Archive of feed items published on the 22nd of April 2014
Cow Manure Harbors Diverse New Antibiotic Resistance Genes
Earth Day: Parents Concerned About The Planet For Future Generations – But Aren't Taking Action
Cuckoo Mafia: Birds Raise The Young Of Others To Avoid Retaliation
Health Check: When is 'The Flu' Really a Cold? from Live Science
Compassionate Behavior Towards Dying Mate Observed In Monkey
Eight Energy-Saving Tips to Make Every Day Earth Day from Live Science
Study of Motion Sheds New Light on Autism and The Brain from Live Science
M33: Facts About the Triangulum Galaxy from
Bananas: Health Benefits, Risks & Nutrition Facts from Live Science
Sixty percent of Japanese support whale hunt from Physorg
Journal article reveals how to make graphene in a kitchen blender from Science Alert
"Ugly duckling" material could turn wasted heat into electricity from Science Alert
The Toy Thing: It Was Never About Pink or Blue (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Drones unearth more details about Chaco culture from Physorg
Streaming TV case before Supreme Court on Tuesday from Physorg
Scientists have found a potential cure for Ebola from Science Alert
FEATURE: Meet the world's 5 most endangered and unique birds from Science Alert
Australian scientists discover new mineral from Science Alert
Being exposed to bright light in the morning is linked to lower body weight from Science Alert
Wireless charging device can power your phone from 5 metres away from Science Alert
A three-million-year-old landscape is frozen in time beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet from Science Alert
US Leading the Path to Mars: NASA Chief Charles Bolden (Op-Ed) from
Education and Explosions, Alloys and Animation: Q+A With Ainissa Ramirez from Live Science
X-raying the cosmos from European Space Agency
Mysteries of nearby planetary system's dynamics solved from Physorg
Green city from European Space Agency
Low-cost 3D printed hand suits man for daily needs (w/ video) from Physorg
FEATURE: In 1951 a poor woman's cells were taken without permission, and they revolutionised medicine from Science Alert
Electric cars at a 'tipping point' from CBC: Technology & Science
The debate over adding human waste to farmers' fields from CBC: Technology & Science
Biodiversity Benefits Society in Surprising Ways from Live Science
10 Surprising Ways that Biodiversity Benefits the Economy from Live Science
A new approach to engineering the materials of the future from Physorg
Image: X-raying the cosmos from Physorg
Study shows rhesus monkeys able to add numbers together for a reward from Physorg
FEATURE: This is why journalists don't always get the science right from Science Alert
Old tires become material for new and improved roads from Physorg
Researchers find mentor programs often harm, more than help first-year science teachers from Physorg
Red stars and big bulges: How black holes shape galaxies from Physorg
Some cows' infertility linked to Y chromosome from Physorg
Blue-Footed Boobies' Survival Threatened from Newswise - Scinews
US 'delays' Keystone XL decision from BBC News: Science & Nature
AUDIO: Migrant birds 'shot as trophies' from BBC News: Science & Nature
FEATURE: How do you overcome jet lag? from Science Alert
Earth Day: Is The Temperature A Symptom Of Climate Change?
Extrusion technology improves food security in Africa from Physorg
New mineral shows nature's infinite variability from Physorg
Computer-assisted accelerator design from Physorg
Lead in 'tap-water' in ancient Rome up to 100 times more than local spring waters from Physorg
Optical PAyload for Lasercomm Science (OPALS) launched to space station from Physorg
'Losing the Dark': Video Illuminates Threat of Light Pollution from
Proposed Houston Spaceport Lands Private Space Plane Partner from
Milky Way's Structure Mapped in Unprecedented Detail from
Rogers faces tough 1st quarter as soft wireless results hurt profits from CBC: Technology & Science
Solar research group on quest for affordable solar fuels (w/ video) from Physorg
Til' death do us part – in the plant world from Physorg
MRI sensor that enables long-term monitoring of oxygen levels could aid cancer diagnosis, treatment from Physorg
Engineering students invent virtual fitting room for online shoppers (w/ video) from Physorg
The anti-inflammatory factory from Physorg
Red Planet Roadmap: DC Conference Eyes Manned Mars Missions from
Malta criticised for mass bird shoot from BBC News: Science & Nature
As Drug War Rages, Tweets Reveal Mexicans’ Emotional Numbness from Scientific American
Perth metro lakes surveyed for introduced fish from Physorg
The Lyrids meteor shower should put on a show overnight from Physorg
In Mediterranean marble, secrets of the global carbon cycle from Physorg
A smart prosthetic knee with in-vivo diagnoses from Physorg
Communities can drive urgent switch to clean energy from Physorg
Scientists find link between glioblastoma, Alzheimer’s from Science Blog
Cow manure harbors diverse new antibiotic resistance genes from Science Blog
First brain images of African infants aids research into cognitive effects of nutrition from Science Blog
A new way to enhance nerve growth following injury from Science Blog
Muscle weakness seen in alcoholism linked to mitochondrial repair issues from Science Blog
Stinking Up the Atmosphere? from Science Blog
Codeine Often Prescribed to Children, Despite Available Alternatives from Science Blog
Brain size matters when it comes to animal self-control from Science Blog
Focus on Disability: Great design has universal appeal from SciDev
Neandertal, modern human DNA deviates even more from
Researchers Achieve Higher Solar-Cell Efficiency With Zinc-Oxide Coating from Newswise - Scinews
Hairballs are the natural result of your cat's grooming behavior from Physorg
Team shows potential of RNA as heat-resistant polymer material for nanoarchitectures from Physorg
New critter discovered on whale carcass from Physorg
Researchers achieve higher solar-cell efficiency with zinc-oxide coating from Physorg
UK's lead in physics healthy but insecure from Physorg
NASA Earth Day Events Celebrate Our Home Planet: A Space Fan Guide from
Infrasound Sensor Network Detects the Asteroid Blasts We Missed from MSNBC: Science
Video: How scientists test marijuana for potency and safety from Science Blog
Old tires become material for new and improved roads from Science Blog
Bright lights, small crystals: Scientists use nanoparticles to capture images of single molecules from Physorg
Massive climate change mapping and modeling project from Physorg
The debate over adding human waste to farmers' fields from CBC: Technology & Science
Neanderthals Lived in Small, Isolated Populations, Gene Analysis Shows from National Geographic
Everest's Sherpas Issue List of Demands from National Geographic
Neurophage Discovers GAIM-Changing Molecules to Combat Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders from Newswise - Scinews
Previewing the bizzare April 29th solar eclipse from Physorg
Comcast 1Q earns beat Street on upbeat NBC result from Physorg
Google challenges nonprofits on ideas to use Glass from Physorg
Queuing theory helps physicist understand protein recycling from Physorg
How often are unauthorized immigrant workers trafficked and abused? from Physorg
First size-based chromatography technique for the study of living cells from Physorg
Understanding the energy and charge transfer of ions passing through membranes from Physorg
Material scientist exploring ways to improve efficiency of solar cells from Physorg
NIST removes cryptography algorithm from random number generator recommendations from Physorg
Tesla delivers first China cars, plans expansion from Physorg
Graphene 'made with kitchen blender' from BBC News: Science & Nature
'World's fastest' lift to be built from BBC News: Science & Nature
Earth Day 2014: Electric cars at a 'tipping point' from CBC: Technology & Science
Graphene: fundamentals and emergent applications from Chemistry World
Molecules mimic mesmerising mathematics from Chemistry World
Cloaked DNA nanodevices survive pilot mission from Physorg
Like a hall of mirrors, nanostructures trap photons inside ultrathin solar cells (w/ Video) from Physorg
Grasp of SQUIDs dynamics facilitates eavesdropping from Physorg
Carnegie Mellon system lets iPad users explore data with their fingers from Physorg
How far are the planets from the Sun? from Physorg
Asteroid Impacts on Earth More Powerful than Nuclear Bomb | Video from
What are the hazards facing a plane stowaway? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Big Bangs: Asteroids Wallop Earth More Often Than We Think from MSNBC: Science
How are we different and what gave us the advantage over extinct types of humans like the Neanderthals? from Science Daily
Tarantulas' personality determines whether they copulate with males or cannibalize them from Science Daily
'Upside-down planet' reveals new method for studying binary star systems from Science Daily
Today's Antarctic region once as hot as California, Florida from Science Daily
Earth Week: Bark beetles change Rocky Mountain stream flows, affect water quality from Science Daily
Increased prevalence of celiac disease in children with irritable bowel syndrome from Science Daily
False-positive mammograms associated with anxiety, willingness for future screening from Science Daily
Patient care patterns studied in Medicare accountable care organizations from Science Daily
First Eurasians left Africa up to 130,000 years ago from Science Daily
Krypton used to accurately date ancient Antarctic ice from Science Daily
Improving understanding of valley-wide stream chemistry from Science Daily
Progress made in developing nanoscale electronics: New research directs charges through single molecules from Science Daily
Physicists push new Parkinson's treatment toward clinical trials from Science Daily
Mentor programs harm, more than help first-year teachers from Science Daily
Want to quit smoking? New study says try 'self-expanding' activities from Science Daily
Computer-assisted accelerator design from Science Daily
Birthplace of the domesticated chili pepper identified in Mexico from Science Daily
More questions than answers as mystery of domestication deepens from Science Daily
Computational method dramatically speeds up estimates of gene expression from Science Daily
After Washington Mudslide, Questions About Building in Nature's Danger Zones from National Geographic
A Mars Mission for Budget Travelers from National Geographic
How to Steal a Submarine: Call the CIA and Howard Hughes from Live Science
What do aid agency mergers mean for development? from SciDev
Genetic testing shows Neanderthals less diverse than modern humans from Physorg
Unique pair of supermassive black holes in an ordinary galaxy discovered from Physorg
Nanomaterial outsmarts ions from Physorg
UV-radiation data to help ecological research from Physorg
MERS alarm in Saudi Arabia heightens after 2 more deaths from CBC: Health
AT&T to expand gigabit Internet to 21 metro areas from CBSNews - Science
Polar Bears on Thin Ice, Arctic Expedition Finds from Live Science
Graphene made in a kitchen blender from Chemistry World
Rainbow trout genome sequenced from Physorg
High-performance, low-cost ultracapacitors built with graphene and carbon nanotubes from Physorg
Paleoanthropologists use models to show humans may have left Africa earlier than thought from Physorg
ESA’s weightless plants fly on a Dragon from European Space Agency
Longest Land Mammal Migration in Lower 48 Discovered from National Geographic
Space History Photo: M2-F3 In-Flight Launch from the B-52 Mothership from
Big Bangs: Asteroids Strike Earth More Often Than We Think from MSNBC: Science
Humpback whales losing protection amid Northern Gateway tanker push from CBC: Technology & Science
Robot wars: Hamilton students to compete in world championship from CBC: Technology & Science
Tamiflu report comes under fire from News @ Nature
Iceberg and Brittle Rivets Sank Titanic | Video from Live Science
Your Next Nightmare: Venomous Snake Bites People in Their Sleep from Live Science
Polar H7: Heart Rate Sensor Review from Live Science
High-Performance, Low-Cost Ultracapacitors Built with Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes from Newswise - Scinews
Vacuum Ultraviolet Lamp of the Future Created in Japan from Newswise - Scinews
A three-step strategy for African education from SciDev
The Impact Of A False-Positive Mammogram On Women's Well-being
Speed-Reading Apps Impair Reading Comprehension
'Tween' Programming : Is Disney Promoting Stereotypes Or Creating What Kids Want To Watch?
Valeant, Bill Ackman bid $45B for Botox-maker Allergan from CBC: Health
Humpback whale losing 'threatened' status amid Northern Gateway concerns from CBC: Technology & Science
Record Number of Seals and Sea Lions Rescued in California from National Geographic
Protected Dusky Sharks Decimated by Fishing (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Happy Earth Day! The 8 Biggest Mysteries of Our Planet from Live Science
Loch Ness Monster on Apple Maps? Why Satellite Images Fool Us from Live Science
New Electric Knifefish Species Discovered In Brazil's Rio Negro
Wildlife response to climate change is likely underestimated, experts warn from Physorg
Powerful Asteroids Strike Earth with Surprising Frequency (Video) from
Humpback whale losing 'threatened' status amid Northern Gateway concerns from CBC: Technology & Science
Chile quake defies expectations from News @ Nature
RNA interference rebooted from News @ Nature
Animals with human rights make researchers run scared from News @ Nature
'Mafia' Cuckoos Rule By Fear, Foisting Young On Other Birds from PopSci
How Cells Take Out the Trash from Newswise - Scinews
Internationally Known Multiple Myeloma Expert Dr. Gareth Morgan Coming to Arkansas from London to Lead UAMS Myeloma Institute from Newswise - Scinews
WCS Earth Day Moment of Zen: 96 Seconds of Baby Elephants from Newswise - Scinews
'Gospel of Jesus's Wife': Doubts Raised About Ancient Text from Live Science
Sports Conditioning: Dealing With Cold and Hot Weather | Video from Live Science
The Poop on Pooping: 5 Misconceptions Explained from Live Science
ScienceShot: Protecting Ships From Undersea Eruptions from Science NOW
Babies cry at night to prevent siblings, scientist suggests from
Physicists create frictionless flow by adding more friction from Physics World
Full power: Alternative energy partnerships flourish in Asia from Physorg
What gave us the advantage over extinct types of humans? from Physorg
Ask yourself: Will you help the environment? from Physorg
Vacuum ultraviolet lamp of the future created in Japan from Physorg
'Russian Facebook' founder says has left country after being pushed out from Physorg
New electric fish genus and species discovered in Brazil's Rio Negro from Physorg
Splashy plan for pool in NYC's East River unveiled from AP Health
Lytro Illum light-field camera from CBSNews - Science
Lytro's new camera lets you change focus after a photo is taken from CBSNews - Science
Fat metabolism in animals altered to prevent most common type of heart disease from Science Daily
Major advances in dye sensitized solar cells from Science Daily
Unlocking secrets of new solar material from Science Daily
Wildlife response to climate change is likely underestimated, experts warn from Science Daily
Management of elderly patients with lung cancer from Science Daily
Male health linked to testosterone exposure in womb, study finds from Science Daily
Brain size matters when it comes to animal self-control from Science Daily
Life stressors trigger neurological disorders, researchers find from Science Daily
Speed-reading apps may impair reading comprehension by limiting ability to backtrack from Science Daily
People pay more attention to upper half of field of vision, study shows from Science Daily
UV-radiation data to help ecological research from Science Daily
New design for mobile phone masts could cut carbon emissions from Science Daily
Researchers identify a new variant of Ebola virus in Guinea from Science Daily
How often are unauthorized immigrant workers trafficked, abused? from Science Daily
Two genes linked to inflammatory bowel disease from Science Daily
Child's autism risk accelerates with mother's age over 30 from Science Daily
Superconducting quantum interference devices: Grasp of SQUIDs dynamics facilitates eavesdropping from Science Daily
Cloaked DNA nanodevices survive pilot mission from Science Daily
Nanomaterial outsmarts ions: Novel types of electronic components made of graphene from Science Daily
Like a hall of mirrors, nanostructures trap photons inside ultrathin solar cells from Science Daily
Drug-related morbidity in more than 10 percent of adults, Swedish study finds from Science Daily
Bariatric surgery health benefits: Is it bile acids at work? from Science Daily
Increasing diversity of America's youth: Hispanics leading the way from Science Daily
New way to enhance nerve growth following injury discovered from Science Daily
First brain images of African infants enable research into cognitive effects of nutrition from Science Daily
'Blood lab' inside a mobile phone could detect cancer from Science Daily
Jacket works like a mobile phone from Science Daily
Red stars and big bulges: How black holes shape galaxies from Science Daily
Solved: Mysteries of a nearby planetary system from Science Daily
Higher solar-cell efficiency achieved with zinc-oxide coating from Science Daily
New tool helps doctors better predict, prevent deadly respiratory failure after surgery, multicenter study says from Science Daily
European Eel Expedition 2014: First phase successfully completed from Science Daily
Information sharing between health systems reduces tests, study shows from Science Daily
Rice gets trendy, adds nutrients, so much more from Science Daily
Top 10 functional food trends for 2014 from Science Daily
NASA Chief Tells the Critics of Exploration Plan: 'Get Over It' from MSNBC: Science
NASA Wants You to Take a #GlobalSelfie for Earth Day from MSNBC: Science
NASA Chief Tells Exploration Plan's Critics: 'Get Over It' from MSNBC: Science
Google Doodle Celebrates Earth Day With Adorable Animals from MSNBC: Science
Scientists alter fat metabolism in animals to prevent most common type of heart disease from Science Blog
Google X faces innovator's dilemma: Wow factor has to pay from CBC: Technology & Science
Earth's 8 Biggest Mysteries from Live Science
Cyber risks can cause disruption on scale of 2008 crisis, study says from Physorg
NASA gets two last looks at Tropical Cyclone Jack from Physorg
Mantis shrimp stronger than airplanes from Physorg
New patenting guidelines are needed for biotechnology from Physorg
Research shows impact of Facebook unfriending from Physorg
Laptop Bill Clinton Used to Email Outer Space Sold for $60K from
A new 'APEX' in plant studies aboard the International Space Station from Science Daily
For an immune cell, microgravity mimics aging from Science Daily
First size-based chromatography technique for the study of livi from Science Daily
Neurotics don't just avoid action: They dislike it, study finds from Science Daily
Applying math to biology: Software identifies disease-causing mutations in undiagnosed illnesses from Science Daily
Online retailers have clear advantage by not collecting sales tax from Science Daily
Traditional Malaysian musical instrument modernized: 'Rebana Ubi' computer speaker from Science Daily
Taxonomic study of green algae (chlorophyta) in Langkawi, Malaysia from Science Daily
Surface modification of titanium dioxide for photocatalytic degradation of hazardous pollutants under ordinary visible light from Science Daily
RNA shows potential as boiling-resistant anionic polymer material for nanoarchitectures from Science Daily
International team sequences rainbow trout genome from Science Daily
Quantum simulators developed to study inaccessible physical systems from Science Daily
Vacuum ultraviolet lamp of the future created from Science Daily
High-performance, low-cost ultracapacitors built with graphene and carbon nanotubes from Science Daily
iPad users explore data with their fingers: Kinetica converts tabular data into touch-friendly format from Science Daily
Teen Nivatha Balendra discovers oil-eating bacteria strain from CBC: Technology & Science
Hundreds of Exoplanets, A Handful Right for Life from National Geographic
New Bug Species Discovered On Whale Carcass | Video from Live Science
Nano Webs Could Counterfeit-Proof Credit Cards from Live Science
Madagascar fights to prevent oil spill from stricken tanker from Physorg
AT&T joins crowded field with online video plans from Physorg
NASA’s “Earth from Orbit 2013” highlight reel from CBSNews - Science
National Zoo launches “endangered song” to help save tigers from CBSNews - Science
Antarctic climate was once like coastal California, study shows from CBSNews - Science
Take a #GlobalSelfie for Earth Day from CBSNews - Science
NASA's views of Earth from space from CBSNews - Science
Child abuse affects 1 in 3 Canadian adults, mental health study indicates from CBC: Health
Dot Earth Blog: No Time to Waste: Students Pursue Environmental Progress Instead of Exam Grades from NY Times Science
'What Is Relativity?': Book Excerpt from
What Is Relativity? New Book Offers Simple Explanation from
Warming Earth Leads To Dangerous Droughts and Disease | Video from
Asteroid impact risks 'underplayed' from BBC News: Science & Nature
1964 World’s Fair tech predictions had some hits, misses from CBSNews - Science
Start to Twister Season Could be Quietest in a Century: Experts from MSNBC: Science
Ah-CHOO! 3 Snortworthy Facts About Sneezes from Live Science
Warming Earth Leads To Dangerous Droughts and Disease | Video from Live Science
Health Plans Should Cover Birth Control, Majority Says from Live Science
Looking at Costs and Risks, Many Skip Health Insurance from NY Times Health
The Map Makers: Brain-Mapping Milestones from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Cabbage and Spring Onion Quiche With Caraway from NY Times Health
Online retailers have clear advantage by not collecting sales tax from Physorg
Mantis Shrimp Stronger than Airplanes from Science Blog
Depressed? Researchers identify new anti-depressant mechanisms, therapeutic approaches from Science Blog
Navy Plans to Test Electromagnetic Mach 7 Railgun at Sea from Live Science
Virus-Inspired Coating Protects DNA Nanostructures In The Body from C&EN
A New Scout Code: Time For An Update, Beaver!
For Earth Day, Do Your Part: Fly Somewhere To Talk About Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Immortal Unbounded Universe
Peru probes killing of endangered penguins from Physorg
Bloomberg invests $5M in solar-powered lamp from Physorg
Globe had fourth hottest March; US cooler than normal from Physorg
Top US court wrestles with TV, copyright and 'cloud' from Physorg
Big Bang, evolution, climate change widely doubted in U.S. from CBC: Technology & Science
Shedding Light on a Dark Universe: From the Higgs to Dark Matter from Newswise - Scinews
Bioinformatics Profiling Identifies a New Mammalian Clock Gene from Newswise - Scinews
Earth Day 2014: Add Some Green to Your Routine from Newswise - Scinews
Building Stronger Bridges from Newswise - Scinews
Scripps Florida Scientists Identify Critical New Protein Complex Involved in Learning and Memory from Newswise - Scinews
Injured Sherpas Recall Deadly Avalanche from National Geographic
Asteroid Impacts on Earth More Powerful than Nuclear Bomb | Video from Live Science
What Is a Sherpa? from Live Science
ScienceShot: Fish Can Yell, Too from Science NOW
Sub records detailed images of WWII wreck from AP Science
P.E.I. youth addictions deal close with N.B. facility from CBC: Health
March Was One of the Hottest on Record - But Not in U.S. from MSNBC: Science
Watch A Solar Plane Fly Over Milan [Video] from PopSci
Satellite's Tour of Earth Begins in Ice from Live Science
Florida is 'Ground Zero' for sea level rise from Physorg
Maine baby lobster decline could end high catches from AP Science
Not an iWatch, but another smartband? from CBSNews - Science
Big Bang, evolution, climate change widely doubted in U.S., poll suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
FDA discourages use of morcellators in removal of uterine fibroids from News @ Nature
Blue-Footed Boobies Are Declining in the Galapagos from Live Science
Ospreys Plague Maryland Traffic Cam from Live Science
Getting at the root of the mountain pine beetle's rapid habitat expansion and forest from Physorg
Physicists consider implications of recent revelations about the universe's first light from Physorg
Risk of asteroid hitting Earth higher than thought, study shows from Reuters:Science
Pain No Deterrent for Male Libido from Science NOW
Scientists Licking Wounds After Contentious Climate Report Negotiations from Science NOW
New antibiotic resistance genes found in cow manure from
Pain curbs sex drive in females, but not males from
Humpback protections downgrade clears way for pipeline from Physorg
Researchers discover the most effective animal signal strategies from Physorg
AT&T earnings unchanged, but revenue grows in 1Q from Physorg
Maine baby lobster decline could end high catches from Physorg
Earth Day from Space: Satellite Snaps Far-Out Photo (Image) from
Amazon phone to have gesture, motion control from CBSNews - Science
Brain Stimulator Offers Hope for Individuals With Uncontrolled Epilepsy from Science Blog
Pain Curbs Sex Drive in Female Mice, but Not in Males from Newswise - Scinews
Unique Mineral Discovered In Australia from PopSci
Where Are Tornado Hot Spots Outside of the US? from Live Science
Not in the Mood: Study in Mice Sheds Light on Human Libido from Live Science
Storm to Spoil Spring for Millions Next Week in Midwest, East from Live Science
The Supreme Court Undermines Racial Preferences For College Admissions
On the Environment: Forty-Four Years of Earth Day from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Beneath the Surface of China’s Great Urban Rush from NY Times Science
Study Linking Illness and Salt Leaves Researchers Doubtful from NY Times Science
Photos: SpaceX's Amazing Falcon 9 Reusable Rocket Prototype in Pictures from
Alcohol's links to cancer needs more awareness from CBC: Health
10 ways the world celebrated Earth Day 2014 from CBC: Technology & Science
Magnifying The Body May Reduce Pain from Live Science
Slowest Start to Tornado Season in a Century from Live Science
Mt. Everest: Why Do People Keep Climbing It? from Live Science
3D Print a New House in Just a Few Hours from Live Science
Antarctic Lava Lake Huffs and Puffs Like a Sleeping Dragon from Live Science
Gallery: Erebus Volcano's Amazing Lava Lake from Live Science
‘My life was going to have to deal with issues of social injustice’ from Harvard Science
Scientists identify critical new protein complex involved in learning and memory from Biology News Net
International team sequences rainbow trout genome from Biology News Net
Bioinformatics profiling identifies a new mammalian clock gene from Biology News Net
Doctors flunk quiz on screening-test math from
The New Old Age: Fighting Words Are Rarer Among British Doctors from NY Times Health
Combating chronic disease with edible flowers from Science Alert
Space Station Beams Down Earth Day Greetings | Video from
Alcohol blamed for thousands of new cancer cases annually in Ontario from CBC: Health
March was fourth hottest on record - except in the United States from CBSNews - Science
California’s extreme drought hits crops, livestock from CBC: Technology & Science
The Costs of Fresh Water in a Changing World (Op-Ed) from Live Science
32 Percent Of Canadian Adults Say They Were Abused As Kids
A Crack In The Cosmic Egg - What Does The Cosmic Inflation Discovery Really Mean?
Pain Curbs Sex Drive In Female Mice, But Not In Males
Researchers Identify Link Between Fetal Growth And Risk Of Stillbirth
Flipping the switch from Harvard Science
Submariners’ 'bio-duck' is probably a whale from
Cougars' diverse diet helped them survive the Pleistocene mass extinction from Physorg
The soft power of sailfish bills from News @ Nature
Mystery of Bizarre Duck-Like Ocean Sound Solved from Live Science
Sailfish Stealthily Slash Prey with Bills from Live Science
Hot Tchaikovsky: Fertile Women Prefer Complex Composers from Live Science
Mysterious Duck-Like Ocean Sound-Source Revealed | Video from Live Science
Video: Sailfish Star in Slasher Film from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Mystery of Quacking Caller in Antarctic Solved from Science NOW
If It Quacks Like a Duck, It Might Be a Whale from MSNBC: Science
Determined to Dive from NY Times Science
Lack of Oversight and Regulations Blamed in Texas Chemical Explosion from NY Times Science
Nearly 90% of Syria’s Chemical Arms Have Been Removed from NY Times Science
Mantis Shrimp: Cool Eyes, And Stronger Than Airplanes
Mystery of 'ocean quacks' solved from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cougars' Diverse Diet Helped Them Survive Pleistocene Mass Extinction from Newswise - Scinews
Early-Warning Telescope Could Detect Dangerous Asteroids from MSNBC: Science
Study in Europe eclipses notion home in the sun equals happiness from Reuters:Science
Massive Alberta bighorn might be biggest ever from CBC: Technology & Science
Where are all the boobies? from Science Alert
World Briefing: Ebola Outbreak in West Africa Kills Over 140, U.N. Agency Says from NY Times Health
Arkansas Senator Has Unplanned Heart Surgery from NY Times Health
Gilead Revenue Soars on Hepatitis C Drug from NY Times Health
DealBook: Seeking the Right Chemistry, Drug Makers Hunt for Mergers from NY Times Health
Economic Scene: Acceleration Is Forecast for Spending on Health from NY Times Health
With a Bullet: China's High-Speed Rail Dream Begins to take Flight (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Cougars’ diverse diet helped them survive extinction that killed saber-tooth, American lion from Science Blog