Archive of feed items published on the 26th of May 2009
Basics: Fungi, From Killer to Dinner Companion from NY Times Health
Zebrafish provide a model for cancerous melanoma in humans from Science Blog
A new mouse model provides insight into genetic neurological disorders from Science Blog
Well water should be tested annually to reduce health risks to children from Science Blog
Poor attention in kindergarten predicts lower high school test scores, UC Davis researchers find from Science Blog
New Technique Could Find Water on Earth-like Planets Orbiting Distant Suns from Newswise - Scinews
Rooks reveal remarkable tool use from BBC News: Science & Nature
Gene links heart and gum disease from BBC News: Science & Nature
OasISS mission: watch the launch live on the ESA website from European Space Agency
Comprehensive cardiogenetic testing for families of sudden unexplained death victims can save lives from Science Blog
Have divers found a vessel linked to Bonnie Prince Charlie? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Deforestation 'faster in Africa' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Hi-tech aims to improve lifestyle from BBC News: Science & Nature
Some neural tube defects in mice linked to enzyme deficiency
Japan mouse study finds hair-loss gene: researcher from Physorg
Mexico, US, Canada announce swine flu deaths from Physorg
Rooks are latest bird to use tools from AP Science
Poor attention in kindergarten predicts lower high school test scores from Physorg
Astronauts to blast off to expanded space station from Physorg
China to build world's largest quake simulator from Physorg
Targeting the more lethal form of the cancer rhabdomyosarcoma
WWF delivers on 100 million hectares of wetlands pledge
Rapid climate change forces scientists to evaluate extreme conservation strategies
Poor attention in kindergarten predicts lower high school test scores
Nervous system may be culprit in deadly muscle disease
More to Second Life than just sex
What is the function of lymph nodes?
Pediatrician creates easier way to identify kids' high BP from Physorg
Zebrafish provide a model for cancerous melanoma in humans from Physorg
Scientists Develop New Method to Find Alien Oceans, Earth-like Planets (w/Videos) from Physorg
Biology Professor named Environmental Scientist of the Year
Menopause transition may cause trouble learning
Paediatrician creates easier way to identify kids' high BP
Hospice care under-used by many terminally ill patients, study finds
Cholesterol-lowering drugs may help prevent stroke recurrence
Time spent on meaningful pursuits may cut risk of physician burnout
Coal ash makes hardy cement from Science Alert
Garden analysis saves water from Science Alert
The Chemistry of Life: The Plastic in Cars from Live Science
Well water should be tested annually to reduce health risks to children
Australian team reveals world-first discovery in a 'floppy baby' syndrome
Necessity is the mother of invention for clever birds
Fear of family reaction is barrier to treatment for depressed teens
New technique could find water on Earth-like planets orbiting distant suns
Neurobiology of music perception and production relation
Fee capitation vs. fee-for-service primary care
With New Launch, Space Station Becomes Truly International from
Smart and social?
Brain-behaviour disconnect in cocaine addiction
Evidence supports use of Web- and computer-based programs to help adults quit smoking
Retail clinics less likely to be located in underserved communities
Survey suggests higher risk of falls due to dizziness in middle-aged and older Americans
Refusing immunisations puts children at increased risk of pertussis infection
Monash researchers lead the way in blood clotting discovery from Science Blog
Computer-based programs provide help for smokers trying to quit from Science Blog
What is the function of lymph nodes? from Science Blog
MSU discoveries upend traditional thinking about how plants make certain compounds from Science Blog
Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps from Physorg
Apple iPhone to Receive Some Upgrades from Physorg
What is the function of lymph nodes? from Physorg
Giant Moon Blanket Could Protect Astronauts from
Find the Sombrero Galaxy from
Space rock yields organics bounty from BBC News: Science & Nature
New viruses found and studied from Science Alert
New Center Aims to Improve Recovery of Soldiers with Severe Injuries from Newswise - Scinews
Cardiogenetic testing for families of sudden unexplained death victims can save lives
Zebrafish provide a model for cancerous melanoma in humans
Scientists find shared genetic link between periodontitis and heart attack
NTU conducts world's first remote x-ray scattering experiment
Alberta scientists track northern lights to spot in space from CBC: Technology & Science
Microsoft plans massive ad campaign for search-engine launch: report from CBC: Technology & Science
Monash researchers lead the way in blood clotting discovery from Physorg
Most efficient spectrograph to shoot the Southern skies from Physorg
The neurobiology of musicality related to the intrinsic attachment behavior? from Physorg
One size does not fit all: A new look at therapies from Physorg
Europe's fastest supercomputer unveiled in Germany from Physorg
New coral reef found off coast of Ireland from UPI
Obesity Paradox: When Fat Only Seems Healthy from Live Science
Genetic factors that influence the age at which menopause occurs identified
Immune genes adapt to parasites
Scientists find city rats are loyal to their 'hoods
The evolution of gene regulation: How microbial neighbours settle differences
Fast and cheap forecasting system for Mediterranean cyclones
A new mouse model provides insight into genetic neurological disorders
Singaporean scientists conduct world's first remote X-ray scattering experiment from Physorg
Challenging Command: Belgian Astronaut Leads Crew of Six from
Researchers Gain Ground in Efforts to Fight Parasite Infection from Newswise - Scinews
One size does not fit all from Science Blog
The neurobiology of musicality related to the intrinsic attachment behavior? from Science Blog
Prescribing sunshine for multiple sclerosis? from Physorg
Scientists find city rats are loyal to their 'hoods' from Physorg
The evolution of gene regulation: How microbial neighbors settle differences from Physorg
NASA plans for Endeavour's June launch from UPI
People who exercise report less stress from UPI
Feature: The evil twin from Science Alert
Socialites and Curmudgeons: Two Brain Types from Live Science
A global responsibility to help vulnerable communities adapt
Computer-based programs provide help for smokers trying to quit
Heart saves muscle
‘Super-recognizers' never forget a face from Harvard Science
May urges public inquiry into AECL over Chalk River reactor shutdown from CBC: Health
Former judge to mediate breast cancer testing lawsuit from CBC: Health
Kids with ADHD need to fidget, study says from Physorg
A serious search for extraterrestrial life from Physorg
DNA may identify sailor 68 years after Pearl Harbor from Physorg
Who are the top Tweeters? UCF grads created tracking site from Physorg
Caffeic acid inhibits colitis in a mouse model -- is a drug-metabolizing gene crucial? from Physorg
New discoveries upend traditional thinking about how plants make certain compounds from Physorg
Refusing immunizations puts children at increased risk of pertussis infection from Physorg
U.S. and Italy sign carbon capture pact from UPI
FDA approves hyponatremia drug from UPI
Study finds rooks as clever as chimpanzees from UPI
Whales Steal Fish from Live Science
Gene for Baldness in Mice Found from Live Science
Leadership Initiative Fellow Bolden nominated to lead NASA from Harvard Science
NASA Supercomputing Goes Green: Modeling Earth's Ocean Climate from Science Daily
Evolution Of Gene Regulation: How Microbial Neighbors Settle Differences from Science Daily
City Rats Are Loyal To Their Neighborhoods from Science Daily
New Technique Could Find Water On Earth-like Planets Orbiting Distant Suns from Science Daily
Arthritis drug might prove effective in fighting the flu, study suggests from Science Blog
The Grouse Weighs in on Wolfram from PopSci
Room for Debate: To Tweet or Not to Tweet from NY Times Health
Malaria tests largely unreliable, say researchers from SciDev
Change to Ecuador's GM laws 'could allow suicide seeds' from SciDev
Expedition 20 is ready for launch from UPI
Discovering the History of Marine Animal Populations from Live Science
Caught on Video: Whales Steal Fish from Live Science
Tracking Salmon in the Barents Sea from Live Science
Salt nanowire surprise from Chemistry World
Wine’s chemical memory from Chemistry World
A concrete solution to climate change? from Chemistry World
Viruses count quantum dots from Chemistry World
New Model Of Cancer Development: Low Vitamin D Levels May Have Role from Science Daily
Protein Identified As Critical To Insulating The Body's Wiring Could Also Become Treatment Target from Science Daily
Key Protein May Explain The Anti-aging And Anti-cancer Benefits Of Dietary Restriction from Science Daily
Bacteria With A Built-in Thermometer: How Bacteria Measure Temperature And Thereby Control Infection from Science Daily
How Does The Human Brain Work? New Ways To Better Understand How Our Brain Processes Information from Science Daily
A Thoroughly Non-Mythical Dragon from PopSci
Green Room from BBC News: Science & Nature
GOCE achieves drag-free perfection from European Space Agency
PET scan can non invasively measure early assessment of treatment for common type of breast cancer from Science Blog
Researchers gain ground in efforts to fight parasite infection from Science Blog
Strict maternal feeding practices not linked to child weight gain from Science Blog
BUSM researchers find no adjustment method fully resolves confounding by indication from Science Blog
Mayo study finds that team preop briefing improves communication, reduces errors from Science Blog
Study shows bank risk-assessment tool not responding adequately to market fluctuations from Science Blog
Fast and cheap forecasting system for Mediterranean cyclones from Physorg
Arthritis drug might prove effective in fighting the flu, study suggests from Physorg
Sensitivity to alcohol connected with alcoholism risk from
Conference Board report on copyright draws criticism from CBC: Technology & Science
Cormorant debate: Which part of the ecosystem to protect? from CBC: Technology & Science
Zebrafish provide a model for cancerous melanoma in humans from Biology News Net
What is the function of lymph nodes? from Biology News Net
The evolution of gene regulation from Biology News Net
Jeepers creepers: Climate change threatens endangered honeycreepers from Physorg
New research helps explain how connexin hemichannels are kept closed from Physorg
Europe's top dailies in 10 languages online from Physorg
Studying the 'mountains' and 'starquakes' that develop on neutron stars from Physorg
Court says no exclusive cable rights in apartments from Physorg
Facebook's $200M investment values co. at $10B from Physorg
Chrome coatings replaced with safer alloys from UPI
Wild spider monkeys control protein intake from UPI
White House to Name Cyber Czar from Live Science
Arthritis Drug Might Prove Effective In Fighting The Flu, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Protective Footwear For Diabetics At Main-street Prices from Science Daily
Fast And Cheap Forecasting System For Mediterranean Cyclones from Science Daily
Alberta swine flu cases surpass 100 from CBC: Health
Carbohydrate restriction may slow prostate tumor growth from Physorg
Scientists reaching consensus on how brain processes speech from Physorg
Is vitamin D deficiency linked to Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia? from Physorg
Can we afford the cancer care of the future? from Physorg
Hospital workers save orang-utan from BBC News: Science & Nature
Opportunity Rover Passes 10-Mile Mark on Mars from
Scientists reaching consensus on how brain processes speech from Science Blog
Fast and cheap forecasting system for Mediterranean cyclones from Science Blog
NASA/University team develops new method to find alien oceans from Science Blog
Can we afford the cancer care of the future? from Science Blog
Jeepers creepers: Climate change threatens endangered honeycreepers from Science Blog
Carbohydrate restriction may slow prostate tumor growth from Science Blog
Review: AAA iPhone app offers member discounts from Physorg
Facebook worth $10B US, investment suggests from CBC: Technology & Science
Activated stem cells in damaged lungs could be first step toward cancer from Physorg
GOCE satellite achieves drag-free perfection (w/Videos) from Physorg
New extinct lemur species discovered in Madagascar from Physorg
'Disordered' amino acids may really be there to provide wiggle room for signaling protein from Physorg
Spring agricultural fires have large impact on melting Arctic from Physorg
Microfossils challenge prevailing views of the effects of 'Snowball Earth' glaciations on life from Physorg
Robotics may help cerebral palsy victims from UPI
Clever whales caught stealing fish from MSNBC: Science
Microfossils challenge prevailing views of the effects of 'Snowball Earth' glaciations on life from Science Blog
Spring agricultural fires have large impact on melting Arctic from Science Blog
'Disordered' amino acids may really be there to provide wiggle room for signaling protein from Science Blog
Activated stem cells in damaged lungs could be first step toward cancer from Science Blog
PET scan can non invasively measure early assessment of treatment for common type of breast cancer from Physorg
Strict maternal feeding practices not linked to child weight gain from Physorg
Drug-eluting stents more effective than bare-metal stents in heart attack patients from Physorg
NASA picks its first student ambassadors from UPI
Californians Flock to Mexico for Health Care from Live Science
ADHD Linked to Gas Stoves from Live Science
Trees of stone tell tropical tale from
Newborns of South Asian and East Asian descent misclassified as underweight at birth: Study from Physorg
Intensive glucose control in diabetics reduces heart attacks from Physorg
Brain takes just 200 milliseconds to interpret facial expressions from Physorg
Researcher finds higher summer ozone concentrations in southeast metro Atlanta from Physorg
Bodies of military dead help the living from UPI
Whales found where presumed extinct from UPI
So-called junk DNA may not be junk at all from UPI
WHO puts off giving advice on pandemic vaccines from Reuters:Science
The New Old Age: Avoiding the Call to Hospice from NY Times Health
Aklavik residents, scientists hopeful antibiotics curb cancer-causing bacteria from CBC: Health
Transparency urged for out-of-province health funding decisions from CBC: Health
New therapy substitutes missing protein in those with muscular dystrophy from Physorg
Study: Climate may affect birds' songs from UPI
Bacteria have built-in thermometer from UPI
Ottawa puts $75M in technology venture fund from CBC: Technology & Science
Mayo Clinic Proceedings: The evolution of migraine from episodic headache to chronic disorder from Science Blog
New therapy substitutes missing protein in those with muscular dystrophy from Science Blog
Commodity Prices a Speed Trap for Biodiesel Production from Science Blog
Activated Stem Cells In Damaged Lungs Could Be First Step Toward Cancer from Science Daily
Healthy, wealthy in Ontario gained family doctors: study from CBC: Health
Baby Kaylee taken to hospital from CBC: Health
The evolution of migraine from episodic headache to chronic disorder from Physorg
EPA announces dioxin review, plans for Dow cleanup from AP Health
WWF's N.W.T. official suddenly laid off from CBC: Technology & Science
A more organic meteorite from
Transport Canada refuses to release results of child car seat tests from CBC: Health
Less Toxic Drug Prolongs Survival in Metastatic Breast Cancer from Physorg
One Sponge-Like Material, Three Different Applications from Physorg
Study Shows Bank Risk-Assessment Tool Not Responding Adequately to Market Fluctuations from Physorg
EPA announces dioxin review, plans for Dow cleanup from Physorg
Lenovo Intros with its First 12-Inch Netbook: IdeaPad S12 from Physorg
Researchers Find no Adjustment Method Fully Resolves Confounding by Indication from Physorg
National study finds youth baseball-related injuries down 25 percent from Physorg
'Curve ball' wins international illusion contest from Physorg
Big NFL players are prone to high blood pressure from AP Health
In Asia, diabetes more likely to strike the young from AP Health
New FDA chiefs stress science, better food safety from AP Health
Great Geek-Off Is On from Live Science
Why Chimps Don't Get Alzheimer's from Live Science
Q&A with William Wheaton on the housing recovery from MIT Research
Facebook "Friends" Web Searchers from CBSNews - Science
Going Abroad? Pack The Cell Phone from CBSNews - Science
Virtual Smart Home Controlled By Your Thoughts from Science Daily
Newly Discovered Mechanism Promotes Blood Clot Formation from Science Daily
Spanish Lynx Reproduction Cycle Determined By Analysis Of Their Feces from Science Daily
Droplets Manipulated On Nanostructured Silicon Surfaces from Science Daily
Understanding The Therapeutic Process Of Mother-infant Psychotherapy from Science Daily
Spectacular Deep-water Coral Province Discovered Off Ireland's West Coast from Science Daily
Brain-behavior Disconnect In Cocaine Addiction from Science Daily
AM80 Blocks Early Multiple Sclerosis in Mice from Science Daily
Computer-based Programs Provide Help For Smokers Trying To Quit from Science Daily
Classroom Computers Boost Face-to-face Learning from Science Daily
Microfossils Challenge Prevailing Views Of 'Snowball Earth' Glaciations On Life from Science Daily
New Therapy Substitutes Missing Protein In Those With Muscular Dystrophy from Science Daily
GOCE achieves a satellite first from UPI
China-made face paints recall is expanded from UPI
Statins may help prevent stroke recurrence from UPI
Before God particle, scientists must learn soul of new machine from Physorg
Vehicles that drive themselves from Physorg
Researchers identify biological markers that may indicate poor breast cancer prognosis from Physorg
Sharp Introduces New Solar Module for Mobile Devices from Physorg
A Hidden Drip, Drip, Drip Beneath Earth's Surface from Physorg
Big NFL players are prone to high blood pressure from Physorg
North Korea's bigger blast from News @ Nature
Less-toxic drug prolongs survival in metastatic breast cancer from Science Blog
JAMA study: Effectively managing pain with depression from Science Blog
Study compares NFL players' health to that of other healthy young men from Science Blog
Researchers identify biological markers that may indicate poor breast cancer prognosis from Science Blog
M. D. Anderson study finds dramatic increase in metastatic colon cancer survival from Science Blog
Green tea extract shows promise in leukemia trials from Science Blog
Whooping cough risks higher among unvaccinated children: study from CBC: Health
Franklin's bumble bee may be extinct from Physorg
In Asia, diabetes more likely to strike the young from Physorg
Committing single events to memory: Scientists discover how the brain remembers one-time experiences from Physorg
Getting to the root of science in a nutty way from Physorg
Mountain lion killed after escape at Kansas zoo from MSNBC: Science
Evolution Of Migraine: From Episodic Headache To Chronic Disorder from Science Daily
'Disordered' Amino Acids May Really Be There To Provide Wiggle Room For Signaling Protein from Science Daily
Spring Agricultural Fires Have Large Impact On Melting Arctic from Science Daily
Should Supreme Court Justices Be Compassionate? from Live Science
Diabetes drug shows promise against multiple sclerosis from Science Blog
Pediatric carbon monoxide poisoning linked to video games after Hurricane Ike from Science Blog
A hidden drip, drip, drip beneath Earth's surface from Science Blog
NASA uses satellite to unearth innovation in crop forecasting from Science Blog
New Needle So Tiny It "Injects" Meds Into Cell Organs from National Geographic
How Seahorses Evolved to Swim "Standing Up" from National Geographic
New FDA chiefs stress science, better food safety from Physorg
Special Report: To the Red Planet from Newswise - Scinews
Giant Blob Found Deep Beneath Nevada from Live Science
Russia makes major shift in climate policy from News @ Nature
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Lifelong cancer risk for patients treated for childhood cancer from Physorg
New broad-spectrum vaccine to prevent cervical cancer induces strong responses in animals from Physorg
New study finds dramatic increase in metastatic colon cancer survival from Physorg
NASA uses satellite to unearth innovation in crop forecasting from Physorg
'Sexting' no worse than spin-the-bottle: study from Physorg
Obama to release cyber security report on Friday from Physorg
Pediatric carbon monoxide poisoning linked to video games after Hurricane Ike from Physorg
Use of acid-suppressive medications associated with increased risk of hospital-acquired pneumonia from Physorg
Diabetes drug shows promise against multiple sclerosis (w/Podcast) from Physorg
Effectively managing pain with depression from Physorg
Green tea extract shows promise in leukemia trials from Physorg
Some Acid-Reflux Drugs Are Linked to Pneumonia from NY Times Health
Satellite Used To Unearth Innovation In Crop Forecasting from Science Daily
Dripping 'Blob' Under Western U.S.: A Hidden Drip, Drip, Drip Beneath Earth's Surface from Science Daily
Pediatric Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Linked To Video Games After Hurricane Ike from Science Daily
Diabetes Drug Shows Promise Against Multiple Sclerosis from Science Daily
Minn. parents agree to let son undergo chemo from Physorg
Climate Helper: Paint Roofs White from Live Science
NFL heart profile good, with a caveat from
New FDA chiefs stress science, better food safety from CBC: Health
Picosecond Oscilloscope from Physorg
World's Highest-Resolution Projector from Physorg
Medical report: Cancer patient loses fingerprints from AP Health
Chrysler submits $448 million electric car plan from Reuters:Science
Genetic Basis Of Musical Aptitude: Neurobiology Of Musicality Related To Intrinsic Attachment Behavior from Science Daily
World's Highest-resolution Projector from Science Daily
First Multi-pixel Terahertz Modulator Created from Science Daily
Physics: Interferometer Gets More Quiet Mirrors from Science Daily
SPACE PHOTOS THIS WEEK: Apollo 10, Galaxy Mystery, More from National Geographic
Right Whales Return to Former Killing Ground from National Geographic
PHOTO: Glowing Sea Animal Mystery Solved? from National Geographic
Komodo Dragons Attacking Islanders from National Geographic
More research needed to develop successful swine flu vaccine: WHO from CBC: Health
Giant blob found deep beneath Nevada from MSNBC: Science
Cancer drug causes patient to lose fingerprints and be detained by US immigration from Science Blog
New way of gauging professional behavior in medical students from Science Blog
Study questions impact of GP pay incentives on patient care from Science Blog
Culture change to encourage whistleblowing needed, says expert from Science Blog
Skeleton shows earliest evidence of leprosy from AP Science
California high court upholds gay marriage ban from AP Science
Earliest evidence found for leprosy from MSNBC: Science
Miniature Cows See Small Boom from Live Science
In rare disease, a familiar protein disrupts gene function from Science Blog
Shellfish face an uncertain future in a high CO2 world from Science Blog
Museums pose dino bones 'wrongly' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mouse genome laid bare to science from BBC News: Science & Nature
Did The North Atlantic Fisheries Collapse Due To Fisheries-induced Evolution? from Science Daily
Shellfish Face An Uncertain Future In High Carbon Dioxide World from Science Daily
Oldest Evidence Of Leprosy Found In India from Science Daily
Scientists Call Hubble a 'Whole New Telescope' After Repairs from
Earliest Known Case of Leprosy Unearthed in India from Live Science
Viruses Are Sneakier Than We Thought from Science Daily
Climate Change Threatens Endangered Honeycreeper Birds of Hawaii from Science Daily
Genetic Testing For Breast Or Ovarian Cancer Risk May Be Greatly Underutilized from Science Daily
Is Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Alzheimer's Disease And Vascular Dementia? from Science Daily
Researchers Gain Ground In Efforts To Fight Parasitic Worm Infections from Science Daily
Can We Afford The Cancer Care Of The Future? from Science Daily
Modifiable Hip Fracture Complications Contribute To Mortality, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Plant Min Protein Sits Tight And Rescues E. Coli from Science Daily
Nearly One Million Californians Seek Medical Care In Mexico Annually from Science Daily
Scientists Reaching Consensus On How Brain Processes Speech from Science Daily
What Is The Function Of Lymph Nodes? from Science Daily
Strict Maternal Feeding Practices Not Linked To Child Weight Gain, Study Suggests from Science Daily
Protein Predicts Development Of Invasive Breast Cancer In Women With Ductal Carcinoma In Situ from Science Daily
Preoperative Briefing Improves Communication, Reduces Errors from Science Daily
Regulating The Sugar Factory In Diabetes from Science Daily
Blood-pressure-lowering Drugs Should Not Be Limited To People With High Blood Pressure from Science Daily
Electronic Monitoring And Mapping Enables Malaria Management from Science Daily
Draft stem cell guidelines criticised from News @ Nature
Space station crew set to double from BBC News: Science & Nature
Chrysler submits $448 million electric car plan from Reuters:Science
Try Thai Or Rosemary When Spicing the Meat to Curb Carcinogens from Newswise - Scinews
Organic Acids, Plant Extracts and Irradiation Combine to Beat the Bacteria from Newswise - Scinews
Capturing the Birth of a Synapse from Newswise - Scinews
Following a healthy lifestyle is on the decline in the US from Science Blog
Study: Teachers choose schools according to student race from Science Blog
Scientists find formula to uncover our planet's past and help predict its future from Science Blog
US cancer death rate drops again in 2006 from AP Health