Archive of feed items published on the 22nd of July 2012
Russians are first-time entrants in San Diego RoboSub competition from LA Times - Science
What's behind the Omidi brothers' charity? from LA Times - Health
Stuart R. Schram, Physicist and Mao Scholar, Dies at 88 from NY Times Science
Gray Matter: We’re All Climate-Change Idiots from NY Times Science
Capital Ideas: A Ray of Hope on Climate Change from NY Times Science
Disgruntled OxyContin Addicts Switch To Heroin
VIDEO: The backroom boffins behind Team GB from BBC News: Science & Nature
Washington, D.C., Tests for AIDS in Stores, Streets and Offices from NY Times Health
March set in DC ahead of global AIDS conference from AP Health
Highly transparent solar cells create windows that generate electricity from Science Blog
Firms with political ties may be bad investment from Science Blog
Green Blog: When Beijing Cleared the Air from NY Times Science
Analysis: Biosensors - the canary in a coalmine worth $13 billion from Reuters:Science
Infant hair samples show exposure to anti-HIV drugs in womb, breast-feeding from Science Blog
Children in foster care develop resilience through compassion from Science Blog
Best Space Pictures of the Week - July 22, 2012 from
Science May Help You Win Your Fantasy Football League
Alberta dinosaur expert fears more vandalism from CBC: Technology & Science
Species number on Earth a mystery from Science Alert
FEATURE: Nocturnal fish take back the day from Science Alert
OPINION: Monday’s medical myth: blame it on my sweet tooth from Science Alert
Vote Now! Top Space Stories of the Week - July 22, 2012 from
Experts: Some fracking critics use bad science from AP Science
New clues to the early Solar System from ancient meteorites from Physorg
New method for associating genetic variation with crop traits from Physorg
Artificial jellyfish 'Medusoid' swims in a heartbeat: Creation is an amalgam of silicone polymer and heart muscle cells from Physorg
Lighting up the plant hormone 'command system' from Physorg
New genomic sequencing method enables 'smarter' anaysis of individual cells from Physorg
Samsung readies first batch of super-thin bendable AMOLED displays from Physorg
Bacteria outbreak in Northern Europe due to ocean warming, study says from Reuters:Science
Behold, the artificial jellyfish from Harvard Science
Artificial Jellyfish Swims Like the Real Thing from Science NOW
Synthetic Life? Silicone And Cardiac Tissue Becomes Medusoid - Swimming 'Jellyfish'
Lobstermen finding more odd colors in the catch from AP Science
Medusoid! Artificial jellyfish shocked into swimming from MSNBC: Science
Artificial jellyfish built from rat cells from News @ Nature
Swimming 'Jellyfish' Built out of Rat Cells & Silicone from Live Science
New clues to the early Solar System from ancient meteorites from Science Daily
New genomic sequencing method enables 'smarter' anaysis of individual cells from Science Daily
Medusa reimagined: Reverse engineering a jellyfish with ability to swim from Science Daily
Working poor stand at center of Medicaid debate from AP Health
Japan cargo ship heads to space station from UPI
Diamond in the rough: Half-century puzzle solved from Science Daily
Lighting up the plant hormone 'command system' from Science Daily
Genetic mutations that cause common childhood brain tumors identified from Science Daily
Among new HIV treatment recommendations, all adult patients should be offered antiretroviral therapy from Science Daily
Working toward an AIDS-free generation from Science Daily
New method for associating genetic variation with crop traits from Science Daily
Behold, the artificial jellyfish: Researchers create moving model, using silicone polymer and heart muscle cells from Science Daily
Benefits of HIV drugs rise, but less than previously believed from Science Daily
Panners seek sapphires in Madagascar lemur haven from Physorg
'Minority Report' software hits the real world from Physorg
Coursera makes top college courses free online from Physorg
Samsung 'sells 10 mn Galaxy SIII smartphones' from Physorg
Redesigning The Medical Bag Could Cut MRSA Worldwide
Noise Pollution May Cause Nestlings To Go Hungry
Bizarre Mars Mountain an Inviting Target for NASA's Curiosity Rover from Live Science
Pumice or Ash? Depth of Volcanic Eruption Determines Fall-Out from Live Science
New line of approach for combination therapy against Melanoma from Science Daily
HPV testing in hIV-positive women may help reduce frequent cervical cancer screening from Science Daily
Video: Huge Sunspot Fires Off Intense Solar Flare from Live Science
Medulloblastoma: Mutations In Childhood Brain Tumors Identified
AIDS conference: Critical turning point for HIV from AP Health
Study: Bacteria outbreak due to ocean warming from MSNBC: Science
Scientists learn how dangerous volcanoes differ from MSNBC: Science
US stores evacuated as bear shops from BBC News: Science & Nature
Japan cargo ship heads to space station from UPI
Student Science Experiments Riding Japanese Rocket to Space Station from Live Science
New Mars Rover Could Far Outlive Its Lifespan from Live Science
Japan Launches Robotic Supply Ship to Space Station from Live Science
UK's energy policy 'unworkable' from BBC News: Science & Nature
To win, athletes have to play mind games from MSNBC: Science
Calgary Walk to End Breast Cancer raises nearly $2M from CBC: Health
Illegal Wildlife Trade Alive and Well in Many Countries: WWF Report from Live Science
Not Afraid Of The Dark: Dark Energy
Ion Torrent vies for $10 million genome prize from Reuters:Science
New Start Date and First Contestant for Genomics X PRIZE from Science NOW
American Chemical Society's Highest Honor to Utah's Peter Stang from Newswise - Scinews
American Chemical Society Honors Peter Stang, PhD from Newswise - Scinews