Archive of articles published on the 27th of July 2011
Seeing the wood for the trees: New study shows sheep in tree-ring records
Short-term use of amphetamines can improve ADHD symptoms in adults
Rate of chronic health problems for low-birth-weight children does not increase in adolescence
Tropical Depression 10W bringing rain to the Philippines
NASA sees dramatic temperatures around Tropical Depression 11W
NASA sees Tropical Storm Nock-ten knocking the Philippines
The end is in sight for amphibian fungal disease
Johns Hopkins researchers discover how some breast cancers alter their sensitivity to estrogen
Could patients' own kidney cells cure kidney disease?
VST looks at the Leo Triplet -- and beyond
Wave power can drive sun's intense heat
Organized crime is wiping out wildlife
Gastric bypass surgery changes food preferences
Study suggests weight loss from gastric bypass may be partly due to dietary fat aversion
Yoga boosts stress-busting hormone, reduces pain: York U study
UF study shows tundra fires could accelerate climate warming
Largest recorded tundra fire yields scientific surprises
Reservoirs of ancient lava shaped Earth
NASA measures heavy rain in Tropical Storm Nock-Ten over Philippines
Tropical Depression 11W moving past Yap and Guam
Carsey Institute: Families shifting from private to public health insurance for children
Non-cocaine, topical anaesthetics can kill pain when repairing skin wounds
Review of 700,000 women reveals factors affecting vaginal birth after previous cesarean
Evidence shows NTD control can help in the fight against HIV/AIDS
New invisibility cloak hides objects from human view
First measurements of HAAs in urine of swimmers and pool workers
Brandeis lab's artificial cilia spur new thinking in nanotechnology
Fair play -- a question of self-image?
Protecting networks is just a game
Pearl-flowered legume a surprise new find in the Cape Snowy Mountains, South Africa
CT shows changes in lungs associated with COPD flare-ups
Social deficits associated with autism, schizophrenia induced in mice with new technology
Electronic publishing 'goes live': News from the International Botanical Congress in Melbourne
DNA solves identities of Australian melons and loofah
As unhealthy food outlets multiply, teens eat more junk
Material created at Purdue lets electrons 'dance' and form new state
New imaging technique captures brain activity in patients with chronic low back pain
Unexpected discovery on hormone secretion
Women who leave the workplace: Opting out or overlooking discrimination?
Social acumen equals spatial skill, psychologist finds
Who takes risks?
Out-of-the-blue panic attacks aren't without warning -- body sends signals for hour before
How the brain keeps track of what we're doing
Signal explains why site of origin affects fate of postnatal neural stem cells
Pigment discovery expanding into new colors
Big gap exists on health care spending between Latinos and whites, study finds
Cod resurgence in Canadian waters
Home is where the healthy meal is
Farmers more likely to be green if they talk to their neighbors, according to MSU research
Breast density tied to specific types of breast cancer
Aging brains are different in humans and chimpanzees
UMD brain cap technology turns thought into motion
Bionic microrobot mimics the 'water strider' and walks on water
Teacher influence persists in early grades
A closer look at cells
Researchers identify mechanism underlying COPD disease persistence after smoking cessation
Joint replacement surgery increases risk of blood clot formation in certain patients
The first true view of global erosion
Children and adolescent mobile phone users at no greater risk of brain cancer than non-users
New therapy may help people with unexplained symptoms of pain, weakness and fatigue
UM School of Medicine Institute for Genome Sciences cracks code of German E. Coli outbreak
Pacific Biosciences DNA sequencing technology yields new insights into German E. coli pathogen
A new way to measure the expansion of the universe
NIH researchers identify gene variant in Proteus syndrome
Treatment provides dramatic survival benefit for hard-to-match kidney transplant patients
Graphene nanocomposite a bridge to better batteries
Gene gives clues to self-injurious behavior in rare disorder
Social media poised to drive disaster preparedness and response
Cows clock-in for monitored mealtimes