Archive of articles published on the 29th of June 2010
Irish hares fall foul of modern farming trap
A pacemaker for your brain
Older adults watch more TV than younger people, enjoy it less
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy may damage semen quality in sons
Cheap, simple, noninvasive blood test may replace invasive diagnostic techniques in early pregnancy
Study finds why some women are sub-fertile with a poor response to ovarian stimulating hormones
Public transit systems contribute to weight loss and improved health
Emerging questions about the mechanisms that control muscle
Ovarian transplantation restores fertility to old mice and also lengthens their lives
Study finds no link between diabetes drug rosiglitazone and increased rate of heart attack
Despite countless changes, original HIV infection lurks within
Study shows age doesn't necessarily affect decision-making
The teeth of cadavers reveal their identity
WIC might prevent mothers from feeding cow's milk too early
Public health systems compared: Germans more dissatisfied than the rest
Fish with chips
Molecules typically found in blue jean and ink dyes may lead to more efficient solar cells
A 1-2 punch: Embryonic cell and adult pig islet transplants cure diabetes in rats
More proof that new planet and star are moving together
Large decline in impulsivity in early adulthood related to decrease in alcohol consumption
ACCORD eye study finds 2 therapies slow diabetic eye disease progression
Study shows Chile's school voucher program increased graduation rates
Mystery unraveled: How asbestos causes cancer
Experts analyze benefits, opportunities and challenges of Medicare Part D
Sensor and insulin pump results in better blood-sugar control in all age groups with diabetes
US approach to farming should change to meet new challenges, expanding needs
Healthy watersheds can sustain water supplies, aquatic ecosystems in a changing climate
Do scientists understand the public?
Lead poisoning highly prevalent among school-aged children in Uganda
Including families in hospital-care discussions improves communication, benefits medical trainees
Hyperoxia may slow formation of wrinkles
Examining risks and benefits of alcohol consumption
Arctic climate may be more sensitive to warming than thought, says new study
Bars, restaurants see no significant employment change under smoking bans in 2 cities
CU-Boulder researcher finds 10,000 year-old hunting weapon in melting ice patch
Study shows how dietary supplement may block cancer cells
Is your left hand more motivated than your right hand?
Counseling increased mammography use among low-income women with health insurance
Internists outline comprehensive federal strategy to control tobacco use
Depressed mice could aid research on drug-resistant depression in humans
GOES satellite sees Celia's remnants a shadow of her former self
Deaths in the family cause bacteria to flee
Sandia Labs reports first monolithic terahertz solid-state transceiver
Researchers suggest new paradigm for breast cancer screening
Smoking-related colorectal cancer in older women is associated with molecularly-defined DNA changes
Interventions to promote repeat breast cancer screening with mammography
TRMM satellite sees Darby's remnants still kicking up isolated showers
Diamonds and the holy grail of quantum computing
Key component indentified that helps plants go green
Intensively lowering glucose: Possible benefits must be weighed against risks
Fast-tracking the manufacture of glasses
NASA data see Alex's core aligned, growing toward hurricane strength
Brain's energy restored during sleep, suggests animal study
Impulsive, weak-willed or just too much dopamine?
Putting muscle into birdsong
Key mechanism in the brain's computation of sound location identified
NYU researchers identify a key mechanism in the brain's computation of sound location
Pay-for-performance for hospitals
Study shows stability and utility of floating wind turbines
Barrier to faster integrated circuits may be mere speed bump, scientists say
Community-based education strengthens campaign for elimination of lymphatic filariasis
Zapping Titan-like atmosphere with UV rays creates life precursors
New UGA temperature table may help reduce heat-related deaths of children in closed cars
Desert bats reveal the secret of their survival
UK geneticists shed light on flowering plants
Can you make a snail forget?
Olympic gold? A new effect of caffeine boosts performance
Feast and famine: MRI reveals secrets of animal anatomy
'Galactic archaeologists' find origin of Milky Way's ancient stars
Venetian blinds can cause accidental strangulation
UK's reliance on locums putting patient safety at risk, warns doctor
Teenage physical activity reduces risk of cognitive impairment in later life