Live Science

Thursday th 10th of June 2010

Bizarre Lightning Caught on Tape - 14:18

Navy Tests Screaming Fast Warship - 13:14

Physicist Calls UFO Cover-up a 'Cosmic Watergate' - 13:14

How Ancient Sea Reptiles Became Ferocious Predators - 13:14

Love Hormone Could Also Lead to War - 13:14

Sharks Smell in Stereo, Steer to Unseen Prey - 12:07

Gulf Oil Spill Paves Way for Alternative Energy Push - 11:11

Elves and Sprites Caught Dancing Near the Edge of Space - 11:11

New iPhone 4, Encased in Glass, Might Break More Easily - 11:11

Cockroaches Prefer To Dine Together - 06:41

Wednesday th 9th of June 2010

Vodka's Tasty Secret Revealed in Special Chemistry - 17:13

Majority of Americans Still 'Believe' in Global Warming - 15:11

Are Women Taking Over U.S. Politics? - 14:03

Bursting Bubbles Up Close - 14:03

Internet Hasn't Replaced Face-to-Face Talks with Neighbors - 13:23

Bubble Bursted on the Science of Bursting Bubbles - 12:42

Single Brain Cells Can Recognize Objects - 12:12

One of World's Most Pristine Coral Reefs Revealed - 11:41

How Your Brain Works on Autopilot - 11:14

Online Financial Help Could Save Americans Billions - 10:01

Amazing First Race to the South Pole Revisited - 10:00

First Beehives from Biblical Israel Discovered - 09:04

No, Really: Earth Is Flat In Most Peoples' Minds - 08:11

Tuesday th 8th of June 2010

Heart Disease Risk Higher for Short People - 18:51

Diabetes Linked to Brain Disorders - 16:30

NASA to Go Boldly … to the Arctic - 14:33

‘Smart’ Clothing Responds to Wearer’s Emotions - 14:33

Exotic Particle Caught After It Changes Flavor - 13:00

Female Whales Forge Long-Lasting Friendships - 12:30

'Imaginary' Interface Could Replace Screens and Keyboards - 12:30

How the iPhone 4 Will Change Smartphones - 12:30

'Beautiful Math Equation' Found in Crop Circle - 12:03

Americans Sleepier Than Europeans - 09:42

Exotic Particle Caught After It Changes Flavor - 09:04

Fact of Nature: Men Willing to Die for Sex - 07:40

World's Oceans Remain Largely Mysterious - 07:40

Monday th 7th of June 2010

New Web Site Launches: OurAmazingPlanet - 23:32

New Way to Destroy Some Cancerous Cell Found - 21:10

Revealed: How Tibetans Survive Thin Air - 21:10

Apple Announces iPhone 4 with Impressive New Features - 15:41

Insects Inspire Robot Design - 15:41

Strangers Influence Dating Choices, Study Reveals - 13:40

New Theory for Life's First Energy Source - 13:40

Water Source Discovered for Desert Oasis near Death Valley - 13:00

Laws Might Change as the Science of Violence Is Explained - 10:20

Secret Revealed: How Crocodiles Cross Oceans - 08:52

Sack Tapping: Dangerous Game Hits Boys Where it Hurts - 06:50

Sunday th 6th of June 2010

Sexsomnia: 'Sex While Sleeping' Condition Studied - 23:20

Meditation Dulls Experience of Pain - 17:30

Saturday th 5th of June 2010

Washable Keyboards Could Squash Germs in Hospital ERs - 10:00