Archive of articles published on the 12th of June 2008
UT Southwestern investigators test groundbreaking depression research in real-world setting
Frequent self-cutting linked to risky sexual behavior in teens
Poor sleep linked to suicidal behavior among children and adolescents with depressive episodes
Delaying school start time by one hour positively affects adolescents' cognitive performance
REM sleep associated with overweight in children and adolescents
Insomnia in parents can result in sleep problems, suicidal behavior among their offspring
Sleep-related breathing disorders affect children's blood pressure during sleep
Tests check out rescue robots' life-saving vision
'Nanoglassblowing' seen as boon to study of individual molecules
Microwave synthesis connects with the (quantum) dots
NIST chemists get scoop on crude 'oil' from pig manure
New self-management program offers significant benefits for arthritis patients with chronic pain
We can be serious: Cardiff University disputes Hawk-eye's Wimbledon line call
Freshwater runoff from the Greenland Ice Sheet will more than double by the end of the century
Hand bone mineral density is an effective predictor of mortality in rheumatoid arthritis
Prevalence of US osteoprotic hip fracture hospitalizations declines despite an aging population
Adalimumab therapy effective in AS, RA and PsA patients refractory to other anti-TNF therapies
Field project seeks clues to climate change in remote atmospheric region
Rising fuel costs could lead to nuclear-powered ships
Ovarian function and fertility preserved in women with severe systemic lupus erythematosus
Tsunami in the brain
Golfers and golf courses benefit from the use of native grasses in roughs
Highlights of upcoming acoustics meeting -- June 30 to July 4 in Paris, France
Research shows patients must re-learn going from sitting to standing after total knee replacement
Study: Women make management strides when firms downsize, restructure
Study pinpoints strategies that protect older adult's physical health
Centromeres cross over, a lot
Tests show LLNL detection instrument can monitor the air for all major terrorist threat substances
MIT researchers unravel bacteria communication pathways
Cell surface receptors are all 'talk' in T cell stimulation
Primary tumors can drive the growth of distant cancers
On the evolutionary trail of molecules that cause Lou Gehrig's disease
'Faulty' brain connections may be responsible for social impairments in autism
Field project seeks clues to climate change in remote atmospheric region
Roadrunner supercomputer puts research at a new scale
Physicists produce quantum-entangled images
Unexpected finding of molecule's dual role in mice may open new avenue to cholesterol reduction
Membrane complexes take flight
Plan to conserve forests may be detrimental to other ecosystems
Microsoft scientist highlights urgent need for new computer models to address climate change
Computer models show major climate shift as a result of closing ozone hole
Mysterious mountain dino may be a new species
If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does climate change?
Even before tomato warning, many Americans lacked confidence in the food safety system
Head injuries increase after motorcycle helmet law repeal
UCR chemists use 'green chemistry' to produce amines, chemical compounds used widely in industry
Fever may trigger heart failure in patients with the genetic disease LQT-2
New target to enhance anti-cancer drug sensitivity found in translation
The nerves behind the pain relief provided by stressful situations
New research shows how aging brain brings a healthy dose of perspective
Nuisance noise silenced by an acoustic cloak
Toothpaste too pricey for the poor
Ancient antibody molecule offers clues to how humans evolved allergies
Anti-inflammatory effects of pomegranate in rabbits: A potential treatment in humans?