IOP welcomes spring fellows
Harvard’s Institute of Politics (IOP) at the John F. Kennedy School of Government announced on Jan. 13 the selection of an experienced group of individuals for resident fellowships this spring. Over the course of an academic semester, resident fellows interact with students, participate in the intellectual life of the Harvard community, and lead weekly study groups on a range of topics. “This ideologically diverse group of political professionals possesses a deep knowledge of international diplomacy, foreign affairs, speechwriting, and legislating on Capitol Hill,” said Eric Andersen, IOP fellows program director. “We are looking forward to hosting such prominent practitioners on campus to inspire the next generation of leaders in politics and public service.” The following resident fellows will join the institute for the spring semester: Caroline Croft, senior adviser, U.S. Department of State Bob Inglis, U.S. representative John McConnell, senior speechwriter and White House deputy assistant to the president and assistant to the vice president Ellen...