Archive of feed items published on the 18th of December 2009
Warning as climate deal emerges from BBC News: Science & Nature
ScienceAlert will return in 2010 from Science Alert
Turns out, sunshine states really are happiest from AP Science
Among apes, teeth are made for the toughest times from Biology News Net
Forests take center stage at Copenhagen from Biology News Net
Gene linked to a rare form of progressive hearing loss in males is identified from Biology News Net
Heme channel found from Biology News Net
Research project yields better understanding of the defective protein that causes cystic fibrosis from Science Blog
Scientist Is Crucial to the Bay Area’s Role in Stem Cell Research from NY Times Science
Scientist Is Crucial to the Bay Area’s Role in Stem Cell Research from NY Times Health
South Korea delivers swine flu medicine to North from AP Health
ESA Member States give green light to ExoMars programme from European Space Agency
"Nothing Ambitious" Coming from Copenhagen from CBSNews - Science
Uncertainty over Copenhagen deal from BBC News: Science & Nature
Obama Arrives at Climate Talks, Seeking to Wrest a Deal from NY Times Science
The first glimpse of dark matter? from BBC News: Science & Nature
Not easy being green from MIT Research
Closing in on dark matter? from MIT Research
Acid oceans: the 'evil twin' of climate change from AP Science
Santa Baby: The Secrets to Santa's Sexiness from Physorg
Study finds orphanages are viable options for some children from Physorg
Traditional press breakfast with ESA’s Director General in Paris from European Space Agency
Why newborn babies can't walk from Physorg
Research project yields better understanding of the defective protein that causes cystic fibrosis from Physorg
Agricultural alliance vows to grow more and emit less from SciDev
More Filipinos leave homes as volcano spills lava from Physorg
Leaders must strike deal - Obama from BBC News: Science & Nature
Mobile tech 'can replace cheques' from Physorg
Twitter briefly blocked by hackers from Physorg
Hackers steal SKorean-US military secrets from Physorg
Acid oceans: the 'evil twin' of climate change from Physorg
Take-Two posts larger 4Q loss on higher charges from Physorg
Research project yields better understanding of the defective protein that causes cystic fibrosis
Kidney injury in hospital increases long-term risk of death
Obama, world leaders try to save climate deal from UPI
Calif. space tourism firm launches S. Korea deal from Physorg
Pentagon plays down security breach with US drones from Physorg
8 Tips for a Green Christmas from Live Science
Smaller, Sleeker, Simpler Mini-Cams from CBSNews - Science
Climate summit 'hangs in the balance' from CBC: Technology & Science
Next-generation Intel products to be launched in January; Include first 32-nm Core i3, i5 processors from Physorg
Everlasting quantum wave
Antidepressants cut risk of hospital readmission for suicidal youth
UAB researchers link calorie intake to cell lifespan, cancer development
Avatar's moon Pandora could be real
Scientists use light to map neurones' effects on one another
Cancer survival disparities for most minority populations increase as cancers become more treatable
Colour my numbers
Eruption Recorded at Deepest Ocean Volcano from Live Science
Skip the Mad Honey, Honey from Live Science
Bourbon versus vodka: Bourbon hurts more the next day, performance is the same from Science Blog
Study finds orphanages are viable options for some children
Racing, shooting and zapping your way to better visual skills
Are patients losing sleep over blood pressure monitors?
New research explains orchids' sexual trickery
Within a cell, actin keeps things moving
UR study reveals chemo's toxicity to brain, possible treatment
Dyslexia defined: New Yale study 'uncouples' reading and IQ over time
How to keep some privacy on Facebook from CBC: Technology & Science
Google convicted in French copyright case from CBC: Technology & Science
The how and why of freezing the common fruit fly from Physorg
Scientists discover fog on Titan from Physorg
Researchers create new 'smart' nanocapsule delivery system for use in protein therapy from Physorg
French court fines Google for scanning books from Physorg
New Diet Advice: Curb Weekend Calories from Live Science
SARS appeal refusal by top court 'mind-boggling': RN from CBC: Health
Pores finding reveals targets for cancer and degenerative disease from Physorg
Bourbon versus vodka: Bourbon hurts more the next day, performance is the same from Physorg
Resources Reminder from Science Blog
Among apes, teeth are made for the toughest times
Enzyme may create new approach to hypertension therapy
Breakthrough on causes of inflammatory bowel disease
Invasion without a stir
Scientists discover natural flu-fighting protein in human cells
Caltech researchers revise long-held theory of fruit-fly development
Fog discovered on Saturn's largest moon, Titan from Science Daily
Physicist sees through the opaque with 'T-rays' from Science Daily
CDMS gives possible evidence for dark matter from Physics World
'Electroweak' stars predicted from Physics World
Transplant guide highlights daily infection risks from factors like pets and food from Physorg
New Crew Poised to Launch to Space Station from
Transplant guide highlights daily infection risks from factors like pets and food from Science Blog
New support tools point way to better health policymaking from Science Blog
Bioactive glass nanofibers produced from Science Blog
Rapid-acting insulin analogues: No additional benefit for children with type 1 diabetes from Science Blog
Obama Calls For Climate Change Agreement from C&EN
Major breakthrough may pave the way for therapeutic vaccines
Umbilical cord could be new source of plentiful stem cells
New report underlines multiple benefits but also new challenges to biodiversity-rich sites
Study shows loss of 15-42 percent of mammals in North America
Proximity to convenience stores fosters child obesity
Study identifies those elderly most at risk for major depression
Shift working aggravates metabolic syndrome development among middle-aged males
Light-Driven Nanorod Could Roll on Water from Physorg
Physicists see through the opaque with 'T-rays' from Physorg
Bioactive glass nanofibers produced from Physorg
Video Show - The Black Hole that Made You Possible from
New Device Provides Internet and Phone Service in Disasters from Live Science
Sex cannibals lack taste for males from BBC News: Science & Nature
Big Bang collider sets new record from Reuters:Science
Supernova explosions stay in shape
Researchers design a tool to induce controlled suicide in human cells
Researchers find human protein that prevents H1N1 influenza infection
Researchers identify possible imaging method to stratify breast cancer without biopsy
NIST team demystifies utility of power factor correction devices
Cannabis and adolescence
Beached whales killed by ingesting plastic from UPI
Eyes Wide Shut: Earth's Vital Signs Soon to Go Unmeasured as Satellites Fail from Scientific American
Man paralyzed by herpes denied benefit: top court from CBC: Health
Deepest Undersea Erupting Volcano from Live Science
Race Against Time to Save Climate Summit from CBSNews - Science
Doctors' bedside skills trump medical technology from Science Daily
Bioactive glass nanofibers produced from Science Daily
Rapid-acting insulin analogues: No additional benefit for children with type 1 diabetes, research suggests from Science Daily
Transplant guide highlights daily infection risks from factors like pets and food from Science Daily
Why some insects can survive freezing: Huge X-ray microscope provides clues from Science Daily
Better understanding of the defective protein that causes cystic fibrosis from Science Daily
Bourbon versus vodka: Bourbon hurts more the next day, due to byproducts of fermenting process from Science Daily
St. Jude Faculty Member Named American Association for the Advancement of Science 2009 Fellow from Newswise - Scinews
Chicken Or Egg Question Looms Over Climate Debate from Newswise - Scinews
Dark Matter Search in Minnesota Announces Exciting Results from PopSci
GDF Suez completes New Brunswick wind farm from UPI
Iraq OPEC's 800-pound gorilla from UPI
Azerbaijan, Iran sign gas deal from UPI
'Significant value' in Brazilian oil from UPI
Four new wind turbines spinning in France from UPI
Doctors to extract needles from Brazilian boy from CBC: Health
Colliding auroras produce an explosion of light, UCLA scientists report from Science Blog
Sex in university may be better for mature audiences: study from Science Blog
Doctors' bedside skills trump medical technology from Science Blog
The how and why of freezing the common fruit fly from Science Blog
Caltech scientists discover fog on Titan from Science Blog
New Commonwealth Fund survey of young adults finds wide majority support health reform from Science Blog
Frozen light stays fresh longer from
Large-scale sequencing: The future of genomic sciences?
Negative emotions outweigh intent to exercise at health clubs
Sens. back federal grants for green tech from UPI
Gazprom discusses Shtokman infrastructure from UPI
Ankara considers Nabucco pipeline from UPI
Iran links capitalism to climate change from UPI
TNK-BP expecting growth in 2010 from UPI
New Device Provides Internet and Phone Service in Disasters from Live Science
The Invisible AIDS Victims: How Women Cope from Live Science
Carbon dioxide: Blame where blame is due? from
No damage to hacked U.S. drones: admiral from CBC: Technology & Science
Sunlight Glints from Lake on Saturn's Moon from PopSci
California updates tsunami maps from UPI
Filberts recalled for salmonella risk from UPI
Analysts warn that FTC suit could damage Intel from Physorg
Doctors' bedside skills trump medical technology from Physorg
Talking aloud helps solve mathematical problems more quickly, according to a study from Physorg
Global swine flu pandemic deaths pass 10,000: WHO from Physorg
Large Hadron Collider preparing 2010 new science restart from Physorg
New CDC estimate: 1 in 110 children have autism from AP Health
Free after 35 years: DNA clears Florida inmate from AP Health
COPENHAGEN (AP) -- Obama says US and Russia 'quite close' to new arm... from AP Health
ScienceBlog was right! Cognitive dissonance is safe. from Science Blog
Survey of young adults finds wide majority support health reform from Science Daily
Atom smasher preparing 2010 restart from MSNBC: Science
Sex and the Single Snail: Study Shows Benefits of Sexual Reproduction Over Asexual from Newswise - Scinews
Joint Mathematics Meetings, January 13-16, 2010 from Newswise - Scinews
Industry To Phase Out decaBDE from C&EN
Rockefeller University receives nearly $27 million in ARRA grants from The Rockefeller University
Olive-sided flycatcher threatened in N.L. from CBC: Technology & Science
Survey of young adults finds wide majority support health reform from Physorg
What's his name again? How celebrity monikers can help us remember from Physorg
Google Loses French Copyright Case from CBSNews - Science
Data to expose 'ghost mountains' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators: Why Those Anti-odor Socks You Buy Will Be Safer
More than half of U.S. lakes rated good from UPI
Disordered eating may affect 10 to 15 percent of women from Physorg
Don't shy away from sex toy bill: MP to Aglukkaq from CBC: Health
Endangered Turtle Flown Home from Science Daily
Wii Fit May Not Help Families Get Fit from Science Daily
Moderate Fish Consumption May Lower Risk in Patients with a History of Heart Failure from Science Daily
Eat Fruits and Vegetable for Better Vision from Science Daily
Adolescent boys seeking 'the norm' may take risks with their appearances from Science Daily
Koala evolution illuminated from Science Daily
Chicken or egg question looms over climate debate from Science Daily
Louisiana residents top 'happy' survey from UPI
How to Find Signs of Life on Mars from Physorg
Free after 35 years: DNA clears Florida inmate from Physorg
Added sugar in raisin cereals increases acidity of dental plaque from Physorg
Disparity in use of implantable devices to prevent sudden death in heart failure patients from Physorg
New study explores role of sexual, social behaviors in seniors' well-being from Physorg
Rate of autism disorders climbs to 1 percent among 8-year-olds from Physorg
Tiny whispering gallery: Sensor can detect a single nanoparticle and take its measurement from Physorg
Baby deaths linked to Simplicity cribs rise from CBC: Health
The Shortest Day: The Science of the Winter Solstice from Live Science
Obama, Jiabao Hold 2nd Meeting at Summit from CBSNews - Science
Why CE Biz Is Pulling For 'Avatar' from CBSNews - Science
Last-ditch push on climate deal from BBC News: Science & Nature
International Climate Change: Dispatches from Copenhagen from Newswise - Scinews
New Study Looks At Human Responses To Climate Change from Newswise - Scinews
Study Tracks Climate Change in Prairie Pothole Region from Newswise - Scinews
Researcher Observes Increase in Red Eastern Screech Owls as Climate Warms from Newswise - Scinews
Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Zilkha Center at Williams College Aims to Change Culture from Newswise - Scinews
National Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments Continues Growth from Newswise - Scinews
Video: Furious Eruption of Deepest Known Undersea Volcano from PopSci
Swiss and Google reach privacy accord pending verdict from Physorg
Physicists detect two candidate dark matter interactions, but say the data are not conclusive from Physorg
Research suggests link between infertility, low egg reserve, and breast/ovarian cancer gene (BRCA1) from Physorg
Diplomatic frenzy at final day of UN climate talks from Physorg
Researchers create new 'smart' nanocapsule delivery system for use in protein therapy from Science Blog
Rate of autism disorders climbs to 1 percent among 8-year-olds, say UAB, CDC researchers from Science Blog
Disparity in use of implantable devices to prevent sudden death in heart failure patients from Science Blog
Tiny whispering gallery from Science Blog
Added sugar in raisin cereals increases acidity of dental plaque from Science Blog
Minority elders continue to face health care, employment disparities from Science Blog
New study explores role of sexual, social behaviors in seniors' well-being from Science Blog
Research suggests link between infertility, low egg reserve, and breast/ovarian cancer gene (BRCA1) from Science Blog
Patient Money: Not All Drugs Are the Same After All from NY Times Health
France launches new spy satellite from Reuters:Science
Cameras catch underwater volcano in the act from
Even bacteria get lonely from MSNBC: Science
1,200-Plus Venomous Catfish Species Uncovered from National Geographic
Spectacular Sea Eruption Filmed -- Deepest Ever from National Geographic
Sucker-Footed Bat Hangs Upright Via Sweat, Not Suction from National Geographic
Japanese Create Fluorescent Mario from Genetically Engineered Bacteria from PopSci
Erupting volcano filmed in deep sea from UPI
ESA Approves Collaborative Mars Program with NASA from
Panasonic Starts Mass-Production of High-Capacity 3.1 Ah Lithium-ion Battery from Physorg
Scientists get to the root of ancient case of sour grapes from Physorg
Hot Electrons Could Double Solar Cell Power Efficiency from Physorg
China Building 30-Mile Bridge Connecting Hong Kong to Guangdong Province from Physorg
Hubble finds smallest Kuiper Belt object ever seen from Science Daily
Rate of autism disorders climbs to 1 percent among 8-year-olds from Science Daily
Link between infertility, low egg reserve, and breast/ovarian cancer gene (BRCA1) suggested from Science Daily
Added sugar in raisin cereals increases acidity of dental plaque from Science Daily
Sensor can detect single nanoparticle and take its measurement from Science Daily
Disordered eating may affect 10 to 15 percent of women from Science Daily
Disparity in use of implantable devices to prevent sudden death in heart failure patients from Science Daily
Physicians develop method using fist to estimate blood loss at scene of trauma from Science Daily
Microorganisms cited as missing factor in climate change equation from Science Daily
Shaping US geology from News @ Nature
Retracted papers linked to 2007 extortion attempt from News @ Nature
Amazon Losing "Flying Rivers," Ability to Curb Warming from National Geographic
Maine readies for offshore wind power from UPI
Iran's well seizure a warning shot? from UPI
Northern Lights burst captured on film from UPI
Video Show - The Black Hole that Made You Possible from
African leaf-eating monkeys are 'likely to be wiped out' by climate change from Physorg
Not easy being green from Physorg
Taming the flu: Researchers create map of interactions between flu virus and its human host from Physorg
Researchers discover new ways to treat chronic infections from Physorg
Study: States need economic freedom to benefit from natural resources from Physorg
Spirit Rover: Right-Front Wheel Rotations from Physorg
New Vaccines May Help Thwart E. coli O157:H7 from Physorg
Researchers discover new ways to treat chronic infections from Science Blog
FSU study: States need economic freedom to benefit from natural resources from Science Blog
Study Finds Autism Disorders in About 1% of 8-Year-Olds from NY Times Health
Machine could replace plant sorters from UPI
Gene identified for deafness in boys from UPI
Yukon to allow nurse practitioners from CBC: Health
Computer scientists develop technique to improve helpfulness of user-generated online reviews from Physorg
Computer-simulated Thunderstorms with Ice Clouds Reveal Insights for Next-generation Computer Models from Physorg
A star is born? Herschel space observatory captures the birth of stars from Physorg
Alzheimer's detection: What's his name again? How celebrity monikers can help us remember from Science Daily
The Truth About Hangovers Revealed in Drunken Study from Live Science
Google-Fujitsu join 'smart objects' alliance from Physorg
Sociologist: Tiger Woods' Example Neither Reflects Nor Threatens the Image of Marriage from Physorg
From terrorism to HIV, it's all about the network from Physorg
Research in aircraft control systems and robotics helps improve flight safety from Physorg
Mutation leads to new and severe form of bacterial disease from Physorg
Can Snowmobiles Adapt in the Age of Ethanol? from Physorg
The shortest day: The science of the solstice from MSNBC: Science
H1N1 deaths top 10,000: WHO from CBC: Health
Will a carrot or a stick prompt purchase of more carrots? from Physorg
Impact of Menu-Labeling: Study Shows People Eat Less When They Know More from Physorg
Data indicates rising adoption of technology in Canadian clinical trials from Science Blog
Reaffirming climate science from News @ Nature
Shaping US geology from News @ Nature
'Meaningful deal' at Copenhagen from BBC News: Science & Nature
Why Google Covets Yelp from CBSNews - Science
"Meaningful Agreement" Reached on Climate from CBSNews - Science
Darker liquor, never sicker from
First LHC Results!
Dark Matter Detected for First Time? from National Geographic
Winter Solstice Monday: Facts on First Day of Winter from National Geographic
Keeping an Eye on Home from Live Science
The use and misuse of alcohol and marijuana can be traced to a common set of genes from Physorg
'Meaningful' deal at Copenhagen from BBC News: Science & Nature
Do-it-yourself bed-bug detector from
Majority of U.S. Cocaine Supply Cut with Veterinary Deworming Drug from PopSci
This Week in the Future, December 14-18, 2009 from PopSci
NASA Maps Night-shining Clouds from
Google fined $14,300 a day in France over books from Physorg
Fear of lawsuits may prompt some doctors to overprescribe antibiotics from Physorg
Postural sway among abstinent alcoholics can be improved up to a point from Physorg
How the daisy got its spots... and why from Physorg
Data indicates rising adoption of technology in Canadian clinical trials from Science Daily
States need economic freedom to benefit from natural resources, economist argues from Science Daily
Biofilms: Researchers discover new ways to treat chronic infections from Science Daily
Enceladus plume is half ice from News @ Nature
Reaffirming climate science from News @ Nature
STScI Senior Astrophysicist Mario Livio Elected AAAS Fellow from Newswise - Scinews
Video game watchdog shuts down, victim of economy from Physorg
Alcohol outlets lead to specific problems among youth and young adults from Science Blog
The use and misuse of alcohol and marijuana can be traced to a common set of genes from Science Blog
Postural sway among abstinent alcoholics can be improved up to a point from Science Blog
Fear of lawsuits may prompt some doctors to overprescribe antibiotics from Science Blog
Tips from the journals of the American Society for Microbiology from Science Blog
Why CE Biz Is Pulling For "Avatar" from CBSNews - Science
Tag Heuer to drop Tiger Woods from US campaigns from AP Health
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Netbooks start raising the stakes from Physorg
Verizon Wireless to FCC: smart phones more costly from Physorg
'Punch drunk' brain condition found in ex-NHLer from CBC: Health
Boys Explore Cell Phone Features More Than Girls from Live Science
Free Wi-Fi at McDonalds Part of Trend from Live Science
Dorel car seat recalled after 3 babies injured from CBC: Health
Climate deal agreed in Copenhagen from BBC News: Science & Nature
Obama: 'Meaningful breakthrough' reached at talks from AP Health
New Maps Reveal Tsunami Risks in California from Scientific American
Hitchhiking frogs possible disease threat from UPI
Invasive species threaten Great Lakes from UPI
Brodeur passes Roy for most games played from AP Health
Octopus tool-using behavior seen from UPI
Cosmic Log: The decade's highs and lows in science from MSNBC: Science
U.S., China, India and Other Nations Arrive at Non-Binding Agreement at U.N. Climate Summit from Scientific American
Why (And How) Some Daisies Got Their Spots
Genetic variant may control lung function and risk of COPD from Science Daily
Europe's flora is becoming impoverished from Science Daily
Gene linked to a rare form of progressive hearing loss in males identified from Science Daily
Skull bone may hold the key to tackling osteoporosis from Science Blog