Archive of articles published on the 9th of September 2009
Light at the speed of a bicycle and much more
Small businesses would see lower costs, more comprehensive coverage from health reform
999: The human face of economic crisis
High fruit and vegetable intake positively correlated with antioxidant status, cognitive performance
ESA campaign reveals glimpse of future Sentinel-3 imagery
Study reveals new role of vitamin C in skin protection
High in sodium: Highly charged tungsten ions may diagnose fusion energy reactors
Prototype NIST method detects and measures elusive hazards
Largest-ever collection of coins from Bar-Kokhba revolt found
Patients with cirrhosis and impaired cognitive abilities have more motor vehicle accidents
Regular aerobic exercise reduces health concerns associated with fatty liver
River flow and temperature limit trout numbers
NIST calculations may improve temperature measures for microfluidics
75 percent would consider letting an unsupervised trainee perform surgery if it could be done quicker
Surgeons General, STOP Obesity Alliance announce America has reached tipping point on obesity
New research confirms potential deadly nature of emerging new monkey malaria species in humans
Fermi Large Area Telescope reveals pulsing gamma-ray sources
Graphitic memory techniques advance at Rice
UAB researchers find TB-prevention therapy is cost-effective option
Rebirth of an icon: Hubble's first images since Servicing Mission 4
Doctors fear asking mentally ill to quit smoking
Toward a nanomedicine for brain cancer
Getting plants to rid themselves of pesticide residues
Baby boomers' boon? LED light and green tea cream to smooth facial wrinkles
New NIST publications describe standards for identity credentials and authentication systems
New NIST trace explosives standard slated for homeland security duty
Four-fifths of businesses foresee problems maintaining operations if H1N1 flu outbreak
Scientists use microRNAs to track evolutionary history for first time
You can believe your eyes: New insights into memory without conscious awareness
Lead in bone associated with increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease in men
Science and media disconnect? Maybe not, says a new study
Magnetic fields play larger role in star formation than previously thought
Machines can't replicate human image recognition, yet
Michigan Tech scientists identify genes linked to Lou Gehrig's disease
Memories exist even when forgotten, study suggests
MassGeneral Hospital for Children study explains some mysteries of neonatal seizures
New type of adult stem cells found in the prostate may be involved in prostate cancer development
Genome of Irish potato famine pathogen decoded
Genome of 'potato famine' pathogen sequenced, will aid renewed fight against old enemy
Potato blight reveals some secrets as genome is decoded
Major clinical study rejects cancer safety fears of most common heartburn treatment
'Dung of the devil' plant roots point to new swine flu drugs
U of I scientist: Public policy should promote family mealtimes
Learning addiction: Dopamine reinforces drug-associated memories
Nicotine creates stronger memories, cues to drug use
Sharing the results of research critical to advancement of biological sciences
Ancient oceans offer new insight into the origins of animal life
Cement's basic molecular structure finally decoded
More oxygen -- colder climate
Individual cells isolated from biological clock can keep daily time, but are unreliable
Model backs green tea and lemon claim, lessens need to test animals
Link found between common sexual infection and risk of aggressive prostate cancer
JNCI news brief: STD confirmed to be associated with increased risk of prostate cancer
New robot travels across the seafloor to monitor the impact of climate change on deep-sea ecosystems
Medicine wheel model for nutrition shows promise for control of type 2 diabetes
Virus responsible for deadly brain disease found in MS patients treated with natalizumab
New research discovers worker bees in 'reproductive class war' with queen
Global warming causes outbreak of rare algae associated with corals, study finds
Yeast unravels effects of chemotherapy drugs
Sickle cell study boosts call for improved childhood immunization programs in Africa
Noisy roads increase risk of high blood pressure
Findings could lead to improved lip-reading training for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
Early spring time for Edinburgh? Study predicts effect of global warming on spring flowers
New sources of biofuel to take pressure off traditional crops
Environmentally 'green' beer: Munich brewing engineers research energy savings
Self-amputation: Gecko's tail is its insurance policy