Archive of feed items published on the 22nd of August 2013
When A New Technology Saved The French Wine Industry
Study seeks super agers' secrets to brain health from AP Health
An entrepreneur aims to work in Africa from MIT Research
Former astronaut C. Gordon Fullerton dies from Physorg
How does your garden grow? from Physorg
Fukushima workers checking 300 tanks for more leaks from Physorg
NSA reveals more secrets after court order from Physorg
'Boyfriend Tracker' app raises stir in Brazil from Physorg
Canada uses drones to drive away geese from Physorg
Mystery Virus That’s Killed 47 Is Tied to Bats in Saudi Arabia from NY Times Science
Green Column: Wind Farms Take Root Out at Sea from NY Times Science
An Effort to Expand Access to a Drug That Could Save Victims of Overdoses from NY Times Science
Apple's grip on China tablet market loosens from Physorg
Titan Aerospace readies solar-powered, long-endurance UAVs from Physorg
Fukushima 'much worse' than reported from BBC News: Science & Nature
Archaeologists uncover lost Roman outpost in southern Jordan from Physorg
Predicting when lightning will strike from Physorg
'Causal overdetermination' provides middle ground for courts from Physorg
Test-tube babies: A simpler, cheaper technique? from AP Health
Finnish researchers develop quick test kit for detecting phenolic compounds in drinking water from Physorg
Relating animals to humans could help conservation projects from Physorg
NASA crashes helicopter to study safety from Physorg
NASA spacecraft reactivated to hunt for asteroids: Probe will assist agency in search for candidates to explore from Physorg
Freeing pet catfish can devastate ecosystems from Physorg
New figures reveal extent of cybercrime risk to UK population from Physorg
Software arranges photo lighting after the shoot from Physorg
What's for dinner on Mars? from Physorg
US Circumcision Rate Drops Over Last 3 Decades from Live Science
The limits of phenomenology from Physorg
One of UK's rarest bats spotted in Wiltshire woods from Physorg
Fragrant attraction brings fish to the hook from Physorg
More efficient and economical capture of power plant carbon dioxide emissions from Physorg
California's iconic redwoods in danger from fire and infectious disease from Physorg
Research determines financial viabililty of solar power plants from Physorg
Chemical engineers' research may lead to inexpensive, flexible solar cells (w/ Video) from Physorg
NASA Resurrecting Old Space Telescope to Hunt Asteroids from
Is China's Space Program Shaping a Celestial Empire? from
Air Force Vet Entrepreneur Wages War on Clutter from Live Science
U.S. proposes offshore safety overhaul from UPI
Radar images of asteroid 2005 WK4 from Physorg
Boys suffer from their fathers' long working hours from Physorg
NASA Goddard plays major role in NASA lunar mission from Physorg
Researchers help develop sustainable bioenergy across the Americas from Physorg
Mastering microbunching for linac-based light sources from Physorg
Deadly virus found in tomb bat from BBC News: Science & Nature
VIDEO: Condors freed after poisoning scare from BBC News: Science & Nature
Proposed Rules For Fracking On Public Lands Lack Scientific Merit
Researchers unlock genetic twist in differences in horn size with sheep from Physorg
An exploration of social identity: The structure of the BBC news-sharing community on twitter from Physorg
Two Russians spacewalking again 260 miles up from Physorg
Doing the math 'predicts' which movies will be box office hits from Physorg
Britain and Norway avoid the 'carbon curse' of fuel-rich countries from Physorg
Cosmonauts Spacewalking Outside Space Station Today: Watch It Live Online from
Assessing the sustainability of aquaculture production from Physorg
Women at NASA manage novel hurricane mission from Physorg
Removing indoor pollution: Researcher helps create sun-powered solution to toxic air in many lands from Physorg
Two become one with the 3-D NanoChemiscope from Physorg
Wideband wavelength conversion using cavity optomechanics from Physorg
Particle physics-inspired art installation opens in London ice well from Physorg
Researcher looks for link between steroids and team conflict in major league baseball from Physorg
Chemistry textbook is a recipe collection for future pharma from Physorg
Well: At the Chiropractor, Well-Adjusted Pets from NY Times Health
U.P.S. to End Health Benefits for Spouses of Some Workers from NY Times Health
Lunchables, the Lunchbox King, Faces a Rival Vowing Higher-Quality Fare from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Greens and Garlic Frittata to Go from NY Times Health
Well: U.S. Circumcision Rates Are Declining from NY Times Health
Science unlimited from Chemistry World
Matter: As Humans Change Landscape, Brains of Some Animals Change, Too from NY Times Science
Energy drink age ban backed by CMA from CBC: Health
CNE cronut burger stand stays closed amid public health probe from CBC: Health
Food source for whales, seals and penguins at risk: Warming Antarctic seas likely to impact on krill habitats from Science Daily
Hunter-gatherers' taste for spice revealed from Science Daily
Drug swap drives down costs from Science Daily
The Roller Coaster Ups And Downs Of The World's Helium Supply [Infographic] from PopSci
Penguins Thrived in Antarctica During Little Ice Age from Live Science
Wheelchair for developing countries designed by students from Physorg
Sentiment in New York City: A high resolution spatial and temporal view from Physorg
Fishery bounce back informs on seagrass importance from Physorg
Bid made for cull zone injunction from BBC News: Science & Nature
Volleyball players use "the force" from CBSNews - Science
Brain size may signal risk of developing an eating disorder from Science Daily
Human brains are hardwired for empathy, friendship from Science Daily
Wikipedia Data Predicts Movie Blockbusters (Infographic) from Live Science
New Telescope Tech Takes Sharpest Night Sky Photos Ever from Live Science
Earth Waves at Saturn in Colossal NASA Collage (Photo) from Live Science
Relating animals to humans could help conservation projects from Science Blog
Human brains are hardwired for empathy, friendship, study shows from Science Blog
Prison education cuts recidivism and improves employment from Science Blog
Drug substitutions could mean big savings for patients, gov’t from Science Blog
Brain size may signal risk of developing an eating disorder from Science Blog
First genetic study of stretch marks from Science Blog
A mother’s genes influence her child’s ageing from Science Blog
Archaeological technique gives insight into the day before death from Science Blog
Old concrete can protect nature from Science Blog
NASA space telescope rebooted as asteroid hunter from CBC: Technology & Science
New crowdfund plan aids startups with expertise, cash from Physorg
Hindcast experiments capture long-term climate fluctuations from Physorg
Australian endangered species: Leatherback Turtle from Physorg
Creating a secure, private Internet and cloud at the tactical edge from Physorg
3-D Earth model more accurately pinpoints source of earthquakes, explosions from Physorg
Old concrete can protect nature from Physorg
Beetles modify emissions of greenhouse gases from cow pats from Physorg
6,100-year-old crock pot has earliest evidence of food spicing (and it's still delicious) from MSNBC: Science
Russian spacewalkers stumped by faulty equipment from MSNBC: Science
To determine stars' physical traits, Kepler sees the light from
Simple mix of rock and organic waste is powerful fertilizer from Science Daily
Breast is best: Good bacteria arrive from mum's gut via breast milk from Science Daily
Family history of diabetes increases the risk of prediabetes by 26 percent, with effect most evident in non-obese from Science Daily
Flu shot may halve heart attack risk in middle aged with narrowed arteries from Science Daily
Ecologists get first bumblebees' eye view of the landscape from Science Daily
New Clues To Why Some Autistic Kids Are So Good At Math from PopSci
NASA Resurrecting Old Space Telescope to Hunt Asteroids from Live Science
Grandmothers who raise their grandkids struggle with depression from Science Blog
Researchers get around bad gap problem with graphene by using negative differential resistance from Physorg
A solar magnetic reversal means there's no need to flip out—yet from Physorg
US teens love apps, not tracking from Physorg
Researchers find mother beetles eat young that beg too much from Physorg
Next-generation vascular stents from Chemistry World
Bat Out of Hell? Egyptian Tomb Bat May Harbor MERS Virus from Science NOW
Science is for the birds from CBSNews - Science
Smart spoon may help stabilize Parkinson's tremors from CBSNews - Science
Crooks use cyberattacks on banks to steal millions from CBSNews - Science
MERS virus fragment found in bat from Saudi Arabia from CBC: Health
Half of all UK 7 year olds not exercising for recommended minimum from Science Daily
A virus changes its stripes: Human outbreak of eastern equine encephalitis from Science Daily
Red delicious or wolf apple? Brazilian savanna fruits high in antioxidants from Science Daily
Depressed people have a more accurate perception of time from Science Daily
Pre-war insect hunters help to save our pollinators from Science Daily
Bizarre 'Sea Monster' Mystery Solved from Live Science
Borderland | Wallpaper from Live Science
Test-tube babies: A simpler, cheaper technique? from AP Science
Astronaut Sees 'UFO' Near Space Station (Video) from
Space History Photo: Apollo 13 Astronauts Practice Moonwalk at KSC from
Potential for successful climate predictions: Hindcast experiments capture long-term climate fluctuations from Science Daily
Engaging in a brief cultural activity can reduce implicit prejudice from Science Daily
Old concrete can protect lakes and streams from phosphorus-laden run-off from Science Daily
Relating animals to humans could help conservation projects from Science Daily
Beetles modify emissions of greenhouse gases from cow pats from Science Daily
Process devised for ultrathin carbon membranes from Science Daily
Fragrant attraction brings fish to the hook from Science Daily
Early Balding May Be Linked with Lou Gehrig's Disease from Live Science
GEM's 1,000 Years of Earthquakes | Video from Live Science
Protein changes linked to symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease from Science Blog
German grain harvest higher despite floods from Physorg
Sticking power of plant polyphenols used in new coatings from Physorg
Process devised for ultrathin carbon membranes from Physorg
Well-being not a priority for workaholics, researcher says from Physorg
Gordon Fullerton, Space Shuttle Test Pilot, Dies at 76 from
Astronaut Luca Parmitano Recounts His 'Fishbowl' Experience | Video from
IVF technique could be simpler, scientists say from CBC: Health
Boys suffer from their fathers' long working hours from Science Daily
More efficient and economical capture of power plant carbon dioxide emissions from Science Daily
Shaundra Daily: Computing In The Realm of Emotions | Video from Live Science
Medieval Poison Ring Uncovered in Bulgaria from Live Science
Schizophrenia symptoms linked to faulty ‘switch’ in the brain from Science Blog
MERS-CoV found in bat; hunt for other sources goes on from Science Blog
Creating plants that make their own fertilizer from Science Blog
Wolves howl because they care from Physorg
Physicist proves impossibility of quantum time crystals from Physorg
Gigantic mola mola fish washes ashore in St. Andrews from CBC: Technology & Science
In Memoriam: Former Astronaut Gordon Fullerton | Video from
J&J buys Aragon’s prostate cancer arm from Chemistry World
'Space beads' push back origins of iron working from
Decoding the Call of the Wild from Science NOW
ScienceShot: How to Spot Crappy Coffee from Science NOW
Light, bright, and modern from Harvard Science
Wolves Howl to 'Keep in Touch' with Friends from Live Science
'Foam Party' Linked to Eye Injuries from Live Science
Machines Deepen Understanding of Human Emotions from Live Science
Study offers insight into Saharan dust migration from Physorg
NASA Seeking New Uses for Apollo-Shuttle Era Launch Platforms from
Howling wolves gives clue to top dog from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists: Meteorite Beads Oldest Example of Metalwork from National Geographic
Why do wolves howl? They may be missing their friends or leaders from MSNBC: Science
Podcast: Predicting Suicide, the Secrets of a Wolf’s Howl, and More from Science NOW
Poachers kill rare rhinos in India as drones halted from Physorg
Yahoo shares gain as it tops Web traffic from Physorg
Better management of free time ensures happier retirement from Physorg
Study Helps Explain Why People with Red Hair Have A Higher Risk of Developing Melanoma from Newswise - Scinews
Hubble Takes Movies of Space Slinky from Newswise - Scinews
Spacewalk Photos: Cosmonauts Work Outside Space Station (Aug. 22, 2013) from
Chemical Warfare, From Rome to Syria. A Time Line. from National Geographic
Fossil Insects Tweak Date of Deadly “Atlantis” Eruption from National Geographic
Lonely wolf? Wolves howl when they miss their friends from MSNBC: Science
A Designer Protein That Loves Metal from C&EN
Cosmonauts run into glitch during spacewalk from CBSNews - Science
Endangered green sea turtles nesting season threatened by light pollution from CBSNews - Science
Wolves howl because they care from Science Daily
Mending a broken heart? Non-beating human cells transformed into heart-muscle cells from Science Daily
Space slinky: Jet of superheated gas -- 5,000 light-years long -- ejected from supermassive black hole from Science Daily
Why people with red hair have a higher risk of developing melanoma from Science Daily
Watch Somebody Pilot A Drone With Google Glass from PopSci
In Photos: F-35 Fighter Jet Makes 1st Vertical Night Landing from Live Science
Astronomers use Hubble images for movies featuring space slinky from Physorg
Possible shipwreck artifact to get CT scan for age from Physorg
The 'whole' problem with recycling from Physorg
'One Way Astronaut' Film Follows Aspiring Mars Colonists from
Mystery settlers, whoever they were, reached islands before Vikings from MSNBC: Science
Unraveling the mystery of Saharan dust migration from Science Daily
How SARS virus hijacks host cells from Science Daily
Human Urban Activity Makes Animals Develop Bigger Brains from PopSci
Video: Chelsea Manning: Bradley's new identity from CBSNews - Science
NASA releases pictures of Earth waving at Saturn from CBSNews - Science
Flight of the bumblebee decoded from News @ Nature
The 'whole' problem with recycling from Science Daily
How hormones and microbes drive the gender bias in autoimmune diseases from Science Daily
Sticking power of plant polyphenols used in new coatings from Science Daily
Better management of free time ensures happier retirement from Science Daily
Well-being not a priority for workaholics from Science Daily
Quick test kit detects phenolic compounds in drinking water from Science Daily
Pop! Bursting the bubble on carbonation from Science Daily
The World's Most Precise Clocks: 100 Times More Precise Than Cesium Atomic Clocks from PopSci
Nice Curves: Hill Shape Reveals Secrets of Earth Beneath from Live Science
New Atomic Clocks Could Solve Fundamental Physics Conundrums from Live Science
5 Health Risks of Being a Redhead from Live Science
Why Redheads Are at Higher Risk for Melanoma from Live Science
Wikipedia Can Predict Box-Office Hits from Live Science
A Supergiant Star Goes Missing, and a Supernova Mystery Is Solved from Scientific American
Jekyll and Hyde: motion may explain similar enzymes' divergence from Physorg
Kenya jails Chinese ivory smuggler in landmark ruling from Physorg
Lawyer: UK mounts criminal inquiry into NSA leaks from Physorg
Researchers figure out why gold nanoparticles can penetrate cell walls from Physorg
New risk model sheds light on arsenic risk in China's groundwater from Physorg
NIST ytterbium atomic clocks set record for stability from Physorg
Morphing manganese from Physorg
Fukushima nuclear plant disaster goes from bad to worse from CBC: Technology & Science
Nasdaq halts trading because of technical issues from CBC: Technology & Science
Hubble Takes Movies of 'Space Slinky' | Video from
Curtain of Stars | Space Wallpaper from
Cold climate helps southern penguins from BBC News: Science & Nature
Glue-spitting velvet worms: There are more out there than you think from MSNBC: Science
Drug delivery: Why gold nanoparticles can penetrate cell walls from Science Daily
Morphing manganese: New discovery alters understanding of chemistry that moves elements through natural world from Science Daily
Ytterbium atomic clocks set record for stability from Science Daily
An Earthquake GEM: Big Data May Prevent Deaths from Live Science
BMI Not a Good Measure of Healthy Body Weight, Researchers Argue from Live Science
Megaquake aftershocks pose lasting danger from CBC: Technology & Science
Spacewalking Cosmonauts Wave Russia's Flag in Orbit, Tackle Faulty Gear from
Astronaut recounts near-drowning experience during spacewalk from Reuters:Science
Former NASA astronaut and test pilot Fullerton dies at 76 from UPI
Short Takeoff/Vertical Landing Jet Conducts Tests On Aircraft Carrier | Video from Live Science
F-35 Makes First Nighttime Hover Landing On Aircraft Carrier | Video from Live Science
Security watchdog says agency may be spying on Canadians from CBC: Technology & Science
Yahoo gets more U.S. visitors than Google in July from CBC: Technology & Science
'Iron Man' exoskeleton could give astronauts superhuman strength from MSNBC: Science
Cosmonauts complete spacewalk from CBSNews - Science
NASA releases new imagery of asteroid mission from Science Daily
Computer simulations indicate calcium carbonate has a dense liquid phase from Science Daily
Map carved onto surface of ostrich egg may be oldest showing New World from UPI
Archaeologists try their hand at winemaking -- ancient Roman style from UPI
The World's Fastest Dog Vs. The World's Fastest Cat [Video] from PopSci
Millennials Love Living With Their Parents [Infographic] from PopSci
Single Injection May Revolutionize Melanoma Treatment from Science Blog
Chopping wood boosts testosterone more than soccer from Science Blog
More than 300,000 affected by Sudan floods: WHO from Physorg
To protect Amazon, Colombia enlarges nature reserve from Physorg
Yahoo passed Google in US Web visitors in July from Physorg
NASA image: Agricultural fires in central Africa from Physorg
NASA catches Typhoon Trami's landfall in China from Physorg
A Pacific-wide satellite view catches Tropical Storm Pewa and a developing storm from Physorg
Transformational research combines solid-state and biological components from Physorg
Computer simulations indicate calcium carbonate has a dense liquid phase (w/ Video) from Physorg
How to Renounce Your Citizenship from National Geographic
Antarctica penguins thrived during cold spell -- that's different from MSNBC: Science
Majority of U.S. teens have privacy concerns with mobile apps from CBSNews - Science
Yahoo passed Google in U.S. Web visitors in July from CBSNews - Science
Apple patent would let iPhones report status of other iPhone users from UPI
International space agencies issue space exploration 'blueprint' from UPI
Warming oceans could impact krill, foundation of marine food chains from UPI
Dung Beetles Cut Gas Emissions from Cow Poo from Live Science
Oldest Globe to Show the Americas Discovered from Live Science
Tomb find confirms powerful women ruled Peru long ago from Physorg
Toxic nanoparticles might be entering human food supply, study finds from Physorg
Endangered Asiatic lion cub born at French zoo from Physorg
Is this a murder weapon? Medieval poison ring uncovered in Bulgaria from MSNBC: Science
News in Brief: Millions in China at risk of exposure to arsenic-tainted water from
The Impact Of Saharan Dust On ... Houston?
Surveys Show Barriers To Interdisciplinary Social And Environmental Science
Anthropomorphizing Animals Could Help Conservation Projects
Climate Predictions: Better Hindcasts Will Lead To Better Forecasts
Breast Is Best: Mom's Mammary Microbiome
Hunter-Gatherers Liked Spice Too
Real-time monitoring pays off for tracking nitrate pulse in Mississippi River Basin to the Gulf of Mexico from Science Daily
U.S. federal agencies remapping coastal areas damaged by Hurricane Sandy from Science Daily
An Adorable Animation Of The Sun Destroying Earth from PopSci
Fiji official: Climate change hampers development of island nations from UPI
Toxic nanoparticles might be entering human food supply from Science Blog
The stress and cancer link: ‘Master switch’ stress gene enables cancer’s spread from Science Blog
Girl Who Beat Brain-Eating Amoeba Can Speak from Live Science
- lawsuit criticizes handling of CIA contract from Physorg
Columbia Researchers Win $1 Million Keck Award from Newswise - Scinews
Video: Watch: Cosmonauts on spacewalk at the International Space Station from CBSNews - Science
Artists 'better protected' against dementia, study finds from CBC: Health
Squeeze The Bacteria Out Of Water WIth A New Gel from PopSci
Hubble images create 'movie' of black hole spewing jet of particles from UPI
Delta flight attendants get Nokia phones for in-flight services from UPI
Smart watches might not fit millennials' needs, expert says from Physorg
Scientists explore deepest trough in Caribbean Sea from Physorg
Workers strike at world's largest radio telescope from Physorg
Review: Haswell laptops deliver on long battery from Physorg
Icahn says will meet Apple's Cook, talk share buyback from Physorg
Researchers use mobile phones to measure happiness from Physorg
San Francisco split by Silicon Valley's wealth from Physorg
Animation Of Proposed Asteroid Redirect Mission | Video from
Polio Outbreaks Seen on Two Continents from NY Times Health
Life, Interrupted: A Test of Faith from NY Times Health
Well: Waiting to Hear From the Doctor from NY Times Health
The New Old Age Blog: A Surgical Center for Older Patients from NY Times Health
Dot Earth Blog: Can Cities Adjust to a Retreating Coastline? from NY Times Science
Forget Tweeting, Meet The Birds Who Blog from PopSci
'Magic' Mushroom: Chinese Fungus Glows in the Dark (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Astronaut feared drowning on spacewalk from CBC: Technology & Science
Ancient mound in Greece fuels heady speculation from Physorg
Sun Unleashes Another Solar Storm Aimed at Earth from
Sticking power of plant polyphenols used in new coatings from Biology News Net
Wolves howl because they care from Biology News Net
U.S. firm releases $1,400 scanner to create 3-D printing files from UPI
Rumored gold iPhone predicted to be natural target for thieves from UPI
The Cloudy Science Of E-Cigarettes from Live Science
Manning: How Does Gender Reassignment Work? from Live Science
What's Driving Federal Efforts to Nullify State Animal Protections? (Op-Ed) from Live Science
News in Brief: Bats can carry MERS from
Sasol Exits Iranian Venture from C&EN
New telescope technology yields sharpest-ever views of night sky from UPI
Japan Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011: Facts and Information from Live Science
Florida State University Marine Lab Vessel Returns From First Extended Research Voyage with Rare Catch from Newswise - Scinews
Healthy Kids: Focus On Lifestyle Changes, Not Weight Loss
Science Needs More Mysteries
Hunting for fossils on the shores of the Potomac from CBSNews - Science
Jillian Buriak Named New Editor Of Chemistry Of Materials from C&EN
Saving turtles from debris from Science Alert
FEATURE: Flu jab may halve heart attack risk: study from Science Alert
VIDEO: The gallery which lives on in time and space from BBC News: Science & Nature
One-way Mars trip attracts 165,000 applicants ... and counting from MSNBC: Science
DuPont Settles Titanium Dioxide Pricing Lawsuit from C&EN
Cell phones used to measure happiness from Science Daily
Fecal microbiota transplantation as effective treatment for C. difficile and other diseases from Science Daily
New molecular mechanism tied to pancreatic cancer from Science Daily
Deadly mosquito shows up from Science Alert
Nanocrystals improve solar cells from Science Alert
Shark-Fin Soup Losing its Status as Shark Populations Decline (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Understanding Your Dog's Training, One Treat at a Time (Op-Ed) from Live Science
Imagining Chelsea Manning: The Science of Sex Changes from National Geographic
Speedy snails spread deadly disease from BBC News: Science & Nature
One-way Mars trip attracts 165,000 would-be astronauts ... and counting from MSNBC: Science
Popsicle Earth from Harvard Science
Old Quincy, suddenly new from Harvard Science
Cells that line blood vessels created from Science Daily
Toxic nanoparticles might be entering human food supply from Science Daily
Go on, volunteer -- it could be good for you from Science Daily
Art preserves skills despite onset of vascular dementia in 'remarkable' case of a Canadian sculptor from Science Daily
In mild strokes, ultra-early treatment may eliminate risk of disability from Science Daily
Stroke risk similar among men and women smokers worldwide from Science Daily
Single injection may revolutionize melanoma treatment from Science Daily
The stress and cancer link: 'Master-switch’ stress gene enables cancer's spread from Science Daily
Doctor: Ohio man revives 45 mins after heart stops from AP Health
OPINION: In science, the only certainty is uncertainty from Science Alert
FEATURE: Your emails are all scanned – and that's what you agreed to from Science Alert
Images: Oldest Globe Showing New World from Live Science
Nature's big bat night quiz from BBC News: Science & Nature
Consumer Insight reveals Asian consumers' psychological make-up from Science Daily
New risk model sheds light on arsenic risk in China's groundwater from Science Daily
Restricting food and fluids during labor is unwarranted, study suggests from Science Daily
BMI not accurate enough: Obesity/mortality paradox demonstrates urgent need for more refined metabolic measures from Science Daily
Grizzly bear eats black bear in Banff from CBC: Technology & Science
UFO or Warplane? F-35 Jet Completes 1st Nighttime Vertical Landing from Live Science
Sun blasts solar storm volley at Earth, the second in two days from MSNBC: Science
Big worldwide database aims to identify quake risks, reduce deaths from MSNBC: Science
Atomic clock breakthrough: It could be time to test Einstein theories from MSNBC: Science
Cosmonauts cope with flawed equipment and unfurl Russian flag from MSNBC: Science
NASA's WISE telescope poised for second life as asteroid hunter from Physics World
FOR KIDS: Climate change: The long reach from
Colo. company tests spacecraft in Calif. desert from AP Science
Decitabine Blood Cancer Drug Stops Spread Of Breast Cancer Cells In Animal Model