Archive of articles published on the 24th of June 2009
New way to fix leaking mitral heart valves safe in initial testing
Radiation dose drastically reduced during whole chest MDCT
New publication shows index insurance has potential to help manage climate risks and reduce poverty
Measuring intellectual disability
Tips from the American Journal of Pathology
Tummy troubles -- gastrin key in bacterial-induced stomach cancer
Dry autumns and winters may lead to fewer tornadoes in the spring, says UGA researcher
Salt block unexpectedly stretches in Sandia experiments
Mouse model provides clues to human language development
What is different in reflux esophagitis between African-Americans and non-Hispanic whites?
Wildlife faces cancer threat
Artificial noise saves energy
Mini-beamer in a cell phone or PDA
Proteins in gel
Smoking more than 5 cigarettes a day provokes migraine attacks
Social class, gender and ethnic group determine adolescents' sexual-affective education
Showcasing the secrets of Caistor Roman town
Programming tools facilitate use of video game processors for defense needs
University of Oklahoma researchers discover giant Rydberg atom molecules
Researcher finds Girl Scout meetings provide an opportunity to increase girls' physical activity
Nicotine dependence remains prevalent despite recent declines in cigarette use
How mitochondria get their membranes bent
CSHL scientists harness logic of 'Sudoku' math puzzle to vastly enhance genome-sequencing capability
Gene predicts how brain responds to fatigue, human study shows
First acoustic metamaterial 'superlens' created by U. of I. researchers
A breath mint made from... coffee?
New detectors for nuclear, radiological material in cargo should not be acquired until testing deficiencies fixed, cost-benefit analysis completed
Study on keeping nuclear bombs from US ports shows misplaced fear over cargo scanning cost
Large-scale analysis finds bariatric surgery relatively safe
Imaging the hypnotized brain: Neural mechanisms of suggested paralysis
New mechanism for amyloid beta protein's toxic impact on the Alzheimer's brain
Genetic finding could lead to targeted therapy for neuroblastoma
Scripps Research scientists observe human neurodegenerative disorder in fruit flies
Lasers can lengthen quantum bit memory by 1,000 times
Study pinpoints novel cancer gene and biomarker
Streaming sand grains help define essence of a liquid
Climbing the ladder to longevity: Critical enzyme pair identified
Jets on Saturn's moon Enceladus not geysers from underground ocean, says study
On malaria struggle, baboons and humans have similar stories to tell
Galaxies coming of age in cosmic blobs
Older kidney transplant patients should more often consider live donors
Iowa State University researcher looks at the future of agriculture
Stream of sand behaves like water
Space shuttle science shows how 1908 Tunguska explosion was caused by a comet
Irritability should be considered when diagnosing bipolar disorder in children
New instrument has potential to detect water deep underground on Mars
Study finds people residing in poor communities not benefiting from recent drop in colorectal cancer
Columbia team finds that gastrin plays significant role in helicobacter-induced stomach cancer
Human term placenta a new abundant source of hematopoietic cells
Can't compete on dung? Try mating on apple pomace
Anti-inflammatory drugs may defeat a treatment-resistant type of cancer
Employee involvement programs key to workplace diversity
UCSF commentators call for health reform to revitalize primary care
New approach to treating heart attacks reduces risk of life-threatening complications
Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia is curable without preventive cranial radiation
New data show jump in science and engineering graduate study
Study shows US seniors 'smarter' than English seniors
US seniors 'smarter' than their English peers -- U-M study
Evolution of a contraceptive for sea lamprey
New piece found in colorectal cancer puzzle
Exposure to phthalates may be a risk factor for low birth weight in infants