Archive of feed items published on the 4th of June 2010
More choline for pregnant, nursing women could reduce Down syndrome dysfunction, guard against dementia from Science Daily
New gene therapy proves effective in treating severe heart failure from Science Daily
Early Earth haze likely provided ultraviolet shield for planet from Science Daily
Reducing Alzheimer's-related protein in young brains improves learning in Down syndrome animal model from Science Daily
How did higher life evolve? Brown algal genome opens new door to understanding multicellularity and photosynthesis from Science Daily
Superbug's 'CPU' revealed: Researchers discover chemical clue directing Staphylococcus aureus from Science Daily
Universal treatment for all strains of influenza within sight from Science Daily
Common genetic threads link thousands of years of Jewish ancestry from Science Daily
Molecular explanation for the evolution of Tamiflu resistance from Science Daily
Oasis near Death Valley fed by ancient aquifer under Nevada Test Site from Science Daily
Commonly used seizure drug could treat severe genetic liver disease from Science Daily
Kellogg to Restrict Ads to Settle U.S. Investigation from NY Times Health
1,000 More Unread Heart Tests at Harlem Hospital from NY Times Health
News Analysis: Health Insurers and the Administration Find They Need Each Other from NY Times Health
Robert L. McNeil Jr., Chemist Who Introduced Tylenol, Dies at 94 from NY Times Health
Drilling into the unknown: First exploration of a sub-glacial Antarctic lake is a major step closer from Science Daily
Lifestyle and genes pose separate risks for breast cancer from Science Daily
Marmots can teach us about obesity from Science Daily
Tiny blood vessels in brain spit to survive from Science Daily
Aquatic life declines at early stages of urban development, research finds from Science Daily
Spending time in nature makes people feel more alive, study shows from Science Daily
Outcrop of long-sought rare rock on Mars found from Science Daily
Flooring can affect how consumers make purchase decisions, researcher finds from Science Daily
Soccer-playing robots get creative with physics-based planning from Science Daily
Azithromycin pills equal to penicillin shots for treating early syphilis, clinical trial finds from Science Daily
Fires in Amazon challenge emission reduction program from Science Daily
Moving repeatedly in childhood linked with poorer quality-of-life years later, study finds from Science Daily
Blood flows differently through the brains of schizophrenic patients from Science Daily
Beethoven unlikely to have died from lead exposure from Science Daily
Compression clothing has little impact on athletic performance, study suggests from Science Daily
Good grades? It's all in who you know: Having friends who attend the same school is key, study shows from Science Daily
Long-term use of Parkinson's drug may impact vision from Science Daily
Mining in Africa is spreading TB, study suggests from Science Daily
Link identified between lower IQ scores and attempted suicide in men from Science Daily
Biosensors reveal how single bacterium gets the message to split into a swimming and a stay-put cell from Science Daily
Students develop device to help blind maneuver from Science Daily
Gates open on understanding potassium channel controls from Science Daily
Lack of skilled birth care costs 2 million lives each year worldwide, study estimates from Science Daily
Ocean Acidification in the Arctic: What are the consequences of carbon dioxide increase on marine ecosystems? from Science Daily
Epigenetic similarities between Wilms tumor cells and normal kidney stem cells found from Science Daily
Online games new marketing tool for unhealthy foods from Science Daily
Buried Channel Solar Cells
McDonald's pulls 12M cadmium-tainted Shrek glasses from AP Health
Earth Watch from BBC News: Science & Nature
Falcon 9 rocket ready for debut from BBC News: Science & Nature
Foxconn: latest employee death not work related from Physorg
Earth from Space: A smoke-free Iceland from European Space Agency
Low-dose HRT patches carry less risk of stroke than tablets from Physorg
Yangtze River's ancient origins revealed from Physorg
Amateur astronomer spots another Jupiter strike (w/ Video) from Physorg
Link identified between lower IQ scores and attempted suicide in men from Physorg
Scientists seek former students in toxic MT town from AP Health
EPA tightens sulfur dioxide limits from Physorg
MS drugs scheme 'a costly failure' for the NHS from Physorg
Special care plan does not slow decline in patients with Alzheimer's from Physorg
McDonald's pulls 12M cadmium-tainted Shrek glasses from Physorg
Bangladesh kids who lose mother more likely to die from Physorg
Coral transplantation the simple and cheap solution to reef restoration from Physorg
BP places cap on leaking oil well from BBC News: Science & Nature
Drug hope for sepsis uncovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
£2bn offshore windfarm goes ahead from BBC News: Science & Nature
Aussie diners eat up Apple's iPad -- as menu from Physorg
RWE, Siemens unveil plans for giant Welsh wind farm from Physorg
EADS to unveil algae-powered helicopter from Physorg
N.B. delays arrival of physician assistants from CBC: Health
Gadgets: Ultra portable video camera trades fun for video/audio quality from Physorg
Undersea oil plumes mean slow-motion death in Gulf: experts from Physorg
Detecting tumors faster from Physorg
Who are we sharing the planet with? Millions less species than previously thought from Physorg
Scientists must not be muzzled from SciDev
Stakes Are High for New Falcon 9 Rocket's First Test Flight from
Wind-powered car goes down wind faster than the wind from Physorg
Video - Elon Musk vs. Neil Armstrong: SPACEX vs. Constellation from
How cockroaches recommend good food to each other from BBC News: Science & Nature
In Pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hylas on schedule for launch from European Space Agency
Massive data theft leads investigators to India hackers, New York businessman from Physorg
Now, New York Is His Oyster from NY Times Science
P.E.I. wants to improve vaccination rates from CBC: Health
BP exec says cap is collecting some oil in Gulf from LA Times - Science
'Space for Earth’ at the Berlin Air and Space Show, ILA, 8-13 June 2010 from European Space Agency
Jupiter hit again from CBC: Technology & Science
Insuring the world’s poor against climate change from UPI
Drug Prices from C&EN
FDA Approval Is Not A Shield from C&EN
Downsizing Ethylene from C&EN
Cholera spreading in Somalia from CBC: Health
Big Fireball on Jupiter Spotted by Amateur Astronomers from
Airborne wind turbines to generate power from high winds (w/ Video) from Physorg
Crocodiles ride ocean currents to travel the high seas from Physorg
A sense of humor helps keep you healthy until retirement age from Science Daily
Status symbols of house sparrows from Science Daily
McDonald's recalls Shrek glasses in U.S. from CBC: Health
Economy adds 431,000 jobs in May from LA Times - Science
Another ship attempts to break Israel blockade from LA Times - Science
Slideshow: The art of science from MSNBC: Science
Arctic Sea Ice at Lowest Point in Thousands of Years from Live Science
easyJet unveils plans to fit ash detectors from Physorg
Scientists seek former students in toxic MT town from Physorg
Some blocked websites now accessible in China from Physorg
Neglected diseases should share diagnostic tools from SciDev
For Five Days of Oil from NY Times Science
Sex, crickets and videotape from
U.S. bans 'light' cigarette labels this month from CBC: Health
Falcon 9 rocket poised for 1st launch from CBC: Technology & Science
SpaceX Set for Long-Awaited Falcon 9 Test Flight from CBSNews - Science
Hidden Relationship Factors: Beyond Talking and Touching from Live Science
The Psychology of Darth Vader Revealed from Live Science
Researchers Uncover Identity Of Spider Discovered By Darwin More Than A Century Ago from Physorg
New rust resistance genes added to common beans from Physorg
New rust resistance genes added to common beans from Science Blog
Getting Our Heads Around the Spill from NY Times Science
President Nominates New NSF Head from C&EN
McDonald's recalls Shrek glasses in U.S. from CBC: Technology & Science
Obama to visit Gulf for oil spill update from CBC: Technology & Science
First MS pill under consideration from UPI
Wind turbine scrapped at London Olympics from UPI
Use Jupiter to Find the Elusive Planet Uranus from
Teen Brains Wired for Risk from Live Science
Next Stop, Titan: Looking at the Land o' Lakes from Physorg
Prof.: Young girls lose from lack of female athletes on TV news reports from Physorg
Researcher finds diary entries are akin to tweets from Physorg
Pregnancy is Prettier and 'Healthier' Without the Tan: Expert from Physorg
Lovastatin: a new weapon against plague? from Science Daily
US to measure research impact from Chemistry World
Antibacterial nanoparticles from bacteria from Chemistry World
Spotting renal problems with protein tests from Chemistry World
Will the New L.T.C. Insurance Be Offered to the Self-Employed? from NY Times Health
Recipes for Health: Black Beans and Rice from NY Times Health
Cameras study the secret life of crickets from UPI
LAUNCHING TODAY: SpaceX's First Falcon 9 Rocket from
Ancient ‘brain food’ helped humans get smart from MSNBC: Science
BP may begin pumping oil to surface from LA Times - Science
Judge could block L.A.'s medical marijuana crackdown from LA Times - Science
Purdue membrane technology could help cleanup oil spills from Physorg
Auburn's EcoDogs sniffing out endangered species from Physorg
Genetic 'Parts' List Now Available for Key Part of the Mammalian Brain from Physorg
Nortel-era degree cut in Ottawa from CBC: Technology & Science
What AT&T's Tiered Pricing Means for You from CBSNews - Science
Offshore Britain slated for new wind farm from UPI
BP's cap positive but partial response from UPI
Megacities in Berlin to discuss climate from UPI
A Solar Boom: Who Owns It? from NY Times Science
Rep. Linda Sanchez ignites debate by linking Arizona law to white supremacists from LA Times - Science
Judge allows limits on Web coverage of Wis. sports from Physorg
Probing Question: What does the SPF rating of sunscreen mean? from Physorg
Warner makes artists available for 'Tap Tap' game from Physorg
Mars On Earth: Astrobiologists look for places here to practice for missions on other planets from Physorg
Low-dose HRT patches may lower stroke risk from CBC: Health
Time To Stop Mailing Fully-Activated Gift Cards? from CBSNews - Science
Iran issues bonds for South Pars gas field from UPI
Russians say BP rejected their help from UPI
Pakistan expects gas pipeline work soon from UPI
Iran enriching uranium, Russia says from UPI
U.N.: Damaged ecosystems can create wealth from UPI
Florida braces for oil spill from UPI
Ankara halts energy projects with Israel from UPI
World Bank funds Mali agriculture sector from UPI
Compression clothing and athletic performance - functional or fad?
ASU instrument on NASA rover helps identify outcrop of long-sought rare rock on Mars
Growth hormone safe for infants with chronic kidney failure
Moving repeatedly in childhood linked with poorer quality-of-life years later
Study finds genetic links among Jewish people
Dummy run from BBC News: Science & Nature
John Wooden 'resting comfortably,' UCLA says from LA Times - Science
Oyster Shells Tell Story from Physorg
Study of MicroRNA Helps Scientists Unlock Secrets of Immune Cells from Physorg
Stanford students' new electric car breaks the mold, not the bank (w/ Video) from Physorg
Apple conference likely to yield new iPhone from Physorg
Free, open virtual laboratory for infectious diseases from Physorg
China unblocks some websites from CBC: Technology & Science
6 Private Companies That Could Launch Humans Into Space from
Pharmaceutical Waste Seeping into Environment from Live Science
Designers defend World Cup ball from BBC News: Science & Nature
BP begins to funnel off oil spill from BBC News: Science & Nature
Road rage sparked Santa Ana Freeway shooting, police say from LA Times - Science
New Cassini Findings Show Possible Signs of Methane-Based Life on Titan from PopSci
Discovery advances control of starch digestion from Physorg
Study Examines Competing Interests in Maine Forests' Future from Physorg
Practicing assertiveness skills on virtual-reality 'dates' may help women prevent sexual victimization from Physorg
Scientists cure Ebola in monkeys from SciDev
Q&A: Andreas Schild and sharing climate data from SciDev
New WHO resolution on Chagas: pros and cons from SciDev
Aquatic life declines at early stages of urban development
Biosensors reveal how single bacterium gets the message to split into a swimming and a stay-put cell
Spending time in nature makes people feel more alive, study shows
Pitt team finds commonly used seizure drug could treat severe genetic liver disease
Most kidney dialysis patients not prepared for emergency evacuation
UM School of Medicine study finds vaginal microbes vary among healthy women
Pheromone responsible for male mouse 'sex appeal'
UF oncologists fight leukaemia with two-pronged therapy, clinical trials planned
Fires in Amazon challenge emission reduction program
Superbug's CPU revealed
Study finds epigenetic similarities between Wilms tumour cells and normal kidney stem cells
Stage II and stage III colon cancer patients treated after 1995 have improved overall survival
Inspiratory muscle training and endurance sport performance
Head to Head on Energy and Climate from NY Times Science
Jupiter takes yet another hit from
Cosmetic kits are safe, B.C. Cancer Agency says from CBC: Health
What AT&T's Tiered Pricing Means for You from CBSNews - Science
Time To Stop Mailing Fully-Activated Gift Cards? from CBSNews - Science
SpaceX Set for Long-Awaited Falcon 9 Test Flight from CBSNews - Science
Evolutionary insights caught on camera from News @ Nature
Mars rover finds conditions 'more conducive to life' from News @ Nature
'Printer' designs living tissue from UPI
Why Is Cadmium So Dangerous? from Live Science
Jupiter probably hit by asteroid from BBC News: Science & Nature
NASA satellites see monster Cyclone Phet slamming northeastern Oman today from Science Blog
Fox Chase clinical trial tests first of its kind antibody from Science Blog
How smarter school lunchrooms increase fruit sales from Science Blog
Renault Tanger announces eco-friendly factory from Physorg
Agronomist: Monitor winter wheat crop for freeze damage from Physorg
US private rocket readies launch in key space step from Physorg
Scientists Produce 3-D Models of BP Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico Using Ranger Supercomputer from Physorg
Drugmakers Wash Painkillers Down The Drain from C&EN
ScienceShot: Crabs Eavesdrop to Find Females from Science NOW
Obama's Indonesia visit called off from SciDev
Key nutrient in maternal diet promises 'dramatic' improvements for people with Down syndrome
Mongooses pass traditions on to their young, too
For the first time, scientists capture very moment blood flow begins
Common genetic threads link thousands of years of Jewish ancestry
New gene therapy proves effective in treating severe heart failure
Mount Sinai researchers approaching universal treatment for all strains of influenza
Snuffing out smoking in those with HIV
The biomechanics of information
Drug substitutes for training in rats, inducing a memory of safety
Caltech biologists provide molecular explanation for the evolution of Tamiflu resistance
Oasis near Death Valley fed by ancient aquifer under Nevada Test Site
Special care plan does not slow decline in patients with Alzheimer's
MS drugs scheme 'a costly failure' for the NHS
Low-dose HRT patches carry less risk of stroke than tablets
Link identified between lower IQ scores and attempted suicide in men
Coral transplantation the simple and cheap solution to reef restoration
Reducing Alzheimer's-related protein in young brains improves learning in Down syndrome animal model
EasyJet to test infrared ash detectors on planes from CBC: Technology & Science
Glaciers' wane not all down to humans from News @ Nature
The minefield came with salsa from LA Times - Health
Job growth weakens in May despite surge in census hiring from LA Times - Science
Stocks fall in early trading from LA Times - Science
Could Life Survive on Mars? Yes, Expert Says from Newswise - Scinews
Fox Chase clinical trial tests first of its kind antibody from Physorg
Bok Globules from Physorg
Highlight: Polarization-modulated rectification at ferroelectric surfaces from Physorg
Drilling into the unknown -- the first exploration of a sub-glacial Antarctic lake is a major step closer from Physorg
Earth from Space: A smoke-free Iceland from Physorg
Gene related to aging plays role in stem cell differentiation from Physorg
Could life survive on Mars? Yes, microbiologist says from Physorg
NASA satellites see monster Cyclone Phet slamming northeastern Oman today from Physorg
Clinical Trial to Treat Brain Tumors with Electric Fields from Physorg
Non-IV Administered Medication Just as Effective in Stopping Seizures from Physorg
Patient Money: Companies Crack Down on Defining Dependents in Benefit Plans from NY Times Health
Paying for the 'Institutionalized Spouse' from NY Times Health
On Our Radar: The Admiral and the C.E.O. from NY Times Science
Adolescent brains biologically wired to engage in risky behaviour, study finds
Big Brother in the wild
Online games new marketing tool for unhealthy foods
Early Earth haze likely provided ultraviolet shield for planet
Good grades? It's all in who you know
Is Europe swimming away from commitments on bluefin tuna?
Next stop, Titan: Looking at the land o' lakes
What is consuming hydrogen and acetylene on Titan?
France gives major boost to international water treaty
NASA rover finds clue to Mars' past and environment for life
Scientists create artificial mini 'black hole'
Mammoth-Belch Deficit Caused Prehistoric Cooling? from National Geographic
Screens to halt Asian carp go in near Chicago from CBC: Technology & Science
Slideshow: MIT’s 114th Commencement exercises from MIT Research
President Hockfield's charge to the graduates from MIT Research
Commencement address by Raymond Stata from MIT Research
First Attempt to Launch New Falcon 9 Rocket Aborted from
Disaster Laws: Will Gulf Oil Spill Change Anything? from Live Science
'Jason Bourne' suspect to appear in L.A. court Monday on weapons charges from LA Times - Science
Could life survive on Mars? Yes, expert says from Science Daily
Research shows heat increases stability of thin-film coatings from Physorg
Climate change forces major vegetation shifts from Physorg
Latinas Delay Seeking Care, Even if Insured and Ill from Physorg
Stroke prevention study in children with sickle cell anemia, iron overload stopped early from Physorg
SpaceX rocket launch aborted at last second from Physorg
How smarter school lunchrooms increase fruit sales from Physorg
Introducing the good food guide for cockroaches from Physorg
Lovastatin: a new weapon against plague? from Physorg
Researchers discover potential genetic factor in eating disorders from Physorg
John Theurer Cancer Center experts present new cancer research at ASCO Annual Meeting from Science Blog
University Hospitals Case Medical Center experts present at ASCO Annual Meeting from Science Blog
Stroke prevention study in children with sickle cell anemia, iron overload stopped early from Science Blog
MSU researchers discover potential genetic factor in eating disorders from Science Blog
Gene related to aging plays role in stem cell differentiation from Science Blog
Relationships Can Lower Substance Use in Young People from Physorg
Researchers make blood poisoning breakthrough from Physorg
Too much, too young? from Physorg
Some Iowa cicadas make unexpected appearance four years ahead of schedule from Physorg
Obama Arrives in Gulf Region as Well Cap Effort Proceeds from NY Times Science
A giant proposal for a new type of molecule from
Video: iPad In-Flight Entertainment from CBSNews - Science
N.B. expands flu shot program from CBC: Health
Sanyo solar research to focus on clouds from UPI
New Private Rocket Soars Into Space on First Flight from
Stroke prevention study in children with sickle cell anemia, iron overload stopped early from Science Daily
How smarter school lunchrooms increase fruit sales from Science Daily
Potential genetic factor in eating disorders identified from Science Daily
Gene related to aging plays role in stem cell differentiation from Science Daily
Nanowires Convert Rat's Heartbeat Into Usable Electricity from PopSci
SpaceX firm launches rocket on test flight from Physorg
Hylas satellite on schedule for launch from Physorg
On the deceleration behaviour of black holes from Physorg
Status symbols of house sparrows: High testosterone darkens their bill from Physorg
Supercentenarians from Physorg
SpaceX rocket soars on debut flight from Reuters:Science
Internet and mobile phone harnessed for Chilean farmers from SciDev
Controversial UNESCO Prize Delayed; Board to Reconsider on 15 June from Science NOW
The Human Equation from NY Times Science
Pictures: "Shark Elevator" Lifts Great Whites From Sea from National Geographic
Sex hormone implicated in eating disorder onset from CBC: Health
Do Shots Ease Allergy Symptoms? from Live Science
Brain Quickly Remembers Complex Sounds from Live Science
Obama lands in gulf region for a third visit from LA Times - Science
Disabilities strike the middle-aged: Sedentary lifestyle, obesity among major reasons from Physorg
Brazilian Water Protection Could Be a $100M Market from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Sex hormone implicated in eating disorder onset from CBC: Technology & Science
Scientists Will Monitor Deepwater Horizon Methane Plumes for Gulf Oil Spill Answers from Scientific American
The Science Of Fiction
As the Sun Awakens, NASA Keeps … Eye on Space Weather from Science @ NASA
Oil Likely Headed North from Science NOW
Private Rocket Has Successful First Flight from NY Times Science
Algae could power new Canadian industry: NRC from CBC: Technology & Science
Video: iPad In-Flight Entertainment from CBSNews - Science
What AT&T's Tiered Pricing Means for You from CBSNews - Science
Time To Stop Mailing Fully-Activated Gift Cards? from CBSNews - Science
SpaceX Launches Long-Awaited Test Flight from CBSNews - Science
Video: Louisiana's Slimy New Reality from CBSNews - Science
Video: The Samsung Galaxy Tablet from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oil-Covered Birds Show Distress from CBSNews - Science
Video: In the Kno from CBSNews - Science
In iPad, Publishers See Hope for Ad Revenue from CBSNews - Science
Nokia Launches Bike-Powered Handset from CBSNews - Science
Video: Creating "Synthetic" Life from CBSNews - Science
Video: BP Rage Increasing from CBSNews - Science
Video: Pressure Builds after Latest BP Snag from CBSNews - Science
Video: James Bond Car Up for Auction from CBSNews - Science
Mars Simulation Forces Long Isolation for Crew from CBSNews - Science
Facebook "Like" Button Draws Privacy Scrutiny from CBSNews - Science
New AT&T Wireless Plan Caps Phone Data Usage from CBSNews - Science
Dow off more than 300 points after disappointing jobs report from LA Times - Science
Forbidden Sex Research: The Orgasm Cycle from Science Blog
Status symbols of house sparrows from Science Blog
Study of microRNA helps NIH scientists unlock secrets of immune cells from Science Blog
Introducing the good food guide for cockroaches from Science Blog
Google to give private Wi-Fi data to European regulators from Physorg
Study Turns Up Viral Key That Might Lead to Universal Flu Treatment from PopSci
Not Just Pelicans in Peril, But Pancake Batfish, Too from Science NOW
Video: Jupiter Takes Another Hit from Science NOW
Putting a Face on the Gulf Oil Leak from NY Times Science
Marine creature cooks up chemical defense from food from
Video: iPad In-Flight Entertainment from CBSNews - Science
What AT&T's Tiered Pricing Means for You from CBSNews - Science
Time To Stop Mailing Fully-Activated Gift Cards? from CBSNews - Science
SpaceX Launches Long-Awaited Test Flight from CBSNews - Science
Video: Louisiana's Slimy New Reality from CBSNews - Science
Video: The Samsung Galaxy Tablet from CBSNews - Science
Video: Oil-Covered Birds Show Distress from CBSNews - Science
Video: In the Kno from CBSNews - Science
In iPad, Publishers See Hope for Ad Revenue from CBSNews - Science
Nokia Launches Bike-Powered Handset from CBSNews - Science
Video: Creating "Synthetic" Life from CBSNews - Science
Video: BP Rage Increasing from CBSNews - Science
Video: Pressure Builds after Latest BP Snag from CBSNews - Science
Video: James Bond Car Up for Auction from CBSNews - Science
Mars Simulation Forces Long Isolation for Crew from CBSNews - Science
Facebook "Like" Button Draws Privacy Scrutiny from CBSNews - Science
New AT&T Wireless Plan Caps Phone Data Usage from CBSNews - Science
Tabnapping Is a New Browser Security Threat from Live Science
A Simple Cure to the Web's Effect on Your Concentration from Live Science
3 arrested in Internet sex predator sting in Huntington Beach from LA Times - Science
Emergency Oil Spill Response—How Sketchy Is It? from Science NOW
Inside NOAA's Toxics Testing Lab from Science NOW
Federal Seafood Testers Turn From Clean to Oiled Gulf Seas from Science NOW
Bright Fireball Slams Into Jupiter from National Geographic
Apple to Make 'TV that Includes Everything,' Analyst Says from Live Science
This Week in the Future, May 31-June 4, 2010 from PopSci
Yoga For Scientists
Pictures: Guatemala Sinkhole Adds to World's Famous Pits from National Geographic
Video: From Typewriters to Twitter from CBSNews - Science
Japanese Satellite Begins Flight to Test Space Age Parts from
Hip exercises found effective at reducing, eliminating common knee pain in runners from Science Blog
Microsoft shutters Bing shopping rebate program from Physorg
Hip exercises found effective at reducing, eliminating common knee pain in runners from Physorg
Why Cameron is Diving Deep on Gulf Oil from NY Times Science
Music - The International Language
NOAA Asks for Time Out on Oil Plume Research Cruises from Science NOW
Obama Space Plan 'Vindicated' by Private Rocket Launch, Builder Says from
'You can’t play it safe and win’ from MIT Research
Spaceman from BBC News: Science & Nature
Video: How Much Oil is Really Gushing? from CBSNews - Science
Video: Tar Balls Wash Ashore in Fla. from CBSNews - Science
Video: Daily Wildlife Drama Thickens from CBSNews - Science
In pictures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Vandetanib shows clinical benefit when combined with docetaxel for lung cancer from Science Blog
Entangling photons with electricity from Physics World
Earth's random walk could jolt particle accelerators from Physics World
Video: Blogosphere Demographics from CBSNews - Science
Video: Kid Solutions to BP Oil Spill from CBSNews - Science
Scientists: Global warming threatens coast from UPI
Obama picks Pentagon official as intelligence director from LA Times - Science
Gulf town vents anger at BP as oil nears from LA Times - Science
Records portray Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan as a pragmatist from LA Times - Science
Newsweek: Scientists analyze Jews' genetic code from MSNBC: Science
SpaceX launches rocket in successful test from UPI
Relativistic interpertation of Casimir effect explains hydrino without ZPE from Science Blog
John Wooden dies at 99; coach won 10 national basketball titles at UCLA from LA Times - Science
Pelicans, Back from Brink of Extinction, Face Threat From Oil Spill from NY Times Science
Murray Stein, Crusader Against Water Pollution, Dies at 92 from NY Times Science
Paul R. Garabedian, Calculator of Planes’ Wing Dynamics, Dies at 82 from NY Times Science
Scientists capture very moment blood flow begins from Science Daily
Autism finding could lead to simple urine test for the condition from Science Daily
Mongooses pass traditions on to their young, too from Science Daily
Glaciers in Tibet were never really large from Science Daily
An extra driver behind the wheel from Science Daily
Biomechanics of information: Going more miles per gallon with your brain from Science Daily
Drug induces a memory of safety in rat brains from Science Daily
Oncologists fight leukemia with two-pronged therapy, clinical trials planned from Science Daily
Cysts hold clues to pancreatic cancer; Detection and removal may lower cancer risk from Science Daily
New cancer treatment? MM-111 antibody uses HER2 target to reach and block HER3 from Science Daily
Making lake and stream conservation more effective from Science Daily
Special care plan does not slow decline in patients with Alzheimer's, study finds from Science Daily
John Wooden dies at 99; UCLA basketball coach won 10 national titles from LA Times - Science