Archive of feed items published on the 29th of February 2012
Well Blog: Phys Ed: How Staying Active Keeps Us Healthy from NY Times Health
Scene City: At Vanity Fair’s Oscar Party, Everyone is Someone from NY Times Health
Sotheby’s Caught in Dispute Over Prized Cambodian Statue from NY Times Health
Music Review: Four Compositions by Luigi Nono at Frederick Loewe Theater from NY Times Health
Music Review: Gerald Finley at Alice Tully Hall from NY Times Health
Scientists say T. rex had the toughest bite from MSNBC: Science
Japan feared 'demonic chain reaction' at reactor, report says from LA Times - Science
Subterfuge vs. propaganda in global warming debate from LA Times - Science
County workers union urges closure of two buildings in Orange from LA Times - Science
Tsunami debris could reach U.S., experts say from LA Times - Science
Forest Service to drop fees at most national forests from LA Times - Science
Metal Hips in Britain Require Longer Monitoring, Regulators Say from NY Times Health
T. Rex Bite Strongest Ever on Land—Ten Times Greater Than Gator's from National Geographic
Scientists reconstruct extinct giant penguin from AP Science
7 accused of $375M Medicare, Medicaid fraud from AP Health
India charges 'anti-nuclear' NGOs from BBC News: Science & Nature
Trump 'cannot scrap wind targets' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Oldbury shutdown is end of era from BBC News: Science & Nature
Twitter expands ad program to mobile users from Physorg
Dolphin whistles are unfit for porpoise from Physorg
Megaupload boss to remain on bail in New Zealand from Physorg
Connected cars to untangle snarled traffic from Physorg
Chinese court hears Apple appeal on iPad trademark from Physorg
Scientists: This man has your number from MIT Research
Use of microfluidic chips a first in bitumen-gas analysis from Physorg
Cryptographic attack highlights the importance of bug-free software from Physorg
New trial set for June in Oracle, SAP case from Physorg
US draws up secret charges against Assange: media from Physorg
Firm warns of hacker threat to mobile gadgets from Physorg
Building resilience to disasters from SciDev
Tech giants get lecture on perils of gadget worship from Physorg
Revision of SP 800-53 addresses current cybersecurity threats, adds privacy controls from Physorg
'World searches' - most popular searches on Cambridge Dictionaries and the reasons behind them from Physorg
TED titans see through eyes of young innovators from Physorg
Burkina Faso agrees research and innovation fund from SciDev
Fear factor isn't enough: Ads have to gross you out to work best from Physorg
Building consumer trust critical to online marketing success, researchers find from Physorg
Paternal components in fruit flies, humans may contribute to fertilization, embryonic development from Physorg
Time to act to prevent worsening global environmental deterioration, say experts from Physorg
Computational sprinting pushes smartphones till they're tired from Physorg
Electron-detection breakthrough could unleash next-generation technologies from Physorg
In Spain, eco-friendly hotels are more profitable from Physorg
Scientists: This man has your number from Physorg
UF: Florida consumers remain mildly optimistic from Physorg
Exotic new matter expected in ultracold atoms from Physorg
T. rex's bite strongest in all of history from CBSNews - Science
Nuclear power station turned off from BBC News: Science & Nature
Reef ship pair plead guilty in NZ from BBC News: Science & Nature
Scientists use LCLS to see photovoltaic process in action from Physorg
Clear up this fuzzy thinking on brain scans from News @ Nature
Could "Computational Sprinting" Speed Up Smart Phones without Burning Them Out? from Scientific American
NASA's Next Space Telescope Could 'Sniff' Out Alien Planets from
Thor's Helmet: Skywatcher Sees Glowing Gas Space Bubble from
LHCb Measures DIrect CP Violation In Bs Mesons
Seven days: 24 February–1 March 2012 from News @ Nature
Website to crowdsource alien life from BBC News: Science & Nature
China orders more accurate air-quality measure from Physorg
Cybercriminals target phones, Android 'most exposed' from Physorg
Scientist at Work Blog: A Pack of Hungry Wolves from NY Times Science
Green Blog: Counting the Family Carbon from NY Times Science
Reality Check: How much of an environmental bad guy are the Alberta oilsands? from CBC: Technology & Science
Apple battles for iPad trademark in China from CBC: Technology & Science
Amend copyright bill, music industries urge MPs from CBC: Technology & Science
Video game stars black Nova Scotian hero from CBC: Technology & Science
Anonymous hacker suspects arrested from CBC: Technology & Science
Celestial trio shines from CBC: Technology & Science
Study: T. rex had the strongest bite, ever from CBSNews - Science
Expert Poll: Internet Makes Us Smarter & Stupider from Live Science
Toppling Raman shift in supercritical carbon dioxide from Physorg
Researchers develop paper-thin device to test cholesterol levels from Physorg
Space Image: Beside a giant from Physorg
'Labor der Zukunft' - Tomorrow's laboratory technology from Physorg
Under the Microscope #12 - Brain cells from skin cells from Physorg
The emotional historian? from Physorg
Andre's PromISSe mission extended on Space Station from Physorg
Red mud's carbon capture clue from Physorg
Small-scale gold mining impacts river algae in French Guiana from Physorg
NIST releases final Smart Grid 'Framework 2.0' document from Physorg
Professor proposes challenge to prove whether people can see entangled images from Physorg
Guest Post: Carl Brannen On CP Violation
Why 'soot' could be the key to delivering drugs to cancer cells from Physorg
NEC develops high speed semantic search engine for text classification from Physorg
Asteroid 2011 AG5 - A reality check from Physorg
Mechanical engineers study snakes' sophisticated frictional properties to build more nimble rescue robots from Physorg
Fossil teeth of Gigantopithecus found from Yunnan-Guizhou plateau from Physorg
New tool for breaking the epigenetic code from Physorg
Understanding bacterial sensors: Researchers piece together model of chemoreceptor arrays from Physorg
Seeing science with an artist's eye from Physorg
Dot Earth Blog: Songs of this Fossil Age: A Coal Miner's Death Foretold from NY Times Science
Live Chat: The Science of Avalanches from Science NOW
U.S. Biosecurity Board to Reconsider Revised H5N1 Flu Papers from Science NOW
Researchers test sugary solution to treat Alzheimer’s from Science Blog
Computer training helps schizophrenics tell internal thoughts from reality from Science Blog
China’s urbanization unlikely to lead to fast growth of middle class: from Science Blog
Fledgling stars flicker in the heart of Orion from European Space Agency
T. rex has most powerful bite of any terrestrial animal ever from Science Daily
European style stone tools suggest Stone Age people actually discovered America from Physorg
Inherited epigenetics produced record fast evolution from Physorg
China's urbanization unlikely to lead to fast growth of middle class: UW geographer from Physorg
Genetics of endangered African monkey suggest troubles from warming climate from Physorg
Young Stars Flicker Amidst Clouds of Gas and Dust from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Asteroid 2011 AG5 - A Reality Check from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Can arsenic bind to bacterial DNA? from Chemistry World
Why we should break up sitting times from Science Alert
Melioidosis found in stormwater from Science Alert
Leap years keep calendars in sync from Science Alert
OPINION: Ain’t no ’T' in teamwork, fool: testosterone makes us bad collaborators from Science Alert
Treating schizophrenia: Game on from News @ Nature
More Than 10,000 Participants Have Joined the GuLF STUDY from Newswise - Scinews
A Shocking Truth from Newswise - Scinews
Schizophrenia Patients' Ability to Monitor Reality May Be Helped by Computerized Training from Newswise - Scinews
SA guides arrested over poaching from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microsoft demos three new whiz-bang technologies its working on (w/ video) from Physorg
US Congress urged not to cut global health funding from SciDev
New USAID grants to boost development science from SciDev
Fake Avastin contained no drug from CBC: Health
Winds Have Southwest Watching for Wildfires from Live Science
Leap years: Needed, and "Leap babies" share bond from CBSNews - Science
New model provides different take on planetary accretion: Collapse may take place in a cold dust cloud from Science Daily
Will Doctors Ever Cure Migraines? from PopSci
2012 Skywatching Guide: Solar and Lunar Eclipses of the Year from
2012 Skywatching Guide: Brightest Asteroids of the Year from
2012 Skywatching Guide: The Year's Best Astronomical Events from
Apple market value hits $500B, where few have gone from Physorg
Heavy metal pollution causes severe declines in wild bees from Physorg
Nowhere to hide: Study finds future of Sumatran tigers threatened by human disturbances from Physorg
Young people face double penalty in a slow job market from Physorg
Workforce from the digital cloud from Physorg
Green Blog: New York and Wind Power: Can It Take Off? from NY Times Science
Tyrannosaurus rex's bite more dangerous than previously believed from CBSNews - Science
Navy close on making super-powerful railgun from CBSNews - Science
Childhood drug studies show room for improvement from News @ Nature
Alien Planets Would Likely Have Leap Years, Too from
Unlocking the Secrets of Sea Turtle Migration from Newswise - Scinews
Young stars flicker amidst clouds of gas and dust from Physorg
Exotic material boosts electromagnetism safely from Physorg
Foot bones allow researchers to determine sex of skeletal remains from Physorg
Nanofiber breakthrough holds promise for medicine and microprocessors from Physorg
Divides emerge in US, world response to mutant flu from Physorg
Taiwan seeks merger with restructured Elpida from Physorg
‘Your Medical Mind’ explored from Harvard Science
Canada's space station future up in the air from CBC: Technology & Science
No workout? No worries: Scientists prevent muscle loss in mice, despite disease and inactivity from Science Blog
2 genes do not make a voter from Science Blog
Designer aspirin a possible anti-cancer drug from Science Blog
Gluten-, casein-free diet may help some autistic kids from Science Blog
'Leap Year' Marriage Proposals Bad for Women, Research Suggests from Live Science
Tricky Math, and History, Lead to Leap Year from Live Science
ATV-3 set to provide ESA’s annual service to Space Station from European Space Agency
Winning makes people more aggressive toward the defeated from Science Daily
Inherited epigenetics produced record fast evolution from Science Daily
No Pulse: How Doctors Reinvented The Human Heart from PopSci
NK agrees to 'nuclear moratorium' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Kids reach for a piece of the Pi from BBC News: Science & Nature
Microsoft launches 'new generation' Windows 8 from Physorg
Two genes do not make a voter: new research from Physorg
Researcher tracks agricultural overuse of bug-killing technology from Physorg
Caffeine Source: A Bean, A Leaf, Or A Lab from C&EN
Evidence for Antimatter Anomaly Mounts from Science NOW
Late surge in viral and bacterial illnesses from CBC: Health
Stressed decision-makers focus on upside, study says from CBC: Health
Health inquiry's limited scope blasted by Liberals from CBC: Health
Fear the winners: They suck from Science Blog
Black Holes' Fast-Moving Gas Clouds May Stifle Star Formation from Live Science
Many Solar System Comets May Be Sun's Stolen Goods from Live Science
3D Reveals Sun's Dynamo from
Otter found in seafood restaurant from BBC News: Science & Nature
Facebook to unveil new ad offerings from Physorg
UF scientists name new ancient camels from Panama Canal excavation from Physorg
New hybrid 'NOSH aspirin' as possible anti-cancer drug from Physorg
Rational design can improve hydrogen fuel cell efficiency from Physorg
Iceman mummy may hold earliest evidence of Lyme disease from CBSNews - Science
Alien Planets Would Likely Have Leap Years, Too from Live Science
NASA's Next Space Telescope Could 'Sniff' Out Alien Planets from Live Science
Genetics of endangered African monkey suggest troubles from warming climate from Science Daily
Meeting biofuel production targets could change agricultural landscape from Physorg
Scientists study how to improve pesticide efficiency from Physorg
Three scientific expeditions seek treasure under the ice in the Frozen Continent from Physorg
ORNGE not best option in Windsor, Ont., doc says from CBC: Health
Wallpaper: APEX Telescope Shows Taurus Molecular Cloud from Live Science
- Announces Facebook Sweepstakes Winners from
New twist in antimatter mystery from BBC News: Science & Nature
A bad day on Venus gets even worse from Physorg
Universal charger tantalisingly close for mobiles from Physorg
Nature Commentary investigates synthetic-biology disaster from Physorg
Team reveals oldest fossilized forest from Physorg
How to rediscover life on Earth by looking at the Moon from Physorg
When continents collide: A new twist to a 50 million-year-old tale from Physorg
Scientists learn how insects 'remodel' their bodies between life stages from Physorg
Study shows earthworms to blame for decline of ovenbirds in northern Midwest forests from Physorg
Contamination of La Selva geothermal system in Girona, Spain from Physorg
Adapting personal glucose monitors to detect DNA from Physorg
Well Blog: The Rise of the 5-Hour Energy Drink from NY Times Health
Nebraska Hit By First-Ever February Tornado from Live Science
Giant Vines & Towering Trees: Ancient Forest Unearthed from Live Science
Work-Life Balance Makes Work Safer from Live Science
The Sleepiest States List from Live Science
The ever-expanding definition of 'diversity' from Science Daily
Stem-cell therapy takes off in Texas from News @ Nature
Rare diseases: Genomics, plain and simple from News @ Nature
Super-sized fleas adapted to feed off dinosaurs from News @ Nature
Seeing ourselves in the Moon's mirror from News @ Nature
Dinosaurs had fleas too _ giant ones, fossils show from AP Science
Moon's Reflected 'Earthshine' May Aid Search for Alien Life from
From Earth to Crescent 'Earthshine' Moon and Back from
Leap year: What a difference a day makes from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
When blood-sucking mega-fleas stalked the Earth from Physorg
S.Africa mulls shark net for Cape Town beach from Physorg
ScienceShot: Clues From the Dark Side of the Moon from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Jurassic Itch from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Ancient Forest Kept Good Company from Science NOW
Green Blog: The Nuclear Ups and Downs of 2011 from NY Times Science
Leap Year 2012: Why We Need February 29 from National Geographic
iPad 3 rumours swirl online ahead of press event from CBC: Technology & Science
Windows 8 available to try from CBC: Technology & Science
Site urges Earthlings to join hunt for extraterrestrial life from CBC: Technology & Science
Consumers Quick to Spot and Ignore Deceptive Ads from Live Science
Sleepless in West Virginia? Study Reveals Sleepiest States from Live Science
Giant Bloodsuckers! Oldest Fleas Discovered from Live Science
North Korea suspends nuclear testing from News @ Nature
Omega Centauri Looks Radiant in Infrared from
Eastern Seaboard at Night from
Major Planet Skywatching Events of 2012 from
Three Scientific Expeditions Seek Treasure Under the Ice in the Frozen Continent from Newswise - Scinews
Meeting Biofuel Production Targets Could Change Agricultural Landscape from Newswise - Scinews
When Continents Collide: A New Twist to a 50 Million-Year-Old Tale from Newswise - Scinews
New Hybrid "NOSH Aspirin" as Possible Anti-Cancer Drug from Newswise - Scinews
Adapting Personal Glucose Monitors to Detect DNA from Newswise - Scinews
The End Of College Lectures?
Well Blog: Statin Drug Safety Warnings from NY Times Health
Apps for Apes seeks iPads for Toronto Zoo from CBC: Technology & Science
Arctic Seas Surprisingly Alive in Winter from Live Science
MUOS-1 Satellite Launches on Atlas 5 Rocket from
These giant fleas feasted on dinosaur blood from MSNBC: Science
Mobile phone running low on battery? Charge up with water from Physorg
FOR KIDS: The White House welcomes science from
When giant fleas roamed from
Aura of life captured in Earthshine from
FOR KIDS: Sudden big chill from
Watered-Down Abortion Ultrasound Bill Passes Virginia Senate from Live Science
Ancient warrior's helmet is found off Israel from MSNBC: Science
Navy Selects Shipyard to Build Scripps' New Research Vessel from Newswise - Scinews
A work supreme from Harvard Science
Green Blog: On Our Radar: A Coal-Free Chicago? from NY Times Science
Reversing Alzheimer’s gene ‘blockade’ can restore memory, other cognitive functions from Science Blog
Possible earliest evidence of Christianity resurrected from ancient tomb from CBSNews - Science
Earthworms to blame for decline of ovenbirds in northern Midwest forests from Science Daily
Oldest fossilized forest: Entire fossil forest dating back 385 million years unearthed from Science Daily
When continents collide: A new twist to a 50 million-year-old tale from Science Daily
North Korea Suspends Nuclear Testing from Scientific American
Remote Aliens Could Detect Life On Earth By Looking At the Moon from PopSci
Optimus Prime Narrates NASA Exploration Video from
Arctic seas surprisingly alive in winter from MSNBC: Science
The New Old Age Blog: Married to the Job from NY Times Health
Foot Bones Allow Researchers To Determine Sex of Skeletal Remains from Science Blog
Meet Saskatchewan's 9-year-old doctor from CBC: Health
Gene Therapy Could Help Corals Survive Climate Change from Scientific American
Doomsday Seed Vault's Birthday Brings 25,000 Gifts from Live Science
Selenium supplements could be harmful from CBC: Health
Reversing Alzheimer's gene 'blockade' can restore memory, other cognitive functions from Science Daily
How insects 'remodel' their bodies between life stages from Science Daily
Reawakening neurons: Researchers find an epigenetic culprit in memory decline from Science Daily
Blockade of learning and memory genes may occur early in Alzheimer's disease: Treatable in mice from Science Daily
Finding a potent new energy source by listening for Earth's gas bubbles? from Science Daily
Astronomers Rediscover Life on Earth -- By looking at the Moon from Science Daily
My Go-Kart Runs on Cow Fat! from Live Science
New Site Lets you Search for Extraterrestrial Life from
A Better Disulfide Reducing Agent from C&EN
Metal hip implants need 20-year checks from CBC: Health
Senate examines foreign funding of charities from CBC: Technology & Science
Condoms with Barcodes Track Safe Sex from Live Science
Leap Day Asteroid Will Zoom By Earth from
ORNL Completes First Phase of Titan Supercomputer Transition from Newswise - Scinews
ScienceShot: What the Snow Leopard Ate from Science NOW
New NIH Database Brings Clarity to Genetic Tests from Science NOW
Well Blog: Airport Scanner Radiation Risks Are Minimal, Government Report Says from NY Times Health
Study: Old flu drug speeds brain injury recovery from AP Health
Who's in the know? To a preschooler, the person doing the pointing from Science Daily
Dueling Skulls: Triceratops Controversy Continues from Live Science
Cougar killing puts spotlight on head of state game panel from LA Times - Science
Did Neanderthals take to the seas first? from UPI
Search for E.T. to go live on the Web from UPI
Young stars show 'growing pains' from UPI
Biofuel goals could change U.S. farming from UPI
Sumatran tigers need low-level vegetation from UPI
Extinct camel fossils unearthed in Panama from UPI
T. rex said to have strongest bite ever from UPI
Radon in U.S. classrooms a concern from UPI
ORNL completes first phase of Titan supercomputer transition from Physorg
Experts: Linking farmers to markets critical for Africa's rural development from Physorg
Cholera's nano-dagger: Researchers observe how pathogen decimates competing bacteria and human cells from Physorg
Pecan weevil biology, management and control strategies from Physorg
Why birds of a feather lek together from Physorg
NASA satellite sees tropical cyclone Irina headed for Mozambique from Physorg
Green schools and students' science scores are related from Physorg
Study finds thickest parts of Arctic ice cap melting faster from Physorg
This Is Going To Be A Problem
Fault’s twists may shake up earthquake forecasts from
Alcohols From Aliphatics from C&EN
Heavy metal pollution causes severe declines in wild bees from Biology News Net
New infant formula ingredients boost babies' immunity by feeding their gut bacteria from Biology News Net
Adapting personal glucose monitors to detect DNA from Biology News Net
Nanofiber breakthrough holds promise for medicine and microprocessors from Biology News Net
NASA Finds Thickest Parts of Arctic Ice Cap Melting Faster from Science Blog
New infant formula targets gut bacteria from Science Blog
Google Chrome hacking contest offers $1M in prizes from CBC: Technology & Science
Why Colliding Continents Slow Down from Live Science
Did Neanderthals take to the seas first? from UPI
Search for E.T. to go live on the Web from UPI
Young stars show 'growing pains' from UPI
Biofuel goals could change U.S. farming from UPI
Sumatran tigers need low-level vegetation from UPI
Extinct camel fossils unearthed in Panama from UPI
T. rex said to have strongest bite ever from UPI
Radon in U.S. classrooms a concern from UPI
Mitochondrial Dysfunction Present Early in Alzheimer's, Before Memory Loss from Newswise - Scinews
Blizzard Entertainment cuts 600 jobs from Physorg
Artists, scientists to study remote French island off Mexico from Physorg
Researchers invent device to rapidly detect infectious disease from Physorg
Parkinson’s Disease Drug May Help Brain Injuries, Report Says from NY Times Science
Iceman Was a Medical Mess from Science NOW
FDA approves first 4-in-1 flu vaccine from AP Health
Scientists reconstruct extinct giant penguin from CBSNews - Science
Secret Codes Ready to Take Quantum Leap in Space from
Q&A: Google to dig deeper into users' lives from Physorg
Blue whale behavior affected by man-made noise: study from Physorg
Snow leopard diet determined by DNA analysis of fecal samples from Physorg
Triceratops controversy continues from Physorg
Plug 'leaks,' create 'cradle to career' education system to meet world challenges: Top US educator from Physorg
Japan phones built to survive showers, toilet-drops from Physorg
UN rights chief voices concern over Internet restrictions from Physorg
Smithsonian plans festival to welcome Discovery from Physorg
James Murdoch out at News International from Physorg
Dot Earth Blog: A Fresh Scientific Defense of the Merits of Moving from Coal to Shale Gas from NY Times Science
Ancient deep sea rivers of sand and mud tell climate story from Physorg
Consumer groups urge Google to delay privacy revamp from Physorg
SETI launches to empower citizen scientists from Physorg
Criegee Biradicals: Could This Particle Cool The Planet?
Parkinson’s Disease Drug May Help Brain Injuries, Report Says from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Red Berry/Cabbage/Almond Smoothie — Recipes for Health from NY Times Health
Women Can Make New Eggs After All, Stem-Cell Study Hints from National Geographic
Foot bones allow researchers to determine sex of skeletal remains from Science Daily
Unlocking the secrets of sea turtle migration from Science Daily
Doomsday Seed Vault has more than 740,000 samples from MSNBC: Science
Fossils of giant 1-inch fleas unearthed from UPI
Greek helmet discovered in Israeli harbor from UPI
Wolf tracked through Calif. wilderness from UPI
Private rocket assembled for space launch from UPI
Desert greenhouse will mimic nature from UPI
TV airwaves may go to wireless carriers from UPI
Lady Gaga, Winfrey target bullying from Harvard Science
Cell phone-based sensor for detection of E. coli from Science Blog
Dueling skulls: Triceratops controversy continues from MSNBC: Science
Microsoft unveils Windows 8 in Spain from UPI
Fossils of giant 1-inch fleas unearthed from UPI
Greek helmet discovered in Israeli harbor from UPI
Wolf tracked through Calif. wilderness from UPI
Private rocket assembled for space launch from UPI
Desert greenhouse will mimic nature from UPI
TV airwaves may go to wireless carriers from UPI
A Tour of the U.S. Clean Energy Future [Slide Show] from Scientific American
Nimoy's Spock beams onto 'Big Bang Theory' from MSNBC: Science
Microsoft unveils Windows 8 in Spain from UPI
China's Huawei announces new cellphones from UPI
Excavation of possible emperor's tomb off from UPI
Space station control codes on stolen laptop from CBSNews - Science
Ancient forest had giant vines, towering trees from MSNBC: Science
Google exec calls for digital 'equality' from UPI
China's Huawei announces new cellphones from UPI
Excavation of possible emperor's tomb off from UPI
Earthshine could help find life on other planets from Physics World
New infant formula ingredients boost babies' immunity by feeding their gut bacteria from Science Daily
Effects of a concussion may last longer than symptoms from Science Daily
Old drug reveals new tricks: How interferon works to suppress virus in patients with HIV, hepatitis from Science Daily
Two genes do not make a voter from Science Daily
No workout? No worries: Scientists prevent muscle loss in mice, despite disease and inactivity from Science Daily
Gluten-free, casein-free diet may help some children with autism, research suggests from Science Daily
Big fall salmon run forecast for Klamath River from LA Times - Science
Horn dinos 'two species, not one' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Diving Into Euler-Lagrange: 2D, 3D, And 4D [parameterizations Of 1D Functionals] (2 Of 2)
Maker Says Bird Flu Virus Not as Dangerous as Thought from NY Times Science
To Avoid a Suit, Shell Asks Court’s Opinion from NY Times Science
Thickest parts of Arctic ice cap melting faster from Science Daily
Sea level rise to alter economics of California beaches: Certain beaches will shrink, others remain large from Science Daily
Scientists discover new 'off switch' in immune response from Science Daily