Archive of articles published on the 1st of November 2012
Virtual reality 'beaming' technology transforms human-animal interaction
Rice team boosts silicon-based batteries
Satellite captures the life and death of Hurricane Sandy on Halloween
NASA/NOAA's Suomi NPP captures night-time view of Sandy's landfall
Western aspen trees commonly carry extra set of chromosomes
Desert farming forms bacterial communities that promote drought resistance
High blood pressure damages the brain in early middle age
Cellular landscaping: Predicting how, and how fast, cells will change
Nereidum Montes helps unlock Mars' glacial past
UK butterfly populations threatened by extreme drought and landscape fragmentation
Obese dogs at risk of health condition experienced by humans
Graphene mini-lab
New technique enables high-sensitivity view of cellular functions
An elephant that speaks Korean
Air pollution, gone with the wind
Novel technique to produce stem cells from peripheral blood
Super-rare, super-luminous supernovae are likely explosion of universe's earliest stars
Bristol scientists perform new experiment to solve the 'one real mystery' of quantum mechanics
Stem cells could heal equine tendon injuries
Solving a biological mystery
Why seas are rising ahead of predictions
Feedback loop maintains basal cell population
Asteroid belts of just the right size are friendly to life
NASA's Fermi measures cosmic 'fog' produced by ancient starlight
Music in our ears: The science of timbre
How race and touchdown celebrations affect football player rewards
Church-going teens go further with school
USDA patents method to reduce ammonia emissions
Anthropocene continues to spark scientific debate