Short algorithm, long-range consequences
In the last decade, theoretical computer science has seen remarkable progress on the problem of solving graph Laplacians — the esoteric name for a calculation with hordes of familiar applications in scheduling, image processing, online product recommendation, network analysis, and scientific computing, to name just a few. Only in 2004 did researchers first propose an algorithm that solved graph Laplacians in “nearly linear time,” meaning that the algorithm’s running time didn’t increase exponentially with the size of the problem. This animation shows two different "spanning trees" for a simple graph, a grid like those used in much scientific computing. The speedups promised by a new MIT algorithm require "low-stretch" spanning trees (green), in which the paths between neighboring nodes don't become excessively long (red). Images courtesy of the researchers At this year’s ACM Symposium on the Theory of Computing, MIT researchers will present a new algorithm for solving graph Laplacians...