‘Trade is not a four-letter word’
While many Americans see today’s increasingly competitive global economy as contributing to the nation’s economic woes, UPS Chairman and CEO Scott Davis argued in a Tuesday talk at MIT that free trade ultimately benefits the U.S. economy and employment.“One of the problems we have is not enough recognition in the population base and Congress that trade actually creates more jobs than we lose,” Davis said. “If we’re going to grow the economy and reduce unemployment, I think the biggest driver has got to be exports.”Davis spoke to an audience of MIT students and faculty members, stressing the need for increased trade with international partners. He joined Yossi Sheffi, the Elissa Gray II Professor of Engineering Systems and director of the Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL), in examining the role trade, infrastructure and logistics can play in boosting — or suppressing — the U.S. economy. Davis is a member of...