Live Science

Tuesday th 26th of May 2009

The Chemistry of Life: The Plastic in Cars - 07:42

Monday th 25th of May 2009

How Machines Could Take Over - 23:49

10 Events That Changed History - 10:42

Cheney vs. Obama: Dueling Unprovable Claims - 09:56

Men with More Daughters Become More Liberal - 09:56

Is it Safe to Exercise in Your 70s? - 09:35

Overfishing Goes Back Centuries, Log Books Reveal - 09:14

Lasers Could Find Friend or Foe Submarines Underwater - 09:14

Sunday th 24th of May 2009

Bee Swarm Descends on NYC Store - 17:07

The Whole World Is Optimistic, Survey Finds - 09:56

Friday th 22nd of May 2009

Top 10 New Species - 15:28

Race Fans Are Riskier Drivers - 15:28

Pea-Sized Seahorse Makes 'Top 10 Species' List - 14:21

Tasmanian Devils To Be Listed as 'Endangered' - 12:49

Study: Consumers Are Using Less - 10:29

Bye-Bye Blu-ray? - 10:07

Ancient Termite Spilled Its Guts in Amber - 10:07

At Least 3 Endangered Whales Found Off Tip of Greenland - 08:56

Libraries, Food Banks Benefit from Transportation Modeling - 08:29

Thursday th 21st of May 2009

60 Percent of Teens Text While Driving - 20:49

Doctor Uses Household Drill on Boy's Skull - 17:28

Revisiting Spirituality and AIDS - 16:42

Twitter: This Era's Hula Hoop - 15:56

Study Warns of Future Mobile Phone Viruses - 15:14

Innards of H1N1 Virus Resemble 'Flu Sausage' - 14:07

Entire Region of Mars Likely Shaped by Water - 13:21

Centrism Now Dominates American Politics - 12:56

Genes of 'Bearded Lady' Revealed - 11:28

Ship Alarm Could Prevent Collisions with Creatures - 10:21

Real Soldiers Love Their Robot Brethren - 09:35

In Recession, Women Splurge as if Addicted - 08:07

Wednesday th 20th of May 2009

Space Drink of Choice: Recycled Urine - 18:56

New Warning System Could Save Manatees - 16:42

Ida Fossil Hype Went Too Far - 16:42

Gallery of Fantastic Fossils - 13:21

Myth of the Missing Link - 13:21

Amid Media Circus, Scientists Doubt 'Ida' Is Your Ancestor - 13:21

Clue to Why Autism Affects Boys More - 12:14

Life Could Have Survived Earth's Early Bombardment - 12:14

Why 'Ida' Inspires Navel-Gazing at Our Ancestry - 11:49

Birds Know Who We Are - 10:36

Why 'Terminator' Is So Creepy - 09:49

Natural Oil 'Spills': Surprising Amount Seeps into the Sea - 09:28

Tuesday th 19th of May 2009

Some People Never Forget a Face - 18:28

Unveiled ‘Holy Grail’ Fossil Gets Celebrity Treatment - 15:21

First Space Message Sent Using Mobile Phone Technology - 13:07

Obama Announces New Fuel Efficiency Standards - 12:42

Ancient Human Ancestor 'Ida' Discovered - 11:35

Really Cold War Looms Over Arctic Oil - 11:09

Shrew Shot Venom Through Blood-Red Teeth - 10:42