Archive of articles published on the 10th of June 2009
Techniques appear to lower radiation exposure from cardiac scans without impairing image quality
JNCI June 9 issue tip sheet
Variability in pancreatic cancer care found with newly developed quality indicators
2 studies find patients have lower health-related quality of life after cancer diagnosis
Protein linked to Alzheimer's disease doesn't act alone
Genetically elevated levels of lipoprotein associated with increased risk of heart attack
Work of Field Museum scientist addresses question of chance in evolution
NIAID leaders outline research agenda for universal, voluntary HIV testing and treatment
Moms, have you done drugs? Tell your kids
Hatchery fish may hurt efforts to sustain wild salmon runs
Cancer: The cost of being smarter than chimps?
USC researchers present new strategies to prevent childhood obesity
Close social ties make baboons better mothers, study finds
Sight for sore eyes
Natural hormone offers hope for treatment of the metabolic syndrome
Brain molecule reduces food intake
Hormone therapy plus physical activity reduce belly fat, body fat percentage after menopause
Researchers find how a common genetic mutation makes cancer radiation resistant
Log on to beat the Black Dog
An innovative surgical technique gives hope to patients suffering from refractory epilepsy
Hormone therapy may confer more aggressive properties to prostate tumors
First-degree relatives of patients with bicuspid aortic valve should be screened
Beetle shell inspires brilliant white paper
Drugs against winter vomiting disease one step closer
Specific genetic cause of fetal alcohol-related developmental disorders found
Postpartum anxiety delays puberty in offspring
Availability of diagnostic tests drive success in hospitalist-run short-stay units
New Jefferson study may redefine how a chronic auto-immune disease is diagnosed
Rutgers research tackles childhood epilepsy
Revised Vienna Classification for diagnosing colorectal epithelial neoplasias
A potential treatment for gastric motility disorders
Milk goes 'green': Today's dairy farms use less land, feed and water
Zero tolerance alcohol policy good choice for parents
Our exposure to controversial chemical may be greater than dose considered safe
Bisphenol A exposure increases risk of abnormal heart rhythms in female rodents
Bisphenol A exposure in pregnant mice permanently changes DNA of offspring
Study: Depending on the problem, media may be an escape or a way to cope
Cancer found to be a moving target
New definition could further limit habitable zones around distant suns
Genetic pathway responsible for link between body clock disturbance and worsening arthritis
Early detection of osteoarthritis in dogs could open doors for a cure
Chern numbers of algebraic varieties
How young mice phone home: Study gives clue to how mothers' brains screen for baby calls
A voice only a mom could love: New insight into maternal auditory cortex plasticity
2 signals -- from within and out of cell -- specify motor neuron differentiation
Parents key in new measure to evaluate language in children with autism
Tracking down the causes of multiple sclerosis
Pre-pregnancy depressed mood may heighten risk for premature birth
Researchers identify four new targets for breast cancer
Neural mechanism supports survival in an uncertain world
The search for ET just got easier
Tunable semiconductors possible with hot new material called graphene
Researchers describe 'implausible' chemistry that produces herbicidal compound
Bilayer graphene gets a bandgap
Team led by Scripps research scientists finds new way that cells fix damage to DNA
Wistar Institute team finds key target of aging regulator
Surprise: Typhoons trigger slow earthquakes
Trimming the fat boosts blood recovery after marrow transplant
A new measure of global warming from carbon emissions
BPA may cause heart disease in women, research shows
Report on US tobacco control policies and use finds stark contrasts in progress among states
HIV-1's 'hijacking mechanism' pinpointed by McGill/JGH researchers
Reviving American chestnuts may mitigate climate change
Caltech visiting associate champions the study of solar eclipses in the modern era
Radio telescope images reveal planet-forming disk orbiting twin suns
Peculiar, junior-sized supernova discovered by New York teen
Penn materials scientist finds plumber's wonderland on graphene
Cool plasma packs heat against biofilms
Evolution can occur in less than 10 years
Identifying the potential for tamoxifen resistance in patients
Maybe it's raining less than we thought
Off-label morning sickness drug deemed safe for fetuses -- Ben-Gurion U. researchers
Found: 1 in 3 billion
Study may pave way for treatments to delay early multiple births
Muscular dystrophy: New drug promises benefit without risk of infection
British private school pupils earn 30 percent more in later life
Scientists advance safety of nanotechnology
Sleep may be important in regulating emotional responses
Extended or shortened sleep duration linked to weight gain
Association between obstructive sleep apnea and weight gain found