Archive of feed items published on the 31st of August 2010
Recipes for Health: Turkish Bean and Herb Salad from NY Times Health
Marine animals suggest evidence for a trans-Antarctic seaway from Science Blog
Gulf beaches deemed safe for sea turtle hatchlings from LA Times - Science
Combining resistance and endurance training best for heart health from Science Blog
Combining resistance and endurance training best for heart health from Science Blog
Jacob Bigeleisen, Isotope Chemist on Manhattan Project, Dies at 91 from NY Times Science
Video: Alarming Increase in Kid Concussions from CBSNews - Science
Leading design software AutoCAD returns to Macintosh computers from Physorg
Villagers return to slopes of Indonesian volcano from Physorg
Google tool tries to cut through e-mail clutter from Physorg
Wheat genome work just at initial stage: scientists from Reuters:Science
Marine animals suggest evidence for a trans-Antarctic seaway
Eye movements reveal readers' wandering minds
Multiple sclerosis activity changes with the seasons
Google, Skype under fire in India after BlackBerry reprieve from Physorg
The neural basis of the depressive self from Physorg
Nation's leading ID experts call for mandatory flu vaccine for all health-care personnel from Physorg
Apple iPad supply catching up to demand from Physorg
Marine animals suggest evidence for a trans-Antarctic seaway from Physorg
Cairo zoo puts lions on the pill from BBC News: Science & Nature
Thousands flee Indonesia volcano from BBC News: Science & Nature
Success stops drug trial from Physorg
Going live to the beating heart
Concussions in young athletes on the rise
Impact hypothesis loses its sparkle
Climate change implicated in decline of horseshoe crabs
UNH researchers develop improved tool for cycling fitness
Structural defects precede functional decline in heart muscle
New research shows how disease-causing parasite gets around human innate immunity
Researchers to activate anti-cancer gene
Vancouver's supervised injection facility challenges Canada's drug laws
Governments should pay for smoking cessation therapies
BUSPH study observes link between decongestant use in pregnant women and lower risk of preterm birth
The neural basis of the depressive self from Science Blog
Nation’s leading ID experts call for mandatory flu vaccine for all health-care personnel from Science Blog
Success stops drug trial from Science Blog
Hurts so good - neural clues to the calming effects of self-harm
Dramatic climate change is unpredictable
UBC researchers unveil 'toolbox of MiniPromoters' for gene research and therapy
U of Alberta researchers discover important mechanism in fighting infection
New study shows that oilsands mining and processing are polluting the Athabasca River
Heart disorder hits national epidemic proportions
'Co-conspirator' cells could hold key to melanoma prediction, prevention
'Stocky dragon' dinosaur terrorised Late Cretaceous Europe
Survey says: Genetics affect whether we're willing to take surveys
Research demonstrates benefits of medical cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain
Microfluidic device allows collection, analysis of hard-to-handle immune cells
Drug trial results refine treatment during angioplasty operations from Physorg
Combining resistance and endurance training best for heart health
IU chemists develop new 'light switch' chloride binder
ISU researchers develop hybrid protein tools for gene cutting and editing
For the first time, researchers identify and isolate adult mammary stem cells in mice
School-based intervention successfully lowers drinking rates in at risk children
Heart attacks jump in young Italian women from Physorg
Test finds E. coli in beef faster, could better trace outbreaks from Physorg
Radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research from Physorg
Engineers design tools to study sound effects on whales from Physorg
Study suggests dinosaurs killed off by more than one asteroid from Physorg
Female directors boost green reporting performance from Physorg
Lower-dose heparin use during coronary procedure does not appear to reduce risk of major bleeding from Science Blog
Drug trial results refine treatment during angioplasty operations from Science Blog
Study shows skin tone is not the major determinant of perceived racial identity from Physorg
Children raised by gay couples show good progress through school: study from Physorg
Toshiba launches 24nm process NAND flash memory from Physorg
Geo findings boost reserves from Science Alert
N.S. won't pay for girl's U.S. surgery from CBC: Health
Heart attacks jump in young Italian women from Science Blog
Beefy dino sported fearsome claws from BBC News: Science & Nature
Dead Spacecraft on Mars Lives On In New Study from
Ancient brew masters tapped drug secrets from Physorg
Back seat less safe for adults from Science Alert
No tyrannosuars in the south from Science Alert
White LEDs with super-high luminous efficacy could satisfy all general lighting needs from Physorg
Big changes proposed to UN climate panel from CBC: Technology & Science
Jellyfish discovered in Manitoba lake from CBC: Technology & Science
Sangart reports positive Phase IIa data for novel oxygen therapeutic agent MP4OX in trauma patients from Science Blog
Virus related to smallpox rising sharply in Africa, researchers find from Physorg
BASF seeking EU green light for new potato: chairman from Physorg
Time to get your flu shot, but just one this year from AP Health
The mystery of the missing oil plume from News @ Nature
Venus crater debate heats up from News @ Nature
Marine animals suggest evidence for a trans-Antarctic seaway from Science Daily
Cardiac adaptation in elite female athletes from Science Daily
Migration does not bring happiness, study suggests from Science Daily
Super ALICE ushers in a new wonderland of green computing from Science Daily
Heart attacks jump in young Italian women, study finds from Science Daily
PTSD and dementia: More study needed to determine why veterans with PTSD are more at risk than others from Science Daily
Major study finds no evidence that statins cause cancer from Science Daily
Ultra-endurance running may not be good for the heart, study suggests from Science Daily
Ultra-endurance athletes suffer no cardiac fatigue, even after six days of non-stop exercise, Swedish study finds from Science Daily
Marathon running is unlikely to cause long-term heart damage, German study shows from Science Daily
Cleaning the Chesapeake Bay from space from Physorg
High-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low cost from Physorg
Back seat less safe: Australian study from Physorg
Tiny rulers to measure nanoscale structures from Physorg
Google offers to prioritize emails from CBC: Technology & Science
Reading Arabic Ain’t Easy from Science Blog
UK biofuels 'fail on green goals' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Ashgabat, Kabul sign TAPI agreement from UPI
Hospitals face legal dilemma if they test incapacitated patients after needle accidents from Physorg
Reading Arabic isn't easy from Physorg
J.K. Rowling donates $16M for MS research from CBC: Health
Children raised by gay couples show good progress through school from Science Blog
Hospitals face legal dilemma if they test incapacitated patients after needle accidents from Science Blog
Goodbye to cold nights from Science Blog
Reading Arabic isn’t easy from Science Blog
Alberta oil sands under academic scrutiny from UPI
Concerns in Pakistan as flood recede from UPI
German oil deal may lead to arctic from UPI
Somali fighting creating food emergency from UPI
Kiev in gas transit talks with Berlin from UPI
International Penguin Conference in Boston thru 9/3 from Newswise - Scinews
NSF-Funded Project Aims to Grab More Sun for Solar Cells from Newswise - Scinews
NASA Funds Development of Nanoscale Materials for HighEnergy Density Lithium-Ion Batteries from Newswise - Scinews
Hurricane Earl from space from MSNBC: Science
New study suggests migration does not bring happiness from Physorg
Goodbye to cold nights from Physorg
WikiLeaks founder questioned by Swedish police from Physorg
Judge: Pa. district must pay $260K in spying case from Physorg
New study suggests migration does not bring happiness from Science Blog
Complexities of aquifer systems impede reaction rate estimates from Science Daily
Understanding volcanism and tectonic activity in Yellowstone and the Pacific Northwest from Science Daily
Characterizing channels for transport of melt in mantle from Science Daily
Dry lake bed salts promote cloud formation from Science Daily
Children raised by gay couples show good progress through school, study finds from Science Daily
Brain uses eyes to pick up things: Unraveling the calculations from Science Daily
Stress resilience returns with feeling for rhythm from Science Daily
Verbal feedback gets pupils thinking from Science Daily
Hospitals face legal dilemma if they test incapacitated patients after needle accidents from Science Daily
OSA, SPIE and MRS Announce 2010-2011 Congressional Science and Engineering Fellows from Newswise - Scinews
The Bright Red of Cardinals Means Less in Urban Areas from Newswise - Scinews
Tiny Rulers to Measure Nanoscale Structures from Newswise - Scinews
New discovery suggests our lungs are 'innately prone' to silicosis and related diseases from Physorg
System for eliminating salt may point to new antihypertensives from Physorg
Archaeological study shows human activity may have boosted shellfish size from Physorg
Scientists discover new protein that gets to the roots of obesity and osteoporosis from Physorg
Study: The bright red of cardinals means less in urban areas from Physorg
3M buying maker of people tracking devices from Physorg
Time to get your flu shot, but just one this year from Physorg
Why Older People Repeat Stories from Live Science
Magna Carta Getting a New Gas to Lie In from Live Science
Mercury Keeps Invasive Pythons Off the Menu from Live Science
Photos Show Strange Elongated Martian Crater from Live Science
Report: U.S. Institutions Vulnerable to Cyberattacks from Live Science
The Perilous Profession of Underground Mining (Infographic) from Live Science
How to Avoid Being Attacked By a Dog from Live Science
Most Fragile Eggs Belonged to Huge Flightless Birds from Live Science
Remains of Ancient Feast to Honor Dead Shaman Discovered from Live Science
Velociraptor Had a Kickboxing Cousin from Live Science
Scientists discover new protein that gets to the roots of obesity and osteoporosis from Science Blog
New discovery suggests our lungs are ‘innately prone’ to silicosis and related diseases from Science Blog
American women are happier going to church than shopping on Sundays — Ben-Gurion U. Study from Science Blog
Archaeological study shows human activity may have boosted shellfish size from Science Blog
Study: The bright red of cardinals means less in urban areas from Science Blog
Why Americans believe Obama is a Muslim from Science Blog
Silicon oxide circuits break barrier from Science Blog
Killer space blast 'off the hook' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Effort to End Conflicts for Oil Regulators from NY Times Science
Niger floods alarming, U.N. says from UPI
BP in gulf 'to stay,' says Dudley from UPI
Reforms needed at U.N .climate panel from UPI
American women are happier going to church than shopping on Sundays: study from Physorg
White-roofs law would help cool Earth: prof from CBC: Technology & Science
Indonesian volcano eruption damages crops from CBC: Technology & Science
Villagers Return to Slopes of Indonesian Volcano from CBSNews - Science
Google Tool Tries To Cut Through E-mail Clutter from CBSNews - Science
Garlic breath? Beat it with a glass of milk, say experts from BBC News: Science & Nature
How flat is flat? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Study shows increased risk of heart attack from physical exertion at altitude and low temperatures during winter sports vacations from Science Daily
Moderate coffee consumption improves aortic distensibility in hypertensive elderly individuals, study finds from Science Daily
Study into teenage diet quality, physical activity and lifestyle characteristics shows the need to encourage better behaviours from Science Daily
Exploring the health benefits of increased physical activity in schoolchildren from different socio-educational backgrounds from Science Daily
Why some Americans believe Obama is a Muslim from Science Daily
The bright red of cardinals means less in urban areas from Science Daily
Archaeological study shows human activity may have boosted shellfish size from Science Daily
Using underground clues to determine past atmospheric heat from Science Daily
Shifting ozone hole exposed South America to more ultraviolet light in 2009 from Science Daily
Extensive relict coral reef found in southern Pacific from Science Daily
Avineon debuts emergency preparedness tool from UPI
Enbridge testing Michigan oil pipeline from UPI
Hurricane Earl Photographed From Space by Astronaut from
The most fragile eggs came from huge flightless birds from MSNBC: Science
Parched English fields reveal ancient sites from MSNBC: Science
Silicon oxide circuits break barrier: Nanocrystal conductors could lead to massive, robust 3-D storage from Physorg
Oyster glue’s secret ingredient from Chemistry World
Self-healing coatings for steel from Chemistry World
Study findings show value of dietary supplement SAMe in treatment of adults with major depressive disorders from Science Blog
Gravity-Mapping Satellite's Communications Glitch to Be Fixed Soon from
Villagers Return to Slopes of Indonesian Volcano from CBSNews - Science
Google Tool Tries To Cut Through E-mail Clutter from CBSNews - Science
New Fault Lines in Mountaintop Coal Debate from NY Times Science
Passions and Detachment in Journalism from NY Times Science
NASA Tests New Rocket Motor With Uncertain Future from
Why Americans believe Obama is a Muslim from Physorg
Girls' early puberty linked to unstable environment via insecure attachment in infancy from Physorg
Researcher finds new bee in downtown Toronto from Physorg
Good Riddance To Human Drivers?
Does Happiness Have To Cost The Earth?
Hallucinogens In Your Medicine Cabinet
No clinical trial for MS therapy from CBC: Health
Google buys Toronto social-games maker from CBC: Technology & Science
Treatment for S. aureus skin infection works in mouse model from Science Blog
Girls’ early puberty linked to unstable environment via insecure attachment in infancy from Science Blog
York U researcher finds new bee in downtown Toronto from Science Blog
Pox Swap: 30 Years After the End of Small Pox, Monkey Pox Cases Are on the Rise from Scientific American
Fighting the Muscle Loss That Comes With Age from NY Times Health
The Race to Replace Warfarin from NY Times Health
Reading Arabic isn't easy, brain study suggests from Science Daily
Our lungs are 'innately prone' to silicosis and related diseases, new study suggests from Science Daily
Newly discovered protein gets to the roots of obesity and osteoporosis from Science Daily
Tiny rulers to measure nanoscale structures from Science Daily
Photo album tells story of wildlife decline from Physorg
NRL ready to deploy virtual mission operations center from Physorg
Treatment for S. aureus skin infection works in mouse model from Physorg
Stem-cell work thrown into limbo from News @ Nature
Comet theory carbonized from News @ Nature
The mystery of the missing oil plume from News @ Nature
Kiev wants Germany to modernize gas grid from UPI
China raises alarm over Yangtze environmental damage from Physorg
Gartner cuts second-half PC growth forecast from Physorg
With new technique, astronomers find potassium in giant planet's atmosphere from Physorg
5000 Synapses in the Width of a Hair from Science Blog
Maize disease threatens to devastate East Africa from SciDev
Pakistan's science minister attacks funding cuts from SciDev
Pictures: World's Biggest Tent Rises in Kazakhstan from National Geographic
Still no Earths, but getting closer from
The impact of new media and technology on customer relationships from Physorg
Increasing selenium intake may decrease bladder cancer risk from Physorg
6-month delay for pot permits stressful: MD from CBC: Health
Cineplex puts bedbug claim to rest from CBC: Health
Garbage-to-gas plant launched in Edmonton from CBC: Technology & Science
POV: Do you use a digital or print dictionary? from CBC: Technology & Science
Verdict on genetically modified salmon pending from CBC: Technology & Science
Electrified Cotton Filter Soaked in Nanotech Cheaply and Quickly Purifies Large Volumes of Water from PopSci
With new technique, UF astronomers find potassium in giant planet’s atmosphere from Science Blog
Photo album tells story of wildlife decline from Science Blog
Breakthrough news involving migraine from Science Blog
The impact of new media and technology on customer relationships from Science Blog
STD Campaign Uses Phone App to Reward Checkups from CBSNews - Science
Climate panel must adapt to survive from News @ Nature
Stem-cell work thrown into limbo from News @ Nature
Quest for more computer memory ongoing from UPI
NASA and ATK successfully test five-segment solid rocket motor from Science Daily
Bone hormone levels linked to risk of death for patients with heart failure from Science Daily
Iron deficiency in heart failure from Science Daily
Vitamin D is a prognostic marker in heart failure, study finds from Science Daily
Photo album tells story of wildlife decline from Science Daily
Astronomers find potassium in giant planet's atmosphere from Science Daily
New bee species discovered in downtown Toronto from Science Daily
Girls' early puberty linked to unstable environment via insecure attachment in infancy from Science Daily
Are volcanic eruptions increasing? Not really from MSNBC: Science
FDA looks to curb abuse of cough medicine from Physorg
Off-the-Shelf Dyes Improve Solar Cells from Newswise - Scinews
Photo Album Tells Story of Wildlife Decline from Newswise - Scinews
STD Campaign Uses Phone App to Reward Checkups from CBSNews - Science
FDA looks to curb abuse of cough medicine from AP Health
NASA and ATK successfully test five-segment solid rocket motor from Physorg
Listen up! New experiment records ultrafast chemical reaction with vibrational echoes from Physorg
Researchers link protein to tumor growth from Physorg
Oxford English Dictionary may never be printed again from Physorg
Silicon oxide circuits break barrier: Nanocrystal conductors could lead to massive, robust 3-D storage from Science Daily
Impact of new media and technology on customer relationships from Science Daily
Treatment for S. aureus skin infection works in mouse model from Science Daily
Newsweek: Science of why people think Obama's Muslim from MSNBC: Science
Consumer confidence remains stagnant without future economic signals from Physorg
Glass magic -- a film that changes what glass can do from Physorg
Oily whale bones puzzle solved from Physorg
Expedition Explores Violent Russian Volcanoes from Live Science
Classic NASA Photos Rocket onto Flickr from Live Science
Big rocket booster in second test from BBC News: Science & Nature
Students create web site to track historic twitter trends from Physorg
Developments in nanobiotechnology point to medical applications from Physorg
Obesity, diabetes epidemics continue to grow in California, study finds from Physorg
IceCube neutrino observatory nears completion from Physorg
LEDs illuminate eye for ocular disease screening from Physorg
Global Alliance Bolsters 1st Integrated Computational Materials Engineering Conference from Newswise - Scinews
UC San Diego and United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation Sign Groundbreaking Fundraising Agreement from Newswise - Scinews
IceCube Neutrino Observatory Nears Completion from Newswise - Scinews
LEDs Illuminate Eye for Ocular Disease Screening from Newswise - Scinews
Oilsands water toxins natural, monitor says from CBC: Technology & Science
Brock University staff get Wi-Fi warning from CBC: Technology & Science
Off-the-shelf dyes improve solar cells from Physorg
Stem cell ruling puts researcher's project in limbo from Physorg
Phenomenon of plate tectonics explained from Physorg
University of Colorado students, staff help NASA decommission satellite from Physorg
Staples to sell Amazon's Kindle from Physorg
How Australia's 'Smart State' Lured Irish Science Guru from Science NOW
Taking An In-Depth Look at 3-D Glasses from Live Science
University of Colorado students, staff help NASA decommission satellite from Science Blog
Off-the-shelf dyes improve solar cells from Science Blog
Hurricane Earl May Skim N. Carolina as Strong Storm from National Geographic
IceCube neutrino observatory nears completion from Science Daily
Obesity, diabetes epidemics continue to grow in California, study finds from Science Daily
LEDs illuminate eye for ocular disease screening from Science Daily
Off-the-shelf dyes improve solar cells from Science Daily
Students help NASA decommission satellite from Science Daily
Diverse diet of veggies may decrease lung cancer risk from Science Daily
Increasing selenium intake may decrease bladder cancer risk from Science Daily
Nepal's food supply at risk from UPI
Expedition explores violent Russian volcanoes from MSNBC: Science
American Physiological Society (APS) Announces New Position Statements on Animals in Research from Newswise - Scinews
Epson launches volume production of world's first reflective HTPS panels from Physorg
Foursquare, MTV to Reward STD Testing with Badge from CBSNews - Science
Clue to ancient Antarctic seaway from BBC News: Science & Nature
Human Meat Just Another Meal for Early Europeans? from National Geographic
Edge Learning And SpaceUpDC
InterAcademy Council Report Urges 'Fundamental Reform' Of IPCC
Japan's Government Aims High in Budget Plan from Science NOW
New Warnings About Costs of Nuclear Power from NY Times Science
NASA Funds Test Flights for Private Experimental Rockets from
Species cooperate out of self-interest rather than to be mutually beneficial, study says from Physorg
Free as a bird? Researchers find that man-made development affects bird flight patterns and populations from Physorg
Hooked on Headphones? Personal Listening Devices Can Harm Hearing from Physorg
NASA's Terra Satellite captures 3 tropical cyclones in the northwestern Pacific Ocean from Physorg
Hourly workforce carries burden during recession from Physorg
Study discovers why females fare better than males after traumatic injury from Physorg
Tiny Creatures Crossed Antarctica on Ancient Seaway from Live Science
LEDs illuminate eye for ocular disease screening from Science Blog
Obesity, diabetes epidemics continue to grow in California, UCLA study finds from Science Blog
IceCube neutrino observatory nears complete from Science Blog
River metals linked to tar sand extraction from News @ Nature
Climate panel must adapt to survive from News @ Nature
Stinkbugs descend on eastern U.S. from UPI
Prophylactic surgeries associated with lower risk of cancer for women with BRCA1/2 gene mutations from Physorg
Home-based intervention may provide some benefit to patients with dementia and their caregivers from Physorg
High-fat diet during puberty linked to breast cancer risk later in life from Physorg
Preventive cancer surgeries save women's lives from Physorg
Babies born past term associated with increased risk of cerebral palsy from Physorg
Analysis sees higher death rate for very low-birth-weight infants born at less-specialized hospitals from Physorg
DASH eating plan lowers long-term heart attack risk, especially among African-Americans from Physorg
Canon develops world's largest CMOS image sensor, with ultra-high sensitivity from Physorg
U.S. stem cell ruling appealed from CBC: Health
The End of Cell Phone Chargers Is Near from Live Science
Scenes from a 12,000 Year-Old Feast from CBSNews - Science
Developments in nanobiotechnology at UCSB point to medical applications from Science Blog
High-fat diet during puberty linked to breast cancer risk later in life from Science Blog
Free as a bird? from Science Blog
Hourly workforce carries burden during recession from Science Blog
NASA’s Terra Satellite captures 3 tropical cyclones in the northwestern Pacific Ocean from Science Blog
GOES-13 catches 3 tropical cyclones thrashing through the Atlantic from Science Blog
GOES-13 catches 3 tropical cyclones thrashing through the Atlantic from Science Blog
Study discovers why females fare better than males after traumatic injury from Science Blog
Researchers develop simulation to better understand the effects of sound on marine life from Science Blog
Researchers develop simulation to better understand the effects of sound on marine life from Science Blog
Bucket Chemistry!
Fire and Ice: Satellite Burns Up in Earth's Atmosphere to End Polar Mission from
An Eye on Earl: RENCI Models the Path of Hurricane as Its Heads Towards the East Coast from Newswise - Scinews
Thinnest eggs belonged to largest Moas from Physorg
GOES-13 catches 3 tropical cyclones thrashing through the Atlantic from Physorg
Top 10 Monogamous Animals from Live Science
Top 10 Swingers of the Animal Kingdom from Live Science
Bell, Telus must rebate phone customers: CRTC from CBC: Technology & Science
What Created This Smooth, 200-Mile-Long Trench On Mars? from PopSci
Fuel-efficiency formula needs cars wired with better brainpower, less vroom from Science Blog
ER visits for concussions soar among child athletes from LA Times - Health
Fuel-efficiency formula needs cars wired with better brainpower, less vroom from Physorg
Link between cellular glue and cancer growth from Physorg
Post-surgery radiation improves breast cancer survival from Physorg
Brock University staff get Wi-Fi warning from CBC: Health
Why Do Hurricanes Often Curve Out to Sea? from Live Science
Clues to Obama's Muslim Problem from Live Science
Dead Spacecraft on Mars Lives on in New Study from Live Science
Nasa booster rocket passes test from BBC News: Science & Nature
Cold snap decimates Amazonian aquatic life in Bolivia from UPI
NASA Narrows List of Asteroid Targets for Manned Mission from
Mosquitoes use several different kinds of odor sensors to track human prey from Physorg
Buying common medicines can push poor people further into poverty from Physorg
Tracking marine animal travel from Physorg
Starvation keeps sleep-deprived fly brain sharp from Physorg
Physical activity can reduce the genetic predisposition to obesity by 40 percent from Physorg
Extension food-safety specialist offers information on safely handling eggs from Physorg
IBM Extends x86 Server Lineup with AMD Processors from Physorg
Online learning startup rises on wings of angel investors from Physorg
A Warming Contrarian Calls for a Global Tax from NY Times Science
Ovary removal lowers breast cancer risk: study from CBC: Health
Benefits seen for high-risk women in ovary removal from AP Health
Largest neutrino observatory readied from UPI
Ground features affect bird flight paths from UPI
For the First Time, Researchers Identify and Isolate Adult Mammary Stem Cells in Mice from Newswise - Scinews
Starvation Keeps Sleep-Deprived Fly Brain Sharp from Newswise - Scinews
The Newfound Fatigue Fighter: Hunger from Live Science
Homeowners Must Pay Off Energy Improvement Loans from NY Times Science
NIH Asks Judge to Suspend Stem Cell Research Injunction from Science NOW
Students help end satellite mission from UPI
Major study finds no evidence that statins cause cancer from Physorg
Ovary removal proves beneficial for cancer-prone women from
Why starved flies need less sleep from
Scenes from a 12,000 Year-Old Feast from CBSNews - Science
Foursquare, MTV to Reward STD Testing with Badge from CBSNews - Science
For the first time, researchers identify and isolate adult mammary stem cells in mice from Science Blog
Grains prices drop, livestock futures trade mixed from AP Science
Starvation keeps sleep-deprived fly brain sharp from Science Daily
Fuel-efficiency formula needs cars wired with better brainpower, less vroom from Science Daily
Researchers rescue Moore’s Law from MSNBC: Science
Canadian student finds 19 new bee species from UPI
Camera 'traps' track world biodiversity from UPI
Be frank with trapped miners, NASA tells Chile from Physorg
Electronic Arts brings 'Madden' to Facebook from Physorg
Health advice from pharmacists saves hundreds of millions of euros from Physorg
Evolution rewritten, again and again from Physorg
The Most Powerful Booster Rocket Ever Tested from CBSNews - Science
Big Alien Planet's Atmosphere is Hot and Cloudy from
Smog advisory in effect for Toronto from CBC: Health
New Deep-Sea Pictures: Chimaera, Ten-armed Starfish, More from National Geographic
Study Shows SAMe May Ease Depression from NY Times Health
Feds appeal order blocking stem cell research from AP Science
Danish trial demonstrates benefits of dual-chamber pacing in treating sick sinus syndrome from Physorg
Hearing loss spikes in teen girls: U.S. study from CBC: Health
POLL: Stop-smoking drugs: Should governments pay? from CBC: Health
Breast, ovary removal found to raise cancer survival rates from LA Times - Science
When hasty headlines fail to shake a family tree from News @ Nature
River metals linked to tar sand extraction from News @ Nature
Mosquitoes Use Several Different Kinds of Odor Sensors to Track Human Prey from Newswise - Scinews
Historic NASA photos go on the Web from UPI
A decade of studying the Earth's magnetic shield, in 3-D from Physorg
Mama's Boys Get the Girls from Science NOW
ScienceShot: Gabby Pandas Are Manly Pandas from Science NOW
A Nuclear Giant Moves Into Wind from NY Times Science
For Bonobo Males, Mom Is the Best Wingman from Live Science
Video: Fears over Hurricane Earl from CBSNews - Science
New water filter may help developing world from UPI
Human impact on a food source unexpected from UPI
New Rivals to Warfarin as Blood Clot Preventer from NY Times Health
Evolution rewritten, again and again from Science Daily
For bonobo males, mom is best wingman from MSNBC: Science
Sponsored By: from MSNBC: Science
Gas mileage could triple with 'evolution' from UPI
Study: Marine life at risk in CO2 rise from UPI
NASA tests prospective launch motor from UPI
Amazon moves to sell films online from CBC: Technology & Science
Amazon Trying To Offer Subscription TV, Movies from CBSNews - Science
Mosquitoes use several different kinds of odor sensors to track human prey from Science Daily
Why females fare better than males after traumatic injury from Science Daily
High-fat diet during puberty linked to breast cancer risk later in life from Science Daily
Mothers matter! High social status and maternal support play an important role in mating success of male bonobos from Science Daily
In drought-prone Sahel, scientists roll out innovative system for producing vegetables from Science Daily
Exercise can offset obesity-linked genes, study finds from LA Times - Science
Deal Would Provide Dialysis to Illegal Immigrants in Atlanta from NY Times Health
The neural basis of the depressive self from Biology News Net
Marine animals suggest evidence for a trans-Antarctic seaway from Biology News Net
Photo album tells story of wildlife decline from Biology News Net
Mosquitoes use several different kinds of odor sensors to track human prey from Biology News Net
Cosmic Log: Collider court case finally closed from MSNBC: Science
Babies born past term associated with increased risk of cerebral palsy from Science Daily
Nobel Winners Sign Letter Backing Obama Space Plan from NY Times Science
Lima beans domesticated twice from Science Daily
DNA helps turn graphene into a chemical sensor from Physics World
High-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low cost from Science Daily
Nanobiotechnology advances point to medical applications from Science Daily
Hooked on headphones? Personal listening devices can harm hearing, study finds from Science Daily
Researchers exploring 'fusion strategy' against E. coli from Science Daily
Prophylactic surgeries associated with lower risk of cancer for women with BRCA1/2 gene mutations from Science Daily
Researchers develop simulation to better understand the effects of sound on marine life from Science Daily
DASH eating plan lowers long-term heart attack risk, especially among African-Americans from Science Daily
Location determines social network influence, study finds; Number of connections less important than proximity to core from Science Daily
Virus related to smallpox rising sharply in Africa from Science Daily
A decade of studying the Earth's magnetic shield, in 3-D from Science Daily
Buying common medicines can push poor people further into poverty, study finds from Science Daily
Antibacterial peptide could aid in treating soldiers' burn wound infections from Physorg
Hispanic kids show greater risk of substance use from Physorg
Study links shorter sleep durations with greater risks of mental distress in young adults from Physorg
Study finds an increased risk of death in men with insomnia and a short sleep duration from Physorg
Tumor budding identified as predictor for unfavorable outcome in lung cancer from Physorg
Lung cancer survival rates improved through use of individualized chemotherapy from Physorg
Less is more: Study shows that teens who sleep less eat more fatty foods and snacks from Physorg
Researchers analyze 'the environmentalist's paradox' from Physorg
Phys Ed: Does Stretching Before Running Prevent Injuries? from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Grilled Mushrooms in Foil Packets from NY Times Health
Explaining "How & Why" Cancer Cells Eat Us Alive from Newswise - Scinews
Tumor budding identified as predictor for unfavorable outcome in lung cancer from Science Blog
Hispanic kids show greater risk of substance use from Science Blog
Antibacterial peptide could aid in treating soldiers’ burn wound infections from Science Blog
Study finds an increased risk of death in men with insomnia and a short sleep duration from Science Blog
Researchers analyze ‘the environmentalist’s paradox’ from Science Blog
Study links shorter sleep durations with greater risks of mental distress in young adults from Science Blog
People want to be asked before sharing genetic data from Science Blog
Privatizing Sweden’s retail alcohol sales will increase alcohol-related violence and other harms from Science Blog
Risk of surgery for Crohn’s disease lower than reported in recent studies from Science Blog
Staggered radiologist work shifts improve patient care, study suggests from Science Blog