Archive of feed items published on the 10th of December 2009
News Analysis: Public Option Keeps Toehold in Senate Deal on Health Bill from NY Times Health
Democrats See Room for Hope on Health Bill from NY Times Health
For Elderly in Rural Areas, Hard Times Get Harder from NY Times Health
States Spending Less to Fight Smoking from NY Times Health
Study Suggests Methods and Timing to Treat Fears from NY Times Health
Personal Best: Ready to Exercise? Check Your Watch from NY Times Health
Solar power coming to a store near you from AP Science
From war to peace - Obama to accept Nobel prize from Reuters:Science
And in This Corner, Climate Contrarians from NY Times Science
Danish Police Seize Protest Equipment from NY Times Science
National Briefing | Mid-Atlantic: West Virginia: Wind Project Halted from NY Times Science
Faint star orbiting the Big Dipper's Alcor discovered from Science Daily
'Mini' transplant may reverse severe sickle cell disease from Science Daily
Hops compound may prevent prostate cancer from Science Daily
Electromagnetic fields as cutting tools from Science Daily
Are holiday and weekend eating patterns affecting obesity rates? from Science Daily
Coaxing injured nerve fibers to regenerate by disabling 'brakes' in the system from Science Daily
Chopper drop tests new technology: Expandable honeycomb cushion could make helicopters safer from Science Daily
Digital avalanche rescue dog: Geolocation system can locate victims to within centimeters from Science Daily
New skin stem cells surprisingly similar to those found in embryos from Science Daily
Nature's solution to age-old chemical paradox: Chemical basis for extra 'quality control' in protein production from Science Daily
Children who survive cancer more likely to suffer from heart disease from Science Daily
Dow Jones Index for Climate Change from Science Daily
Potential cancer drug may offer new hope for asthma patients from Science Daily
Tropical forests affected by habitat fragmentation store less biomass and carbon dioxide from Science Daily
Sonic Hedgehog variations linked to recurrence, survival and response to therapy of bladder cancer from Science Daily
Old hay and Alpine ibex horns reveal how grasslands respond to climate change from Science Daily
Patients lack knowledge of medications they were given in hospital, study shows from Science Daily
Experts Predict Active Hurricane Season from CBSNews - Science
Bullying at school linked to bullying at home from Science Daily
Robotic Perception, On Purpose from Science Daily
People affected by autism believe increase is 'real,' not diagnostic from Science Daily
Danish Eco City proves waste management can reverse greenhouse trend from Science Daily
Gender gap persists in cardiac care, study finds from Science Daily
Formula to detect an author's literary 'fingerprint' from Science Blog
Study highlights lack of patient knowledge regarding hospital medications from Science Blog
Abundance of a look-alike species clouds population status of a million dollar fish from Science Blog
Feature: Twenty years on, what don’t we know? from Science Alert
The 2009 Geminid Meteor Shower from Science @ NASA
A new target for lymphoma therapy
Carnegie Mellon scientists discover first evidence of brain rewiring in children
Entropy alone creates complex crystals from simple shapes, study shows
Science faces 'bleak' £600m cuts from BBC News: Science & Nature
'Mini' transplant may reverse severe sickle cell disease
MSU research may lead to new ways to control honeybee parasite
Drug industry embraces new business strategies after tough year
New clues emerge for understanding morphine addiction
Toward a fast, accurate urine test for pneumonia
Nerve-cell transplants help brain-damaged rats fully recover lost ability to learn
Opinion: Liquid natural gas - a specious climate solution? from Science Alert
Tropical birds waited for land crossing between North and South America
New silicon-germanium nanowires could lead to smaller, more powerful electronic devices
UC Berkeley social scientists build case for 'survival of the kindest'
Potential cancer drug may offer new hope for asthma patients
5,000 deaths: A catastrophic, regrettable decision in Belgium
Electromagnetic fields as cutting tools
New skin stem cells surprisingly similar to those found in embryos
Crest of a wave from BBC News: Science & Nature
Coaxing injured nerve fibres to regenerate by disabling 'brakes' in the system
Instruction repairs brain connectivity in poor readers
Are holiday and weekend eating patterns affecting obesity rates?
Why cancer cells just won't die
Behavioural training improves connectivity and function in the brain
Fermi sees brightest-ever blazar flare
NYU researchers develop noninvasive technique to rewrite fear memories
ugg boots are designed for your feet from Science Blog
Calls for US chemicals reform from Chemistry World
The pitch of blue whale songs is declining around the world, scientists discover
Safer space vehicles thanks to optic fibre sensors
Tropical forests affected by habitat fragmentation store less biomass and carbon dioxide
Dermatologic infections in cancer patients treated with EGFRI therapy
How calorie-restricted diets fight obesity and extend life span
A faint star orbiting the Big Dipper's Alcor discovered
1 in 4 patients malnourished from Science Alert
MIT goes to Copenhagen from MIT Research
Reporter’s Notebook: Jules Verne, desperado? from MIT Research
People affected by autism believe increase is 'real,' not diagnostic
Digital avalanche rescue dog
Ubiquitous health
Europe seeks an emissions loophole for its forests
Older dental fillings contain form of mercury unlikely to be toxic
Newly discovered mechanism allows cells to change state
American adults receiving flu vaccine at about the same rate as in 2008
Chemicals put farmers at risk from Science Alert
Family stress leads youth to pot from Science Alert
Tiny 'early primate' filmed from BBC News: Science & Nature
Noninvasive technique blocks a conditioned fear in humans
Sonic Hedgehog variations linked to recurrence, survival and response to therapy of bladder cancer
Study highlights lack of patient knowledge regarding hospital medications
Magnetic power revealed in gamma-ray burst jet
UBC geneticist reveals molecular view of key epigenetic regulator
AOL gets independence from Time Warner on Thursday from Physorg
Experiment to test killing 1 owl to help another from Physorg
EBay official: Employees shared Craigslist data from Physorg
Rare words 'author's fingerprint' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Woods scandal a boon to Internet publications from Physorg
Soros: Finance gap could 'wreck' climate talks from Physorg
Solar power coming to a store near you from Physorg
Abundance of a look-alike species clouds population status of a million dollar fish from Physorg
Study highlights lack of patient knowledge regarding hospital medications from Physorg
Formula to detect an author's literary 'fingerprint' from Physorg
A faint star orbiting the Big Dipper's Alcor discovered from Physorg
Nitro Muscle Mass from Science Blog
'Six-hour window' to erase fear from BBC News: Science & Nature
Amazonian nations to call on rich for forest protection from SciDev
Old hay and Alpine ibex horns reveal how grasslands respond to climate change from Physorg
Taiwan chip giant TSMC to enter solar energy from Physorg
Earliest toothless bird found from Physorg
Emissions 'higher than reported' from BBC News: Science & Nature
Climate saviours from BBC News: Science & Nature
Adobe founders bound together by friendship as well as profits from Physorg
Japan's Panasonic wins control of ailing Sanyo from Physorg
Extra pores on plants could ease global warming: Japan study from Physorg
Best (Meteor) Shower of 2009 - No Towel Required from Physorg
IMF could fund climate adaptation: Soros from CBC: Technology & Science
In Deep Water: Will Essential Ocean Currents Be Altered by Climate Change? [Slide Show] from Scientific American
Snow at Highest Elevations No Longer Pure from Live Science
Key to Mars Channel Mystery May be on Earth from
Lightweight composites to get trimmer and smarter from Physorg
DNA study sheds new light on horse evolution from Physorg
Busy 2010 hurricane season is forecast from UPI
Female birds competing for mates resemble males from CBC: Technology & Science
Rare Scottish mineral may indicate life on Mars from Physorg
'Anti-social network' aims to be Facebook killer app from Physorg
Surgical quality program is a strong tool for assessing outcomes for high-risk procedures from Science Blog
DNA Study Sheds New Light on Horse Evolution from Newswise - Scinews
Helpful or creepy? Overpersonalized Web sites may spook shoppers from Physorg
Highlight: Solar - Bridging the gap from Physorg
Odor receptors in humans and apes studied from UPI
1st high-energy collisions seen at Large Hadron Collider from CBC: Technology & Science
Mussel proteins inspire new diabetes treatment from Chemistry World
Two techniques are better than one from Chemistry World
'Gem' of a Meteor Shower Underway from
DNA sheds new light on horse evolution from Science Daily
From fruit fly wings to heart failure: Notch is key signalling pathway for heart development and healing from Science Daily
White marlin: Abundance of a look-alike species clouds population status of a million dollar fish from Science Daily
Review: Moshi voice control alarm clock from Physorg
Flying dinosaur controversy resolved from Physorg
Animal-to-human transplant trials OK'd in Australia from CBC: Health
Animal-to-human transplant trials OK'd in Australia from CBC: Technology & Science
Exempt northerners from emission cuts: Inuit leader from CBC: Technology & Science
GE Gets $1.4B Contract for Wind Turbines from CBSNews - Science
Mysterious Spiral Light in Sky over Norway from CBSNews - Science
Breakthrough in monitoring tropical deforestation announced in Copenhagen from Physorg
Physical education teaching staff play key role in making you like sport from Physorg
Scientists say paper battery could be in the works from Reuters:Science
Real Christmas Trees 'Greener' than Fake from Live Science
Hebrew University, American researchers show 'trigger' to stem cell differentiation from Science Blog
Jefferson neurosurgeon helps draft new treatment guidelines for brain metastases from Science Blog
Irregular arm swing may point to Parkinson's disease from Science Blog
Pathological gambling may be successfully treated with medications for substance addiction from Science Blog
Suzaku catches retreat of a black hole's disk from Science Blog
New analysis: Disagreement over what constitutes a forest is Achilles' heel of REDD plan from Science Blog
From fruit fly wings to heart failure -- why Not(ch)? from Physorg
Surgical quality program is a strong tool for assessing outcomes for high-risk procedures from Physorg
South Asia News in brief: 26 November–9 December 2009 from SciDev
Amazonian nations to call on rich for forest protection from SciDev
Time to update how we monitor insecticide resistance from SciDev
China banks on seeds to protect biodiversity from SciDev
Ibero-America to foster applied research from SciDev
China sets its sights on African research cooperation from SciDev
Irregular arm swing may point to Parkinson's disease from Science Daily
Suzaku catches retreat of a black hole's disk from Science Daily
Absorbing hydrogen fluoride gas to enhance crystal growth from Science Daily
Pathological gambling may be successfully treated with medications for substance addiction from Science Daily
Understanding ocean climate from Science Daily
Neurosurgeons draft new treatment guidelines for brain metastases from Science Daily
Researchers show 'trigger' to stem cell differentiation from Science Daily
Physical education teachers play key role in getting students to like playing sports from Science Daily
Breakthrough in monitoring tropical deforestation announced in Copenhagen from Science Daily
First submersible robot glider to cross Atlantic makes landfall in Spain from Science Daily
Sea level is rising along US Atlantic coast, say environmental scientists from Physorg
Jefferson neurosurgeon helps draft new treatment guidelines for brain metastases from Physorg
Suzaku catches retreat of a black hole's disk from Physorg
Introns: A mystery renewed from Physorg
A novel, 10,000-year study of strata compaction and sea-level rise on English coast from Physorg
Absorbing Hydrogen Fluoride Gas to Enhance Crystal Growth from Physorg
Nokia Booklet has flashy looks, but little substance from Physorg
New Parkinson's disease diagnostic offered from UPI
Canadian, 2 Americans receive physics Nobel from CBC: Technology & Science
Introns: A Mystery Renewed from Newswise - Scinews
Action on Climate Change Compatible with Long-Term U.S. Economic Growth from Newswise - Scinews
Making Computers Think Like a Journalist from Live Science
Podcast Teaser: Love, A Skeptical Inquiry
Irregular arm swing may point to Parkinson's disease from Physorg
German Zoo's Bears Struck With Mystery Baldness from PopSci
1,700 U.K. scientists back climate science from CBC: Technology & Science
The pitch of blue whale songs is declining around the world, scientists discover from Biology News Net
DNA sheds new light on horse evolution from Biology News Net
From fruit fly wings to heart failure -- why Not(ch)? from Biology News Net
Millions To Get Energy Efficiency Displays from CBSNews - Science
FOR KIDS: The (kids') eyes have it from
FOR KIDS: Deck the halls with DCA from
Mystery Volcano Eruption Solves Global Cooling Puzzle from National Geographic
Osmium Is Ancient Marker from C&EN
Bizarre Sky Spiral Caused by Failed Missile from
Synthetic protein mimics structure, function of metalloprotein in nature from Physorg
Heat-seeking WISE spacecraft set to launch from
Sea Level Rise Quickening Along US Atlantic Coast
Method devised to strengthen proteins from UPI
Study: Heart motions differ by age, gender from UPI
Kids in hospital connect online from CBC: Health
Nobel Prizes honor a record 5 women from AP Science
Kids in hospital connect online from CBC: Technology & Science
UK to have dedicated space agency from BBC News: Science & Nature
ATV Jules Verne operations team wins prestigious UK aeronautics prize from European Space Agency
Sea level is rising along US Atlantic coast, say environmental scientists from Science Daily
Unexpected weakness in H1N1's method for evading detection by the immune system from Science Daily
Potential new heart attack biomarker uncovered from Science Daily
First phase of pan-tropical forest mapping debuts from Science Daily
Synthetic protein mimics structure, function of metalloprotein in nature from Science Daily
Glacial rebound: 10,000-year study of strata compaction and sea-level rise on English coast from Science Daily
Water flea study: Introns may be more important to evolution of genomes than thought from Science Daily
Disagreement over what constitutes a forest may be Achilles' heel of REDD plan from Science Daily
Alcohol consumption increases risk of breast cancer recurrence from Physorg
Fossils shake dinosaur family tree from Physorg
Potential new heart attack biomarker uncovered from Physorg
Study reveals H1N1 unexpected weakness from Physorg
Hemagglutinin 'Hook' Could Be H1N1's Unexpected Weakness
Researchers Discover a Way to Strengthen Proteins from Newswise - Scinews
Delaying the Aging Process Protects Against Alzheimer's Disease from Newswise - Scinews
Scientists: Killing 1 Owl May Save Another from CBSNews - Science
Video: Loaded: Santa and his GPS sleigh from CBSNews - Science
Bizarre Sky Spiral Caused by Failed Missile from Live Science
PCs Not Dead Yet from Live Science
Americans Believe in God, Astrology and Ghosts from Live Science
Brainstorming works best in less specialized efforts, study says from Physorg
Researchers develop drug interface to save lives from Physorg
New Russian missile failure sparks UFO frenzy from Physorg
Pathological gambling may be successfully treated with medications for substance addiction from Physorg
Nobel Prizes honor a record 5 women from Physorg
Delaying the aging process protects against Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Student self-testing earns high marks as study tool from Physorg
'Saudi, Israel tie-up' in Turkmenistan from UPI
Temperature may hit high in 2010 from BBC News: Science & Nature
Top Ten Videos of 2009: Nat Geo News's Most Watched from National Geographic
Physical education teaching staff play key role in making you like sport from Science Blog
A novel, 10,000-year study of strata compaction and sea-level rise on English coast from Science Blog
Synthetic protein mimics structure, function of metalloprotein in nature from Science Blog
Sea level is rising along US Atlantic coast, say Penn environmental scientists from Science Blog
Study reveals H1N1 unexpected weakness from Science Blog
Brainstorming works best in less specialized efforts, says Management Insights study from Science Blog
Successful stem cell therapy for treatment of eye disease from Science Blog
Ovaries must suppress their inner male from Physorg
Obesity linked with poorer breast cancer outcomes from Physorg
Successful stem cell therapy for treatment of eye disease from Physorg
Researchers discover a way to strengthen proteins from Physorg
First phase of pan-tropical forest mapping debuting at COP15 from Physorg
Scientists Create Material More Insulating than the Vacuum from Physorg
What's so funny about global warming? from Physorg
Understanding ocean climate from Physorg
1,700 UK scientists back climate science from Physorg
Germany unveils world's largest weather supercomputer from Physorg
Researchers show 'trigger' to stem cell differentiation from Physorg
Tycoon: Finance Gap May Doom Climate Talks from CBSNews - Science
Ovaries reveal their inner testes from News @ Nature
New species evolve in bursts from News @ Nature
Bone Drugs May Lower Breast Cancer Risk from NY Times Health
Gates Foundation joins global crop research network from SciDev
South Africa may miss one per cent science spend goal from SciDev
Highlight: Exploiting strain fields from Physorg
Amount of gene surplus determines severity of mental retardation in males from Physorg
Extended youthfulness as a prevention for Alzheimer's disease from Physorg
Reaching the summit of protein dynamics from Physorg
Drug kills cells through novel mechanism from Physorg
Pet pig ears and beef hooves are recalled from UPI
Kill Your Online Persona from Live Science
Real Christmas trees ‘greener’ than fake from MSNBC: Science
Dermatologic infections in cancer patients treated with EGFRI therapy from Science Daily
Study confirms association between tobacco smoke and behavioral problems in children from Science Daily
Battle of the sexes: Ovaries must suppress their inner male from Science Daily
Delaying the aging process protects against Alzheimer's disease from Science Daily
Studies: Bone drugs may help prevent breast cancer from AP Health
Yin-Yang of Saturn's Odd Moon Explained from
The New Innovator Awards from Science Blog
Personalities judged by physical appearance alone from Physorg
GAO: FCC must improve wireless industry oversight from Physorg
Finding the Achilles' heel of cancer from Physorg
Newly discovered mechanism by which blood clots form from Physorg
Hourly employees happier than salaried from Physorg
Flies like us: They can act like addicts, too from Physorg
New ethical questions are being raised in stem cell research from Physorg
FDA OK's platelet storage solution from UPI
Clues to dinosaur origins found in fossils from UPI
AT&T Wants iPhone Users To Change Habits from CBSNews - Science
Observatory: Bones Show Early Divergence of Dinosaur Lineage from NY Times Science
Geographic Origin of Dinosaurs Pinned Down from Live Science
Prepping For Finals? Don't Pore Over Your Notes, Test Yourself
Drug kills cells through novel mechanism from Science Blog
DNA sheds new light on horse evolution from Science Blog
From fruit fly wings to heart failure -- why Not(ch)? from Science Blog
Amount of gene surplus determines severity of mental retardation in males from Science Blog
Breakthrough in monitoring tropical deforestation announced in Copenhagen from Science Blog
Finding the Achilles' heel of cancer from Science Blog
New model of skin cancer provides insights on second-most common type of cancer from Science Blog
New biological route for swine flu to human infections from Science Blog
Samsung unveils new smartphone platform 'bada' to the world from Physorg
Tiny molecule slows progression of Lou Gehrig's disease in mice from Physorg
Cassini closes in on the centuries-old mystery of Saturn's moon Iapetus from Physorg
Genetic ancestry highly correlated with ethnic and linguistic groups in Asia from Physorg
Earth's atmosphere came from outer space, find scientists from Physorg
Asian carp raises fear and loathing on Great Lakes from AP Science
'Fighting' IED Attacks with SCARE Technology from Newswise - Scinews
The Pitch of Blue Whale Songs is Declining Around the World from Newswise - Scinews
Restoring the Longleaf Pine: Preparing the Southeast for Global Warming from Newswise - Scinews
Evergreen Tips for Making a "Green" Holiday from the American Chemical Society from Newswise - Scinews
T.rex 'little cousin' discovered from BBC News: Science & Nature
Discovery reveals where dinosaurs originated from MSNBC: Science
Fruit flies can be alcoholics too from
Early carnivorous dinosaurs crossed continents from Physorg
Cyclone Cleo back down to tropical storm status from Physorg
CDC: About 1 in 6 Americans have had swine flu from Physorg
'Fighting' IED attacks with SCARE technology from Physorg
New approach to emissions makes climate and air quality models more accurate, major study finds from Physorg
Argonne scientists to control attractive force for nanoelectromechanical systems from Physorg
Scientists create synthetic protein from UPI
China moves up in renewable energy from UPI
Asia populated in one migratory swoop from News @ Nature
Ovaries reveal their inner testes from News @ Nature
Tawa Hallae--New Theropod Dinosaur Alters Evolutionary Tree
NASA Delays Sky Mapper Launch to Saturday from
Canna can: Ornamental eliminates pollutants from stormwater runoff from Physorg
Farms, Fertilizers and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Physorg
Mechanism discovered by which body's cells encourage tuberculosis infection from Physorg
Studies: Bone drugs may help prevent breast cancer from Physorg
Gadgets: iP1 iPod/iPhone dock, Gboard keyboard from Physorg
WISE Launch Delayed 24 Hours from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
New procedure cuts 2nd heart attack risk from UPI
Swine flu has hit about 1 in 6 Americans, CDC says from LA Times - Science
Drugs stolen from Man. vet clinic from CBC: Health
Discovery of early meat-eating dinosaur redraws family tree from CBC: Technology & Science
City Tech Physicist Thinks Both Small and Big with Research Involving CERN Large Hadron Collider from Newswise - Scinews
New Dino Species: Early Meat-Eaters Crossed Continents from Newswise - Scinews
Doctor and Patient: Lessons from the War Zone from NY Times Health
Dinosaurs diversified before spreading around the world from News @ Nature
Asia populated in one migratory swoop from News @ Nature
Quantum Origin of Human Body from Science Blog
Cosmic Origin of Dust and Humanity from Science Blog
Asian carp raises fear and loathing on Great Lakes from Physorg
FDA warns of negative pressure devices from UPI
H1N1 less lethal than feared: U.K. study from CBC: Health
New fossils shed light on evolution of dinosaurs from AP Science
Researchers learn why invasive plants are spreading rapidly in forests from Physorg
Stolen e-mails embolden climate change skeptics from Physorg
Researchers engineer bacteria to turn carbon dioxide into liquid fuel from Physorg
Scientists find way to catalog all that goes wrong in a cancer cell from Physorg
Texting, tweeting ought to be viewed as GR8 teaching tools, scholar says from Physorg
Galaxy Collision Switches on Black Hole from Physorg
Science seeks to control the Casimir force from UPI
Newly Discovered T. Rex Relative Fleshes Out Early Dino Evolution from Scientific American
Expel chocolate milk from school lunches: activist from Physorg
First transgenic prairie vole developed from UPI
FYI: Would a Helium-Filled Balloon Float on the Moon? from PopSci
Facebook's Baffling New Privacy Settings from CBSNews - Science
Observatory: Centuries-Old Planetary Mystery Solved With Data From Cassini from NY Times Science
'Fighting' IED attacks with SCARE technology from Science Blog
Argonne scientists to control attractive force for nanoelectromechanical systems from Science Blog
Canna can: Ornamental eliminates pollutants from stormwater runoff from Science Blog
Cyclone Cleo back down to tropical storm status from Science Blog
Vermicompost from pig manure grows healthy hibiscus from Science Blog
UCLA researchers engineer bacteria to turn carbon dioxide into liquid fuel from Science Blog
Princeton scientists find way to catalog all that goes wrong in a cancer cell from Science Blog
Experts: Disease-resistant plants enhance profits, client satisfaction from Science Blog
Stanford researchers develop the next generation of retinal implants from Physorg
Another wave of foreclosures likely in new year from Physorg
The Meandering Channels of Mars from Physorg
A New Programming Language for Kids from Live Science
Brain activity exposes those who break promises from Science Daily
Early carnivorous dinosaur crossed continents, alters evolutionary tree from Science Daily
Bacteria engineered to turn carbon dioxide into liquid fuel from Science Daily
Earth's atmosphere came from outer space, scientists find from Science Daily
Cataloging all that goes wrong in a cancer cell from Science Daily
Texting, tweeting ought to be viewed as GR8 teaching tools, scholar says from Science Daily
The need for cardio-oncology: Treating cancer and protecting the heart from Science Daily
Vermicompost from pig manure grows healthy hibiscus from Science Daily
Canna can: Ornamental eliminates pollutants from stormwater runoff from Science Daily
Rear Wheel Trouble Continues from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Article Traces History of Darwinian Medicine from Physorg
The need for cardio-oncology: Treating cancer and protecting the heart from Physorg
Brain tumor radiation resistance defeated from UPI
Pheromone linked with aggression found from UPI
Growth factor may govern metastasis from UPI
Sepsis kills more than heart attacks: study from CBC: Health
Earth's atmosphere may be extraterrestrial in origin from
Staying Power: Senate Hearing Focuses On Energy Storage from Physorg
Probing Question: What are wildlife corridors? from Physorg
Killer catfish? Venomous species surprisingly common, study finds from Physorg
Sucking Up To Survive from Physorg
Australia dumps India coal export option from UPI
Karachi utility disconnects delinquent bill payers from UPI
South Africa's electricity prices to rise from UPI
UPI NewsTrack Health and Science News from UPI
Philippines privatizing electric grid from UPI
Energy IPOs dominate India's stock markets from UPI
Lukoil projects $60-65 oil in 2010 from UPI
Kyrgyzstan's Toktogul hydroelectric station restarted from UPI
Kazakh uranium boss trial to proceed from UPI
Rosatom boosts company ranks with new university graduates from UPI
Turkmenistan opens Caspian's first LNG facility from UPI
Falklands woo Chilean oil companies to speed up exploration from UPI
New Bid For Bipartisan Climate Pact from CBSNews - Science
Stolen E-Mails Embolden Climate Skeptics from CBSNews - Science
H1N1 clinics to close in P.E.I. from CBC: Health
Rush Limbaugh Vs H1N1
Governments turn to cloud seeding to fight drought from AP Science
MRI detects breast cancer at earlier stage from Physorg
Vermicompost from pig manure grows healthy hibiscus from Physorg
Climate projections underestimate CO2 impact from Physorg
'One keypad per child' lets schoolchildren share screen to learn math (w/ Video) from Physorg
WISE Launch Delayed 24 Hours from Physorg
Spirit Rover: Rear Wheel Trouble Continues from Physorg
Woods scandal spikes internet traffic from CBC: Technology & Science
U.S. forests and soils store equivalent of 50 years of nation's CO2 emissions, new estimates find from Science Daily
Climate projections underestimate CO2 impact from Science Blog
Kidney disease patients benefit from surgery to prevent stroke from Physorg
FTC warns of explicit content in virtual worlds from Physorg
Governments turn to cloud seeding to fight drought from Physorg
EU forum struggles on climate vow from BBC News: Science & Nature
Killer catfish? Venomous species surprisingly common, study finds from Science Blog
Scientists observe super-massive black holes using Keck Observatory in Hawaii from Science Blog
Dark side of a Saturnian moon: Iapetus is coated with foreign dust from Science Blog
New science estimates carbon storage potential of US lands from Science Blog
Scientists observe super-massive black holes using Keck Observatory in Hawaii from Physorg
Science In The Making
Our Atmosphere Came From Space Gases, Study Says from National Geographic
Earth's Atmosphere Likely Came From Outer Space
Chinese Rocket Launches With Top Secret Spy Satellite from
New science estimates carbon storage potential of US lands from Physorg
Aussies weigh more, smoke less from Science Alert
November US video game retail sales slide from Physorg
Quebec to close vaccination centres from CBC: Health
Patient data shows surgery risk from Science Alert
Gambling Addicts Can Be Treated With Drug Abuse Medications
Fatty food can weaken the immune system from Science Daily
XMM-Newton celebrates decade of discovery from Science Daily
Low-density lipoprotein receptor reduces damage in Alzheimer's brain from Science Daily
Safer space vehicles thanks to optic fiber sensors from Science Daily
Antiepileptic drugs not linked to suicide among those with bipolar disorder from Science Daily
Why cancer cells just won't die: Researcher identifies protein which regulates cell suicide from Science Daily
Measuring impact of climate change from space: Gravity measurements shed light on key questions from Science Daily
Formula to detect an author’s literary ‘fingerprint’ from Science Daily
Craigslist founder says eBay reneged on promises from Physorg
Interspecies transplants OKed from Science Alert
Clean energy to grow into 1.6 trillion euros industry: WWF from Physorg
Dr. John H. Marburger, III, Appointed InterimVice President for Research at Stony Brook University from Newswise - Scinews
Killer Catfish? Venomous Species Surprisingly Common from Newswise - Scinews
Discovery of New Dinosaur Provides Insight to Early Evolution from Newswise - Scinews
Opinion: Climate change and the Pill from Science Alert
Feature: It's eat or be eaten in our cosmic jungle from Science Alert
More than 1,000 Catfish Species Are Venomous from Live Science
Dark Side of a Saturnian Moon: Iapetus Is Coated with Foreign Dust from Newswise - Scinews
Bacterial protein mimics its host to disable a key enzyme from The Rockefeller University
Decision delayed on Meteosat team from BBC News: Science & Nature
Day 1 At AOL : We Want To Believe from CBSNews - Science
Video: Animals with Guardian Angels from CBSNews - Science
More 20 mph zones in London would prevent 100 killed or seriously injured casualties each year from Science Blog
Higgs could reveal itself in dark-matter collisions from Physics World
Video imaging brings liquid friction into focus from Physics World
Swine Flu Death Toll at 10,000 Since April from NY Times Science
Asarco Pays $1.79 Billion To Fix Sites from NY Times Science
Quake Threat Leads Swiss to Close Geothermal Project from NY Times Science
American Climate Envoy’s Good Cop, Bad Cop Roles from NY Times Science
Reporter’s Notebook: Global and Local Concerns Cross Paths in ‘Hopenhagen’ from NY Times Science
Bone Drugs Taken by Some Women May Lower Breast Cancer Risk, Studies Say from NY Times Science
WISE Launch Rescheduled for December 14 from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Reddish Dust and Ice Migration Darken Saturn's Moon Iapetus from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
PHOTOS: Ten Environmental Wins of 2009 from National Geographic
Presented By: from National Geographic
2000-2010: A Decade of (Climate) Change from National Geographic
New T.Rex Cousin Suggests Dinosaurs Arose in S. America from National Geographic
Bones of T. rex to make museum debut in Oregon from AP Science