Archive of articles published on the 7th of May 2009
Consumers more likely to identify healthy food using traffic light nutrition labels
Patients with mild to moderate OSA may benefit from exercise
Minority groups pick up worst European eating habits
Insect gene expression responds to diet
Study in pregnant women suggests probiotics may help ward off obesity
Putting 'effect' into comparative-effectiveness research
Study finds children's activity levels not influenced by more PE time in school
Up to one in six older people living at home face malnutrition risk
Transmission of MRSA and Clostridium difficile through dogs
The rise of oxygen caused Earth's earliest ice age
Genetically engineered mice don't get obese, but do develop gallstones
Cell's split personality is a major discovery into neurological diseases
AGU Journal highlights -- May 6, 2009
Intriguing early results for device that reshapes enlarged, leaky heart valve
OHSU researchers study the idling brain
Undiagnosed diabetes takes economic toll
Dengue fever costs billions in health care, lost productivity and absenteeism
Visualizing virus replication in three dimensions
Study reveals current multi-component vaccines may need reworking
Disappearing act of world's second largest fish explained
Why silkworms find mulberries attractive
Honeybees are on the rise but demand grows faster
A potential anti-ulcer herb medicine: Rocket 'Eruca sativa'
New study reveals the financial effects of stroke in China
Study finds homicidal poisoning rising, more likely in infants and elderly
Faster computers, electronic devices possible after scientists create large-area graphene on copper
Brain cell mechanism for decision making also underlies judgment about certainty
Team of researchers achieves major step toward faster chips
Expression of infrared fluorescence engineered in mammals
Study suggests biomass converted into electricity could be more efficient than ethanol
Bioelectricity promises more 'miles per acre' than ethanol
Timing is everything for northern shrimp populations in the north Atlantic
Too much of a good thing
Researchers find way to cut cattle methane, threat to environment, by 25 percent
Computer simulation at the duodenal stump after gastric resection
Is dephytinization from infant cereals beneficial to the nutrition absorption?
Hubble repair mission carrying $70 million CU-Boulder instrument on track for May 11 launch
Low blood sugar: A killer for kidney disease patients?
More pills, less quality of life for kidney patients
Kidney disease patients reap rewards of prevention
Study: US-Canadian shale could neutralize Russian energy threat to Europeans
New look at Facebook and grades
Massage after exercise myth busted by Queen's research team
Creating the astro-comb to locate Earth-like planets
X-rays help predict permanent bone damage from bisphosphonates
Report examines limits of national power grid simulations
Online surveillance tools provide opportunity to support public health
'Gecko vision': Key to the multifocal contact lens of the future?
Constant sunlight linked to summer suicide spike
A new light on the mechanisms of early stage liver reperfusion injury
OU professor teams with German scientists on discovery of rare molecule
Job loss can make you sick, new study finds