Archive of feed items published on the 11th of June 2009
Cities Race to Bet on Biotech, Despite Long Odds from NY Times Science
San Francisco to Toughen a Strict Recycling Law from NY Times Science
Japan Sets Emissions Targets, and No One Seems Pleased from NY Times Science
Advertising: Marketers Look to the Heavens to Honor the First Moon Walk from NY Times Science
Doctors’ Group Opposes Public Insurance Plan from NY Times Health
Savings for Small Business in Health Plan from NY Times Health
House Bill Would Create Artificial Joints Registry from NY Times Health
Lights, Camera, Contraction! from NY Times Health
12 Flu Victims Have Died, and Ill May Total 550,000 from NY Times Health
Customers Prove There’s a Market for Fresh Produce from NY Times Health
British private school pupils earn 30 percent more in later life from Physorg
Found: 1 in 3 billion from Physorg
Off-label morning sickness drug deemed safe for fetuses from Physorg
Scientists advance safety of nanotechnology from Physorg
Cool plasma packs heat against biofilms from Physorg
Maybe it's raining less than we thought from Physorg
Extended or shortened sleep duration linked to weight gain from Physorg
Sleep may be important in regulating emotional responses from Physorg
Muscular dystrophy: New drug promises benefit without risk of infection from Physorg
Peculiar, junior-sized supernova discovered by New York teen from Physorg
Predicted ground motions for great earthquake in Pacific Northwest: Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver from Physorg
Evolution can occur in less than 10 years from Physorg
Snoring pregnant women at higher risk for gestational diabetes from Physorg
Study may pave way for treatments to delay early multiple births from Physorg
Cocaine and heroin harm placenta from Physorg
2 Orange County nursing homes fined for patient deaths from LA Times - Health
A panic attack over healthcare tab from LA Times - Health
Executives draw huge salaries at L.A. nonprofit drug treatment center from LA Times - Science
Porn actress tests positive for HIV from LA Times - Science
Snoring pregnant women at higher risk for gestational diabetes from Science Blog
Sleep may be important in regulating emotional responses from Science Blog
Extended or shortened sleep duration linked to weight gain from Science Blog
Association between obstructive sleep apnea and weight gain found from Science Blog
Report blames petroleum industry for 25% of toxic pollutants from Physorg
Review: New Intel chips power skinny laptops from Physorg
Taiwan invited to light up Chinese cities from Physorg
Google unfazed by 3 US government inquiries from Physorg
US to reconsider species protection for wolverines from Physorg
Japan's first lunar probe ends mission from Physorg
Crew includes Twittering skipper, singer, ER doc from Physorg
IAC to shutter Web site aimed at black community from Physorg
Palm appoints ex-Apple whiz as CEO from Physorg
Typhoons trigger slow earthquakes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Inspectors averaged 2 hours a day inside listeria-infected plant from CBC: Health
Latest upgrades underwhelm, but iPhone still holds lead from Physorg
Moderately Reduced Carbohydrate Diet Keeps People Feeling Full Longer from Physorg
Discovery Links Proteins Necessary to Repair Membranes from Physorg
Mouse experiments shed light on age effects in arthritis
Sleep may be important in regulating emotional responses
Muscular dystrophy: New drug promises benefit without risk of infection
Should you take folic acid? Too much may cause cancer; additional research suggested from Physorg
Reindeer herds in global decline from BBC News: Science & Nature
Association between obstructive sleep apnea and weight gain found
Availability of diagnostic tests drive success in hospitalist-run short-stay units
Cocaine and heroin harm placenta
Extended or shortened sleep duration linked to weight gain
British private school pupils earn 30 percent more in later life
New EMBL service makes web browsing efficient for biologists
Brain molecule reduces food intake
Our exposure to controversial chemical may be greater than dose considered safe
A potential treatment for gastric motility disorders
Tribble 3 can induce non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?
New definition could further limit habitable zones around distant suns
USC researchers present new strategies to prevent childhood obesity
'Cross' breeding: What makes an angry fly?
South Korea court rejects claims against Microsoft from Physorg
FDA panel backs 3 psychiatric drugs for kids from Physorg
Bisphenol A exposure in pregnant mice permanently changes DNA of offspring
Natural hormone offers hope for treatment of the metabolic syndrome
Specific genetic cause of foetal alcohol-related developmental disorders found
Revised Vienna Classification for diagnosing colorectal epithelial neoplasias
Researchers identify four new targets for breast cancer
Transparent solar cells
Internet-based therapy effective in treating depression
Japanese probe crashes into Moon from BBC News: Science & Nature
What really prompts the dog's "guilty look" from Physorg
UN set for swine flu crisis talks from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fergus On Flu from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hormone therapy plus physical activity reduce fat percentage after menopause
Postpartum anxiety delays puberty in offspring
Endoscopic ultrasonography can differentiate neoplastic from
Researchers find how a common genetic mutation makes cancer radiation resistant
Pre-pregnancy depressed mood may heighten risk for premature birth
Cool plasma packs heat against biofilms
Global warming increasing the dispersal of flora in Northern forests from Physorg
Study may pave way for treatments to delay early multiple births
Hormone therapy may confer more aggressive properties to prostate tumours
Sight for sore eyes
What really prompts the dog's 'guilty look'
Bisphenol A exposure increases risk of abnormal heart rhythms in female rodents
Atomic response from BBC News: Science & Nature
Global Warming Increasing The Dispersal Of Flora In Northern Forests from Science Daily
Screening For Left Ventricular Dysfunction May Have Less Value Than Thought from Science Daily
'Green' job sector off to good start from Physorg
Drugs against winter vomiting disease one step closer
Researchers describe 'implausible' chemistry that produces herbicidal compound
Penn materials scientist finds plumber's wonderland on graphene
Scientists advance safety of nanotechnology
Reviving American chestnuts may mitigate climate change
Team led by Scripps research scientists finds new way that cells fix damage to DNA
New Jefferson study may redefine how a chronic auto-immune disease is diagnosed
Close social ties make baboons better mothers, study finds
Tuneable semiconductors possible with hot new material called graphene
WHO's pandemic declaration imminent: officials from CBC: Health
Undiscovered rainforest 'Googled' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Senate to vote on FDA power to regulate tobacco from AP Health
Trimming the fat boosts blood recovery after marrow transplant
Peculiar, junior-sized supernova discovered by New York teen
WISE mission assembled and preparing for launch
Hatchery fish may hurt efforts to sustain wild salmon runs
Zero tolerance alcohol policy good choice for parents
Rutgers research tackles childhood epilepsy
Predicted ground motions for great earthquake in Pacific Northwest
Found: 1 in 3 billion
Evolution can occur in less than 10 years
Beetle shell inspires brilliant white paper
What Really Prompts The Dog's 'Guilty Look' from Science Daily
Snoring Pregnant Women At Higher Risk For Gestational Diabetes from Science Daily
Sleep May Be Important In Regulating Emotional Responses from Science Daily
Extended Or Shortened Sleep Duration Linked To Weight Gain from Science Daily
Association Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea And Weight Gain Found from Science Daily
Computer System For Dementia Patients from Science Daily
Cancer Screening Fear Is Fueled By Lack Of Information Says Research Review Covering Nearly 6,000 Women from Science Daily
Radio telescope images reveal planet-forming disk orbiting twin suns
Cancer: The cost of being smarter than chimps?
HIV-1's 'hijacking mechanism' pinpointed by researchers
Fracture risk following bariatric surgery
Neural mechanism supports survival in an uncertain world
First-degree relatives of patients with bicuspid aortic valve should be screened
Identifying the potential for tamoxifen resistance in patients
Japan's emissions target: Far too little, far too late
Maybe it's raining less than we thought
Milk goes 'green': Today's dairy farms use less land, feed and water
A voice only a mom could love: New insight into maternal auditory cortex plasticity
UN sketches countries with climate risk profile from Physorg
Senate to vote on FDA power to regulate tobacco from Physorg
Strange Lightning Looks Like Jellyfish Above Earth from Live Science
NZ fish killed by water quality from Science Alert
Physicists Make A Splash With Rain Discovery from Science Daily
New Tidal Debris Discovered From Colliding Galaxies from Science Daily
If the Shoe Flits, Duck: a Real-life Example of Humans' Dual Vision System from Newswise - Scinews
Sunlight Trap Could Lead to New Generation of Solar Devices from Physorg
Made by man, finished by nature: Now's the best time to hit the beach to hunt for sea glass from Physorg
Twitter gives fans access to athletes' lives, so long as the tweets are real from Physorg
Ontario hospitals deal with isotope shortage from CBC: Health
Read iron supplement labels carefully, urges Health Canada from CBC: Health
What really prompts the dog's 'guilty look' from Science Blog
If the Shoe Flits, Duck: a Real-life Example of Humans' Dual Vision System from Science Blog
Review: Spaceflight for Dummies from
Trans-European power grid needed from BBC News: Science & Nature
7 Evils that Scar Society from Live Science
Stem cells key in birthmarks from Science Alert
Opinion: Under the gun from Science Alert
New, superheavy element to enter periodic table from Reuters:Science
Nanoparticle lung threat blocked from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swine Flu Evolved Unnoticed for Years from Live Science
Tai Chi fights chronic aches from Science Alert
PHOTO: Oldest Art in Americas Found on Mammoth Bone? from National Geographic
Pig Poop Helps Power Netherlands from National Geographic
AMA wary of Obama call for public health insurance from AP Health
Study Maps Potential Vulnerability to Heat Waves from Newswise - Scinews
Radio telescopes make a space 'yardstick' from UPI
Swine flu may have been in people in August from AP Science
Ottawa gas station 1st in world to sell gas with biofuel from wheat straw from CBC: Technology & Science
Swine flu may have been in people in August from AP Health
Wild Orbits: Stars Not From Around Here from
WHO 'declares swine flu pandemic' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Bird numbers decline 'worrying' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Swine flu pandemic declared by World Health Organization from LA Times - Science
ESA wants help in naming ISS mission from UPI
'Guilty Dog' Look Is a Myth from Live Science
Exploring the Future of Science at the World Science Festival from PopSci
Kroger-brand frozen chicken wings recalled from UPI
Subclinical markers predict relapse in juvenile idiopathic arthritis post methotrexate withdrawal from Physorg
Diagnosis of arthritis 5 years earlier in childless women compared to those with children from Physorg
Cancer screening fear is fueled by lack of information from Physorg
Screening for left ventricular dysfunction may have less value than thought from Physorg
What are the risk factors of sporadic colorectal cancer? from Physorg
The microbial hydrocarbon diet from Physorg
Simulation helps students learn dental implant procedures from Physorg
The dark side of animation from Physorg
Australia's climate: Drought and flooding in annual rings of tropical trees from Physorg
New South African minister will put science centre stage from SciDev
First digital academic library for Colombia from SciDev
China not sending 3 rare golden monkeys to US Zoo from MSNBC: Science
Raindrop study implies incorrect forecasts from UPI
Researchers at Case Western Reserve discover a new way the body fights fungal infection from Physorg
A breakthrough in gastric carcinogenesis from Physorg
Bariatric surgery increases risk of fractures from Physorg
Wii-hab may enhance Parkinson's treatment from Physorg
Teen has 'miraculous' recovery from unusual tumor disorder from Physorg
Survey: Fewer than 2.2M households unready for DTV from Physorg
First ever worldwide census analysis of caribou/reindeer numbers reveals dramatic decline from Physorg
A natural hormone may protect muscle from atrophy from Physorg
Blocking a muscle growth-limiting hormone protects against obesity and atherosclerosis from Physorg
Exenatide promotes weight loss when added to diet and exercise from Physorg
Can lowering body temperature prevent brain damage in children who suffer cardiac arrest? from Physorg
Hidden genitalia in female water striders makes males 'sing' from Physorg
Swine flu development timescale analyzed from UPI
New findings made in prion disease studies from UPI
FUD-brand cooked ham is recalled from UPI
Promising microbicide can be produced by plants from SciDev
India 'limping' in science publication rates from SciDev
TV Conversion Countdown: Are You Ready? from CBSNews - Science
Australia's Climate: Drought And Flooding In Annual Rings Of Tropical Trees from Science Daily
Hidden Genitalia In Female Water Striders Makes Males 'Sing' from Science Daily
Lost Molecule Is Lethal for Liver Cancer Cells in Mice from Newswise - Scinews
If you do good, you look good from Science Blog
A new computer modeling program can help hospitals prepare for the worst from Science Blog
Wii-hab may enhance Parkinson's treatment from Science Blog
Researchers at Case Western Reserve discover a new way the body fights fungal infection from Science Blog
International study could aid search for life in the universe from Science Blog
First ever worldwide census analysis of caribou/reindeer numbers reveals dramatic decline from Science Blog
New element to be added to periodic table from CBC: Technology & Science
Study may lead to new antimicrobial drugs from UPI
New American College of Surgeons risk calculator determines colorectal surgery risk from Physorg
Study finds segregation decreases access to surgical care for minorities from Physorg
Protein that triggers plant cell division from Physorg
If the shoe flits, duck: A real-life example of humans' dual vision system from Physorg
A new computer modeling program can help hospitals prepare for the worst from Physorg
Stress makes your hair go gray from Physorg
If you do good, you look good from Physorg
Study shows promise for new cancer-stopping therapy from Physorg
Cheaper, Smaller Nuclear Reactors Seek Customers in Developing World from PopSci
Swine flu pandemic declared by World Health Organization from LA Times - Health
Fish use electric signals to find the right mate from Physorg
Declining water quality threatens freshwater fish species with extinction from Physorg
Ecstasy use up as methamphetamine levels off from Physorg
Electric aircraft take to the air from Physorg
Spain facing key decision on use of nuclear power from Physorg
Dell planning acquisition: WSJ from Physorg
Solar greenhouses bring vegetables in from the cold from SciDev
The Risks of Summer Sex from Live Science
Roots of Gray Hair Found in Cellular Stress from Live Science
Shuttle Endeavour Cleared for Saturday Launch from
Explosion mystery from BBC News: Science & Nature
Stressed-out DNA turns mousy brown hair gray from
Isolated Forest Patches Lose Species, Diversity from Science Daily
If The Shoe Flits, Duck: Real-life Example Of Humans' Dual Vision System from Science Daily
Stress Makes Your Hair Go Gray from Science Daily
Hybrid Vehicles That Are Even More Efficient from Science Daily
Natural Hormone May Protect Muscle From Atrophy from Science Daily
Caribou/reindeer Numbers Show Dramatic Decline from Science Daily
Protein may predict cancer drug resistance from UPI
N.M. county facing bubonic plague cases from UPI
Swine flu origins revealed from Physorg
Study finds air traffic control tracking method reduces errors in trauma management from Science Blog
Study finds segregation decreases access to surgical care for minorities from Science Blog
New American College of Surgeons risk calculator determines colorectal surgery risk from Science Blog
See the Celestial Medicine Man from
Bed bug weapon uses insect's own juice from MSNBC: Science
NASA reschedules launch abort system test from UPI
U.S. announces carbon capture investments from UPI
Widely used body fat measurements overestimate fatness in blacks from Physorg
Nicotine induces prediabetes, likely contributes to high prevalence of heart disease in smokers from Physorg
Lap band weight loss surgery reduces teens' risk factors for heart disease, diabetes from Physorg
Symptoms of depression in obese children linked to elevated cortisol from Physorg
Rosiglitazone does not harm bone healing if combined with metformin in rats from Physorg
Microsoft keeps dividend, opens investor question from Physorg
Study finds air traffic control tracking method reduces errors in trauma management from Physorg
Got That Pandemic from PopSci
Secret Found to Flight of 'Helicopter Seeds' from Live Science
High blood pressure increasing in N.L. children: doctor from CBC: Health
Swine flu pandemic declaration does not change B.C. approach from CBC: Health
65 N.L. breast cancer patients missed in retesting from CBC: Health
Private papers reveal ‘Who`s Who of British Science` from Physorg
Grand experiment: 13 people on space station from Reuters:Science
World science academies push for G8 climate action from Reuters:Science
New 'electronic glue' promises cheaper semiconductors
Deforestation causes 'boom-and-bust' development in the Amazon
Replacing microRNA for cancer treatment from
Researcher explores why smoking increases the risk of heart disease and strokes from Science Blog
Rosiglitazone does not harm bone healing if combined with metformin in rats from Science Blog
Symptoms of depression in obese children linked to elevated cortisol from Science Blog
Obese women with PCOS can lose weight with a doctor's help from Science Blog
Nicotine induces prediabetes, likely contributes to high prevalence of heart disease in smokers from Science Blog
Lap band weight loss surgery reduces teens' risk factors for heart disease, diabetes from Science Blog
Collaboration eyes computing boost for New England from MIT Research
New 'Electronic Glue' Promises Cheaper Semiconductors from Newswise - Scinews
Some Nirav-brand golden raisins recalled from UPI
New images may improve vaccine design for deadly rotavirus from Physorg
Bacterial 'sex' causes antibiotic resistance from Physorg
New 'electronic glue' promises less expensive semiconductors from Physorg
Maple seeds and animals exploit the same trick to fly (w/Video) from Physorg
A Look Inside the Data Centers of "The Cloud" from PopSci
Flu Pandemic Declared from Live Science
How maple fruits fall from
Observatory: Filming the Flight of a Winged Maple Seed from NY Times Science
Abrupt global warming could shift monsoon patterns, hurt agriculture from Physorg
Adults, especially women, have calorie-burning 'brown fat' from Physorg
Successful weight loss with dieting is linked to vitamin D levels from Physorg
Sick at Work? Go Home! from Live Science
'Boom and bust' of deforestation from BBC News: Science & Nature
Maple Seeds And Animals Exploit The Same Trick To Fly from Science Daily
Dangerous Liaisons: Bacterial 'Sex' Causes Antibiotic Resistance from Science Daily
New 'Electronic Glue' Promises Less Expensive Semiconductors from Science Daily
Deforestation Causes 'Boom-and-bust' Development In The Amazon from Science Daily
Nintendo Wii May Enhance Parkinson's Treatment from Science Daily
Plasma probe fights deep tooth infections from UPI
Interconnected carbon nanostructures made from UPI
Infrared telescope prepared for launch from UPI
Waste disposal protein is mechanism behind cancer tumor suppression from Physorg
New study describes risk of mobile phone virus attacks from Physorg
Climate pledges bound to breach key warming target: scientists from Physorg
NASA gives unanimous 'go' for Saturday launch from Physorg
Deforestation causes 'boom-and-bust' development in the Amazon from Physorg
What the Swine Flu PSA's Didn't Tell You from PopSci
Medical isotopes on Saskatchewan's radar: premier from CBC: Health
PHOTO: First Proof "Tight" Double Suns Can Have Planets from National Geographic
Food of the Future to Be More Diverse? from National Geographic
Waste disposal protein is mechanism behind cancer tumor suppression from Science Blog
New images may improve vaccine design for deadly rotavirus from Science Blog
A new 'idol' grabs the spotlight from Science Blog
Adults, especially women, have calorie-burning 'brown fat' from Science Blog
Childhood obesity increases early signs of cardiovascular disease from Science Blog
Successful weight loss with dieting is linked to vitamin D levels from Science Blog
74% of Canadians unaware of Twitter: online survey from CBC: Technology & Science
Ecological Society of America Announces Its 94th Annual Meeting from Newswise - Scinews
Medtronic pacemaker recall announced from UPI
Portable Precision: A New Type of Atomic Clock from Physorg
Doctor and Patient: Medicine in the Age of Twitter from NY Times Health
Secret found to flight of ‘helicopter seeds’ from MSNBC: Science
WHO makes it official: Swine flu is a pandemic from LA Times - Science
Don't Panic, It's Just a Pandemic from Live Science
Swine Flu Update: WHO Declares Pandemic In Response To Ongoing Global Spread Of Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Virus from Science Daily
Baby Stars Finally Found In Jumbled Galactic Center from Science Daily
Recyclers Expect TV Increase Over Weekend from Live Science
LEOPARD PICTURES: Rare Snow Cats Caught by Camera Traps from National Geographic
WEEK IN PHOTOS: Fish Swallowing, Robot Chef, and More from National Geographic
Asteroid Probe Set to "Collide" With Earth from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
Elephant Relocation Halted in Africa from National Geographic
AMA wary of Obama call for public health insurance from AP Health
Jumping genes discovery 'challenges current assumptions' from Science Blog
Low-fat diet helps genetically predisposed animals avoid liver cancer from Science Blog
Parkinson's Patients Go to Wii-hab from Live Science
W.H.O. Raises Alert Level as Flu Spreads to 74 Countries from NY Times Health
Drug Appears Safe for Morning Sickness from NY Times Health
Low-fat Diet Helps Genetically Predisposed Animals Avoid Liver Cancer from Science Daily
Jumping Genes Discovery Challenges Current Assumptions from Science Daily
Waste Disposal Protein Is Mechanism Behind Cancer Tumor Suppression from Science Daily
Why Smoking Increases The Risk Of Heart Disease And Strokes from Science Daily
New Images May Improve Vaccine Design For Deadly Rotavirus from Science Daily
Abrupt Global Warming Could Shift Monsoon Patterns, Hurt Agriculture from Science Daily
Protein That Triggers Plant Cell Division Revealed from Science Daily
New Role For Web In Iranian Politics from CBSNews - Science
Space Station Headed for Population Explosion from
Scripps research team creates simple chemical system that mimics DNA from Science Blog
Gene therapy technique thwarts cancer by cutting off tumor blood supply from Science Blog
A red-wine polyphenol called resveratrol demonstrates significant health benefits from Science Blog
Iowa woman's photo sparks push for new cloud type from AP Science
Possible new way to fight HIV discovered from UPI
Stress to DNA causes hair to grey: study from CBC: Health
Stress to DNA causes hair to grey: study from CBC: Technology & Science
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Stomach surgery helps obese adolescents from
Laser makes uphill battle easier from
Rates of heart attack, stroke falling in Canada: report from CBC: Health
Calgarians line up for free skin check from CBC: Health
New flu has been around for years in pigs: study from Reuters:Science
Simple Chemical System Created That Mimics DNA from Science Daily
Gene Therapy Technique Thwarts Cancer By Cutting Off Tumor Blood Supply from Science Daily
Red-wine Polyphenol Called Resveratrol Demonstrates Significant Health Benefits from Science Daily
Ecological Society of America Announces Its 94th Annual Meeting from Newswise - Scinews
New 'Electronic Glue' Promises Cheaper Semiconductors from Newswise - Scinews
Lost Molecule Is Lethal for Liver Cancer Cells in Mice from Newswise - Scinews
Study Maps Potential Vulnerability to Heat Waves from Newswise - Scinews
If the Shoe Flits, Duck: a Real-life Example of Humans' Dual Vision System from Newswise - Scinews
Physicists Make a Splash with Rain Discovery from Newswise - Scinews
Earth-Based Solar Eclipse Research from Newswise - Scinews
Discovery Links Proteins Necessary to Repair Membranes from Newswise - Scinews
Research Team Finds Key Target of Aging Regulator from Newswise - Scinews
New Definition Could Further Limit Habitable Zones Around Distant Suns from Newswise - Scinews
Milk Goes 'Green': Today's Dairy Farms Use Less Land, Feed and Water from Newswise - Scinews
Meat and Meat Products as Functional Foods from Newswise - Scinews
Cancer: The Cost of Being Smarter Than Chimps? from Newswise - Scinews
Microsoft to Offer Free Antivirus Protection from Physorg
Friends of Medicare launch campaign against Alberta health cuts from CBC: Health
Government 'must back insulation' from BBC News: Science & Nature
H1N1 origins from
MicroRNA Replacement Therapy May Stop Cancer In Its Tracks from Science Daily
Enzyme That Controls 'Bad' Cholesterol Discovered from Science Daily
Gene therapy technique thwarts cancer by cutting off tumor blood supply from Biology News Net
Stress makes your hair go gray from Biology News Net
Protein that triggers plant cell division revealed by researchers from Biology News Net
Isolated forest patches lose species, diversity from Biology News Net
What really prompts the dog's 'guilty look' from Biology News Net
Jumping genes discovery 'challenges current assumptions' from Biology News Net
Flu pandemic underway from News @ Nature
Photo sparks push for new cloud type from MSNBC: Science
Rare Radio Supernova In Nearby Galaxy Is Nearest Supernova In Five Years from Science Daily
Playing A High Resistance Wind Instrument May Reduce Risk For Sleep Apnea In Musicians from Science Daily
Four New Targets For Breast Cancer Identified from Science Daily
Carbon Emissions Linked To Global Warming In Simple Linear Relationship from Science Daily
Later Parental-mandated Bedtimes For Teens Linked To Depression And Suicidal Thoughts from Science Daily
Unclear when Chalk River will produce isotopes again: officials from CBC: Technology & Science
The Latest in Technology Looks Into Some Old Bones from Newswise - Scinews
Reindeer & Caribou Populations Plunge from Live Science
Unclear when Chalk River will produce isotopes again: officials from CBC: Health
Tuning the gap in graphene from Physics World
Flaw revealed in theory of transistor "noise" from Physics World
Moonshine could light the way to extraterrestrial life from Physics World
Report: Bush admin's gas leases too close to parks from AP Science
Science, the Extravaganza from NY Times Science
Young man revives from deadthen dies again from UPI
New Chemical Element In The Periodic Table from Science Daily
Childhood Obesity Increases Early Signs Of Cardiovascular Disease from Science Daily
Could Power Point Presentations Be Stifling Learning? from Science Daily
Publics' Ignorance Of Human Anatomy Revealed from Science Daily
Adults, Especially Women, Have Calorie-burning 'Brown Fat' from Science Daily
People With Chronic Insomnia Require Increased Brain Activation To Maintain Normal Daily Function, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Individuals With Family History Of Genetic Disease At Risk Of Discrimination from Science Daily
Insomnia With Short Sleep Duration Is A Risk Factor For Diabetes from Science Daily
Techniques Appear To Lower Radiation Exposure From Cardiac Scans Without Impairing Image Quality from Science Daily
Patients Have Lower Health-related Quality Of Life After Cancer Diagnosis from Science Daily
Newly discovered snow roots are 'evolutionary phenomenon' from Science Blog
LSUHSC research finds single gene controls growth of some cancers from Science Blog
The Latest in Technology Looks Into Some Old Bones from Science Blog
Superheavy element joining periodic table from MSNBC: Science
Swine flu declaration will speed work on vaccine from LA Times - Science