Archive of feed items published on the 12th of April 2013
Australia to face Japan on whaling from BBC News: Science & Nature
Vaccine development for H7N9 flu problematic from CBC: Health
Details about new plan for San Gabriel Mountains raise questions from LA Times - Science
Seeing the harvest from the orange trees from LA Times - Science
Senate Republicans question EPA nominee Gina McCarthy from LA Times - Science
Meningococcal infection reported in L.A. County from LA Times - Science
7 Ways to Reboot the Crashing PC Market from Live Science
Mark Zuckerberg starts lobby, says U.S. immigration policy 'unfit' from UPI
Russia to continue using Kazakhstan's space center
Report Published on 3 Who Died From H7N9 Bird Flu from NY Times Science
Russia Skips Hybrids in Push for Natural Gas Cars from NY Times Science
Unsafe Practices Found at Compounding Pharmacies from NY Times Health
United Arab Emirates’ Laws Ensnare a Doctor from NY Times Health
National Briefing | Midwest: Indiana: Planned Parenthood Clinic Attacked from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Walnut Fougasse or Focaccia — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Well: Where Germs Hide in Your Kitchen from NY Times Health
Greenhouse gases make high temps hotter in China from AP Science
Greenhouse gases make high temps hotter in China
Modern-day inventor from MIT Research
Coding boot camps promise to launch tech careers from Physorg
Putin unveils $50 bn drive for Russian space supremacy from Physorg
Web games probed over possible child pressure from Physorg
UN court to hear Australia bid to halt Japan whaling from Physorg
Russia to continue using Kazakhstan's space center from Physorg
DuPont and Monsanto settle Roundup dispute from Chemistry World
Cause of death errors happen too often, expert says from CBC: Health
Are great scientists always heretics? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Greenhouse gases make high temps hotter in China from Physorg
Math pattern analysis shows Twitter users happier the farther they are from home from Physorg
NASA's Mars-Bound Mega Rocket on Track for 2017 Launch from
Team reconstructs 'human ancestor' from BBC News: Science & Nature
North Korea's Rockets and Missiles: 5 Interesting Facts from
Ape-like fossils show hints of human ancestry from News @ Nature
VR team presents infinite walking in virtual environments (w/ video) from Physorg
Extracting valuable resources from waste to make new bioplastics from Physorg
'Tapping into the vast potential of satellites' from Physorg
Study suggests same microbes may be present in oceans worldwide from Physorg
New genetic test shows up fish mislabelling from Physorg
Gender pay gap persists through the ages from Physorg
Shares in India's Infosys dive after weak earnings from Physorg
Coal fights to keep power in US energy mix from Physorg
Congress to Private Industry: Help Us Hunt for City-Destroying Asteroids from
Climate change brings stormier weather to the US from News @ Nature
Women active in feminist causes harassed more at work from Physorg
LDCM satellite sees its birthplaces from Physorg
Organic electronics will transform the way society interacts with new technology from Physorg
Gender equity gap still exists in Olympic leadership opportunities from Physorg
Micro transistor prototypes map the mind from Physorg
Implications loom large in human gene patent case before US Supreme Court (w/ video) from Physorg
What do tax policy experts think about US tax policy? from Physorg
First, Second Mouth ...?
Japanese fish survive 5,000-mile trip across Pacific in tsunami boat from Reuters:Science
Yuri's Night Tonight! Global Party Honors Human Spaceflight Anniversaries from
'Cornell Dots': Scientists develop world's smallest drug deliverer from Physorg
Organic pollutants poison the roof of the world from News @ Nature
Russia confirms decades-long space centre lease deal from CBC: Technology & Science
Space-age domes offer a window on ocean acidification from Physorg
Nothing shameful about sexting? from Physorg
The Velkess Flywheel: A more flexible energy storage technology from Physorg
IBM drives flash technology deeper into the enterprise to speed big data analytics from Physorg
Avoid charismatic leaders, firms need 'intelligent conservatism' from Physorg
Automobile plants make more with less from Physorg
GeoFlow takes data for a 3-D drive from Physorg
Veolia and Total open oil recycling plant from Chemistry World
Facebook refusal: Hipster trend or activist movement? from Physorg
Verification testing of Japan's first medical body area network from Physorg
Disappearing nannies force parents to accept their duties from Physorg
Archaeologists shine new light on Easter Island statue from Physorg
New information on the underwater environment in the Finnish coastal areas from Physorg
NASA imaging sensor prepares for western wildfire season from Physorg
The distant cosmos as seen in the infrared from Physorg
Explosive crater twins on Mars from Physorg
Social media: The perils and pleasures from Physorg
Not as evolved as we think: Adaptation neither stops nor makes value judgments, author says from Physorg
Elusive atmospheric intermediate reveals some of its secrets from Chemistry World
Week In Images from European Space Agency
CBC Rate My Hospital site flooded with more than 23,000 rankings from CBC: Health
'Anonymous' won't release names of Rehtaeh Parsons suspects from CBC: Technology & Science
Countdown traffic lights may cause accidents, study say from CBC: Technology & Science
Nasdaq cuts bonus pay for botched IPO from UPI
Video 'For Good Measure' shows global reach of NASA's next rain-measuring mission from Physorg
Lightning strokes can probe the ionosphere from Physorg
Zone of silence: Testing satellite antennas from Physorg
Next Generation Science Standards released from Physorg
Nanowire position and orientation precisely controlled using fluid flow from Physorg
Opening a window into vector-borne viruses from Physorg
Corruption soars when politicians are placed above the law, study finds from Physorg
Financial deprivation prompts consumers to seek scarce goods from Physorg
World's smallest, slimmest and lightest contact-free vein sensor from Physorg
'Sandy' removed from hurricane name list from Physorg
NASA's asteroid initiative benefits from rich history from Physorg
Final frontiers: The deep sea from Physorg
Researchers develop tiny gradient chip: System makes it easier to measure chemical reactivity from Physorg
Tech gets energy efficient from Physorg
Eyeglasses read to the blind (w/ Video) from Physorg
Putin says Russia to launch first manned space flight from its soil in 2018 from Reuters:Science
Asbestos exposure, asbestosis, and smoking combined greatly increase lung cancer risk from Science Daily
How Alzheimer's could occur from Science Daily
Researchers devise a way to capture and release electromagnetic waves inside a metamaterial from Physorg
Researchers open door to advanced molecular electronic metrology from Physorg
A solar booster shot for natural gas power plants from Physorg
Data dearth impeding fight against desertification from SciDev
A molecular ‘superglue’ based on flesh-eating bacteria from Science Blog
Different brains have similar responses to music from Science Blog
Scientists map elusive 3D structure of telomerase, key actor in aging from Science Blog
It's Fall on Titan: Icy Cloud Marks Saturn Moon's Season from Live Science
There's Gold in Them Thar Plants from Live Science
First algae powered building goes up in Hamburg from Physorg
Paid blood plasma clinic proposal raises concerns from CBC: Health
Where’d you go, Nanny-o? from Science Blog
Brain scans predict how much you'll pay for music from CBC: Technology & Science
BlackBerry disputes 'false and misleading' Z10 returns report from CBC: Technology & Science
Unhealthy Trade-Off: Making Dinner Eats Into Gym Time from Live Science
Elderly Woman Survives Komodo Dragon Attack from Live Science
"Swatting": LAPD to keep quiet about prank 911 call cases from CBSNews - Science
Horse poop key to streamlining biofuel production? from Science Blog
Glow-Stick Waterfalls And Other Amazing Images From This Week from PopSci
Space History Photo: Albert Siepert Points Out Highlights of Apollo 10 Liftoff to Belgium King and Queen from
'Ag-gag' laws to impact beyond US from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ötzi the Iceman could have used a dentist from MSNBC: Science
Ant-icipation: Insects know when earthquakes are coming from MSNBC: Science
How to unlock business funding for development projects from SciDev
New Mars photos may reveal 1970s Soviet lander from CBSNews - Science
Four things you need to know about tornado season from CBSNews - Science
Pre-Agriculture, Ice Age Hunter-Gatherers Used Ceramic Pots To Cook
Agrochemicals blamed for chronic kidney disease in Sri Lanka from SciDev
RIM seeks probe into report on BlackBerry returns from CBSNews - Science
Study proposes alternative way to explain life’s complexity from Science Blog
Facebook Home Disables Pin And Screen Locks | Video from Live Science
Nanosilver in textiles – friend or foe? from Physorg
US team using social media to counter militants from Physorg
Twitter acquires music site, could launch new service from Physorg
RIM seeks probe into report on BlackBerry returns from Physorg
Study proposes alternative way to explain life's complexity from Physorg
CO2 removal can lower costs of climate protection from Physorg
Make Better GMOs - Or Else!
5 Surprising Facts About the Death Penalty Worldwide from National Geographic
Farming fish and veggies in the city: Hamilton pair launches aquaponics farm from CBC: Technology & Science
Meningococcal infection reported in L.A. County from LA Times - Health
Tracking mobile phone recycling rate to improve them from Physorg
Birth control pill recall concerns doctors and women from CBC: Health
REI CEO Sally Jewell To Be Sworn In As Secretary Of The Interior from PopSci
Peek inside a beaver lodge from CBC: Technology & Science
Hunting for Alien Worlds (Part 3): The Habitability Debate from
Russia's New Spaceport: Vostochny Space Launch Center in Photos from
NASA Satellite Spots Letter 'J' in the Sky from Live Science
Why Do Earthworms Surface After Rain? from Live Science
Shaped Like an Apple? Beware Kidney Disease from Live Science
It's Official: Men Can't Read Women's Emotions from Live Science
Two-headed pig born in China from MSNBC: Science
Cheers to better beer and disease resistance from Physorg
Pa. gas drilling, regulation interests Brazil from Physorg
Italy party says 'hacker attack' on presidential poll from Physorg
Study reveals secrets of bacterial slime from Physorg
Cicadas Are Coming! Entomologist Robert Childs Can Discuss Emerging East Coast Brood Ranging From NC to NY from Newswise - Scinews
UChicago Appoints Rocky Kolb as Physical Sciences Dean from Newswise - Scinews
Can airplanes be hacked with an Android app? Researcher claims it's possible from CBSNews - Science
Secret population of orangutans found from CBSNews - Science
Are human genes patentable? from Science Daily
26 more cancer patients got diluted chemo drugs in Ontario from CBC: Health
Speciality pharmacies in U.S. fail safety inspections from CBC: Health
Finding the Reasons for the 2012 Drought from National Geographic
5 Big Changes in Space Travel Since Yuri Gagarin’s First Flight from National Geographic
Are Southerners Fat, Or Just More Honest About Their Weight? from PopSci
Big Moon Rises Over Mississippi (Photo) from
Supplement Ingredient DMAA Is Illegal, Dangerous, FDA Says from Live Science
Michelangelo's Ugliest Drawing May Not Be His from Live Science
Smartphone trade-ins will matter more as subsidies go away from Physorg
Your next phone camera might be able to sense depth from Physorg
Most home computers, including yours, are vulnerable to attack from Physorg
Environmental Questions Take Back Seat at Hearing for E.P.A. Nominee from NY Times Science
Dot Earth Blog: Will Synthetic Biology Benefit or Threaten Wild Things? from NY Times Science
Scientist at Work Blog: In Search of Slow Lorises from NY Times Science
DNA Project Aims to Make Company’s Data Public from NY Times Health
Ask Well: The Benefits of Ball Chairs? from NY Times Health
Well: Cracking the Walnut from NY Times Health
Scientists map elusive 3-D structure of telomerase enzyme, key actor in cancer, aging from Science Daily
Reactivating memories during sleep from Science Daily
Secrets of bacterial slime revealed from Science Daily
Bird flu virus deaths in China rise to 9 from CBC: Health
Iranian Scientist Claims to Have Built ‘Time Machine' from National Geographic
How To Trick People Into Changing Their Political Views from PopSci
VIDEO: Team reconstructs 'human ancestor' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rock Snot: Where is Comes From and How It's Made from Live Science
Organic apples, pears to be antibiotic-free from Physorg
New orange mould named in honour of Dutch royals from Physorg
Compact multipurpose scooter for crowded megacities from Physorg
EU states urge lawmakers to back pollution credit plans from Physorg
'Sustainable fish' label comes under fire from Physorg
TRMM Satellite sees Cyclone Victoria being blown apart from Physorg
Image: Fires in Central America from Physorg
81st American Association of Neurological Surgeons Annual Scientific Meeting Features New Sunday Events; Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to be Honored with AANS Medal of Courage from Newswise - Scinews
Edison2 Unveils New Very Light Car Architecture at The Henry Ford from Newswise - Scinews
New Device Could Cut Costs on Household Products, Pharmaceuticals from Newswise - Scinews
Android plane hacking, Facebook "meh": This week in off-beat tech stories from CBSNews - Science
Scientists use 'the force' (atomic force microscopy) to decode secrets of our gut from Science Daily
Clues to heart disease in unexpected places from Science Daily
Alternative way to explain life's complexity proposed from Science Daily
Human Ancestor Reconstructed, Halfway Between Chimp And Human from PopSci
Super-powered switches may decide cell fate from News @ Nature
Ancient Mars Had Thicker Atmosphere, Curiosity Finds | Video from
Say Goodbye to Arctic Summer Ice from Live Science
Two million-year-old creature had mix of ape, human traits from Reuters:Science
New flu in China reveals its avian origins from
The seeds of anthropology from Harvard Science
Arctic nearly free of summer sea ice during first half of 21st century from Science Daily
Organs donated by gay man rejected, called 'high risk' from CBC: Health
Stephen Hawking Says Humans Won't Survive Another 1,000 Years On Earth from PopSci
APNewsBreak: Upper income seniors' Medicare hike from AP Health
Even Non-Amputees Can Feel a Phantom Limb from Live Science
Game Theory Tackles Rising Health Care Costs from Live Science
Water Highways of the North Woods | Wallpaper from Live Science
Gallery: The Invisible Hand from Live Science
New device could cut costs on household products, pharmaceuticals from Physorg
Top Stories: Pain on the Brain, Obama's 2014 Science Budget, and the Final Word on Penis Size from Science NOW
New device could cut costs on household products, pharmaceuticals from Science Daily
Disappearing nannies force parents to accept their duties from Science Daily
CO2 removal can lower costs of climate protection from Science Daily
L-carnitine significantly improves patient outcomes following heart attack, study suggests from Science Daily
New Diseases, Toxins Harming Marine Life from National Geographic
Little Wing | Space Wallpaper from
Mimas: Saturn's Death Star Moon from
An ugly Michelangelo portrait? It may not be his from MSNBC: Science
L-carnitine significantly improves patient outcomes following heart attack from Science Blog
Compact multipurpose scooter for crowded megacities from Science Daily
Can one buy the right to name a planet? A response to recent name-selling campaigns from Science Daily
The power of cocoa polyphenols against neurodegenerative diseases from Science Daily
Exercise or make dinner? Study finds adults trade one healthy act for another from Science Daily
Simple test to screen for hospital bugs from Science Daily
Every Single Person In The World On One Chart from PopSci
Iranian Scientist Claims He's Invented a Time Machine | Video from
Iranian Scientist Claims He's Invented a Time Machine | Video from Live Science
Borders, books, and the Balkans from Harvard Science
Scientists discover gene mutation that causes children to be born without spleen from The Rockefeller University
Defending Mendeley
10 best cities for nerds from CBSNews - Science
New bird flu strain seen adapting to mammals, humans from Science Blog
Teenage smoking behavior influenced by friends' and parents' smoking habits from Science Daily
Gene may help identify risk of Alzheimer's in African Americans from Science Daily
Novel surface marker helps scientists 'fish out' mammary gland stem cells from Science Daily
Study: Music heard for the first time 'lights up' brain reward center from UPI
Russia's Putin says country must catch up in deep space exploration from UPI
Unpredictable weather, not climate change, blamed for U.S. drought from UPI
We'll soon say goodbye to summer ice in Arctic from MSNBC: Science
NASA satellite imagery shows Cyclone Imelda one-sided from Physorg
New Bird Flu Strain Seen Adapting to Mammals, Humans from Newswise - Scinews
Salk Institute Promotes Three Top Scientists from Newswise - Scinews
Museum of Nature patrons pick a dinosaur winner from CBC: Technology & Science
Did You Pay To Name A Planet? You Got Scammed from PopSci
Leaks plague cleanup efforts at damaged Japanese nuclear plant from UPI
Report: 'Fragile' ground threatens landslides, flooding in Italy from UPI
Verizon to extend phone-upgrade waiting period from Physorg
Silicon atoms seen 'dancing' in graphene from Physics World
Commerce’s call to action from MIT Research
Bad behavior in kids with hearing implants doesn't predict slowed language development from Science Daily
Romantic comedies affect beliefs about relationships less strongly than expected from Science Daily
Is there a future for a privacy-friendly Internet? from Science Daily
What You Need To Know About The New Bird Flu from PopSci
Russia to work toward landing on moon, Mars by 2030, Deputy PM says from UPI
Cleaning up Nigeria’s toxic playgrounds from BBC News: Science & Nature
Where are the Best Windows Into Europa's Interior? from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Electric 2-wheel scooter designed as solution for crowded megacities from UPI
Facts About Carbon from Live Science
Image Gallery: How Technology Reveals Hidden Art Treasures from Live Science
Mount Etna blows smoke ring during volcanic eruptions from MSNBC: Science
Warming means more forests toppled by windstorms from MSNBC: Science
The power of dreams from Harvard Science
E.P.A. to Delay Emissions Rule at New Power Plants from NY Times Science
Universities Offer Courses in a Hot New Field: Data Science from NY Times Science
Pop Quiz | Human Ecology: Earth Day Quiz — College of the Atlantic from NY Times Science
Pop Quiz | Astronomy: Earth Day Pop Quiz: Astronomy from NY Times Science
Companies jockey for position in changing U.S. space market from Reuters:Science
Puny plastic particles mar Lake Erie’s waters from
The Week In Numbers: Our Time Left On Earth, The Distance A Nipple Travels, And More from PopSci
New Species Of Brazilian Porcupine Found, Has Very Cool Rubbery Nose from PopSci
Can You Buy Exoplanet Naming Rights? No, Astronomy Group Says from
U.N. court to hear Australia's case against Japanese Antarctic whaling from UPI
Old Faithful's Underground Cavern Discovered from Live Science
Teaching like a Marine from Harvard Science
Celebrate 'Earth Month' with NASA from
Exoplanet View from its Moon | Space Wallpaper from
NASA spacecraft may have spotted pieces of Soviet spacecraft on Mars from UPI
Scientists predict arctic could be free of sea ice in summer by 2050 from UPI
Abortion Lawmakers Shift from Regulation to Bans from Live Science
Ancient Babylon: Center of Mesopotamian Civilization from Live Science
Old Faithful's underground cavern discovered from MSNBC: Science
University of Saskatchewan scientists involved in anti-malaria project from CBC: Health
Orbital Sciences Corporation: Satellites, Rockets and the Space Station from
Genetic analysis shows new bird flu strain could affect humans from UPI
Facebook Home, social network's Android 'add-on,' now on Google Play from UPI
Historic Marine Mammal Protection Act Worked, Scientists Say from Live Science
Paralyzed Monkey Controls Arm Via Brain from Live Science
Korean Conflict Could Nuke Your Next Phone from Live Science
Could new flu spark global flu pandemic? New bird flu strain seen adapting to mammals, humans from Science Daily
Study on patients with disc prolapse: Same gene variant promotes pain in women, suppresses pain in men from Science Daily
New research examines the spiritual, psychological and other under-appreciated effects of opioids on patients with sickle cell disease from Science Daily
Why do people with apple-shaped bodies have an increased risk of kidney disease? from Science Daily
Soy-based compound may reduce tumor cell proliferation in colorectal cancer from Science Daily
Pain improves during first year but mental-health problems linger in returning veterans with major limb injuries from Science Daily
Doctors urged to 'pause before posting' and not 'friend' patients from Science Daily
New procedure safely opens blocked carotid arteries, experts say from Science Daily
Hawaii land board approves Thirty Meter Telescope
NKorea denies cyberattack on SKorean companies from CBSNews - Science