Archive of feed items published on the 26th of February 2014
Guan Yu Biography: Revered Chinese Warrior from Live Science
Tired of Blizzard Bloat? Reversing Winter Weight Gain (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Rattlesnake Facts from Live Science
Episodic Memory: Definition and Examples from Live Science
Health Check: How High Heels Harm and How to Make it Better (Op-Ed) from Live Science
There May Be Plant DNA Floating in your Blood (But That's OK) (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Keeping the world safe for miso soup and Brazilian beans, arctic seed vault welcomes new treasures from Physorg
Raise your glass to Oenococcus oeni, a real wine bug from Physorg
Apple files appeal in e-book antitrust case from Physorg
Key crops head to 'doomsday vault' from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA turns research to California drought from Physorg
Gazans turn to solar power as fuel crisis bites from Physorg
Fingerprint security convenient, but not flawless from Physorg
Northern spotted owls being ousted by barred owl invaders, study shows from Physorg
Greenpeace accuses P&G over Indonesian forest destruction from Physorg
Storm fears for iconic seabirds from BBC News: Science & Nature
Call to reverse tail docking ban from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hong Kong metro seats may be scrapped for smartphone space from Physorg
U.S. Ocean Scientists Search for Top Ten List from Science NOW
Extreme heat on the rise from
Concerned about kids' screen time? The antidote is nature from CBC: Health
Extreme heat days multiply despite global warming 'hiatus' from CBC: Technology & Science
Unnatural selection: Cities triggering genetic changes in wild things from CBC: Technology & Science
Climate Change Causes High but Predictable Extinction Risks from Newswise - Scinews
How To Reduce Autism By One Third
Hirudin from Chemistry World
Out on a LIM from Chemistry World
Ordinary conditioner removes head lice eggs as effectively as special products from Science Daily
Nuclear stiffness keeps stem cells, cancer cells in place from Science Daily
Ecotoxicity: All clear for silver nanoparticles? from Science Daily
New approach to chip design could yield light speed computing from Science Daily
Bullying black holes force galaxies to stay red and dead from Science Daily
Low power high performance radio frequency transceiver for enhanced wireless smart energy management from Science Daily
Smartphone-based voting technology may lead to fewer user errors from Science Daily
Malware? Software ensures 'what you see is what you send' from Science Daily
Climate engineering: Minor potential, major risk of side-effects? from Science Daily
Does solitary confinement fuel more crime? Study says no from Science Daily
Small start-up businesses in rural areas must hustle for loans from far-off banks from Science Daily
Scotland reduces post-code lottery for hip replacement surgery from Science Daily
New neurons generated in brains, spinal cords of living adult mammals from Science Daily
Byproducts of bacteria-causing gum disease incite oral cancer growth, study shows from Science Daily
Technique to create holes in graphene could improve water filters, desalination from Science Daily
Psychological side-effects of anti-depressants worse than thought from Science Daily
New record set for data-transfer speeds: Existing technology for short-range data transmission may be fast enough for years to come from Science Daily
Discovery of a 'conductor' in muscle development could impact on the treatment of muscular diseases from Science Daily
Filicide in the U.S.: First comprehensive statistical overview of tragic phenomenon from Science Daily
Horticulture: Multiple commercial uses of wireless sensor networks outlined in report from Science Daily
Reciprocity and parrots: Griffin the grey parrot appears to understand benefits of sharing, study suggests from Science Daily
How do you build a large-scale quantum computer? from Science Daily
Magnetic Medicine: Nanoparticles target cancer-fighting immune cells from Science Daily
Novel optical fibers transmit high-quality images from Science Daily
3-D printer creates transformative device for heart treatment from Science Daily
Eliminating maternal mortality in developing countries could extend women's life expectancy in reproductive ages from Science Daily
Breast-feeding benefits appear to be overstated, according to study of siblings from Science Daily
New risk gene illuminates Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
'Greener' aerogel technology holds potential for oil and chemical clean-up from Science Daily
Tiger lily heights controlled with flurprimidol preplant bulb soaks from Science Daily
First contagious airborne WiFi virus discovered from Science Daily
How did the universe begin? Hot Big Bang or slow thaw? from Science Daily
Ventriloquist delight: Scientists twist sound with metamaterials so sound appears to come from somewhere else from Science Daily
Water detected in a planet outside our solar system from Science Daily
Use of acetaminophen during pregnancy linked to ADHD in children, researchers say from Science Daily
System that automatically fills gaps in computer programmers' code gains power from Science Daily
Hurricane prediction: Real time forecast of Hurricane Sandy had track and intensity accuracy from Science Daily
Mentally ill more likely to be victims, not perpetrators, of violence, study shows from Science Daily
Anti-vaccine conspiracy theories may have 'detrimental consequences' for children's health from Science Daily
Using stolen computer processing cycles to mine Bitcoin from Science Daily
MERS virus widespread in Saudi Arabian camels: Coronavirus has been infecting the animals for at least 20 years from Science Daily
Strawberries lower cholesterol, study suggests from Science Daily
Improvement in polymers for aviation from Science Daily
Promising new option for first line of attack in lymphoma from Science Daily
Carbon dating uncovers forged Cubist painting from Science Daily
Ceausescu's flying bears: Molecular genetics provides evidence for an unusual dispersal mode in European brown bears from Science Daily
Rare form of nitrogen detected in comet ISON from Science Daily
The importance of (experimental) design from Science Daily
Cyclones and frost: Two climate change myths debunked from Science Daily
Silver gone astray: What concentration of silver ions disrupts biological processes in aquatic life? from Science Daily
Stand-alone facility for retrieving donated organs more efficient, less costly than hospital from Science Daily
It’s all water over the dam – but how, when it falls has huge impact on salmon from Science Daily
Drone shows new view of energy coal ash spill from Science Daily
Portable hydrogen fuel cell unit to provide green, sustainable power to Honolulu port from Science Daily
Fewer incidents of far-right, lone-wolf homicide since Sept. 11: Features of fatal extremist attacks identified from Science Daily
Despite lower levels of drinking, African-Americans encounter more problems, study finds from Science Daily
Genetic secret of mosquito resistance to DDT, bed net insecticides discovered from Science Daily
Success in generating skyrmion molecules and driving them under low current density from Science Daily
Now in 3-D: Video of virus-sized particle trying to enter cell from Science Daily
How mobile phones increased the digital divide from SciDev
China's foreigner investment from Chemistry World
Yellowstone spews out ancient helium from Chemistry World
Meteorite Fragments from Russian Fireball on Display 1 Year After Space Rock Explosion from
Dead Pigeons and the Universe's Birth: 5 Weird Facts About Big Bang Theory from
Huge Peanut-Shaped Asteroid Buzzes Earth in NASA Video from
Climate change causes high, but predictable, extinction risks from Physorg
Offshore wind farms could tame hurricanes before they reach land, study says from Physorg
Medicinal marijuana grow co-op planned by P.E.I. group from CBC: Health
Sick notes not necessary for short-term illness: MDs from CBC: Health
The Science Is In: Elephants Are Even Smarter Than We Realized from Scientific American
The Science of Selfies: A Five-City Comparison from National Geographic
British Storms Unbury an Ancient Welsh Forest from National Geographic
Fusion, and friction, and fields! Oh, my! The rich and ubiquitous world of fluid dynamics from Physorg
Tesla’s stock surges as electric car maker's Model S wins acclaim from CBC: Technology & Science
If You Are Scared Of BPA, JAMA Will Make You Happy
Hey Erdos, We Solved Your Really Hard Math Problem, But No You Can't Check Our Work
Research and applications of iron oxide nanoparticles from Physorg
Bayer ups dividend for 2013 from Physorg
Freescale introduces amazingly small ARM MCU from Physorg
Live Chat: Is Natural Gas an Energy Solution or a Climate Threat? from Science NOW
How scientists can maximise the impact of their research from SciDev
Vietnam on high alert over flu risk from News @ Nature
Crowd-sourcing: Strength in numbers from News @ Nature
Low power, high performance RF transceiver for wireless smart energy management and remote industrial monitoring from Physorg
The incentive and sorting effects of payroll secrecy from Physorg
Radar images of near-Earth asteroid 2006 DP14 from Physorg
Understanding the fundamental metabolic workings of a cell in a changing environment from Physorg
Quantifying global supply chain risks due to climate change from Physorg
How malware operators use infected computers to mine cryptocoins from Physorg
Do cyber charter schools help or hurt the educational system? from Physorg
Sentinel-1A radar satellite at launch site from Physorg
System evolves proteins continuously in the laboratory without researcher intervention from Physorg
One-pot synthesis transforms ubiquitous hydrocarbons into electron attractors from Physorg
Whales, ships more common through Bering Strait from Science Blog
New autism definition may decrease diagnosis by one-third from Science Blog
NSF-GFTC Training Services and Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) Partner to Bring Certified Food Scientist Preparatory Course to Canada from Newswise - Scinews
APS Elects New 2014 Officers from Newswise - Scinews
Fish Tacos--A Research Project Produces a Nutritional Lunch from Newswise - Scinews
White House announces $70M grant for digital manufacturing from Newswise - Scinews
Touchy-feely joystick heading to Space Station from European Space Agency
Most snow in hills 'in 69 years' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Grant helps gravitational waves hunt from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dangerous delivery problems dog chemical transport in China from Chemistry World
Indiana University data breach investigated from CBSNews - Science
Noisy oceans potentially driving whales away from prime habitat from Physorg
Cane toads demonstrating impressive adaptive abilities in Western Australia from Physorg
Secrets of the 'mermaid's purse' explored in new study from Physorg
Optical nanocavity to boost light absorption in semiconductors from Physorg
Biochemical pathways may be key to scab resistance from Physorg
Researcher seeks holistic understanding of disease resistance in maize from Physorg
Researchers collaborate to save the Tasmanian devil from Physorg
Caesar salad recalled over possible Listeria contamination from CBC: Health
George Washington Carver: More than ‘The Peanut Man’ from Science Blog
Magnesium may protect against hip fractures from Science Blog
Sketch: A self-completing programming system from Science Blog
‘Greener’ aerogel technology holds potential for oil and chemical clean-up from Science Blog
Exercise, surgically removing belly fat improves cognition in obese, diabetic mice from Science Blog
Suicide in apparently well-functioning young men from Science Blog
Brain cell activity regulates Alzheimer’s protein from Science Blog
Critics wary as Ottawa's responsible mining review set for release from CBC: Technology & Science
Meteorite May Harbor Evidence of Mars Life: Study from Live Science
Huge Peanut-Shaped Asteroid Buzzes Earth in NASA Video from Live Science
Mysterious Flashing 'Earthquake Lights' Maybe Explained from Live Science
Science in court: Disease detectives from News @ Nature
Rabbit heart gets full electrode jacket from
Material technology that can increase performance of fuel cells from Physorg
How magnetic crustal fields affect planets from Physorg
Satellites to study fundamental phenomenon of magnetic reconnection from Physorg
Pushy black holes stop elliptical galaxies from forming stars from Physorg
Reciprocal behaviour in non-human primates a balancing act between fairness and empathy (w/ Video) from Physorg
Growing cells with 3D microgels from Physorg
Individual ecosystems survived the largest known mass extinction event from Physorg
Benefits of smart grids could bypass consumers, new report warns from Physorg
Data storage capacity is enhanced by mixing hard and soft magnetic materials from Physorg
Nickel-foam-supported carbon-nanotube electrode offers improved performance for lightweight lithium batteries from Physorg
Plant DNA in blood samples no cause for concern from Physorg
Largest ever space camera is ready to map a billion stars from Physorg
Health sector should learn from banks when it comes to service from CBC: Health
Self-administration of flu vaccine with a patch may be on its way from Science Blog
Lake Erie's algae blooms threaten its survival from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists Team with High School on Oil Spill Research from Newswise - Scinews
Peaks and Valleys | Wallpaper from Live Science
Bloodhound Diary: Stopping is compulsory from BBC News: Science & Nature
Roche disputes unethical East German trial claims from Chemistry World
West cashes in on resources boom, but inequality also up from Physorg
Novel laser produces random mid-infrared light for improved imaging applications from Physorg
Report shows potential for job creation by wind energy sector from Physorg
An atom smasher's farewell sets stage for new physics era from Physorg
Better remote-sensing explosive detectors: The beginning of the end of full-body scanners? from Physorg
Research reveals the mechanisms that guide the fate of individual embryonic cells from Physorg
Digital music to feel impact of Big Data from Physorg
So-called global warming 'pause' misleading, study suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple issues Mac OS X fix for security flaw from CBC: Technology & Science
Young Cosmic Cluster | Space Wallpaper from
Space History Photo: Icing Research Photos from
Solar X-Flare Spitfire Seen By Multiple Spacecraft | Video from
Chronicler of poverty from Harvard Science
A transformative TV role from Harvard Science
U.S. Ocean Scientists Search for Top 10 List from Science NOW
Guidelines show how to integrate science in development from SciDev
Scientist-versus-activist debates mislead the public from News @ Nature
Fingerprint security on Samsung Galaxy S5, others, convenient but not flawless from CBSNews - Science
Researchers advance algae's viability as a biofuel from Physorg
Incentives are coming for payments by phones from Physorg
Does your iPod make you socially isolated? from Physorg
Gadget Watch: Noise reduction in new Sony phone from Physorg
Fighting the rise of the app attackers from Physorg
Thirty-nine new species of endemic cockroach discovered in the southwestern US and Mexico from Physorg
How birds' visual perception influences flower evolution from Physorg
Study of jaw mechanics shows tetrapods still fed underwater from Physorg
Whales, ships more common through Bering Strait from Physorg
SMA unveils how small cosmic seeds grow into big stars from Physorg
Prices under pressure as global smartphone sales slow from Physorg
Merkel warned of German scientists 'brain drain' from Physorg
Scientists blend synthetic air to measure climate change from Physorg
Decline of Bronze Age 'megacities' linked to climate change from Physorg
Researchers say fear of death may curb youthful texting and driving from Physorg
Software maps ambiguous names in texts to the right person from Physorg
Marine scientists identify lobsters' ancestors from Physorg
Study probes how nanoparticles bind to blood proteins at interfaces from Physorg
Quebec Ritalin shortage prompts call for Health Canada changes from CBC: Health
Lessons on salt for dietitians ... by a chip maker from AP Health
Spitzer Stares into the Heart of New Supernova in M82 from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Dogs feel no shame despite the look from CBC: Technology & Science
Language of Love: Matching Conjunctions, Pronouns Could Spell a Match Better than Good Looks and Fast Cars from Newswise - Scinews
Giant Black Holes May Stall Star Birth in 'Red and Dead' Galaxies from
Mysterious Egyptian Spiral Seen on Google Maps from
Astronaut Watches Stunning Moonset from Orbit from
NASA Discusses Spacesuit Leak, Safety Today: Listen Live @ 2 p.m. ET from
Photos: Searching for Ireland's 17th-century 'Pirate Alliance' from Live Science
Facebook Tops List of 25 Best Companies for Internships from Live Science
What Is Flex Fuel? from Live Science
New Film Tells Tale of Giant Particle Smasher | Video from Live Science
Roman 'gladiator school' recreated from BBC News: Science & Nature
The mystery of the missing fish heads from
Wind Farms: Negative Effect On Climate Change Is Overblown
First Wave And Adult Wave: Adolescent Girls And Adult Women Have Different Eggs
AIDA Software Makes Vague Online Searching More Accurate
Seven days: 21–27 February 2014 from News @ Nature
Shaming Your Dog? The Laugh is on You from MSNBC: Science
Google Glass sparks altercation at San Francisco bar from CBSNews - Science
Ritalin shortage prompts call for Health Canada changes from CBC: Health
Researchers Show Improved Appeal of Sterile Flies That Save Valued Food Crops from Newswise - Scinews
UNC Researchers Team Up to Find New Target for Dengue Virus Vaccine from Newswise - Scinews
The 'People's Map of Mars': Name a Red Planet Crater for $5 from
Arrgh! Adventures of 17th-Century Pirate Alliance Uncovered in Ireland from Live Science
Africa’s firms revealed as innovative but unsupported from SciDev
Got a Name for a Crater on Mars? You Can Put It on Uwingu's List from MSNBC: Science
Quantum Dropleton: Weird New Particle Acts Like Liquid from Live Science
The Best Genealogy Software for Tracing Your Family Tree from Live Science
Meet the Dropleton—a “Quantum Droplet” That Acts Like a Liquid from Scientific American
Hundreds of New Exoplanets Validated by Kepler Telescope Team from Scientific American
Quantum droplet discovered from
Kepler data confirm 715 new exoplanets from
Five California children have polio-like symptoms from
Autonomous drones flock like birds from News @ Nature
Radiation levels fall after nuclear waste leak in New Mexico from News @ Nature
NASA unveils exoplanet haul from News @ Nature
Researchers Trap Moths with Plant-Produced Sex Pheromone from Newswise - Scinews
Join the Crowd: Florida State University Moves to Digitize Biodiversity Research Specimens from Newswise - Scinews
Ambitious New Pollution Targets Needed to Protect Lake Erie From Massive 'Dead Zone' from Newswise - Scinews
Double Earth-Size Exoplanet Found In System's Habitable Zone | Orbit Animation from
Population of Known Alien Planets Nearly Doubles as NASA Discovers 715 New Worlds from
Reproductive coercion, intimate partner violence prevalent from Science Daily
Gamma Knife helps patients with painful facial nerve disorder from Science Daily
Decline of bronze age 'megacities' linked to climate change from Science Daily
Thirty-nine new species of endemic cockroach discovered in the southwestern US and Mexico from Science Daily
Replicating motions of the heart: Artificial muscles that do the twist set the stage for soft robotics from Science Daily
Superabsorbing design may lower manufacturing cost of thin film solar cells from Science Daily
Causal link found between vitamin D, serotonin synthesis and autism in new study from Science Daily
Language of love: Matching conjunctions, pronouns could spell a match better than good looks and fast cars from Science Daily
Obesity rates in 2- to 5-year-olds improve, although overall obesity rates remain unchanged, U.S. study shows from Science Daily
Algae's viability as a biofuel advanced from Science Daily
Hormone therapy linked to better survival after lung cancer diagnosis in women from Science Daily
Different eggs in adolescent girls, adult women from Science Daily
Two micro mechanisms that regulate immune system uncovered from Science Daily
Where have all the codfish gone? Research suggests food source loss has contributed from Science Daily
Scientists blend synthetic air to measure climate change from Science Daily
Whales, ships more common through Bering Strait from Science Daily
Self-administration of flu vaccine with a patch may be feasible, study suggests from Science Daily
Fish tacos: A nutritional lunch from Science Daily
Offshore wind farms could tame hurricanes before they reach land from Science Daily
How small cosmic seeds grow into big stars from Science Daily
Did five years of drought lead to two years of revolution in Syria? from Science Daily
'Super-Earths' may be dead worlds: Being in habitable zone is not enough from Science Daily
Glimmer of light in the search for dark matter from Science Daily
Creating complex nanoparticles in one easy step from Science Daily
New autism definition may decrease diagnosis by one third from Science Daily
Climate change causes high but predictable extinction risks from Science Daily
Brain cell activity regulates Alzheimer's protein from Science Daily
Risk of HIV infection high during pregnancy, the postpartum period from Science Daily
Mass strandings of marine mammals blamed on toxic algae: Clues unearthed in ancient whale graveyard from Science Daily
Skin cancer risk may have driven evolution of black skin from Science Daily
'Team of rivals' approach works for sparrows defending territories from Science Daily
Study of jaw mechanics sheds new light on early tetrapod feeding habits from Science Daily
Brainstem discovered as important relay site after stroke from Science Daily
Better Nurse Staffing, Education Reduces Patient Deaths in European Hospitals from Science Daily
Continuous handling of receipts linked to higher urine BPA levels from Science Daily
Blood transfusion for PCI associated with increased risk of cardiac event from Science Daily
Patient-centered medical home program results in little improvement in quality from Science Daily
MMR vaccine linked to lower rate of infection-related hospital admissions from Science Daily
Simple waiting room test can help diagnose depression, anxiety from Science Daily
New clues found to preventing lung transplant rejection from Science Daily
Blood pressure should be measured in both arms, evidence shows from Science Daily
Rivalry helps fruit flies maintain brainpower from
ScienceShot: 'Super-Earths' May Not Be So Super for Life from Science NOW
ScienceShot: More Babies, More Problems from Science NOW
Astronomers Find 715 More Planets Amid Crippled Probe's Data from MSNBC: Science
Can drones help drought crisis? from CBSNews - Science
New Space Station Photos Show North Korea at Night, Cloaked in Darkness from National Geographic
CreatureCast: Two Urchins, Similar but Not from NY Times Science
Nuclear Waste Repository Set to Reopen After Leak from NY Times Science
California Endangered Species: Plastic Bags from NY Times Science
National Briefing | West: California: NASA Aids Drought War from NY Times Science
Lewis Yablonsky, Sociologist Fascinated by Sociopaths, Dies at 89 from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Feelings, Facts, Food and Genetic Engineering – A Fresh Look from NY Times Science
Researchers say ovulation alters women's economic decisions from Physorg
Characterization of stink bug saliva proteins opens door to controlling pests from Physorg
NASA cries planetary 'bonanza' with 715 new worlds from Physorg
Sony to close two-thirds of US stores from Physorg
Major enigma solved in atmospheric chemistry from Physorg
Pine forest particles appear out of thin air, influence climate from Physorg
Ambitious new pollution targets needed to protect Lake Erie from massive 'dead zone' from Physorg
Researchers trap moths with plant-produced sex pheromone from Physorg
Physicists discover 'quantum droplet' in semiconductor from Physorg
Spacesuit Near-Drowning Could Have Been Avoided, NASA Says from MSNBC: Science
These dog walkers will never lose your dog, thanks to GPS from CBC: Technology & Science
North Korea: Heart of Darkness from Live Science
Beta-Catenin Alters T Cells in Lasting and Harmful Ways from Newswise - Scinews
Kepler Space Telescope's Alien Planet Bonanza Explained (Infographic) from
NASA announces mother lode of new planets: 715 from AP Science
Ovulation Motivates Women To Outdo Other Women
Snake Nebula Cosmic Seeds Grow Into Massive Stars
A Breakthrough in Planet Discoveries from Science @ NASA
Storms 'slaughter' kills over 21,000 birds on French coast from Physorg
eBay: attacker Icahn 'dead wrong' about company from Physorg
New gas-phase compounds form organic particle ingredients from Physorg
CityPass offers visitors 5 Tampa Bay locations from Physorg
Hubble monitors supernova in nearby galaxy M82 from Physorg
MasterCard, Syniverse to use geolocation for card security from Physorg
Space suit leak happened before, NASA admits from Physorg
Women get super-competitive once a month from Science Blog
Hansen's Climate Science and Advocacy Project Under Way from Science NOW
Internet price war launched in France as consolidation looms from Physorg
Four GOES-R instruments ready for integration from Physorg
Will Rain Make A Dent? California Drought By The Numbers from MSNBC: Science
Study shows why breastfed babies are so smart from Science Blog
Fuzzy Shrub's 'Shooting' Stars Come into Focus (Photo) from Live Science
715 New Worlds: How They Were Found | Video from
Lights Out for North Korea: Space Photo Reveals Country's Isolation from
Number of Known Planets Takes A Giant Leap | Video from
Kepler bags huge haul of planets from BBC News: Science & Nature
Pine smell 'limits' climate change from BBC News: Science & Nature
Finding a quantum way to make free will possible from
No warming hiatus for extreme hot temperatures from Physorg
'Super-Earths' may be dead worlds from Physorg
Still-fresh remnants of Exxon Valdez oil protected by boulders from Physorg
Barnes & Noble rejects bid, mulls Nook plans from Physorg
Physician says doctors are 'drowning in paperwork' from CBC: Health
OPINION: The challenge of the modern scientist is to avoid career suicide from Science Alert
FEATURE: Wind turbines could put the brakes on hurricanes from Science Alert
Experimental Psoriasis Treatment Shows Promise from Live Science
Dads' Age Linked with Kids' Mental Health Problems from Live Science
The Secret to Landing a Job After Graduation? Experience from Live Science
Harvested rainwater harbors pathogens from Physorg
Target faces big costs related to security breach from Physorg
A look at the changing obesity landscape for kids from AP Health
Teens' indoor tanning tied to other risky behavior from AP Health
In praise of the Institute’s unsung heroes from MIT Research
Antarctic Circumpolar Current Carries 20 Percent More Water Than Previous Estimates from Newswise - Scinews
Vicious Cycle of Weight Gain, Inactivity Causes Obesity from Live Science
China's 'Jade Rabbit' Moon Rover Stars in Stunning Lunar Panorama (Photos) from
The Science Is In: Elephants Are Even Smarter Than We Realized [Video] from Scientific American
Experimental vaccines protect children from hand, foot and mouth disease from
Climate Change Linked To Indus Civilization Decline
Stop Taking Ecstasy, You Dummies
Breast Milk Is Not Why Breastfed Babies Are Smarter
"Motherlode" of Alien Worlds Unveiled by Space Telescope from National Geographic
Study finds social-media messages grow terser during major events from Physorg
Researchers make a water filter from the sapwood in tree branches from Physorg
Cows are smarter when raised in pairs from Physorg
Impact on mummy skull suggests murder from Physorg
Waterbirds' hunt aided by specialized tail from Physorg
German study finds cannabis use triggered 2 deaths from AP Health
Baby's Rare Brain Tumor Had Teeth from Live Science
C-Sections May Boost Child's Risk of Obesity from Live Science
Mummy Murder Mystery Solved: Incan Woman's Head Smashed from Live Science
In Images: The Mummy of A Murdered Incan Woman from Live Science
Chinese Man Sues Government Over Air Pollution from Live Science
German study finds cannabis use triggered 2 deaths from AP Science
Scientists pinpoint exotic new particle called quantum droplet from Reuters:Science
The Science Way To Reduce Animal Testing In Science
ScienceShot: Glowing Trash May Be Becoming Fish Food from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Mystery Mummy Was Ritually Murdered from Science NOW
Rain and Snow Satellite Set to Launch from Science @ NASA
715 new planets discovered by NASA from CBC: Technology & Science
Humans Have a Poor Memory for Sound from Newswise - Scinews
Texas A&M Researchers Part Of Team Developing Cost-Saving Technology For U.S. Military from Newswise - Scinews
Population of Known Alien Planets Nearly Doubles as NASA Discovers 715 New Worlds from Live Science
U.S. space telescope spots 715 more planets from Reuters:Science
FDA Panel Weighs Controversial Assisted Reproduction Technique from Science NOW
Spotted seal study reveals sensitive hearing in air and water from Physorg
DNA blood tests show prenatal screening promise from AP Health
Spacesuit Leak That Nearly Drowned Astronaut Could Have Been Avoided from
3D microgels 'on-demand' offer new potential for cell research from Biology News Net
Photopharmacology: Optoswitches turn pain off and sight on from Biology News Net
Scientists More Certain Than Ever on Climate Change, Report Says from MSNBC: Science
Heroin overdose antidote: Who gets to carry it? from AP Health
Second-hand Smoke Linked to Increased Risk of Miscarriage, Stillbirth from Live Science
Ancient Gladiator School Found in Austria from Live Science
Continued Education and Outreach Key to Achieving Widespread Results: Statement from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics in Wake of New Childhood Obesity Rates Study from Newswise - Scinews
The science of love … and why some couples last for life from Science Blog
Mummy Murder Mystery: Incan Woman Victim of Foul Play from MSNBC: Science
Runaway Pulsar Sports 37 Light-Year-Long Tail | Video from
Meet the Dropleton, Weird New Particle Created by Scientists from MSNBC: Science
Achilles Ear: Our Recall For Sounds Is Worse Than For Sight And Touch
National policies advance as climate summit approaches from News @ Nature
Q&A on electronic communications policies from Harvard Science
NASA oversight led to spacewalker's near drowning, panel finds from Reuters:Science
Huge study links older dads with kids' psych woes from AP Health
'Dropleton' quasiparticle makes its debut from Physics World
California Couple Strike Gold and Find $10 Million in Coins from National Geographic
Dolphins at risk from boat race from Science Alert
Cane toads cool down in dams from Science Alert
Study backs DNA tests for disorders in low-risk pregnancies from LA Times - Science
Well: New DNA Test Better at Predicting Some Disorders in Babies, Study Finds from NY Times Health
Mental Illness Risk Higher for Children of Older Fathers, Study Finds from NY Times Health
The New Old Age: A Shortage of Caregivers from NY Times Health
Phys Ed: How to Get Fit in a Few Minutes a Week from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Gluten Free Penne With Peas, Ricotta and Tarragon from NY Times Health
Aid Group Sees Daunting Obstacles to Health Care for Afghans from NY Times Health
Your Money Adviser: Study Finds Limited Benefit to Some ‘Medical Homes’ from NY Times Health
InterMune Lung Drug Is Successful In New Trial from NY Times Health
From Kepler Data, Astronomers Find Galaxy Filled With More but Smaller Worlds from NY Times Science
Social media’s ‘law’ of short messages from MIT Research
Need a water filter? Peel a tree branch from MIT Research
RXTE Reveals The Cloudy Cores Of Active Galaxies
NuSTAR Helps Untangle How Stars Explode
HPV Vaccination Is Associated With Reduced Risk Of Cervical Lesions In Denmark
Food Packaging Chemicals May Be Harmful To Human Health Over Long Term
Forest Model Predicts Canopy Competition
Troubled Bitcoin exchange CEO sill in Japan, 'working very hard' from CBC: Technology & Science
Monitor on Wilmington home's roof to provide air-quality answers from LA Times - Science