Archive of feed items published on the 9th of December 2009
Precision breeding creates super potato from Science Daily
Nearly one third of human genome is involved in gingivitis, study shows from Science Daily
Facebook (and systems biologists) take note: Network analysis reveals true connections from Science Daily
Most antidepressants miss key target of clinical depression, study finds from Science Daily
Pistachios may reduce lung cancer risk from Science Daily
H1N1 more risky than seasonal flu in children with sickle cell disease from Science Daily
College football linemen take one for the team in terms of health from Science Daily
Effort to regenerate damaged spinal cords turns to new model: Mexican axolotl salamander from Science Daily
Engineers on course to make super-efficient solar-electric powered boat from Science Daily
Blood cancers: New research demonstrates advances in optimizing treatments and quality of life from Science Daily
Logging effects vary based on a forest's history, climate from Science Daily
Advances in diagnosing and treating leukemia and myeloproliferative disorders from Science Daily
Milling and drilling in cyberspace from Science Daily
GAO: FDA yet to make safety changes post-Vioxx from AP Health
Reid: Abortion should not scuttle health care bill from AP Health
Feature: Northern water assessment informs development capacity from Science Alert
A new mouse could help understand how some lung cancer cells evade drug treatment from Science Blog
Study highlights implications of influenza pandemics on blood supplies from Science Blog
Opinion: Engineering education needs improvement from Science Alert
Climate Deal Likely to Bear Big Price Tag from NY Times Science
French Military Satellite Primed for Morning Launch from
Reid Says Deal Resolves the Impasse on Public Option from NY Times Health
New U.S. Plan on AIDS Slows Growth in Treatment from NY Times Health
Economic Scene: Finding the Nerve to Cut Health Costs from NY Times Health
'Art gallery' of cell recognized at ASCB annual meeting from Biology News Net
H1N1 influenza adopted novel strategy to move from birds to humans from Biology News Net
Precision breeding creates super potato from Biology News Net
Researchers finds hidden sensory system in the skin from Biology News Net
Gene therapy and stem cells save limb from Biology News Net
Enhanced Kre-Alkalyn from Science Blog
Richard Dawkins Was Right!
New way to die from BBC News: Science & Nature
Undergrad researchers lay groundwork for drug addiction remedy
Precision breeding creates super potato
Hops compound may prevent prostate cancer
Spontaneous liver rupture in a patient with peliosis hepatis from Physorg
Treating cluster headaches with high-flow oxygen appears effective
Gene therapy and stem cells save limb
MSU researcher unveils new approach to treat lower back pain
NC State vets lead way in disaster response for animals
Pistachios may reduce lung cancer risk
Bone marrow cells may significantly reduce risk of second heart attack
Merkel cells revealed as secret behind sensation of light touch
Report: Most comprehensive analysis to date of national policy options to reduce deforestation from Science Blog
WHO: Smoking kills 5 million every year from AP Health
Scripps Research scientists reveal key structure from Ebola virus
A new mouse could help understand how some lung cancer cells evade drug treatment
H1N1 influenza adopted novel strategy to move from birds to humans
UCLA researchers demonstrate that stem cells can be engineered to kill HIV
Life on Mars theory boosted by new methane study
Most primary-care physician practices appear too small to adequately measure quality
Giant iceberg spotted south of Australia from Physorg
WHO: Smoking kills 5 million every year from Physorg
GAO: FDA yet to make safety changes post-Vioxx from Physorg
Climate Conference Begins to Feel Pressure of the Clock from NY Times Science
Why King Kong failed to impress
U of M studies psychological impact of casual sex
UT Houston researchers launch phase II trial of stem cells and acute heart attack
Study highlights implications of influenza pandemics on blood supplies
Spontaneous liver rupture in a patient with peliosis hepatis
The impact of the diffusion of maize to the Southwestern United States
Nanoparticle protects oil in foods from oxidation, spoilage
Study identifies genetic predeterminants for diabetes in African-Americans from Physorg
Women with breast cancer who consume soy food have lower risk of cancer recurrence
Possible ovarian cancer treatment target identified
New study finds low rate of injuries at overnight summer camp
People living in poorer neighbourhoods at increased risk for death, worse health risks
Researchers identify barriers to HPV vaccination uptake in low-income populations
Human umbilical stem cells cleared mice's cloudy eyes
Children who survive cancer more likely to suffer from heart disease
XMM-Newton celebrates 10 years of discovery from European Space Agency
Mars, methane and mysteries from European Space Agency
How to encourage big ideas from MIT Research
3 Questions: Henry Jacoby on Copenhagen from MIT Research
Reporter’s Notebook: Emergency measures from MIT Research
Children who survive cancer more likely to suffer from heart disease from Physorg
A new mouse could help understand how some lung cancer cells evade drug treatment from Physorg
Brain imaging shows kids' PTSD symptoms linked to poor hippocampus function
Parasite evades death by promoting host cell survival
Supportive materials will help regenerate heart tissue
UCSB scientists show that female fruit flies can be 'too attractive' to males
Many dialysis patients undergoing PCI receive improper medication, with higher risk of bleeding
Screening method able to identify newborns with blood disorder that affects immune system
Study highlights implications of influenza pandemics on blood supplies from Physorg
Mars methane 'not from meteors' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Study reveals how Arctic food webs affect mercury in polar bears
Turning metal black more than just a novelty
Study shows link between working memory and reactive parenting
Are manometric findings different between the patients with erosive and nonerosive disease?
Why does percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy fail to eliminate gastrooesophageal reflux?
Think again about keeping little ones so squeaky clean
Rodent smoke screen
Rich, Poor in Copenhagen Climate Clash from CBSNews - Science
Ibero-America to foster applied research from SciDev
Rivers wash otters out of homes from BBC News: Science & Nature
Developing nations decry Danish climate plan from CBC: Technology & Science
Global Temperature Report - Nov. 2009 from Newswise - Scinews
Google Teams with N.Y. Times, Wash. Post from CBSNews - Science
Iceberg heading to Australia from Science Alert
Woodchips boost blueberries from Science Alert
Birth order affects cooperation in later life from Physorg
Developing countries split on CO2 from BBC News: Science & Nature
Poor nations await UN Kyoto cash from BBC News: Science & Nature
New Space Telescope to Map Infrared Sky Better Than Ever from
Some Alka-Seltzer cold gels recalled from UPI
Family's inherited condition links prion diseases, Alzheimer's from Physorg
Pay babysitter on iPhone, says Twitter from Physorg
Climate documents spark rich vs. poor clash from Physorg
Sparkly Spiders and Photonic Fish from Physorg
Testosterone 'breeds fair play' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Science goes back to basics on AI from BBC News: Science & Nature
Halifax university to dismantle nuclear reactor from CBC: Technology & Science
Quick Fix-brand trail mix is recalled from UPI
UCLA researchers demonstrate that stem cells can be engineered to kill HIV from Science Blog
What's the best hangover cure? Truth be told, there isn't one from Physorg
Midwife funding called overdue on P.E.I. from CBC: Health
Foot amputations ravage aboriginal diabetics from CBC: Health
EPA Vows Common Sense on Carbon Emissions from CBSNews - Science
Mars Orbiter taken out of 'safe mode' from UPI
Past decade hottest yet from Science Alert
Youth choosing deadly cars from Science Alert
Bad childhood harms health from Science Alert
Toshiba develops essential technology for spintronics-based MOS field-effect transistor from Physorg
Santa is ready to ride! (w/ Video) from Physorg
New drug threat to Asian vultures from BBC News: Science & Nature
Rosetta row 'would end with loan' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mysterious Radiation May Strike Airline Passengers from Live Science
Many search for religion online from Science Alert
Facebook change gives users more privacy controls from Physorg
Fast, accurate urine test for pneumonia possible, study finds from Physorg
New hep C breakthrough from Chemistry World
Imaging tissue growth from Chemistry World
Collider Meets Its Goal for Power from NY Times Science
Tiny Nuclear Batteries to Power Micro Devices from Live Science
Belief in Witchcraft Leads to Murders in Africa from Live Science
Bionic fingers restore man's dexterity from CBC: Health
Bionic fingers restore man's dexterity from CBC: Technology & Science
Drug promising in immune system therapy from UPI
Earth's response to CO₂ underestimated from Physics World
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Spacecraft Out of Safe Mode from Physorg
XMM-Newton celebrates decade of discovery from Physorg
Augmented reality systems appearing in Japanese shopping malls from Physorg
Researchers Identify the Most Promiscuous Birds in the World from Physorg
Long-Term Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Plants Studied from Physorg
Most comprehensive analysis to date of national policy options to reduce deforestation from Science Daily
Implications of influenza pandemics on blood supplies from Science Daily
New mouse could help understand how some lung cancer cells evade drug treatment from Science Daily
Sticks & Stones Break Bones, This Study May Prevent It from Newswise - Scinews
Model for powerful flu fighters from existing drugs from
Save the Date: Upcoming APS Meetings February 2010 in Washington, D.C.; March 2010 in Portland, Oregon from Newswise - Scinews
Nobel Laureate-Led Delegation Seeks to Foster Academic Scientific Cooperation with the DPRK from Newswise - Scinews
FORUM: Where is All the Dark Matter? from
GECF considers first secretary-general from UPI
Oil majors still taking to Iraq from UPI
Baku should give EU gas 'without delay' from UPI
Top climate scientist wants Copenhagen to fail from UPI
Gazprom hosts CNPC for gas talks from UPI
BG Group hails Brazilian oil and gas find from UPI
Energy demand to rise 35 percent by 2030 -- Exxon Mobil from UPI
U.S. no authority on Nabucco, Iran says from UPI
UC Berkeley social scientists build case for 'survival of the kindest' from Science Blog
Digital avalanche rescue dog from Science Blog
High-fat low-carb diets could mean significant heart risk from Science Blog
Debunking fears: Latino growth does not boost crime from Science Blog
Potential cancer drug may offer new hope for asthma patients from Science Blog
Sonic Hedgehog variations linked to recurrence, survival and response to therapy of bladder cancer from Science Blog
77 percent of European pigs are castrated without anesthetic from Science Blog
Studying hair of ancient Peruvians answers questions about stress from Science Blog
Why cancer cells just won't die (w/ Video) from Physorg
High-fat low-carb diets could mean significant heart risk from Physorg
Epilepsy Patients Are Given New Hope With Brain Implant from Physorg
B.C. alcohol consumption rising too quickly: study from CBC: Health
B.C. swine flu clinics to close in ten days from CBC: Health
Cable, satellite revenue still rising: StatsCan from CBC: Technology & Science
FYI: Why Don’t Loud Snorers Wake Themselves Up? from PopSci
New gas find announced in South China Sea from UPI
Maryland plans massive solar farm from UPI
Exxon Mobil cautiously optimistic on LNG from UPI
XMM-Newton spacecraft: 10 years in space from UPI
Sensors eyed in Alaskan oil spill from UPI
Cattle disease faces total wipeout from News @ Nature
News briefing: 10 December 2009 from News @ Nature
'Killer application' for protein synthesis is retracted from News @ Nature
A Wild Celebration from NY Times Science
Fight insect-borne disease with local R&D from SciDev
Time to update how we monitor insecticide resistance from SciDev
Baby alligator, snakes found in university dorm from MSNBC: Science
Sonic Hedgehog variations linked to recurrence, survival and response to therapy of bladder cancer from Physorg
Consumers overpredict the use of holiday gifts from Physorg
Debunking fears: Latino growth does not boost crime from Physorg
People affected by autism believe increase is 'real,' not diagnostic from Physorg
UAF chooses shipyard to build Alaska Region Research Vessel from Physorg
Study: Brain waves 'write' on a computer from UPI
ESA exhibit opens at COP15 from European Space Agency
Emerging disease: Looking for trouble from News @ Nature
First fuel cell boat cruises Amsterdam's canals from Reuters:Science
Study finds gender gap persists in cardiac care from Physorg
Study confirms association between tobacco smoke and behavioral problems in children from Physorg
77 percent of European pigs are castrated without anesthetic from Physorg
Studying hair of ancient Peruvians answers questions about stress from Physorg
American adults receiving flu vaccine at about the same rate as in 2008, study finds from Physorg
Atmospheric Scientist Available to Discuss Climate Change Concerns Relevant to COP 15 Conference from Newswise - Scinews
Big drop-off in swine flu deaths in Canada from CBC: Health
NASA Finally Resurrects Sick Mars Orbiter from
Manure focus of electricity effort in Kan. from UPI
Iraq tightens security for oil auction from UPI
Leaked paper increases tensions in Copenhagen from UPI
Nobel Lecture of a Chinese-born Physicist --Prof Charles K Kao from Science Blog
Consumers overpredict the use of holiday gifts from Science Blog
American adults receiving flu vaccine at about the same rate as in 2008, study finds from Science Blog
Why cancer cells just won't die from Science Blog
New skin stem cells surprisingly similar to those found in embryos from Science Blog
Energy efficiency technologies offer major savings from Science Blog
Ubiquitous health from Science Blog
Obama to note irony of peace prize in wartime from AP Health
Coaxing injured nerve fibers to regenerate by disabling 'brakes' in the system from Physorg
Potential cancer drug may offer new hope for asthma patients from Physorg
Scientists discover first evidence of brain rewiring in children from Physorg
Money changes what we think is fair, research finds from Physorg
Cystic fibrosis cell function improved from UPI
Deadly cattle plague on the brink of eradication from SciDev
Time to update how we monitor insecticide resistance from SciDev
Nobel Lecture of a Chinese-born Physicist --Prof Charles K Kao from Science Blog
Consumers overpredict the use of holiday gifts from Science Blog
American adults receiving flu vaccine at about the same rate as in 2008, study finds from Science Blog
Why cancer cells just won't die from Science Blog
New skin stem cells surprisingly similar to those found in embryos from Science Blog
Energy efficiency technologies offer major savings from Science Blog
Ubiquitous health from Science Blog
UC Berkeley social scientists build case for 'survival of the kindest' from Science Blog
Delivering medicine directly into a tumor from Science Daily
Fine-tuned laser: Step toward airport scanners that can identify explosives from Science Daily
Hunt for Higgs boson: Mass of top quark narrows search from Science Daily
Playing favorites: Parents still involved after children are grown from Science Daily
Everyday germs in childhood may prevent diseases in adulthood from Science Daily
Stem cells can be engineered to kill HIV, scientists show from Science Daily
Women with breast cancer who consume soy food have lower risk of cancer recurrence from Science Daily
Scientists reveal key structure from Ebola virus from Science Daily
Superior offspring without genetic modification? from Science Daily
Brain activity exposes those who break promises from Physorg
Newly discovered mechanism allows cells to change state from Physorg
Female birds -- acting just like the guys -- become sexual show-offs in cooperative breeding species from Physorg
Older dental fillings contain form of mercury unlikely to be toxic from Physorg
New clues emerge for understanding morphine addiction from Physorg
Astronaut balancing act: Training to help explorers adapt to a return to gravity from Physorg
Tropical forests affected by habitat fragmentation store less biomass and carbon dioxide from Physorg
Jefferson Appoints Irwin B. Levitan, Ph.D., to Lead New Department of Neuroscience from Newswise - Scinews
Female Birds - Acting Just Like the Guys - Become Sexual Show Offs in Cooperative Breeding Species from Newswise - Scinews
Entropy Alone Creates Complex Crystals from Simple Shapes from Newswise - Scinews
Ancient Med flood mystery solved from BBC News: Science & Nature
Huge Cosmic Explosions Fueled by Magnetism from
In Some Bird Species, Even Females Are Pretty from Live Science
Bad Memories Erased with Behavior Therapy from Live Science
Colossal Flood Created the Mediterranean Sea from Live Science
Potential breast cancer marker identified from UPI
China's monopoly on 'green' minerals from UPI
Arctic food affects mercury in polar bears from UPI
Fear memories erased without drugs from News @ Nature
Poor trapped in poverty by disease from News @ Nature
South Asia News in brief: 26 November–9 December 2009 from SciDev
Life as a scientist in South-East Asia from SciDev
Arab world lacks climate change data, says report from SciDev
Soy And Breast Cancer
AT&T: Tighter control of cell data usage ahead from Physorg
Energy efficiency technologies offer major savings from Physorg
Stem cell derived neurons for research relevant to Alzheimer's and Niemann-Pick type C diseases from Physorg
More than fish bait: Worms unlock secrets to new epilepsy treatments from Physorg
Non-invasive technique blocks a conditioned fear in humans from Physorg
Geneticist reveals molecular view of key epigenetic regulator from Physorg
Smoking bans still rare: WHO from CBC: Health
China shuts down file-sharing site from CBC: Technology & Science
N.S. rural broadband delayed months from CBC: Technology & Science
Mysterious Light Display Leaves Norwegians and Astronomers Puzzled from PopSci
U.S. to modernize volcano monitoring nets from UPI
New species evolve in bursts from News @ Nature
Fear memories erased without drugs from News @ Nature
Plagiarism scandal grows in Iran from News @ Nature
The big spill: Flood could have filled Mediterranean in less than two years from
Worms unlock secrets to new epilepsy treatments from Science Daily
Geneticist reveals molecular view of key epigenetic regulator from Science Daily
Newly discovered mechanism allows cells to change state from Science Daily
Interactive digital art show opens in London from Physorg
New silicon-germanium nanowires could lead to smaller, more powerful electronic devices from Physorg
Low-density lipoprotein receptor reduces damage in Alzheimer's brain from Physorg
EU grants 1.5 billion euros for wind farms, carbon capture from Physorg
A new target for lymphoma therapy from Physorg
India misses deadline for 3G auction from Physorg
Researchers block fearful memories from CBC: Technology & Science
Facebook Details New Privacy Settings from CBSNews - Science
"Very Likely" the Warmest Decade on Record from CBSNews - Science
Statins studied in stem cell transplants from UPI
A New Understanding of Essential Tremor from NY Times Health
Physicians knowledge of childhood food allergies needs room for improvement from Physorg
New giant virus discovered from Physorg
Entropy alone creates complex crystals from simple shapes, study shows from Physorg
Robot completes first underwater crossing of Atlantic Ocean from Physorg
How calorie-restricted diets fight obesity and extend life span from Physorg
Fixing Function In Cystic Fibrosis from C&EN
Coaxing injured nerve fibers to regenerate by disabling 'brakes' in the system from Science Blog
Study finds gender gap persists in cardiac care from Science Blog
Carnegie Mellon scientists discover first evidence of brain rewiring in children from Science Blog
Astronaut balancing act: Training to help explorers adapt to a return to gravity from Science Blog
Drug industry embraces new business strategies after tough year from Science Blog
Physicians knowledge of childhood food allergies needs room for improvement from Science Blog
Newly discovered mechanism allows cells to change state from Science Blog
UBC geneticist reveals molecular view of key epigenetic regulator from Science Blog
Nerve-cell transplants help brain-damaged rats fully recover lost ability to learn from Science Daily
Tropical birds waited for land crossing between North and South America, study finds from Science Daily
Physicians knowledge of childhood food allergies needs room for improvement, study shows from Science Daily
Toshiba Develops High Performance CMOS Device Technology for 20nm Generation LSI from Physorg
Nerve-cell transplants help brain-damaged rats fully recover lost ability to learn from Physorg
Ubiquitous health: Enabling telemedicine to cut hospital visits, save money from Physorg
Tropical birds waited for land crossing between North and South America: study from Physorg
Univ. of Mich. accepting stem cell embryos from UPI
Atom smasher records high-energy collisions from MSNBC: Science
Microscopic gyroscopes, the key for motion sensing from Physorg
Cyclone Cleo has reached its maximum wind speed from Physorg
Charles Darwin: More than the origin from Physorg
Magnetic Power Revealed in Gamma-Ray Burst Jet from Physorg
Partial-Hand Amputees Get Better Bionic Fingers from PopSci
Scientists create instant nanobatteries from UPI
WISE Satellite Set to Map the Infrared Universe from Scientific American
Ancient Tablets Decoded; Shed Light on Assyrian Empire from National Geographic
Sticks and stones break bones, but new study may prevent it from Physorg
Dinosaurs hop, skip and jump into 21st century from Physorg
Family life can lead to cannabis disorders from Physorg
Review: Barnes & Noble reader is dual-screen mess from Physorg
Are holiday and weekend eating patterns affecting obesity rates? from Physorg
Researchers block fearful memories from CBC: Health
Boil water order for some St. John's residents from CBC: Health
N.B. extends health benefits for low-income earners from CBC: Health
Green family from BBC News: Science & Nature
Designer Dresses Made Of Junk from CBSNews - Science
Atom Smasher Catches 1st Proton Collisions from CBSNews - Science
New sickle-cell therapy shows promise from UPI
Cyclone Cleo has reached its maximum wind speed from Science Blog
Fermi sees brightest-ever blazar flare from Science Blog
Magnetic power revealed in gamma-ray burst jet from Science Blog
Are holiday and weekend eating patterns affecting obesity rates? from Science Blog
Brightest-ever 'blazar' flare from distant galaxy spotted by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope from Science Daily
Saturn's mysterious hexagon emerges from winter darkness from Science Daily
Entropy alone can create complex crystals from simple shapes; tetrahedra packing record broken from Science Daily
Noninvasive technique to rewrite fear memories developed from Science Daily
First evidence of brain rewiring in children: Reading remediation positively alters brain tissue from Science Daily
How to encourage big ideas from Physorg
Drug industry embraces new business strategies after tough year from Physorg
Study Describes Novel Model of Skin Cancer from Physorg
Diners spend more when menus don't use dollar signs from Physorg
Roasting Does More than Enhance Flavor in Peanuts from Physorg
3 Questions: Henry Jacoby on Copenhagen from Physorg
New techniques make carbon-based integrated circuits more practical from Physorg
Child cancer survivors face heart risks from CBC: Health
Partial-Hand Amputees Get Better Bionic Fingers from PopSci
Venomous fish species outnumber all others from UPI
Norwegian UFO? Russian Missile? Stargate?
Ancient Maya king shows his foreign roots from
Fermi sees brightest-ever blazar flare from Physorg
Research finds the mum-bub bond may reduce neglect from Physorg
Atom smasher catches 1st high-energy collisions from Physorg
Cassini Sends First Full Images of Saturn's Mysterious Giant Hexagon from PopSci
Gravestones Hold Secrets to Earth's Climate Past from Live Science
New gene therapy and stem cells save limbs from UPI
Scientists ID key Ebola virus structure from UPI
Climate change turns up heat on mushrooms from Physorg
Mediterranean Sea filled in less than two years: study from Physorg
Dermatologic infections in cancer patients treated with EGFRI therapy from Physorg
Disagreement Over Mammography Task Force Study from Physorg
Do Holidays Affect Obesity Rates?
Saturn's Weird Hexagon Seen in New Images from
NASA's WISE Set to Blast Off and Map the Skies from Physorg
Students Hone Engineering Skills in Robotics from Physorg
IBM Introduces New System z Linux Solutions for Large-Scale Consolidation and Savings from Physorg
Researchers uncover chemical basis for extra 'quality control' in protein production from Physorg
Stem cell-heart attack trial begins from UPI
When feminine beauty thrives on competition from
Drug-resistant swine flu cluster on Vietnam train from AP Health
Scripps Research team uncovers chemical basis for extra 'quality control' in protein production from Science Blog
Weather Iffy for NASA's Sky Mapper Launch from
'Mini' transplant may reverse severe sickle cell disease from Physorg
Philips electronic skin technology enables new chameleon-like ambience designs from Physorg
AOL going public after Time Warner divorce from Physorg
Man. to spend $22.5M creating eHealth system from CBC: Health
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Oceans' Uptake of Manmade Carbon May Be Slowing from Physorg
Penn State scientist at center of a storm from Physorg
Ubiquitous in U.S., Google struggles for market share in China from Physorg
Decline of hormone therapy decreases breast cancer cases, analysis finds from Physorg
Saturn's Mysterious Hexagon Emerges from Winter Darkness from Physorg
Dark Matter Discovered? Don't Bet on It from Science NOW
Erasing Scary Memories Is a Matter of Timing from Science NOW
The Secret of a Dog's Sniffer from Science NOW
A Flood, Not a Falls, Refilled the Mediterranean from Science NOW
Doctor probed for alleged welfare abuse from CBC: Health
Big flood may have created Mediterranean Sea from MSNBC: Science
Scientists find way to block fearful memories from Reuters:Science
Pitch of blue whale songs is declining around the world, scientists discover from Science Daily
World-Record Energy Collisions Achieved at Large Hadron Collider from Science Daily
Stem cell derived neurons for research relevant to Alzheimer's and Niemann-Pick type C diseases from Science Daily
Energy efficiency technologies offer major savings, report finds from Science Daily
Money changes what we think is fair, research finds from Science Daily
The pitch of blue whale songs is declining around the world, scientists discover from Science Blog
Mathematical models key to tracking gossip, terrorists from Physorg
Apple on track to launch tablet device next year, analysts say from Physorg
US residents gorging on data bytes: study from Physorg
Class-action suit pits woman against 'dishonest' ads on Facebook from Physorg
World Bank musters $5.5 billion for solar projects from Physorg
Drug-resistant swine flu cluster on Vietnam train from Physorg
Video: "Climate-Gate" a Hot Debate from CBSNews - Science
China-U.S. Swap Barbs At Copenhagen Summit from CBSNews - Science
Global Warming Naysayers Turn up Heat from CBSNews - Science
Black Friday PC Sales Up from CBSNews - Science
E.U. Leaders Play Catch-Up on Climate Strategy from NY Times Science
In some bird species, females are pretty too from MSNBC: Science
Highlight: Biofunctionalized magnetic-vortex microdiscs from Physorg
Cisco and British Telecom head for the 'cloud' from Physorg
To Know CO2
Bone marrow transplant 'gets rid of' sickle cell anemia from LA Times - Science
Oceans Day at International Climate Change Conference from Newswise - Scinews
Variety to begin charging for Web access Thursday from Physorg
Best (Meteor) Shower of 2009 - No Towel Required from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New Gunsight Improves Marksmanship With Intuitive Aim, Says Vision Scientist from Newswise - Scinews
"Chill Out" with UD's Antarctic Bloggers from Newswise - Scinews
New Star Found in Big Dipper from
Big Dipper Secret Ingredient - Alcor's Red Dwarf Companion
"Quantum trampoline" measures gravity from Physics World
WISE mission to broaden our view of space with infrared from LA Times - Science
Experiment to test killing 1 owl to help another from AP Science
Sockeye decline linked to climate change from CBC: Technology & Science
Study: How restaurants reap higher wine sales from Physorg
"Yes, Virginia, There Is A Santa Claus" - The Story Behind The Famous Quote
'Ten years remain' to cut carbon from BBC News: Science & Nature
Fusion and fission of atoms from Science Blog
Our Deepest View Of The Universe Just Got Deeper!
Shellfish catch off Nova Scotia plummets from CBC: Technology & Science