lecturer at the Martin Trust...